
Daily Ooo's: January 31-Feb 1: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Wow, this month went by *fast* I guess that is what happens when you sleep much of it away :sleep:

Guess what I did yesterday? I scrapped!! wooooo hooooo!!! That made me happy. I hope to do a little more today but two of Gary's friends are coming for dinner- bringing it with them too. She is supposed to be an amazing cook and is bringing home made manicotti, with homemade ricotta and crepes. Gary worked on cleaning the house yesterday and is finishing up today. And I will be able to have a glass of wine with dinner too. Yesterday morning was my last dose of Tindamax and it takes about 36 hours to be out of your system. I won't need any strong pain meds today as long as I behave so that is good too.

Lots of people in and out of my house today. Cait has a few of her friends here overnight, Leah is here (she doesn't really count, since is is family), Brendan stayed with other friends last night but he will be back some time today and Cait is babysitting for our cousin's son who is 2. Should be interesting! I might have to get suddenly "very tired" and go hide in my bedroom. Of course I will have to come out to get yummy food :madgrin:

I really and truly picked great timing for my surgery- we are supposed to get another 6-10" tomorrow night into Monday. We had about 4-5 inches on Friday am. Even without the Blizzard, there has been a lot of shoveling. Poor Gary's back, bad on a good day, is really acting up. There is a kid up the street who has a quad with a plow on front and he does plowing on our street. We might see if he can do just the top of our driveway where we get plowed in, that is the hardest part of shoveling every time.

Guess that is about it. hope that all of you have a wonderful day.

QOTD Standard Super Bowl Weekend Question? Do you watch? If you do, who are you rooting for?
I prob won't watch any of it. But I hope that the Seahawks win b/c I really can't stand the Patriots. They bug me almost as much as the Cowboys do :director:


The Loopy-O
Quickie personals:

Nancy- I hope that if you go out walking today, you really are bundled. The wind is howling out here. The Devils dinner and game sound like a perfect night out for you!

RE: the airplane on the highway-- my friend asked a really good question, why didn't he land at the West Milford Airport? I know, it is seriously crazy that we have nothing in town except banks, liquor stores and pizzerias, but we have an airport...*eye roll* Guess it was too far offof his flight plan or something.

Trudy- woo hoo on a good night's sleep. Please sens us some of your Pineapple express, even if it comes with rain. This cold weather is bad! I hope that you have a wonderful fantastic trip!!! Soak up some sun for me and don't forget my pina colada!!!

Sharon- hope that you get your disk from Dell very soon!!!



Well-Known Member
Chris, i laughed out loud at your chocolate comment yesterday. so matter-of-fact! it was like, "oh, NOW i know what the prob was with my mood yesterday!" i always marvel at people who love chocolate and coffee so much. my DH is a chocoholic, though he abstains several times a year just to punish himself. i thought of him yesterday while i watched (and cried about) Sir (St.) Thomas More being executed by Henry VIII for sticking to his beliefs in an episode of The Tudors. St. Tom and DH have a lot in common.
i heard about the airplane landing on the road. exciting! :scared: scary! :scared: another reason for me to stay off airplanes!

Trudy, hope your flight goes excellently and that you are sitting on the beach shortly! have a ball!!

Shar, believe it or not, i wear my iPad battery down to zero at LEAST once a day. it has become My Best Friend. my radio, my tv, my book, my communications device. sad!

Nancy, i see the Pens won yesterday. sorry about that. only, heaven knows, we needed a win. i really can't get into this team. Syd is so not Mario. and i'm still wishing for the return of Tom Barrasso. or maybe this is just me doing the Old Person Wishes to Go Back in Time thing. probably that.

Sabine, i'm sure Paris looks good, WHATEVER the weather. when we were there a few years ago, it was sunshine and gorgeousness every day!

i never DID make it back here yesterday. i can give no reason except that the day got away from me. as it so often does. maybe i can blame it on lack of sleep. i was up after sleeping for about 5 hours the night before (NOT enough.)
the same thing happened to me today, but i managed, after being up for a few hours in the middle of the night, to fall back asleep. shortly thereafter, DH woke up and started banging around in the kitchen, so that was the end of sleeping. well, he'll have to put up with my charming disposition for the rest of the day, during which i intend to blame him for everything negative that comes up during the day. it'll be fun! :suspicious: :pound:

OK, off to do some more laundry and stuff. we're supposed to get those 6-10" of snow, too, Chris, starting tonight. woot. can't wait.
<- Hubby. serves him right for waking me up. :becky:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! Well a crappy nights sleep due to thinking of all the things I should have done over the past few days and did not. At 5am I was thinking that I should have bought myself a strapless bra!!! What if I find a great little sundress and it has no straps?? Oh brother :twitch:

Chris - Your dinner sounds like it will be amazing!! My mouth is watering just thinking about it!! I won't tell my hubby that you hate the Cowboys! :becky: Glad that you have gotten back to your scrapping again! So nice to hear that you are recovering nicely!!

Phylis - LOL what was your hubby thinking?? Waking you up like that?? Don't wake the BEAR!!
I hope that you have a much better sleep tonight! I will not as I will have to be up at 2am to catch our plane
Who the heck makes up these time schedules for flying???

Well better get some breakfast and get the fridge cleaned out, water plants and finish packing. I will be thinking of all of you and hope that you have a great week!

QOTD - No won't be watching the Super Bowl but if I did I would cheer for the Seahawks, but don't tell my DH, he hates them!! Big Cowboys fan :sorry: Chris! BTW here is your Pina Colada


Well-Known Member
good morning! It is frigid and the wind chill is in the single digits. I am not walking for fun today but I am going to my hockey game so I have to walk from parking lot to arena. I am so bundled up that it seems hot inside the arena. LOL. My Devils lost in OT which was a bummer but the fact is they did not play well. They were out shot 42-14. I can only hope for more offense tonight. But on the good side both teams scored in the 3rd period and I got the photos so that was pretty fun! Now just have to scrap them. I did walk yesterday and the temp was in the mid 30s so it was pretty nice. I had to pay bills and ran out of stamps. I do most bills on line but there are a few that still require stamps. Today it is a just stay in doors.

Chris sounds like your are getting better! Glad you felt good enough to scrap! Enjoy the good food and friends and then rest! And I can't believe we are getting more snow - nothing and now keeps coming. Sounds like a good idea to have the neighborhood kid do the snow removal.

Phylis yes I hear you are sending another snow storm our way! Like your way of handling your DH. Glad to know who to blame for the snow storm.

Shar your description of your computer as it waits for the disk is to funny - a coma! Made me smile! Enjoy your alone time. I know I love mine.

Trudy have a great time in the sun!

I do watch the Super Bowl but not all the hype before it. I am so cheering for the Seahawks. It you are so competitive that you have to win and to win you have to cheat you don't deserve to win. The fact the NFL is stalling on the investigation says everything about the relationship between the commissioner and owner of the Pats. Go Seahawks!

Have a great day all!


Grrrrrrr...typed a big post on tablet then lost it. Disks r here and Paul wll be here at ten to start surgery. Hoping he can get enough accomplished so I at least have the minimum required to use the cpu instead of the tablet for this sort of thing.

Chris, in your journey of ups and downs (which recovery IS!), sounds like today will be an UP! Woot!

of course. Yes. Tradition of many years to watch at friend's house with several friends---even whenHawks aren't playing. But Patriots are our next favorite team (we lived in MA for two years), so we are winners no matter what. Dave and I have been avoiding news about the under-inflated footballs...don't want Tom Brady to fall off his pedestal. We already lost Lance Armstrong to the Cheating Demon. That was devastating in our family.

Phylis, hope you and DH can find peace with each other today. So rough when there is spousal tension. I bought my tablet mainly for doing iPhoneography, so wanted the most memory available. But did not spring for the Air, so it is pretty heavy...not fun to pack around all day. Another First World Whine!

Bon voyage, Trudy! Have an awesome trip.

You Easties, stay warm!


I'm so slow doing this on the tablet! Nancy and Trudy, thanks for rooting for my team! How can anyone hate the Seahawks? We too avoid the hype, but for this, do not FF thru commercials. There are usually a few gems.

Nancy, hope your hockey game is a blast. Stay warm!


Houston, I'm B A C K ! ! ! ! We're not completely done sorting things out, but I'm typing this on my HONKIN' BIG ERGO computer keyboard. I'm SO happy! Things went a lot smoother and faster than I expected. I really need to be in bed, but it is just so sweet to be back, I had to play a little bit.

Here's a picture of Paul hard at work: https://www.facebook.com/shar.lamb.9 He had his 7-year-old DGD with him for the day, and brought her with him. Captain Romance spent a couple hours playing with her. The thing she found most fascinating was the antique-ish Underwood typewriter we use as an art object in our family room. Dave let her type on it, and she was mesmerized for an hour!

Did I mention how happy I am?



lOve the O!
late to the show here- however- will watch the superbowl for the commercials, will enjoy watching the snow today. I may even be motivated enough to scrap today!!


The Loopy-O
Good morning my lOvelies!
I am looking out my window in my office area and I am seeing a bit of weak sunshine. I am also noticing that I never plastic-ed over this window. No wonder why I always so cold in here. I guess when I was doing the others, I was going to come back and do this one and then *poof* forgot all about it.Oops! Not getting done now, as I would have to climb onto my desk to do it.

Last night was nice, even though I really pooped out halfway through dinner. Gary's friend Kathy is actually and ex-GF of his from HS, and she is a trip. She came with her BF, one of Gary's good friends from HS too. Very funny, lots of stories to share. 2 days before our wedding, Gary got tickets to see a band that we both liked (Danzig) and they are a very heavy, big mosh pit type. We had seen them before, a few times, and they were awesome but the crowd gets rough. I told him to take her instead, since I knew she would like them and that Gary was trustworthy of it. No way was I going to risk bruising on my face if I got caught in a pit. Everyone thought I was nuts, but that is the kind of friend she is. It was fun listening to them reminisce.

More snow coming along here tonight. Hopefully it will be a bust like we had last week.

That is about it from me. Hope that you all have a wonderful Sunday!



Well-Known Member
Good morning! I can't believe today is Feb 1. My NJ Devils defeated the Florida Panthers 3-1. It was a win but my team still does not shoot the puck enough. On Friday they had 14 shots and lost 2-1 in OT and last night they had 14 shots and won 3-1. My team is winning ugly but I will take it. It was cold walking to arena but not as cold as I expected and the wind had died down considerably. Today I will get in a walk, watch hockey and football. And then wait for the storm to come. Sounds like the temperature rise just enough that we may get ice too and that is the pits!

Chris so glad that the night went well. People find it hard to believe that men and women can just be friends. My DH understood when I went birding with my friend from work that it was just two friends who enjoy birding.

Phylis hope the snow is not too bad in your area!

Shar so glad that your computer is up and running! It is so sweet when all is working well!

Trudy I am thinking about you on your way to warmth!

Have a great day all! Go Seahawks!


Well-Known Member
glerb. another day at home, watching it snow. and snow. it's been snowing since i woke up at 5:30, but it looks like we only have about 4" (on top of the 6 or so we accumulated over the last week.) DD has a Superbowl party to go to today, and i'm worried about the driving. but nothing a mom can do about it. :faint2: i imagine there are a lot of other people going places to watch the game in this mess. BTW, i forgot the QOTD yesterday. we probably will watch some of the Superbowl, because it's there. and it's snowing outside. no enthusiasm for wither team OR the game of football, but the city of Seattle is gorgeous, so i hope they win.

Chris, the dinner looks like it was fun! i saw the photo on Facebook. i always knew you were a smart girl and knew when to stay out of mosh pits.

Shar, YIPPEEE!!!! glad you've got your computer back.
hope it stays fixed forever! fat chance of that, i know, but we can dream, can't we?

Nancy, hopefully you guys don't get hit with too much of this storm. we're supposed to see it turn to rain later, but around here, that usually just means ICE, even if it's 37 degrees. i think DH is waiting to see if it rains and melts away all the snow so that he doesn't have to shovel the driveway....

Hi, Laurie. i guess you're looking at the same thing i am out your window....

Trudy, i had to laugh at your strapless bra worry. WTH. no one knows you there. if you DO find a cute little sun dress, go braless!!

not much going on today. a lot of snow watching, laundry, ironing. made some ham and cabbage soup for dinner. talked to The Grandmen and Peanut and DS and DDIL. that was the high point of the day! Peanut is starting to walk a bit. DDIL showed me the advance copy of her book which will come out in June. exciting! now i'm doing some more snow watching.
except i'm not smiling like THAT guy. <----

hope your day is going great! :becky:
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lOve the O!
Phylis, I am looking at snow- for a brief period I thought it was going to turn over to rain, but even at 37 degrees I still have snow. I shoveled the deck and turned up the hot tub- not sure I will get in, a bit breezy, but a girl has to have options!