
Daily Ooo's: January 10-11: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Good Morning to all of you as my tummy growls along. Whoever came up with the idea of fasting blood work was an idiot LOL
I swore that i was going to make it back here yesterday but again, my day just ran off without me. I hate when that happens. And it was mostly all stupid stuff. Fighting with the paper shredder, the computer.That sort of stuff. I know that you all know how it goes.:ballchain:

But I am up and showered and caffeine-deprived. As soon as I get back home, I am going to make me a BIG cup of coffee and then... I don't even know. The house really needs more work beofre I have company tomorrow. But I just don't wanna do any of it. *whine, whine, wine* (oops, how did that last one get in there????)

I am going to post this, and then see if I can catch up with all of you too.


The Loopy-O
OMG, I just lost an enormous post here. I was copying a sentence that Shar said and lost it all..... GAH! It was funny too. *stomps feet*
I guess that should be my cue to brush my teeth and get on out of here. Maybe the quicker I get down there, the quicker I can get home to my True Love.


Well-Known Member
We've got a whopping 1 degree F. this am! I'm off to the historical society for a meeting and research. Really do NOT want to go out the door. Looking forward to more geography or whatever today.

Chris, hope you're well fortified with caffeine when you get back.

Happy weekend, all!


Well-Known Member
freezing here. but sunny. i've been feeding The Woodstove since 5 a.m. and will turn the job over to DH for the weekend now. that's the rule. i don't want to even LOoK at the d&;($/* thing over the weekend!!

Chris, the jerk who invented fasting bloodword is Mr. Biochemistry! :-D GO GET HIM, girl!! :pound: hope you've had your coffee by now.

Jean stay warm out there. this Lake Effect stuff is driving me nuts. my BFF in Buffalo just posted a report from up there, and they're supposed to get 4 FEET of snow from the lake!

:hurt: Shar and Trudy, you have shattered my Mountain Illusion!! but seriously, i much prefer YOUR kind of mountains. if i could look out the window and see Glacier National Park or Hurricane Ridge, i'd live to be 100!

well, on with Saturday. hopefully i won't have to go outside. :becky:
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Well-Known Member
crazy-windy here in Prague :-( I am so longing for California!! I'm flying back to Cali in 5 days, no more grey skies in a big city!

Chris, funny to see your "hangry" side!! :) this is how I've been feeling lately - me chasing my time and getting nothing done :)

I'm going to turn on our sauna this evening, anyone interested? :)


Well-Known Member
good morning - well my Devils lost but it was in OT so that was good. It was cold but it was good to be outside. The game was against the Islanders and bus loads of fans were at the Rock and at times yelled a lot. But the best is that I had a nice talk with my youngest son when I got home and he is so happy to be working. He likes the people he works with and he has taken his first phone help calls and solved the problem. It is just amazing to and gratifying to me as a mom to see how much a full time job can make in his self-esteem. I talked to my sister and we planned our Sept trip. We are going to Yellowstone. I want to see all the big animals (from a distance of course). Not much else going on.

Hope everyone is surviving the cold. Phylis enjoy the time away from wood stove.

Have a great day all!


Chris, I felt guilty as I propped myself up in my cozy bed this morning with my carafe of coffee and my iPad. I dedicated two refills to you. I hope by the time you read this, you'll be mainlining your own coffee!

Nancy, so happy for you. There's NOTHING so wonderful as when your children/grandchildren are happy and doing well. Sounds like your son has a similar job to what my oldest DGD does...customer service on the phone to Verizon customers. You will love Yellowstone...well at least I did the two times I was there (the most recent being about 30 years ago!!!!!!).

Although our weather is mild compared to most, Romy's sauna sounds good. Prague at this time of year can't mean a vacation. Are you there on business? or do you live there and going to CA for vacation? We have friends who lived in Prague for several years and LOVED it...not just because of Prague itself, but because it was so close to everything in Europe. Big regret for me is that we did not visit them while they were there.

Stay warm!


PS: One time when all of my typing disappeared before I posted, I clicked control Z, and it all came back! Have any of you experience that?


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hi ladies... There must be some kind of bad karma going on in here today, because I had a huge post and personals for everyone and I lost it too!! Tried the Control Z thing Shar, but it did not work for me :hurt: I will try to get in here later to catch up with you all, but for now its out the door and groceries to buy and other errands to run. I would rather just stay here and get some of the challenges done today! :pout: Ok gotta run :bolt: have a great Saturday everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Although our weather is mild compared to most, Romy's sauna sounds good. Prague at this time of year can't mean a vacation. Are you there on business? or do you live there and going to CA for vacation? We have friends who lived in Prague for several years and LOVED it...not just because of Prague itself, but because it was so close to everything in Europe. Big regret for me is that we did not visit them while they were there.

Stay warm!

Sharron, I was born there and had lived half of my adult life there. We live in California now because of my husband's business but the plan is to move back; both kids now study in Europe, the parents in the CR are aging and need more and more help. Right now, I'm visiting the family.
We still have a house in Prague so I always have a place I can come back to. It's sort of on the outskirts of the city but very close to the centre of Prague...

this is a view from my house:


Yes, I know the ctrl_Z trick, comes handy quite often!!! :)


The Loopy-O
GooOOOd morning and Happy Sunday.
I am going to try to get all of this right today. My brain is better working than it was yesterday, that is for sure. I think that Driving While Non-Caffeinated should count as a Driving Under the Influence. I felt like I was in a fog heading down to the hospital yesterday. It wasn't as bad going home because I knew that coffee was at the end of it.
I did, however, forget that I wanted to stop at our little Sears Hardware store. I have a $15 off coupon if you spend $20 so I thought I would pick up some paint for the kids' bathroom when I am able to do that again. The coupon is good until Wed (I think) so I can always run over there that day.
I am hoping to go food shopping tomorrow but it looks like we are getting an ice storm coming in. I don't like ice, not at all. As long as the weather is good for Thursday, I'll be ok.

I still feel kind of unprepared for it all. My kids asked me yesterday how I was feeling about it, and I said that I am not worried about the surgery, but mostly having to stay the night at the hospital. I like my sleep and I know it is going to be hard to get that. I have only stayed in the hospital overnight 3 times and they were all pg/baby related. Two times were obviously after Scott and Cait were born and those were happy/exhausted. The other time was when I had pre-term labor with Caitlyn and I was on such heavy meds to try and stop the contractions, I was really out of it, and only got up to pee(with help) and throw up (also with help) hahaha!!!! I couldn't even watch TV, my eyes were rolling and wouldn't focus together.

I borrowed some audio books from the library, ones that I have read before so if I am not paying attention, it is all good.
Do any of you know where to get free audio book online? I use BookBub to grab free e-books, but I haven't been able to find anywhere to get free audiobooks other than the library. The library books are only good for 7 or 14 days. I still can't figure out how they can take an ebook back. Is there something written in the files to self-destruct? :spy:

Today my family is coming up for my mom's b-day dinner. I really didn't do anything for it.My mom is doing most of the cooking and my brother is doing a lot too. I have desserts in the freezer, and some cheese and crackers for appetizers. We cleaned a bit- Gary did an amazing job of vacuuming. My SIL is allergic to cats so I try to do a good vacuuming the day before. This time Gary did it and he even vac'd under the sofas. Good man!!
Did you see the sketch that Gary made for my mom that I posted on Facebook? I know some of you liked it, thank you! She is going to adore this and we all are putting (virtual) money on it that she os going to cry. My gift is a small photo album of the g-kids. She had wanted pics of Charleigh the Flour Baby, so I got some printed and put them in there with Scott, Cait and Christopher.

That is about it form me, I am going to try to check in with all of you from yesterday, and *fingers crossed* from Friday too!
Have a great one!


The Loopy-O
Jean- hi there! It is so darn cold! Yesterday it was 9* when I left for the hospital, which is about 35 mins away. I don't think my car warmed up at all the entire time. It wasn't as bad coming home b/c at least the sun was out and warmed it a bit. Hope you didn't freeze too much on your way to the historical society.

Phyllis- I think I wrote something yesterday that if I ever read in the news about a woman who attacks her wood stove with an ax, I will know that will be about you. :pound: So glad that you get the weekends off, although I wish it would just get warmer already.
I *am* noticing that it is not quite as dark out when I am cooking dinner. My kitchen/sink face west and I can see how the sun sets behind the trees and it was still light-ish out at 5 pm.I will take whatever bits of good weather news that I can get.
Are you expecting snow or ice tomorrow too? I really hope not.
hahah!! Mr Biochemistry. Is his best friend Mr. Mammogram? And the son of Mr Speculum?

Tee hee-- my mountains are mere bumps in the road too.

Hi Romy! I bet you can't wait to get back to Cali!!! I am having so much fun playing with your first challenge for your spotlight. It is very freeing to just throw stuff on a page. I am also using some of the tools that I typically don't use. But I am having trouble figuring out the Art History/History brushes. I could probably Google it but I am too lazy.;)
I am totally in for a sauna/wine evening!

Nancy- some of my most fun memories were seeing the Rangers play the Devils or even better, the Islanders. Rivalries run deep, toss in some NJ/NY attitude and it gets crazy. I actually saw a fight break out in the stands at MSG between Rangers and Islanders fans. I think it had to even be a pre-season game b/c the seats were only somewhat filled, IIRC.
Oooh boy! Hope that doesn't happen when you are there.


The Loopy-O
I had to post that since Catzilla still thinks she is a skinny kitty. Her chub just rolls all over. Next time I need dry cat food, I am buying weight mgt. We used a gentle on the stomach kind when Mer was still alive but now I think her weight is a bigger issue. No pun intended.

Nancy- that is such fabulous news about your son as well. Really wonderful for you both!

Shar- you are a dear! No need to feel guilty about having coffee, although Gary said the same. But I appreciate the dedication of the refills to me.
ITA about it being the best feeling when you kids are doing well. That is how I felt every time Scott came home from school this past semester and shared how things were going with his classes/professors.

I have used the Crtl-Z many times too, but for some reason, the post went to my search engine. This happened to me once before recently and I can't figure out how or why.

Trudy- sorry if I am spreading bad computer karma to you too. Hope you had a nice day out with YMG, but I am with ya, would always rather be doing scrapping.

Oh Romy! I am not a fan of snow at all, so I am imagining the view in the spring and summer and it is gorgeous!!!!


Well, now it happened to me. Lost my whole big post! Will try again:

Good way-too-early morning. DH is still sleeping, and I don't know how to use the coffee maker. Do I need to drop something loud to wake him up??? What I really need to do is learn how to make it myself.

Our entire afternoon yesterday was in front of football games. We are fans of the Patriots because we lived in MA for 2 years (40+ years ago), and because our DD and SIL are rabid fans. But of course, the Seahawks are #1 with us. We don't paint our bodies or dye our hair...


...but we yell at the TV when the refs do us wrong, or the players do something wonderful or awful! We think our youngest granddaughter should be their new mascot. What do you think?

So Big Saturday BOTH teams won, and we are preparing for the Worst Case Scenario: The Seahawks and Patriots in the Superbowl!

Romy, your photo is gorgeous. I'd love a summer, spring, or autumn shot too. I've also been enjoying your challenge, and getting familiar with your beautiful digital goodies.

Chris, it sounds like a perfect party...so much of the burden carried by others! Gotta love that. And I agree--your mom will cry when she sees that beautiful picture. Think of your hospital stay as a time when you have no responsibilities, and enjoy having people fuss over you.

Church this morning. Once a month we have a potluck after the meeting, and today's the day. I am bringing a roasted veggie, chicken, and rice casserole. The veggies smelled SO GOOD yesterday as they were roasting in the oven.

Today's games will be recorded, so when we get home this afternoon, we can enjoy some football in which our hearts are not invested.

Stay warm, everyone. I will try to stay dry as well.


Well-Known Member
good morning - Yesterday was another cold day and I wimped out and did not go outside. Today though I have a Devils event so I will go outside for that LOL! Got some scrapping done yesterday and watched hockey. I also ordered pizza for dinner as I cooked all week. Pizza was so good!

Chris I can't believe the weather we are getting. I know the idea of ice bothers me too. I hope it turns to rain really fast!

Romy your photo of the view from your home is gorgeous! Have fun going to Cali and enjoy the warmer temps while you can.

Shar I did not know about cntrl Z but I will now.

Trudy sorry you lost your post. Hope the errands went fast!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Shar we must have posted near same time! I got up very late today! I love your granddaughter as the mascot. You should send it in to the Seahawks - love her face. I really like the Seahawks and Wilson seems like such a nice person besides great quarterback. I am not and never will be a Patriots fan, there is just something about their coach that rubs me the wrong way. I have to say that having my NY Giants defeats the Patriots when they were perfect is one of my fav Super Bowls - sorry! Growing up in AZ when I did there were no professional sports so I was free to chose who I wanted and I picked the Packers so I am hoping they do well today. One of the best things about living in the west is that the games are on so early. Have watching them when you get home!


Nancy, I am still unsettled that AZ has a football team. To me AZ is for golf! ...not football! I like Greenbay too. On one of our road trips we stopped and took pictures in the parking lot at Lambo Field. Lol!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good afternoon ladies... I wanted to get my entire house cleaned and laundry going before I ventured in here to catch up. Yesterday was a write off and DH and I did our errands around town and then home for quick snack and sat in front of the TV all day watching sports. Sorry ladies, but DH and I are huge Cowboy Fans and we are happy that so far they are ahead in the game 14 -10 at the half time. Keep our fingers crossed that they stay out front.

Chris - Happy Birthday to your dear Mom! I know that she will love that great sketch that your Gary did for her! Every grandma loves to have plenty of photos of her grandkids too, so your gift will be very special as well!! Sorry you are having such crappy weather, hoping that winter will settle down for you soon. Thinking of you as you prepare for your big surgery, I know you will do well and please try to let others help you out with everything! Do not try to do everything yourself :nono:

Phylis - Hope that your DH is busy keeping Mr. Woodstove full of warm flames for you!
LOL I love this smiley!! :becky:

Romy - Oh that view!! Makes being in the cold and away from California all worth it!! How wonderful that you still have a place to go to when you visit. Will you miss California? Or is your heart where you are right now? I lived away from my Island for many, many years and although we loved our time there and made so many good friends, my heart was always right here where I am right now!

Nancy - Pizza is the perfect way to go after having to cook all week!! Where is your fav pizza place? Ours is Romeo's they make the very best Pizza on Vancouver Island!! Well that's our opinion anyway :becky:

Shar - Isn't it amazing what the football fans will do!!! Love that green and blue paint!! We probably should be Seahawks fans, most of the people around here are. But DH and I have been Cowboy fans for forever and we can't change now. Your granddaughter is one little cutie pie!! Yes you should send that photo to the Seahawks for sure, love that tutu and that smirk on her sweet little face!! :hurt: I miss my grandkids now!! Hoping to FaceTime with them today! Hope you get that coffee pot figured out!

Ok I am finally going to get one of the challenges done today!! Even if it kills me LOL I have been trying for days to do them, but always get sidetracked. Now is the perfect time while hubby is watching football and won't interrupt me :becky: Have a great Sunday everyone! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Oh dear, DH and I always root for Green Bay, also always against Dallas. Green Bay has the distinction of being the only publicly-owned, non-profit NFL team, not some big-money person(s). Also A.J. Hawk is Ohio State grad and Clay Matthews son of former Cleveland Browns player of same name. Well, either way, game not over.

Chris, nice to have the b-day party today. I know your mom will love both the drawing and grandkid pix. I don't know how e-library turns off books, but they sure do it. I know the brief time I've spent in hospital sleeping is not much possible there.

Shar, Nancy, Trudy, Romy, everyone, have a lovely day and good weather! (Can't help being happy that it warmed up here, maybe even reached 34! but going back to cold soon.)


Jean, the publicly-owned, non-profit aspect of Green Bay has always been admirable to me. I loved Dallas when Tom Landry was coaching. But then, I liked almost all the teams better back then...in the days before lewd victory dancing just because a guy made a good tackle!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Well Darn it anyway!! I guess you can't win them all?? :becky: DH not too happy, but me, well its just a football game I used to like football much more when we were living in Sask. and we would go to watch the Rough Riders play (CFL) not as fancy smancy as the big NFL but still lots of fun!
Jean - I did not know that about Green Bay, very interesting, I like them much more now :becky: