
Daily Ooos: January 13-14: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Welcome to the weekend from cloudy/rainy/windy NJ! And to think, today is going to be the last day of "nice weather" :lol23: A cold front is coming in overnight and we will be in the 20-30*F range all next week. That's still pretty balmy compared to much of the Midwest and Canada.

I took it pretty easy yesterday. I finally vacuumed after a week or so of ignoring it. J hates the vacuum and runs away when I use it. But the rugs were pretty bad. She is walking on her leg slightly better each day but I am still concerned. Gary and I did our best to do a full PT session with her as she still resists. I sat on the floor in front of her, feeding her bits of treats non-stop. Whisky was on the other side of me and I made her stay and stare at her treat until I said ok. She gets the funniest expression looking at the treat. She cocks her head to each side, wrinkles up her eyebrows, then looks and me, then the treat. Back and forth. Gotta say, she has much better self-control than I do.:D

I scrapped!! I had taken a bunch of close-up pictures of my frosty sage plants when it snowed. They were perfect for Rae's Through The Lens Challenge. Then I scrapped the frozen suncatcher photo. It's about time I did some scrapping.

Guess what I used to cook dinner last night. My IP! LOL, I love this thing! I made butternut squash risotto and it was delish. And there are leftovers for tonight. Yippee! I think of of the best features is Keep Warm. Really! It's been so much easier getting everything cooked and then we eat when Cait is home from work and in her PJs. It keeps everything *hot* but not dried out.
I am a convert :giggle4:
I have to thank Scott again for getting it for me.

Cait and I are going over to Tom's shop this afternoon. I have an appt to get my nose pierced. I have wanted it done for years and years. Gary was pretty adamant about not liking that, even after both kids got theirs done. I think of all the people who have been in my house, the large majority have their noses pierced. In multiples no less. Hahahaha! Gary surprised me on Christmas with the jewelry for the piercing. Caitlyn helped him order the stud from Tom and she told him in no uncertain terms that he was NOT gifting me *permission.* That made me LMBO. I can totally see her scolding him about bodily agency and all that.
It will be nice to spend some time with Cait. I don't feel like I get enough of that, so I'm happy when I do.

What fun and relaxing plans do you have for the weekend? I hope that this wild weather cooperates with whatever it is you do



The Loopy-O
@LSlycord Giving away your mouse to Syd is such a Mom Thing to do. I can relate. Thank goodness for Prime! I know that the annual fee keeps going up but the shipping options have saved my butt in so many ways. I try to only use the Next Day/Two Day options if I need it that quickly, otherwise I'll have it shipped whenever. OTOH, if you need something fast, it comes in handy.
The French Onion soup recipe that I usually use is from the Better Homes cookbook (the one with the red plaid cover, it's a classic :D) You only cook/sweat the onions for 15 minutes or so which is nice because caramelizing onions takes a long time. In the IP, it was done so fast. And so much better.
Do you have an IP? I feel like such a dork how I go on and on about mine :loser:

You might have missed the picture/LO I did of Scott dressed up as Santa with L, his nephew. (I'm not sure if L's mom is ok with names on the internet so I'll just call him L. She is OK with me scrapping pics as long as the faces are blurred so I want to be respectful). Never, ever in a million years would I have thought he would do that. Do you remember way back when and he was in middle school and HS? The s*** he gave me nonstop? He was such a mess and LOOK AT HIM NOW!! :love:
*shouting from the rooftops!!!*

For the newer people here, Scott was incredibly sick with Lyme, physically and mentally, during those years. It was a really difficult time. We had to have him on Home Instruction most of 8th grade or he would have been expelled. There were times we didn't know if he would make it to the next day, let alone graduate HS. So to see him where he is now- oh man, I am not going to cry. I am not.
It's the onions from the soup I made the other night. :nod:

*deep breath*

I need to post this and take a second



The Loopy-O
Ok, I am feeling better. I forget (blocked out) how bad it was back then. But it is so good for Cait and Scott now. Gary is struggling ATM, but he'll be ok as well.

Linda-- Syd sounds like she is staying busy with her friends. Love that she Facetimes with you, I bet she is checking it to make sure you are feeling well and not overdoing it as you heal. It's what you would do for her.
Good thoughts to Shaun!

@vickyday Gary's episodes can last a few days to a few weeks. It depends on how long he has been without the antibiotics and what meds LLMD puts him on. Each abx treats the different bacterial forms (Lyme has three forms - spirochetal/cell wall deficient/cyst) as well as which body part they penetrate. Some can cross the blood/brain barrier and others are better for joints and cartilage.
It's a crap shoot.
YAY for the heat!!! And Double/Triple YAYS for the family!
Lots of good thoughts to you, your stomach, and your headaches. Don't worry about the house, your family is not going to care. At least- that is what everyone tells me when I get stressed *winks*

@BrightEyes That's too darn cold, I don't want to think about wind chills by you either. brrrr. I hope that you and DD#3 get all of your errands done quickly so you can stay inside for the rest of the day. Fuzzy PJs and socks sound like a good plan.

@taxed4ever Yikes! That is soooo cold for you too. How did your Gary do at work? I hope he behaved or you are going to be like :rollingpin1:
How much snow did you end up getting?
Birthdays really stink, what do you get someone at this point? I am sure that he will love just having the family together.
Did the boys have school yesterday?
I am pretty much sold on the idea that the IP is going to stay on the counter for now. If I wanted to store it, it would have to be on top of my fridge and that is a PITB to get it down from.
I should drag out my Wacom. I haven't used it in forever and I'm out of practice.

@bcgal00 The feeeeeeet!!! I love the bootties and Taz is killin' me over here. He reminds me of Ray's posture when we got her a Thundershirt. She was too scared to move in it so she stood like he was. The house looks gorgeous too!
That sounds like you had a lot of fun getting out and meeting new people.
Stay warm!

@Cherylndesigns sending you calming thoughts after your trip to WM. Was it as bad as I imagine? Hope that you and the family are all cozy and warm. xoxoxo

@Kythe Wow, it's crazy weather everywhere! stay warm too!


Wow... it is warm this morning.... 32F!!! And going up to high 40's!! Just carried out the trash bag and the sun is shining - no wind - feels much warmer!!! Whoo-whee!! DD#3 will be here in a few minutes so we can run our errands. So this will be short and sweet. Yesterday's PJ day was so relaxing. Had a call from DSis in the morning. Was so good to talk to her. Then I read awhile and worked on next month's challenge. Always glad to get started with an idea of what to do.

Gotta run!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I am getting cabin fever here. With the really cold temps (around -45 with wind chill) it is not comfortable to be out very long, just a few minutes in the backyard when the dogs need to go out. We get them out a few times for a quick pee during the day and then a few minutes longer for 5 min of play time with their boots on. Other than that we are staying indoors for the wkend until it warms up on Monday. Then the temps start to climb above freezing and I can get out to the park with the dogs. My Wed bird group should be on for this Wed with the warmer temps (smiling to myself b/c when did 10 become warm LOL). I can remember in Vancouver feeling like 30 was unbearable LOL.

I saw the most beautiful sunrise (posted it on FB).

Ever since the last windows update (3-4 days ago), my mouse is acting weird. It highlights when it shouldn't or doesn't highlight for many attempts. Often I have to click on something numerous times before it works. I tried unplugging it from the computer but that didn't help. I checked the mouse settings and doesn't look like anything changed. So weird and frustrating. I tried using a different browser b/c I know sometimes an update can interfere with how a browser is working but it didn't make any difference. It takes a lot longer to type now b/c of the problems. Posting a LO took forever b/c it wouldn't let me click inside the box to paste the copied text...ugh.

@faerywings So glad you are enjoying your IP. I love cooking rice in mine. My IP and air fryer are my two fave kitchen appliances.

I'm going to get some CT stuff done, have one more coffee and then bundle up to get outside with the dogs for a minute. HAGD everyone.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies… It is very chilly here and we have spent the morning putting together a heating system for the hummingbird feeder. DH got it finished and now the hummers should be happy and warm! We have every heater that we own running along with the heat pump. The house is too big and hard to keep warm in these frigid temps. Good thing that it should warm up a bit more in the coming days. Nice to see the sunshine though, it’s the one good thing about these bitter cold days! Our new down duvet is keeping us nice and cozy warm at night, so happy that I ordered it! So DH and I are just sticking close to home today and keeping warm. We are all stocked up with groceries and should be good until sometime next week when I will have to get some more eggs. I was happy to get a layout done for the #6 challenge and hope to work on something else today. DH is wanting some lunch, so off I go again and perhaps I can do personals a bit later today. (How much you want to bet it doesn’t happen).


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hi everybody.

We're going into the deep freeze - it's 26 right now, going down to 6 degrees. We have wind chill advisory and winter storm advisory. It's always a wind chill advisory up here on the hill, but this is ridiculous. Talked to my brother in CO and they've been in it for a day or so and it's coming our way. I have seen the words "Polar Vortex" bantered around on the internet. Yikes not again.

Chris @faerywings WM was tolerable - I don't want to go near any grocery store from here on out until this cold snap passes. Steph ran to Dollar General today and said it was packed plus they were out of a lot of things. She had a taste for spaghetti, so she went to pick up ingredients for that. She got another loaf of bread - we can put it in the freezer.

What a great idea to get a closeup of the frosty sage plants and the sun catcher. So goad you got to scrap. I get really grumpy when I can't scrap. Poor J - I'll bet she hates going to PT but at least she gets some treats. I thought of you with the dog smelling packages - I had to go get the cat some food the other day and Daisy thought the bag was for her. Apparently, cat/dog stuff smells similar. Then, Amazon delivered his 25 pound box of cat food and I took it out of the box and set it on the floor in the laundry room. Sam was all over it - no doubting it was HIS food. Hahaha

Waving hello and hoping you all stay warm, @BrightEyes @taxed4ever and @bcgal00 ::brrr:



The Loopy-O
Good morning, Oooos! It's sunny but *cold.* Still nowhere near as bad as so many of you have it so I can't complain - too much at least. It's 20* with a Real Feel of 12* although it didn't feel frigid when I took the dogs out. Or maybe I was too tired to notice. I try to get at least one cup of coffee before I take them out but that rarely happens. They hear me and immediately want to go outside more often than not.

It was awesome spending one-on-one time with Caitlyn. Tom's shop is almost an hour away so we talked and she played some songs from her wedding playlist. One of the songs she played is her choice for us walking her down the aisle but she won't tell me what it is. She is such a brat :D
The piercing is cute and I am glad I got it done. Tom says everything he is going to do, step by step, and asks for consent. At one point he told me that he had to stick his finger in my nose and I LMBO. I told him that was in the category of "things I ever thought my future SIL would say to me." Tom was also able to reopen one of the holes in my earlobe that had semi-closed over the years. Caitlyn was hovering over me watching him which also made me laugh. Amazingly, the piercings weren't all over my face because I kept laughing at them.

Today is the usual Sunday deal, getting ready for the week. I have to clean and mop the kitchen and my bathroom. I already started the food shopping order. If I can get that done early enough, I'll have the afternoon to scrap some more.



The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes It had to be a relief the temps were a little warmer for you and DD while you were out and about.
Hope everything got done that needed to be done.

@bcgal00 I am guessing that the temps are below normal for your new area? At least I hope so. I keep wondering when it comes to the weather-- is there a normal anymore? I hope that the temps warm up for you and the dogs. I feel bad for Remi- I know W is bouncing off the walls that we can't play with her like we normally would since it's impossible to keep J from getting wound up too. I almost got J a snuffle mat for Christmas but went for some interactive chew toys instead. But she doesn't play with them. I am wondering if I should go back to TJ Maxx and see if it is still there. What do you think, would a dog like J be interested or do you think W will monopolize it?
How are the batteries in your mouse? Mine acts up like that if I need new batteries even if the low-battery light isn't on yet.
The IP has an AirFryer Lid and that is what I want for my birthday! (Yes, my birthday is in June but no one in my family can say they don't know what to get me :rotfl:)

@taxed4ever it seems like your Gary is getting around really well, that is fantastic. So nice to keep the bird feeder warm for them.♥
Have you noticed the days are getting longer???!!!! I take the dogs out after their dinner around 5 pm and it isn't pitch dark anymore.

@Cherylndesigns I hope that the family is hanging in with the cold temps and wind. Keep those feet warm and don't forget your light therapy. Glad that you survived WM!
Hahah!! Poor Daisy, she probably would eat the cat food just as easily as dog food. When we had cats my dogs always did that too.



Well-Known Member
I have my mouse!! :rolleyes: Why didn't I just replace the one that I gave her when I gave it to her? Seriously, I do wonder about me sometimes.

So today will be the first layout of the year...and then I hope I can get myself back to normal. That new kit that @Lynn Grieveson has out looks amazing...and I really want to play with it.

@faerywings I do remember how hard it was with Scott. That poor kid was having such a difficult time and you Chris...you were amazing. What a constant source of strength you have been for your family. Non-stop strength, even when you were so sick yourself. I'm so glad that things are so much better now. I hope that Gary isn't down too long with the abx treatment. You guys deserve so much better.


Well-Known Member
It's only 49 degrees here this morning...which is mild compared to so much of the country so I'm not complaining. But it really is different and I think that I may need to start wearing jeans and sweaters/sweatshirts. Besides scrapping I need to get my grocery order placed. I have an instant pot but I just don't use it....my energy was gone...and now it is back! So I'm going to use my instant pot to make French Onion soup this week! I think I may add a couple of other soup recipes to the list since we have a chilly week ahead.

I have tomorrow off and then I'm back to work on Tuesday and I cannot wait.


Well-Known Member
Ooooh @Cherylndesigns it sounds like you are in that deep freeze. Stay warm and know that it won't last long in Oklahoma! I need to text my 84 year old aunt and uncle. I'm sure that they feel stranded. But my cousin is there and makes sure that they don't have to go out in it so that's good. And I know that you have plenty of people to run errands for you...not that you would ever let them run errands without you! ;)

@taxed4ever it sounds like DH is doing well. And back to being busy...putting together a hummingbird heater...that's pretty cool. I think that the birds like the cooler temps...we have a lot more activity at our feeders. I may try to get over to the Wild Bird store. I need to get something to attract the woodpeckers again...and I'm thinking about working a bit to get bluebirds to be more frequent. But the cardinals...they are faithful each day. Anywhere from 3-7 at a time. I LOVE the cardinals.

@bcgal00 it sounds like you live in just the perfect place. Except this dreadful cold...but this too will pass. I'm sure that the dogs are beyond restless. Andie loves the cooler temps. She will just go outside and stretch out on the ground and look like she is a lioness in her surroundings. I would love to take her to see snow...how she loved that when she was a young dog. She wanted to stay out in that for hours. You have already found a bird group...how great is that? Are the temps dryer where you are now since you are further from the ocean?

@BrightEyes I hope that you had a good time with DD out and about. I'm really reading some good books right now. My problem is that when I start, I can't stop until I'm done. I'm trying to learn not to do that...but I'm falling back into the old habits.

@vickyday hope that you are feeling ok and just so busy with family that you haven't been in here.

:grouphugyay: have a very good day all! Stay warm!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. We got thru the worst of the cold snap. Right now it is -27 (-38 wind chill) but will warm up to -18 this afternoon. Cold but much better than the last 4 days. Then the temps will start rising each day until we hit the 30s next wkend. They say this only happens a few times a year but this was colder and longer lasting than normal. Then a chinook comes thru (warm dry wind from the mountains) and generally warms up the temps by 10-20°. So the weather here can fluctuate quite a bit.

@LSlycord It is very dry here but gets a bit more rain than Kamloops does. It rains a bit in the spring/early summer. They have sunshine here almost every day of the year.

@faerywings Congrats on the new piercing. It makes me shudder, I bet it hurt. I'm a wimp LOL. I put the snuffle mat out which Remi attacks at warp speed, snarfing up the cheerios I put in it. For Taz, b/c he is much more gentle and slower, I put a bunch at the end of the mat and on the floor for him and push Remi's nose away from that spot so Taz gets his little corner to himself while Remi consumes all the rest. It works for them, they both love it. Jen also does a snuffle matt with the dogs, letting the two pups go at it and then gives Taz a few minutes to himself on it.

Today I'll do some more organizing. I have been watching netflix documentaries as I scrap. I just finished cowspiracy and Kiss The Ground. Today I am going to watch You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experience. Last night we started binging The Winter King and am enjoying it.

Not much else happening here. Waiting for it to warm up tomorrow so I can get Remi out with to the big field to run (with her booties on which she loves to put on b/c she knows it means outdoor time).

HAGD everyone.


Morning everyone. I feel like it should be mid-afternoon because I woke up at 3AM and couldn't go back to sleep. Finally gave up at 3:40AM and got out of bed. I had a couple of kits I wanted to work with - so played around with them. Went to load a few royalty free photos in PSE 2019 but they wouldn't open, I remembered that I had a similar problem with a few photos before.... so I tried opening them in the Camera Raw and that worked. A bit later, I took a look at the folder of photos and many of them were png files. Not sure why as they were photos - not extracted images .. I was shaking my head over me using PSE2019 at the time... when I now have PSE2024. Guess it was just habit that I click on the 2019 desktop shortcut. So after eating breakfast - I opened PSE2024 and loaded a kit I was going to work with. Clicked on open Camera Raw and got a message that the the plug-in for PSE Camera Raw had to be down-loaded and installed!!! WHAT??? It should have already been there! Long story short... I got it downloaded and installed but had to restart the computer. I did the smart thing... when I had to open one in Camera Raw, I saved it immediately as a jpeg file. That worked - and I deleted the png version from the folder.

Much warmer today... only 32F this AM... and on the way up to high 40s. But another cold front coming in tonight. It is like a yo-yo going really cold to warm and back to really cold. So glad it was warm yesterday and DD and I got the errands done. She visited with me afterwards. It was nice to just kick back and chat most of the afternoon.

I just downloaded another kit so going to see if I can a page done. HAGD


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone… the temps are still pretty cold here but like @bcgal00 said it will get warmer as the days pass and hopefully it will be the last of the really chilly weather for us. I don’t even know what the heck I did yesterday, but it feels like I got absolutely nothing accomplished. The heater on the bird feeder must be working really well I had a couple of finches and a towhee sitting on the feeder yesterday and the bully of a hummingbird that seems to think he owns the feeder was going nuts!! .:giggle4:. It was very entertaining! I have started a layout for one of the challenges, but I am not happy with it so I think I need to start it all over again. I worked on a birthday card for my Gary’s 70th but not really happy with that either, so I will try to work on that again too. We did have a nice phone call from ou our son and talked for quite awhile, he was telling us all about their new hybrid vehicle they purchased and all about what the kids have been up to. He very much enjoyed their trip to Cuba, however was not impressed with the food, but it’s always been like that in Cuba at the resorts the food seems to be very bland. It might be better if they just cooked their style of Cuisine, which is really quite delicious!! Anyway today will be :laundry::vacuuming::housekeeping: day. Then DH will head back to work, so I should make sure I have some baking done for his snacks. When they finallly move over to the new building (hopefully in March) He will not be coming home for lunch anymore and I will be packing even more food for him to take to work. It will be nice when he finally retires (if that ever happens) and I won’t have to pack lunches anymore!! I was the thing I hated most when the kids were in school and DH worked shift work.

@faerywings - I have noticed that the days are getting longer and I can’t wait until we can be sitting out on our deck again and enjoying the sunsets late in the evening! The other day you asked how much snow we got? Not much really and it was the really dry kind of snow, so I used the leaf blower to clear off the front steps and the driveway LOL. So weird because we usually get the really heavy wet kind of snow here. I know that the boys did go to school on Friday, so that was nice for Heather, she got a bit of break before the boys were home for the weekend. I will have to look for a recipe for French Onion soup for the IP, I have been craving it ever since you said you made some the other day.

@LSlycord - How lovely to have the Cardinals at your feeder! I just love them but we don’t have any here on the Island. I hope you get the woodpeckers back too, it is so entertaining to just sit and watch them flit back and forth. The IP makes amazing broccoli cheddar soup, if you are looking for another soup to make.

@bcgal00 - You will be happy when your cold spell is over and done with and yes the Chinook winds will come through and melt everything one day and then you will get a dump of snow again, the weather is very crazy in the Calgary area!! But at least it’s dryer than the mainland of B.C. That is the one thing that I do miss about Saskatchewan was the amount of sunshine hours that they get out there on the prairie ! Hope you get your organizing done today, sounds like you are pretty much all settled in seems like this will be a wonderful place for you to be!! I am so happy for you!! :lovey3:.

@BrightEyes - Ohh I hate those nights when you just can’t sleep, it really does make for a very long day! More headaches with files and computer issues, but sounds like you are on top of it!! WTG! Have fun with all of the new kits you have to work with, it will be a great day to spend in your pj’s and just scrap the day away!!

Ok I hear DH stirring and he will be wanting some breakfast soon. Off I go… Have a great day everyone! :cowwaving:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon.

Well, the deep freeze arrived just as predicted - it's 9 degrees, with a high of 11 and it's starting to snow. You're right, Linda @LSlycord that's unusual for us and it shouldn't last too long. I hope your aunt and uncle are ok. Yes, we're so fortunate to have people around us that love to get out there and if anybody needs anything, we're covered. Roger left for Florida (lucky dog) this am but he left us his monster truck. It's like a snow plow and has no problem getting up and down the hill. Ava has a big truck, too. Steph was looking at the weather for SWF and it's "cold" down there too. I remember how frigid it gets when it gets below 50. LOL It's time to break out those sweaters and wear them while you can!

Chris @faerywings I laughed out loud about "things you never thought your future SIL would do". That had to be hilarious and I'm sure your nose piercing looks cute. How nice to have one of your holes opened up (that doesn't sound good, does it?) :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: I have about 6 holes that have grown back because they kept getting infected so I gave up.

I'm going to get off of here and go see if Chuck needs anything. I just took him his breakfast so he's probably done by now. Hugs to @BrightEyes @taxed4ever @bcgal00 and anybody else who comes in here.

@bcgal00 I just started watching "You Are What You Eat".


Love my O Family!
Welcome to the weekend from cloudy/rainy/windy NJ! And to think, today is going to be the last day of "nice weather" :lol23: A cold front is coming in overnight and we will be in the 20-30*F range all next week. That's still pretty balmy compared to much of the Midwest and Canada.

I took it pretty easy yesterday. I finally vacuumed after a week or so of ignoring it. J hates the vacuum and runs away when I use it. But the rugs were pretty bad. She is walking on her leg slightly better each day but I am still concerned. Gary and I did our best to do a full PT session with her as she still resists. I sat on the floor in front of her, feeding her bits of treats non-stop. Whisky was on the other side of me and I made her stay and stare at her treat until I said ok. She gets the funniest expression looking at the treat. She cocks her head to each side, wrinkles up her eyebrows, then looks and me, then the treat. Back and forth. Gotta say, she has much better self-control than I do.:D

I scrapped!! I had taken a bunch of close-up pictures of my frosty sage plants when it snowed. They were perfect for Rae's Through The Lens Challenge. Then I scrapped the frozen suncatcher photo. It's about time I did some scrapping.

Guess what I used to cook dinner last night. My IP! LOL, I love this thing! I made butternut squash risotto and it was delish. And there are leftovers for tonight. Yippee! I think of of the best features is Keep Warm. Really! It's been so much easier getting everything cooked and then we eat when Cait is home from work and in her PJs. It keeps everything *hot* but not dried out.
I am a convert :giggle4:
I have to thank Scott again for getting it for me.

Cait and I are going over to Tom's shop this afternoon. I have an appt to get my nose pierced. I have wanted it done for years and years. Gary was pretty adamant about not liking that, even after both kids got theirs done. I think of all the people who have been in my house, the large majority have their noses pierced. In multiples no less. Hahahaha! Gary surprised me on Christmas with the jewelry for the piercing. Caitlyn helped him order the stud from Tom and she told him in no uncertain terms that he was NOT gifting me *permission.* That made me LMBO. I can totally see her scolding him about bodily agency and all that.
It will be nice to spend some time with Cait. I don't feel like I get enough of that, so I'm happy when I do.

What fun and relaxing plans do you have for the weekend? I hope that this wild weather cooperates with whatever it is you do

Sounds like your Gary is feeling better, perhaps?
Ok, I am feeling better. I forget (blocked out) how bad it was back then. But it is so good for Cait and Scott now. Gary is struggling ATM, but he'll be ok as well.

Linda-- Syd sounds like she is staying busy with her friends. Love that she Facetimes with you, I bet she is checking it to make sure you are feeling well and not overdoing it as you heal. It's what you would do for her.
Good thoughts to Shaun!

@vickyday Gary's episodes can last a few days to a few weeks. It depends on how long he has been without the antibiotics and what meds LLMD puts him on. Each abx treats the different bacterial forms (Lyme has three forms - spirochetal/cell wall deficient/cyst) as well as which body part they penetrate. Some can cross the blood/brain barrier and others are better for joints and cartilage.
It's a crap shoot.
YAY for the heat!!! And Double/Triple YAYS for the family!
Lots of good thoughts to you, your stomach, and your headaches. Don't worry about the house, your family is not going to care. At least- that is what everyone tells me when I get stressed *winks*

@BrightEyes That's too darn cold, I don't want to think about wind chills by you either. brrrr. I hope that you and DD#3 get all of your errands done quickly so you can stay inside for the rest of the day. Fuzzy PJs and socks sound like a good plan.

@taxed4ever Yikes! That is soooo cold for you too. How did your Gary do at work? I hope he behaved or you are going to be like :rollingpin1:
How much snow did you end up getting?
Birthdays really stink, what do you get someone at this point? I am sure that he will love just having the family together.
Did the boys have school yesterday?
I am pretty much sold on the idea that the IP is going to stay on the counter for now. If I wanted to store it, it would have to be on top of my fridge and that is a PITB to get it down from.
I should drag out my Wacom. I haven't used it in forever and I'm out of practice.

@bcgal00 The feeeeeeet!!! I love the bootties and Taz is killin' me over here. He reminds me of Ray's posture when we got her a Thundershirt. She was too scared to move in it so she stood like he was. The house looks gorgeous too!
That sounds like you had a lot of fun getting out and meeting new people.
Stay warm!

@Cherylndesigns sending you calming thoughts after your trip to WM. Was it as bad as I imagine? Hope that you and the family are all cozy and warm. xoxoxo

@Kythe Wow, it's crazy weather everywhere! stay warm too!
Poor Gary! I hate it for him! I hope he feels better sooner than later!
Had a great weekend with the family and the stomach and head was good for the most part!
I got the bathroom cleaned and swept the floors and dusted and the rest ..... it is what it is,LOL!


Love my O Family!
Good morning, Oooos! It's sunny but *cold.* Still nowhere near as bad as so many of you have it so I can't complain - too much at least. It's 20* with a Real Feel of 12* although it didn't feel frigid when I took the dogs out. Or maybe I was too tired to notice. I try to get at least one cup of coffee before I take them out but that rarely happens. They hear me and immediately want to go outside more often than not.

It was awesome spending one-on-one time with Caitlyn. Tom's shop is almost an hour away so we talked and she played some songs from her wedding playlist. One of the songs she played is her choice for us walking her down the aisle but she won't tell me what it is. She is such a brat :D
The piercing is cute and I am glad I got it done. Tom says everything he is going to do, step by step, and asks for consent. At one point he told me that he had to stick his finger in my nose and I LMBO. I told him that was in the category of "things I ever thought my future SIL would say to me." Tom was also able to reopen one of the holes in my earlobe that had semi-closed over the years. Caitlyn was hovering over me watching him which also made me laugh. Amazingly, the piercings weren't all over my face because I kept laughing at them.

Today is the usual Sunday deal, getting ready for the week. I have to clean and mop the kitchen and my bathroom. I already started the food shopping order. If I can get that done early enough, I'll have the afternoon to scrap some more.

Yeah, I can just imagine my SILs wanting to stick their fingers in my nose, LOL! Especially asking permission to do so, LOL! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:


Love my O Family!
It's only 49 degrees here this morning...which is mild compared to so much of the country so I'm not complaining. But it really is different and I think that I may need to start wearing jeans and sweaters/sweatshirts. Besides scrapping I need to get my grocery order placed. I have an instant pot but I just don't use it....my energy was gone...and now it is back! So I'm going to use my instant pot to make French Onion soup this week! I think I may add a couple of other soup recipes to the list since we have a chilly week ahead.

I have tomorrow off and then I'm back to work on Tuesday and I cannot wait.
Love hearing that your energy is back and you are feeling so much better!


Love my O Family!
Ooooh @Cherylndesigns it sounds like you are in that deep freeze. Stay warm and know that it won't last long in Oklahoma! I need to text my 84 year old aunt and uncle. I'm sure that they feel stranded. But my cousin is there and makes sure that they don't have to go out in it so that's good. And I know that you have plenty of people to run errands for you...not that you would ever let them run errands without you! ;)

@taxed4ever it sounds like DH is doing well. And back to being busy...putting together a hummingbird heater...that's pretty cool. I think that the birds like the cooler temps...we have a lot more activity at our feeders. I may try to get over to the Wild Bird store. I need to get something to attract the woodpeckers again...and I'm thinking about working a bit to get bluebirds to be more frequent. But the cardinals...they are faithful each day. Anywhere from 3-7 at a time. I LOVE the cardinals.

@bcgal00 it sounds like you live in just the perfect place. Except this dreadful cold...but this too will pass. I'm sure that the dogs are beyond restless. Andie loves the cooler temps. She will just go outside and stretch out on the ground and look like she is a lioness in her surroundings. I would love to take her to see snow...how she loved that when she was a young dog. She wanted to stay out in that for hours. You have already found a bird group...how great is that? Are the temps dryer where you are now since you are further from the ocean?

@BrightEyes I hope that you had a good time with DD out and about. I'm really reading some good books right now. My problem is that when I start, I can't stop until I'm done. I'm trying to learn not to do that...but I'm falling back into the old habits.

@vickyday hope that you are feeling ok and just so busy with family that you haven't been in here.

:grouphugyay: have a very good day all! Stay warm!
YUP! After the family started arriving on Friday night, there was no time for anything else! But they are gone, so tomorrow I can get back to scrapping again!