
Daily Ooo's: Friday, September 5 The Faery is still Standing Edition


The Loopy-O

Still going along... one step in front of the other. BUT! Some good things happened yesterday and I am going to focus on that.
Cait's schedule *finally* got fixed so she starts that today. She seems to actually like this schedule, has some friends in some, if not most of her classes. She is also really excited about her Creative Writing and Advanced Creative Writing classes. She can get dual enrollment for them so she will graduate with 6 college credits already.

Scott was able to get his book deferment all settled out and couldn't believe how expensive textbooks are. We are planning on keeping them, so Cait will have them already when she goes to PCCC in 2 years. So that was a good thing, and he also got his student web account unlocked. He is still waiting on the Alert System to get set working on his phone, but I don't think he has to worry about snow closings just yet *wink*

My parents are amazing. They went to their Honda Dude to get their CRV's oil changed and told him about Scott's issues. He offered to have the mechanic take a look at it for free, see what options we have through the dealership and be able to make a better informed decision. They came up last night to discuss this and then drove his car to their house, will get it in today or tomorrow, and get his car back to him by Sunday. They rock. Really.

In my usual Faery is Stressed and Must Keep Moving Mode- I was a crazy person yesterday. I steam cleaned the LR and DR. Then worked out in my very neglected front yard. Dinner was a fresh tomato pie complete with homemade pie crust.I was about to soak/cook chick peas so I could make homemade hummus today but (thankfully!!!) thought better of it.

Some days I amaze myself with how kooky I am.:eyebrows:

I am back to babysitting my friend's son in the mornings and I am working this morning too.
See, I can get back on track. It just takes me a wine. No, I mean it takes me a *while.* But wine doesn't hurt either. :D

I hope that all of you have a fantastic day!


The Loopy-O
Laurie- how was your day? Lucid dreaming is really cool, I have never been able to do it, but Scott and Gary have.

Phyllis- don't get me started on the idiocy of people. hahahahah! The muffins sound delish! Are you still getting more zucchini?? Wow!

Trudy- what did you end up doing? My yard got a tiny bit of attention but much much more is needed. You can come down and visit me while we cut back all of my very brown perennials :) (ps: I have wine!)

love you all!


Well-Known Member
now, THAT'S better, Chris!! glad to hear that things seem to be working out. long may it continue, i say!! isn't it something how, when stuff is going wrong with the kids, everything seems to be falling apart? as old as my kids are, i still am a total mess when things aren't going well with them. i guess it never ends. well, things DID get a LOT better when i didn't have to deal with any sort of SCHOOL anymore.

no, no more zucchini. that was the last of it. now i'm up to my neck in frozen zucchini bread, but that's a good thing. at least for my husband. my almond flour muffins are good but not as good as "normal" baked stuff.

"Some days I amaze myself with how kooky I am."

one of the most endearing qualities you have, kiddo!

trying to learn some more Mac stuff this morning from a "course" at MacWorld, but i can't understand half of what the guy is writing. i guess all those years of MicrosoftSpeak has cluttered up my brain too much. i do like the Bluetooth keyboard, though. it's easier to type on than my PC keyboard. it's taking me a long time to FIND stuff, like how to delete cookies and data that gets dumped onto the machine as one traverses the internet. i finally found that. i'm absolutely OBSESSIVE about doing that many MANY times per session. i am probably deluding myself that that actually HELPS in some way, but humor me, i say.

going into the city to take DD an iPod cable that's specific to her car, and also some ham and cabbage soup. then have to go get some ingredients for making hot sausage sandwiches, which i will feed to my sister and her husband tomorrow. they're bringing over a lawn tractor that we just bought from them (AT LAST!! the one my husband uses is, believe it or not, almost 45 years old. it came with the house when we bought it. it looks like it's been dropped off a roof.) then i'll probably take another nap. i've been up since 3 a.m., courtesy of a SKUNK, which decided to do its thing somewhere in my yard. the SMELL woke me up!

i love streaming audio. i'm listening to a news station in D.C. later, i'll listen to the BBC World Service. one good thing about the internet.

see ya! :becky:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning my favourite O-zone friends! As I am looking out the window to my back deck, I can see a billion spider webs AGAIN!! Darn those spiders are busy little buggers aren't they? So AGAIN I will be knocking them down and sweeping the railings. I have given up trying to kill them, because we just get more every time the wind blows UGGHH! I hate them!! I don't mind them being in my garden, but don't let me find them in my house!! Momma don't allow no spiders in her house!! :amen:

Chris - It is so nice to hear that things are going better in your household!! Hopefully your parents will come up with a solution for Scotts vehicle!! What wonderful parents you have!! Don't ever forget it (I know you won't). I would love to come and help with gardening! Especially if you have some wine to drink!! :becky: Although I am not sure how much gardening we would get done once we cracked open a bottle :becky:

Phylis - Have you tried using the voice over command on your Mac? I love the Mac keyboard too but do miss not having the numbers on the right hand side of the keyboard, it has taken me a long time to get used to using the numbers on the top of keyboard instead. New tricks/Old Dog!! I really should take a course on how to use my iMac, I am sure there is still lots for me to learn!!

Enjoyed my walk yesterday, but now I have a very sore heel on my left side, not sure what that is all about?? Need to deadhead my roses and watched a video on how to properly prune my climbing roses, I have been doing it totally wrong!! Lots of work to do on them in the spring!! My DS sent me a photo of his leg last night, at first I couldn't see what was wrong then realized he had a huge gash running down it, hard to tell because of the large tattoo he has on his leg. Guess he got stitches in his leg after he slipped on his bike and the foot pedal took a nasty gash out of his leg. Poor DS its the first time he has ever had stitches.


Well-Known Member
Trudy, i don't even know what a "voice over command" IS!!! i am seriously lacking. your heel is most probably some sort of bursitis from all that walking. i prescribe rest and wine! we have tons of spiders, too. on Monday, there was the biggest spider i ever saw weaving away on my front porch. i didn't even recognize it as one of the usual kind of spiders around here. i have little sticky trap houses all over the place inside my house, trying to catch anything that is remotely spider-like. i get rid of them, then it's time to bring the firewood inside and it starts all over again. i hate 'em!! yuck on your son's accident! hope he heals well and soon!