
Daily Ooos: January 20-21: Weekend Edition


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... It is a very foggy morning here, but the temps are warming up and I don't need to have heaters going all over the house. DH was awake at the ungodly hour of 4am and has now gone back to bed to try to get a couple more hours of sleep. The house is quiet, so I thought I would pop in and see how everyone has been this weekend. We spent yesterday going to all the local furniture shops to try to find my Gary a new recliner for his birthday gift. Oh my gosh there sure are some nice ones out there, but they sure are a nice price too!! Oh well its his 70th Birthday, so I guess he deserves to be spoiled a bit :lovey3: Then I went out to my favourite craft store to try to find some special watercolour card stock, but the kind I want she doesn't carry, so I guess I will be putting in an online order for it. I had a nice chat with Sadie yesterday too, I sent her some flavour pods for her air water bottle that I got for her for Christmas and she was thanking me for them and really loves all the flavours! She is a busy girl these days with school and Concert Band and Jazz Band also. Isaac has his nose in a book every chance he gets and is very involved with his Dungeons and Dragons club that he belongs to. Our son Jason and Wife Jackie are terribly busy with work and running the kids here and there, life is good for all of them!! Wish we lived closer so that we could help out!! I might have to make a trip sometime in the spring, just to get my Grandma fix!! We are hoping that Heather and Jonah will be able to find a house to buy in the near future so perhaps I will be going out to help with the move if they do. Not much happening here today, except the usual :vacuuming::laundry::housekeeping: . DH wants me to cut his hair, so the vacuuming will wait until after that is done. Perhaps a bit of scrapping will happen too.

@faerywings - Sounds like yesterday was a bit discombobulated, a day of starting, but not finishing anything. I have lots of those kind of days ! Hope you are able to find some good recipes and are able to figure out what your meal plans will be for the week.

@vickyday - How nice to have lunch all ready to go when you arrive home from church!! Hope you enjoy the rest of the day, lucky you to have sunshine, we can't see the houses across the street because of all the fog this morning. Maybe the sun will pop out later today, but I doubt it. Then it looks like 2 weeks worth of rain is on the way :gloomy: darn it!

@LSlycord - Jeezzz even Florida is having this horrible cold snap! When Isaac and Sadie were very little we all went to Orlando to visit Disneyworld it was at the end of January and we couldn't believe how cold it was, of course we did not pack for cold weather, so we all froze wandering around the park. We ended up having to buy nice warm hoodies, poor Heather had to buy gloves so her hands didn't freeze driving her scooter. It was very unusual weather!!

@BrightEyes - You have been very busy scrapping and so nice that you are able to again, sorry you are still having trouble typing though, hopefully that improves for you too!

@bcgal00 - You are now officially a prairie chick!! Sounds like the dogs are keeping you busy in mornings!! Hope that you get to do your mini vacation, it will be good to get away and have some change from everyday life! So cute that Remi just loves his time outside and keeps everyone entertained. Sure will be nice when the weather warms up for you and you can get out on your hikes and do some birding!!

Ok DH is up, guess he couldn't fall back to sleep, so I will be getting some brunch for the two of us. Hope you all have a lovely Sunday!! :cowwaving:
It was very nice to pop the dish into the oven and tell Alexa to set a timer for 30 minutes and just start on my scrapping for the day!
Our forecast for this coming week is mostly rain, too, unfortunately! However, that means above freezing temps, at least!


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
My crappy mood yesterday got it's explanation (besides the cold). When I was going to take my evening meds, I discovered I had forgotten to take my morning meds. That means no Adhd meds. Mushy brain all day. So mushy, I didn't even realize what was wrong. Blame it all on FBS (frozen brain syndrome).