
Daily Ooo's: July 12-13: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
wheeeeeee!! It's the weekend!!!I hope that all of you got a good night's sleep and are having a lazy morning. Me-- not so much! I woke up a little bit before 5, then was so achy that I couldn't get comfortable. I fooled around with a new app on my phone (Waze-- good for navigation and traffic stuff), then was still in a bunch of pain and got out of bed by 5.30. Gary had the coffee pot ready to roll (even when he drive me crazeeee, I will still keep him around LOL) so I made coffee and wasted another hour on the internet.

Another reason I am gonna keep my sweetie around is that he is going to install a new CD player for me in my car.Mine is factory installed and has been crap since day one. It gets bad reception on a good day and living up in the mountains makes it even harder. I will typically get one station with static, another that only plays on certain roads and during certain weather conditions-- low clouds/fog-- I get nothin'-, and a third that plays two stations at once, I had opera and The Foo Fighters duking it out the other day!!
So i have to rely on CD's unless I want to sing to myself. The last year or so, it has become very temperamental and will either play the CD, spit the CD back out, or not be able to read it all all. Depends on its mood, I guess. Right before our trip to PA, it stopped playing CDs altogether. My IL's gave me money for my b-day and I decided that I should get me a new stereo. It came in yesterday and Gary is going to install it for me today. He has all of the wiring done already so that is good. He has to take apart my dashboard which I know is a PITA so if you hear &^$@$%&! coming form NJ, it is all him.;)

And one more reason I am keeping him around is that he rigged up our bear "proof" can even better. 2 years ago, a bear took off with our bear can and dragged it way back in the woods, was able to get the lid off and scarfed down our yummy garbage. It took Gary and Scott a week or so to be able to get to back, because she took it right near her den. After that, he took a wired cable and hooked it to our front stair railing. Bears would sometimes come up and try to knock it over and when unsuccessful in dragging it, would walk away.
Not this time! Gary had me hooked up to my IV when my dog started whining by the front door. Then I hear a noise and Gary gets up and looks out of the window. He locks the front door immediately as he sees an **enormous** bear knocking over the can. I grab the syringe in my arm and run over to the window in time to see the bear pop the lid off of the can. I run back to get my phone to take a picture of the dude (now my syringe is flopping all around, but Priorities dammit!) hahahah!!) which you might have seen on FB.
The kids come downstairs to see the commotion and everyone is running from window to window. The bear was just huge. He literally went under the tree by the side of my house, laid down in the shady leaves and just munched away. I ended (ok this is truly an example of how kooky I am!!) up sticking my head out the side window with my camera taking pictures while Gary is pushing saline into my PICC line behind me. OMG- that sounds *insane!!!*

Long story short, I think I got some good pictures of him. He came back around dinner time to where he had eaten the garbage. I looked out my window to yell at him to go away. When he looked up at me, I said to him-- You are so huge! Then he turned slowly around and ambled back off. Cait said that I hurt his feeling by calling him huge. Then I felt bad.

So that is my novel about my Never Dull Days in Faery-Land.
Hope that you all have a great one today!!!


The Loopy-O
Jean- how was the birding yesterday? It is really so wonderful that you and your hubby have such an interesting hobby (that sounds so trivial to call it that but I hope that you know what I mean) to share. Did you get good pics? Any new birds to see?

Oh, my "cheeburger bird" is back in full force. I have no idea what it actually is but its call really sounds like it is saying "chee-burger! Makin' me a bit crazy to hear all of the time but I guess it could be worse and could live in an area where there are no birds.
As for my energy levels-- you should see me by 6pm when I can't get off of the couch! :sleep:

We buried the Lil Bun out back and picked some flowers to put on it. Cait buried it with the stuffed animal she had given it to snuggle with.

Amy- isn't that the truth about finger injuries? I guess I get so uncoordinated with using different fingers, or loss of sensation from the band aids that I mess the others up. At least I am not a Campbell by blood, or my fingers would be *much* worse shae (knocks wood). My FIL, BIL, DH and DS have all had bits of fingers cut off ranging from the entire finger (BIL), tips of fingers (FIL and DH) and top layers of skin (DS). I am very happy with my Band aids, thank you very much!:)
Laundry- it never ever, ends, right?
Good job on that 98%!!

Phyllis- that is exactly what we were thinking about Lil Bun from when Cait found him sleeping in the middle of the road alone, that he might have been kicked out the nest. But Caitlyn is not the kind of kid to ever give up on an animal if she can help it.
I think that you are right about the invasives in my yard (yup, again, you are right!LOL) I had to clip them back last year and you can see where they have reacted like I topped them off and are now growing busier instead of up. But they are taking over my yard so if I can at least keep them to where I am not walking into them... I have been putting down lilies of the valley and some other ground covers and black eyed susies to try and build a "border" of sort to keep them away, but weeds will win out every time.

I can't wait to see the tile-- it sounds FAB!!!!! When do you get to start using your kitchen again?

Sara- gentle hugs to your aunt. Gary would be through 20 lbs of cherries in no time. They are so expensive and even more so to get organic but I bet they taste great!
Enjoy your hair appt and pedi today!

Wow, its already 8am. I have been awake for 3 hours, and have wasted time on my cell phone, on the internet and then blabbered on and on here!

Love and hugs to all of you!


Well-Known Member
Oh Faery. You make me smile. I can't believe that bear. I can't believe how big he was and how he just came up to your yard!! Crazy.

I am killing time before I get ready for my appointments. I have my coffee too. I tried to sleep in, but like you Chris I couldn't. I woke up at 6:30ish, but stayed in bed until about 7. I dreamt about family not being friendly (has to do with a family situation I'll explain) and I'm embarrassed to admit that I had a not so PG dream about Sherlock!! LOL So figured it was probably good to get up! LOL

So my stepmom has two kids. Molly is about 30. Very nice and funny, but just recently ended up with a serious boyfriend. So she has always been very around with her mom. Tim is a little older, married with two little boys. They are nice, but I think they've been such a core family for so long it was hard to create a "family" feeling with them when my dad got married to their mom. Everyone was nice, but they didn't act like we are family necessarily. It's been bugging my brother and I. At Christmas, they (Tim and his family and Molly) didn't come over Christmas morning for breakfast with the rest of us. They all went to church early and then hung out at Tim's while the rest of us had a big family breakfast. They even called while we were there. It felt very rude to my brother and I. I got over it though. Yesterday, Molly plans a bday big party for her mom. This is partially because last year, her 60th party got cancelled when my dad ended up in the hospital. So my dad asks me about the email Molly sent. I said I didn't get it. Then while I am sitting next to my dad and my aunt (who is my stepmom's best friend), Molly sends a text to my dad, my aunt, and my aunt's entire family about this massive party for my stepmom. My brother and I weren't invited. How is that for messed up?

I think I have decided that they only family worth it to me are my husband and son. And my son is stuck with me at least until he goes to college. LOL I think we should go move somewhere far away with a beach and call it good! :p

Ok. I've killed enough time now. I have to go get ready now. Have a great day!!


Well-Known Member
Chris!!! That bear sounds so frightening. Your story totally made me laugh, but it can't have been a good thing to have happen. Hope its feelings are really hurt and it doesn't come back. Hope today goes more smoothly.

Sara, that is so sad about the step-family. Some people never get it I guess. Wonder how their mother feels about it all. You just keep on keeping on though as always. Sounds like you have good things to do and your own family to enjoy.

Birding yesterday was nice. The weather was perfect. We visited a spot along the lake. In the past it has sometimes been great habitat for shorebirds but not this year. Instead there is a marsh with lots of birds. We got to see three different ages of "baby" coots. The smallest look wonderfully ridiculous with dark bodies, red and black heads and a bright red bill. (Here's a cute photo of adult & chicks.) In addition to the water birds we saw all six normal species of swallows, mostly barn swallows. Just being at the lake was super and I had fun. And it is a great thing that Dick and I share. We got into it a few years after we married, so it's an activity of long standing. I just don't get out as much anymore with my involvement in genealogy.

Today is a little warmer, a little muggy, but mostly nice. Dick is pruning along the driveway but I hope we can make a brief birding foray.

And for Phylis - I'm taking a genealogy class at LaRoche again this year, week after next. Hope you'll have nice weather on tap for me! :bounce:


Well-Known Member
Chris, is the your "cheeseburger" bird? i always think of that call as, "here, Piggy," because i had a German Shepherd named Piggy. i never knew what bird i was hearing, but now i do!


just be glad it isn't a chipping sparrow. when i have one of those is the neighborhood, i want to hide in the basement. every 10 seconds. much louder than this. all. day. long.


up waaaaaaaaay too early again this morning. 3:40 a.m. not feeling too chatty ATM, so maybe i'll stop by later. enjoy Sunday! :becky:
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The Loopy-O
And now it is Sunday and Faery was up early again. This time, it was a combo of my achy back and my silly cat. (Rhyming now, how about that? :doh:)
But here I am, happily caffeinated and getting ready for hopefully a very fun day. We are off to Joe's Crab Shack this afternoon for a small graduation party for Scott and Leah. It was supposed to be 24 people, with 19 of that from my side. But my BIL and his family can't make it, they decided to stay an extra day on vacation (sort of bummed on that b/c they were the reason why I made it for Sunday, not Saturday, but Oh well). And my MIL is in the hospital with a bad UTI. She is diabetic and that makes it harder for her to fight. She also has/d Lyme, in remission, but I wonder if that might be adding to the issues.
In some ways, it will be good, less chaos and a better time to meet Leah's aunt, uncle and grandpa.

Soooooo, yeah baby!!! My car stero sound amazing! I don't think hubby even cursed once! It has CD player, radio, bluetooth and a USB input for my ipod and cell phone. Happy birthday to me!!!! I can honestly say that this is the first time in *years* that I took money I got for my birthday and spent it on something fun. I am pretty darn proud of myself. Usually I pay bills, or for something less frivolous, like clothes.

I am kind of bummed about the weather, looks like rain all day. I hate driving distances in the rain. At least I know not to bother blowing my hair out straight. That saves me a lot of time. I hope to scrap a picture of that big old bear today.

Hope that everyone has a great day and that the sun is shining by you!


The Loopy-O
Heehee Sara, glad that my insanity makes people laugh. You'll come visit me when I get placed in a looney bin?
Ugh about the family dream and haha about the non-PG one. We have Sherlock on our Netflix queue but we are in the middle of watching Dexter now.
Not surprised that you had a bad-fam dream with all of that. Its sounds more like that they are distant IL's than steps. I am so amazed that people don't want to be close to their relatives. Maybe it is selfish of me that my BIL isn't making it to Scott's grad party but in some ways I feel like they are blowing him off. My side (Iantoscas, not Campbells) of the family tends to be the other extreme but I know I can always count on them to do whatever it takes to be "family."Does that make sense? I guess I am saying that I can understand your hurt and frustration on a smaller scale.
You should move to NJ to one of the shore towns that is fixed up from Sandy and I can come visit you :)

Hope that the rest of your day went better!
You have read the Discovery of Witches series so far? I have the 3rd book on hold and I am going buggy about wanting to read it *now*

Jean- I really love seeing the bears out and about. But I have to admit that I prefer seeing them while I am inside. Gary has had some close encounters with them outside and they have literally walked right past him with no more than a little snuffle.
The coots must be so awesome to see up close. I have never heard of them, are they on the east coast too? Is the lake very low normally or are you in a drought?
Again-- it is so awesome that you and your DH share this interest. I think that is one huge factor in making a marriage work for a long time. :)

Phyllis- I am off to check out the video, I have my speakers always turned off, and I have to get up to turn them on.
Hope that you are feeling better and maybe can take a nap soon?


The Loopy-O
Nope, not the chickadee although now I know that we have them too :)
and not the chipping sparrow, I don't rec. that sounds (thankfully!) although we do have woodpeckers.
I am off to checkout some more bird sounds to see if I can figure it out.

::grouphug to all of you!


Well-Known Member
Good morning gals!

I got my hair done yesterday and grabbed a quick, cheap pedicure too. Now I'm ready for vacation and weddings. Hopefully, the nails survive vacation! I peeked at the weather for next week in Rapid City. 90 all week. Blech. I'm so bummed we couldn't go earlier in June. It would have made hiking much more pleasant. Oh well, we'll still have fun. Today, I plan on mowing, but that's the only plan I have. I should get Ben to clean out toys downstairs and books and toys in his room. Then I can list items for sale on a Facebook group I'm in.

Chris - I sure will visit you. :) I hope dinner is wonderful. It might be nicer with less people. Sometimes with those big groups, you can't hear anyone at the other end and it doesn't even feel like they are there with you. I haven't heard of that series you mentioned. I am finishing up the last of my state award potentials. My votes on those are due the 22nd. I really want to read TFIOS, but I'm hesitant to read such a gut-wrenching book. I also want to reread Sherlock Holmes. :) I have the newest Derrick Storm book and then several crime/mystery/chick lit books I've gotten free or cheap from Amazon. I do have Mortal Instruments, but I haven't gotten to that yet. And I want to read the Game of Thrones books. I started the first one, but had to do other things and didn't get back to it. My to-read list is too long.

Jean - It's so nice that you have that activity to do with your husband. That's partially why I love geocaching. We get to be out in nature, walking, discovering beautiful things, but we also get kind of a puzzle to solve. It appeals to my detective side too. :)

Phylis - Hope you've woken up now! Or that you get a nap. 3:40 is tooo early! I'm not really much of a morning person. Given the schedule we live during the year, I don't really like getting up past 7:30 am even during the summer, but I'm not an "up and at 'em" kind of person. I need time to sit quietly, read, and drink coffee.

I'm sure I will check in later. Have a good day!


Well-Known Member
Coots are just about everywhere though slightly different in different parts of the world. (Did you see the photo link?) They are also abundant. The marsh we visited is not natural but in an impoundment on the shore. There are many Lake Erie marshes, but not as many as once existed. It doesn't reflect lake levels normally.

Wish I knew your bird call, Chris but it isn't making contact with my brain yet. Maybe your rain won't be too bad. We're expecting possible storms but it is sunny at the moment.

Sara, your geocaching does sound very like our birding in how it works for us. I've read about it and think it would be so neat.

Phylis, wish you could get more sleep! Hope your day gets better.