
Daily Ooos: January 27-28: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
I slept until 7 am!!
I know I needed it and am relieved I could stay in bed that long. I woke up from a nightmare around 4.30 and that's my typical cutoff when I can't get back to sleep. I have nowhere I need to be and not much I need to do today so overall a good day to sleep "late." It's not like there is any sunlight that woke me up either. Cloudy and drizzly again but above freezing and that is all that matters at this point.

I had a very nice time visiting my parents who were either heavily sedated or were warned by Caitlyn to behave. ;)
Cait and Tom are looking at a rental about 1/2 mile from them tomorrow and man, they would love to have the kids move in near them. Both of them kept talking about how cute it is, where they could shop, etc and so on. At the same time, they know it would be a long haul for Cait to get to work from there- over an hour, no traffic.

By the time I got back home, I was wiped out. I worked on a puzzle for an hour, reheated leftovers for dinner, and we all plopped in front of the TV for a while.

I am really looking forward to having a quiet day. Hope that all of you are too!


Love my O Family!
I slept until 7 am!!
I know I needed it and am relieved I could stay in bed that long. I woke up from a nightmare around 4.30 and that's my typical cutoff when I can't get back to sleep. I have nowhere I need to be and not much I need to do today so overall a good day to sleep "late." It's not like there is any sunlight that woke me up either. Cloudy and drizzly again but above freezing and that is all that matters at this point.

I had a very nice time visiting my parents who were either heavily sedated or were warned by Caitlyn to behave. ;)
Cait and Tom are looking at a rental about 1/2 mile from them tomorrow and man, they would love to have the kids move in near them. Both of them kept talking about how cute it is, where they could shop, etc and so on. At the same time, they know it would be a long haul for Cait to get to work from there- over an hour, no traffic.

By the time I got back home, I was wiped out. I worked on a puzzle for an hour, reheated leftovers for dinner, and we all plopped in front of the TV for a while.

I am really looking forward to having a quiet day. Hope that all of you are too!
Yes, sounds like you needed the mental sleep as well as the physical sleep! REST today!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Been awake since about 7 but laid in bed til about 8:30 when Mark finally got up. Cloudy out and looking for more rain today to start about 1:00. Mark is going to the woods for a while before it starts. I got the laundry done yesterday, so will probably just chill today and do some PT exercises and knitting. I got started back on knitting my Crew Tee that I was working on before the fateful pickle ball fall in October! I may work on some more color play kits. They are all just beautiful!
Hope everyone has a restful weekend!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O family… We are in for an atmospheric river today and tomorrow (formerly known as a Pineapple Express). Why do they keep changing the names of everything?? Anyway it’s going to be bringing a ton of rain and there are flood warnings for the whole Island. Not sure if we will be going to Victoria today or not, we will have to check the highway cameras and see what the Malahat looks like.
I put off loading my layouts into the gallery yesterday, the gallery is packed with Colorplay pages, so I thought I would delay uploading mine for a bit. I still have one more page I would like to do, so if we are not going shopping for the day then I will do that this afternoon. I did get my card made for Heather’s birthday on the 16th and got two more t-shirts made for Mason. I have one more to do for Hunter, but I need to get some more heat transfer vinyl to get that done. Just waiting for my Gary to wake up to see if we are going out today or not.

@faerywings - Nice to hear that your Mom and Dad were on their best behaviour for your visit with them! Best of luck to Caitlyn and Tom on the rental place near your parents, but sounds like it will be a long commute for Cait!! Seems like the sleeping in was much needed and I hope that you get to have a nice quiet day with your Gary today!

@vickyday - Sounds like you will also be having a nice quiet day today, I hope you get to work with some more of the ColorPlay items , yes they are so very beautiful this month as they are every month!! I do really love the colour palette on this one though!!

Waving hello :wavinghello: to everyone else who pops in here today! I hope your day is quiet and warm and that you stay dry and cozy wherever you are today!


Morning, all. Woke up at 6:30AM - looked out the window at a beautiful moon shining down on the patio and the dawn barely peeking over the top of the mountain. It is suppose to be a calm and beautiful day - up to 50. Suppose to be like that for the next six days!! Almost like spring! Whoo-whee!!!

After I played around with the Color Play LOs yesterday, I decided I really needed to 'cook' a meal. I had thawed out some chicken thighs so baked them with barbeque sauce. Also chopped up a couple of peeled sweet potatoes seasoned with cinnamon sugar and olive oil and baked them. Boy, did they taste good!! And I have left-overs for the next couple of days.

@faerywings WOW... nice that you got to sleep in - your body/mind needed it. Glad you had a good visit with your folks... and that they were behaving well. I am sure they would love to have Tom and Cait live near them but that would be quite a trek for Cait to get to work.

@vickyday So sorry to hear about the osteoporosis diagnosis! Hopefully the meds will help slow it down. I too have lost some height but part of that is due to the back fusion - gone from 5"4 to 5'3".

@taxed4ever Hope the rains hold off and you can make the trip over the mountains. I agree. ... the Color Play palette is so beautiful this month. Can't wait to see your LOs.

Need a refill on my :coffeedrinker:and do a few :housekeeping: - after I grab a bite to eat. HAGD


The Loopy-O
Hii!~ I am back for quick personals. I got distracted by having a rat crawl into my sleeve ♥
(I'm gonna miss those babies almost as much as Caitlyn when she moves out)

@vickyday Hope that the appts went well and that your head and stomach are both much, much better today.
I am always on Caitlyn's case about bone health too (yup, I am a hypocrite occasionally) since she is fine-boned too. Since we both had eating disorders as teens, that puts us at higher risk on top of the genetic component.

Hug heels! I wish I could still wear high heels but my idea of heels is maybe my Dr Martens? LOL!

@BrightEyes I think I am going to have to steal that phrase "armpit book" - I would usually bring a book that I previously read when I would take the kids to their Lyme drs apps since we always had to wait a long time. Of course, my armpit book was carried in a tote with tons of other things I would need to bring along like multiple notebooks that I used to write down everything the LLMD had to say or I'd never remember or be able to keep it straight between the two of them.
Did you finish the next two Pern novels yet? You have to be finished with at least one :D

@taxed4ever That sure is a win-win to have your Gary's b-day at the Chinese restaurant. Easier for everyone, especially you! Hope that if you go to Copstaco today, it doesn't cost too much. (*snorts!* Ha.)

I have to get my Color Play LO in the Galery today too, I only did one so far but I know I want to do more.

@EvelynD2 It's fantastic that you can joke about your hair, laughter is the best medicine! Glad that the advice helped. The important part is to always listen to the nurses.

@Cherylndesigns I looked at Chuck's page, what a lovely place for family and friends to reminisce.
I wish that the red tape wasn't so darn difficult.
Poor Daisy, it has to be confusing to her, can you give her a piece of his clothing with his scent to reassure her? Maybe snuggling with it might be a comfort.
I am so glad that you have been popping in here. I Iknow you must be exhausted and heartbroken but that you find support here is a good thing ♥

Love and hugs, my friends!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning. Doing a little better this morning. I have my ups and downs - yesterday was a "down" I woke up crying. I did not wake up that way this morning. Chris, I do find comfort here that's why I pop in when I can. You are all part of my support system and I find comfort here.

The red tape hasn't unsnarled yet - the funeral director thought it would by this weekend, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm hoping by the first part of next week.

Chris @faerywings I gave Daisy the throw that Chuck always had around his shoulders, and it still has his scent on it. I had washed it recently, but it was several days ago. She's laying on it right now. She seems depressed and she's not eating very much. It will get better for her in time. Hospice has been here and taken all of the O2 tanks and other medical equipment away, so I don't have to look at that. I can't say enough good about that organization.

@everybody here's the link to Chuck's Memorial. https://everloved.com/life-of/charl...59mAY12Z02wQYELw4AosbKJ86ELnZ0m69Tw3FAdSjxcig

I'm going to go and finish uploading my CP layouts and I have one for Karen Schulz that I haven't uploaded yet.

Thanks so all of your love and support, my dear friends. :heartpumpred::heartpumpred:


Well-Known Member
Good morning. Doing a little better this morning. I have my ups and downs - yesterday was a "down" I woke up crying. I did not wake up that way this morning. Chris, I do find comfort here that's why I pop in when I can. You are all part of my support system and I find comfort here.

The red tape hasn't unsnarled yet - the funeral director thought it would by this weekend, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm hoping by the first part of next week.

Chris @faerywings I gave Daisy the throw that Chuck always had around his shoulders, and it still has his scent on it. I had washed it recently, but it was several days ago. She's laying on it right now. She seems depressed and she's not eating very much. It will get better for her in time. Hospice has been here and taken all of the O2 tanks and other medical equipment away, so I don't have to look at that. I can't say enough good about that organization.

@everybody here's the link to Chuck's Memorial. https://everloved.com/life-of/charl...59mAY12Z02wQYELw4AosbKJ86ELnZ0m69Tw3FAdSjxcig

I'm going to go and finish uploading my CP layouts and I have one for Karen Schulz that I haven't uploaded yet.

Thanks so all of your love and support, my dear friends. :heartpumpred::heartpumpred:
Cheryl, we are praying for you. I also visited Chuck’s memorial page. So many wonderful memories and photos.


The Loopy-O
Remember when I C&P-ed about the weather being cold and snowy? I can do the same thing with it being cold and rainy. Pretty soon, I am going to grow gills. As of right now, we might see the sun on Tuesday. And if the 10-day forecast is correct, then it should be dry the rest of the week. I have hikes planned for Sat and Sunday so *fingers crossed*

I didn't do much of anything yesterday. Laundry, kitchen, scooped the lawn (yuck!) now that the snow is gone, so on and so forth. I spent well over an hour working on the puzzle- it is a 1500-piece one, so even though I am getting a lot put together, there is still so much more to do. Gary is feeling *slightly* better so on a scale of 1-10 he's around -8 whereas the week before he was -20.
As for me, I am on Day 5 of Tindamax and I am not having any sort of reaction. When I was sick previously, by Day 3 I'd feel terrible. Headaches, full-blown joint/muscle pain, nausea, and mood swings. When I was in really bad shape, I would leave sticky notes by the coffee pot warning the fam to stay clear. This time, I am getting none of that- which reinforces that I don't have active Lyme. Why all of my inflammatory markers are elevated... that's a good question. :/

@joyfulheartdesigns -- I remembered what emoji I was gonna ask for-- a shrugging/no idea one. If you can find one. :D

Enjoy your day!!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday How did it feel to knit? No pain? Hope not!

@taxed4ever I bet you are very relieved that you live at the top of a hill, so no flooding. My goodness, you're going to grow gills too.
I hope that if you did make it out and about that the weather didn't cause problems on the roads. And if you went to Costco, maybe it kept the crowds away too.

@BrightEyes Your weather must have been wonderful and spring-like and yes, I am 100% jealous :D
Can you share the details on the sweet potatoes? Temp and how long to cook them? They sound really good and easy to make. Cait will eat a sweet potato as a meal and that's healthier than a side of pasta.

@Cherylndesigns The hospice team sounds like they were so very helpful and compassionate. It is not something I could do but thankfully, there are angels out there that can.

Love and hugs to everyone!


Morning, all. Looked at clear sunny skies and calm winds with 3 hot air balloons floating over our neighborhood. That really brought a smile to my face! Even though it is only 26*F right now, it is suppose to get into the mid- to- high 50's for the rest of the week!! The hot air balloons won't fly if the winds are 20+mph so they haven't been flying for the past several weeks.

Yesterday I went over to the Used Book/DVD store. I had tucked a list of Anne McCaffery books into my DVD notebook so I would know which ones I already have. I found 6 Anne McCaffery books (Wahoo), 5 DVDs and 7 Music CDs!!! Good thing that I had taken a big bag in with me. Put everything on the counter then loaded them into the bag that was sitting on a nearby chair and came home. Later that afternoon, I realized that my DVD notebook wasn't in the bag. Rushed out to the car... no, not there! Called the store and sure enough, I had left it on the counter when I was checking out. Of course it was only 5 minutes before they closed - so I won't be able to pick it up until Tuesday (they are closed Sunday & Monday). I do have a DVD list on a laptop so I could up-date and print it out if the notebook was lost - but so glad I won't have to do that.

@BrightEyes Your weather must have been wonderful and spring-like and yes, I am 100% jealous :D
Can you share the details on the sweet potatoes? Temp and how long to cook them? They sound really good and easy to make. Cait will eat a sweet potato as a meal and that's healthier than a side of pasta.
Yes, Chris... I wish your weather was better, too. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will be clear so you can do the hikes.
Oh.. the sweet potato recipe is so easy. Peel sweet potatoes, slice into rounds and cube them to about 2". Grease a casserole dish then add the potato pieces. Sprinkle olive oil over them and stir well. Add Cinnamon-Sugar - stirring so all have some spice on them. Cover dish and bake at 350* for about 40 - 45 minutes - until the cubes are soft. BTW - I keep a mixture of cinnamon and sugar in a shaker jar so I have it to use for toast, etc. I like it so it is a medium brown color as I love cinnamon. I just realized that I cook like my grandmother did... no measuring spices - just add until it looks/smells right!!! :rotfl:

@vickyday Hope your wrist was better so you could knit again. I know you enjoy it so much.

@Cherylndesigns - I love the photo of "circle of love" with all the hands holding one another!! That one is a keeper - for sure!!! The Memorial Page is beautiful... love seeing all the photos that people have added there.



Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I've been a bit sick, tired and headache so have been resting more and just taking it easy. Hopefully next week will be better. Just didn't want to disappear without any word.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning my lovlies. (Yes, I just checked and it's still morning. Haha) I don't know what day it is, let alone what the hour is. I think it's Sunday.

Yes, Chris @faerywings those hospice people are definitely angels. Everybody, even the delivery people, were so kind and caring. They're extremely vetted before they can be part of that organization. I could never do it either, because they know that the people who enter hospice are not going to get better. Of course, I could never be a nurse or anything to do with medical. They are very special people, indeed. Their mission is to make the person as comfortable as they possibly can and to give any assistance they can to the caretaker. Even Chuck's medication was delivered to our front door.

Kay @BrightEyes I will cherish that picture of Chuck holding "his girls" hands. I know that with the passing of time, it will even become more precious.

I'm trying to get back to scrapping and started by uploading the layouts that I already had made for prerelease. I'm done with posting them around social media, too. I'm going to work on a prerelease for Palvinka today, even though I will be late. We've received so many wonderful old pictures and I want to scrap them eventually, so her collection looks like a good starting point. My sister had so many pictures and spent hours looking through them and found a treasure trove. Not only of Chuck, but just great memories of us girls and I'm anxious to scrap them.

I'm going to go and get dressed and try to get something done. Adrienne will be down soon, so I'd better get dressed, although she doesn't care. She made me the best dinner last night. We both decided to try one of those food boxes and we chose Hungryroot. We did the profile and we both fell into the Vegan/Vegetarian/Mediterranean category. So, it's lots of grains, which I love. She fixed a "Sweet Peas and Red Pepper Rice Bowl with Humus". She chopped up some cashews and put them on top. Yummmmmmm.

Now I'm hungry. HAGD


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Just popping in to say hello :wavinghello: its laundry and cleaning day here at our house so that will take up most of my day. DH will be watching Football for most of the afternoon, so maybe, just maybe I can spend some time in my craft room and get a card or two made. I was reading that @vickyday is sick??? Hope you feel better Miss Vicky!! Now it seems that @bcgal00 is also sick??? Gosh I hope you don't have Covid again Miss Rae!! @Cherylndesigns I think that the memorial page for your Chuck is just wonderful, so many great photos and memories to share with the family!! Glad that you have your family so close to you and that they are taking such good care of you!! :hug2:. I am off to start the vacuuming, so will catch up with all of you tomorrow! :cowwaving:.