
Daily Ooos: Friday, September 20


The Loopy-O
I feel awful. Better than I did last night, but still really crummy. I had all of my usual side effects, the worst being the muscle spasms while I was trying to sleep. The hot/cold sensations, skin pain, brutal headache, and eye pain... All there but I think I could deal with them better if I could not have the muscle spasms all night,
If the timing goes like it usually does, I should be much better by noon. :praying2:
I almost didn't get the shots. Walgreens supposedly takes my insurance and that was where I had the appt scheduled. When I went there, the billing wouldn't go through. The poor pharmacist was trying so hard to get it to work with no luck. As I was waiting, I looked at the ShopRite Pharmacy app and somehow managed to schedule an appt in 20 minutes from then. I thanked the pharmacist and then drove over to SR and it was done in no time. TJ Maxx is right next door and of course, I found a gift for Cait in no time. I got her a skeleton bride and groom cake plate and a coffin-shaped baking pan.
I went to work for a couple of hours to get some more things organized. As I was digging through the boxers of supplies, I would find something and be like-- "Well this looks fun. I have no idea what I'll use it for but I'll figure it out."
Because we are a non-profit, we rely on donations so when we get things, they end up getting shoved upstairs and it's like a treasure hunt in an old attic.

I have no plans today - I am so glad that I set it up that way. I'm going to post this and read everyone's comments from yesterday, But as of right now, my eyes/headache need a break from the monitor so I'll get to personals later on



Love my O Family!
I feel awful. Better than I did last night, but still really crummy. I had all of my usual side effects, the worst being the muscle spasms while I was trying to sleep. The hot/cold sensations, skin pain, brutal headache, and eye pain... All there but I think I could deal with them better if I could not have the muscle spasms all night,
If the timing goes like it usually does, I should be much better by noon. :praying2:
I almost didn't get the shots. Walgreens supposedly takes my insurance and that was where I had the appt scheduled. When I went there, the billing wouldn't go through. The poor pharmacist was trying so hard to get it to work with no luck. As I was waiting, I looked at the ShopRite Pharmacy app and somehow managed to schedule an appt in 20 minutes from then. I thanked the pharmacist and then drove over to SR and it was done in no time. TJ Maxx is right next door and of course, I found a gift for Cait in no time. I got her a skeleton bride and groom cake plate and a coffin-shaped baking pan.
I went to work for a couple of hours to get some more things organized. As I was digging through the boxers of supplies, I would find something and be like-- "Well this looks fun. I have no idea what I'll use it for but I'll figure it out."
Because we are a non-profit, we rely on donations so when we get things, they end up getting shoved upstairs and it's like a treasure hunt in an old attic.

I have no plans today - I am so glad that I set it up that way. I'm going to post this and read everyone's comments from yesterday, But as of right now, my eyes/headache need a break from the monitor so I'll get to personals later on

Oh, pooh! So sorry the vax made you feel so bad! I hope by noon you are much better!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
I finally started feeling better around noon yesterday when the Tylenol finally kicked in! But poor Mark and I are still dealing with the headache today. At least we felt well enough to get in a bike ride yesterday afternoon!
If the headache eases up I might run to Ilene's this afternoon. I need to get some pages posted first. And I want to look at some of the monthly challenges. I haven't even done one of those yet this month, at least not that I remember, LOL!
Hope everyone has a great day! The sun is shining here! Hope it is wherever you are!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone! It’s my DH’s flex day off, so we will be busy around here. I wonder what projects he has in store for the two of us today? It is a little chilly outside this morning, but the sun is shining and the trees are getting more vibrant in colour, it’s a pretty day! Yesterday I helped MIL make several cakes for her Harvest Fair at her church. Two bunt Cakes and three coffee cakes, of course with raisins, she puts raisins in most of her baking :giggle4: . We had a nice time together and FIL was happy as he got to keep one of the cakes for himself and the house smelled delicious!! He also got his new recliner delivered so he was busy figuring out how it all worked. I worked on a layout yesterday and realized that I haven’t posted my last two layouts to other galleries yet. I need to do that today!

I feel awful. Better than I did last night, but still really crummy. I had all of my usual side effects, the worst being the muscle spasms while I was trying to sleep. The hot/cold sensations, skin pain, brutal headache, and eye pain... All there but I think I could deal with them better if I could not have the muscle spasms all night,
I am so sorry that you are feeling so crappy from your vaccine shot!! I sure hope that you feel much better as the day goes along! I bet that Caitlyn will love your spooky gifts they sound really cool!! Have you checked the pre-release from Jenn that was posted yesterday? It’s right up your alley!! you will love it!

@vickyday - Sheesh you and your Mark are still not 100% yet?? Hope that the headaches go away and you get to enjoy the rest of the day! Happy that you got out for a bike ride at least yesterday! Perhaps you can spend some time scrapping today for one of the challenges, I am so far behind on scrapping this month and need to work on that before this month is over, its flying by!!

DH is pouring me a second cup of coffee, so I will sign off and enjoy that with him! Have a great day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning All.
Today is a great day, the 15 minutes I have been awake are perfect. Coffee and O time. The suns rising and its 34*.

@faerywings I hope you start to feel better soon. The eye/headache pain is never fun. Makes doing anything doubly hard.

@vickyday Im sorry you and Mark are still feeling icky.

@taxed4ever the cake baking session sounds like it was a fun time. Hope DH doesn't have too much planned and you can relax today.

My plan for the day is to putter in the kitchen prepping for pizza night. In between all that maybe some laundry and sitting on my couch.

Time for more coffee. Have a great day!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I feel awful. Better than I did last night, but still really crummy. I had all of my usual side effects, the worst being the muscle spasms while I was trying to sleep. The hot/cold sensations, skin pain, brutal headache, and eye pain... All there but I think I could deal with them better if I could not have the muscle spasms all night,
If the timing goes like it usually does, I should be much better by noon. :praying2:
I almost didn't get the shots. Walgreens supposedly takes my insurance and that was where I had the appt scheduled. When I went there, the billing wouldn't go through. The poor pharmacist was trying so hard to get it to work with no luck. As I was waiting, I looked at the ShopRite Pharmacy app and somehow managed to schedule an appt in 20 minutes from then. I thanked the pharmacist and then drove over to SR and it was done in no time. TJ Maxx is right next door and of course, I found a gift for Cait in no time. I got her a skeleton bride and groom cake plate and a coffin-shaped baking pan.
I went to work for a couple of hours to get some more things organized. As I was digging through the boxers of supplies, I would find something and be like-- "Well this looks fun. I have no idea what I'll use it for but I'll figure it out."
Because we are a non-profit, we rely on donations so when we get things, they end up getting shoved upstairs and it's like a treasure hunt in an old attic.

I have no plans today - I am so glad that I set it up that way. I'm going to post this and read everyone's comments from yesterday, But as of right now, my eyes/headache need a break from the monitor so I'll get to personals later on

I am so sorry the vaccine gives you side effects. I remember someone telling me personals weren't required; I think you are due a day off. Now you are so take it easy challenged, go find a dark place with your blankie and feel better.
It’s my DH’s flex day off, so we will be busy around here. I wonder what projects he has in store for the two of us today? It is a little chilly outside this morning, but the sun is shining and the trees are getting more vibrant in colour, it’s a pretty day!
I hope it's more fun than putting a pond to bed for winter, but hubs was going to check on his mom and then out to help his brother-in-law with some projects. I started a layout with my first Lynn-Cheryl layout. We'll see if my idea makes it onto a page.

@vickyday I'm glad you at least felt well enough to bike, those days are ticking down. It is a gorgeous, blue-sky day here too. Trees are turning quickly and on Sunday the highs will only be in the 60s.

They are picking soybeans around our area, so hopefully the backyard won't be invested with Asian beetles when we'er working on the pond this weekend. Those things are nasty and stinky when you smuck them. This time of year, we keep a piece of electrical tape close by, I don't know how they get in or how they get those crunchy wings through tiny crevices, but they do and they're gross. I haven't had breakfast yet and @taxed4ever made me hungry with all those yummy bakery goods. I'm going to have breakfast, which quite possibly is a delay tactic for getting the layout going.


Well-Known Member
Oh @JeanneMN those bugs sounds horrid! I hope they dont end up near you or your pond.

Today is now 42 minutes old and its going south. I ran out of cream for my coffee. :sad1: what's a girl to do? The store is 20 miles away and I dont wanna leave home today. But the thought of creamless coffee tomorrow makes me want to cry too. Oh well, if thats the worst this day brings, yeah. Temps going down as the sun starts too rise. Almost freezing temp.


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone. Mark had his shoulder surgery this morning. All
Went well. Im at the hospital now and will be ably to see him shortly. Everything went best case scenario so his recovery should be considerably faster and easier than last time around. Hopefully while
He’s recovering these next couple
Days he’ll be easy chair bound and I’ll be able to scrap. Haha.


Well-Known Member
@JeanneMN we have Japanese Beetles and stink bugs here by the thousands!! It amazes me how they get in the house on the regular. I’ll have to remember the tape trick. Lately we’ve been using a water bottle with water and oil in it to collect those buggers without having to touch them or smush them. It’s amazing how willing they are to fall
Into it when I put the edge of the bottle opening up to them.


Morning all. I have been up and dressed for awhile. DD#3 called yesterday - she is coming over today and needs some help with a sewing project she is working on. I also have some books to give her. She is also going to bring down a few gluten-free things for DD#1. We will need the gluten-free flour when we make the enchilada sauce. Looks like we will make that for dinner on Tuesday and DD#3 and her hubby will join us. Getting excited to see DD#1 - and her hubby, too. Spent some time scrapping a couple of CT LOs this morning. Need to get them done before DD gets here tomorrow. I need to vacuum and mop the kitchen floor.

@faerywings Sorry you had a reaction to the Covid shot. Hopefully you will be feeling better quickly.

@mimes1 Glad to hear hubby came through the surgery just fine. Hope he rests/sleeps enough when he gets home so you can do some scrapping.

@AK_Tracy Brrr... that is cold! Sorry you ran out of coffee creamer.... I prefer the liquid creamer but keep the powdered creamer on hand... just in case. My niece who is in Montana posted photos of the snow on the mountain tops there. They should be heading back down to North Carolina within the next month. His job is with gas-line company so they move down where there isn't alot of snow in the winter.

@vickyday So sorry you and Mark have not been feeling good. Hope the headache goes away soon.

@JeanneMN Those bugs sound horrible!! Good luck on getting the pond set up for the winter.

Have a good day all.


The Loopy-O
I am back (sort of) -- it is past noon and I feel *slightly* better so I hope top catch up on yesterday's comments. At least until I get hit by the dump truck again and have to take another nap.
Check Hell for me please, it might be getting :brrr: Me, taking another nap. :/

@taxed4ever oooow, poor Linda getting stung by a hornet! That is brutal! It's great news that the hike leader carried first aid, it's too easy to get stung, hurt, or fall out hiking. I have been seeing quite a lot of mushrooms here as well, lots of turkey tail and chicken of the woods. Do you forage at all? I remember when Scott would come home with a bag full of chicken of the woods or puffballs and cook them up. I was always worried that he was going to poison himself :p .
How are Heather and the boys doing now that school has been in for a few weeks?
I saw that Mason is home sick, poor guy! Healthy vibes for Heather that she doesn't catch it too.
The lovebirds :lovey3: come home on Sunday morning, so hopefully Gary will be feeling well enough to drive down to pick them up.

@AK_Tracy I imagine Vit D is critical for you northern lighters :D I have been taking Calcium and Vit D and I take garlic pills when I start to get sick. I haven't had Vit C in the house for a long time but it's a good reminder with winter coming up fast. Thx!
I never heard of termination dust before and I don't want to hear about it again :lalala: :D
Do you ever pack away winter coats and boots or just push them out of the way during your 2 days of summer?

@vickyday Gentle hugs to you and I hope you are feeling more like yourself today, you must have been very disappointed when you couldn't visit with Ilene.
I am with you, I'd like to zoom in to AK, check out the mountains and wildlife, and then zoom back out. I am still waiting for teleportation to be a thing.

@Terri M Hopefully by this time, almost 1 pm, you are back in the recovery room or on your way home. Lots of pain-free vibes and easy healing~~~~

Hugs to all of my O-fam!


Well-Known Member
I never heard of termination dust before and I don't want to hear about it again :lalala: :D
Do you ever pack away winter coats and boots or just push them out of the way during your 2 days of summer?
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: I warned you to stop reading before you got to the termination dust portion of my message!!!! :floorlaugh:
Yes, we do pack away coats and boots and gloves and hats and shovels and snow pants and scarves. We put it all down in the crawl space in totes marked winter by person and they go down in late April and come up again in October. May and September are light coats and sweatshirts. Flannel and sweatshirts never get put away as they are worn year round. Not much in June and July but rainy days need them or if youre out on the water.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone! It’s my DH’s flex day off, so we will be busy around here. I wonder what projects he has in store for the two of us today? It is a little chilly outside this morning, but the sun is shining and the trees are getting more vibrant in colour, it’s a pretty day! Yesterday I helped MIL make several cakes for her Harvest Fair at her church. Two bunt Cakes and three coffee cakes, of course with raisins, she puts raisins in most of her baking :giggle4: . We had a nice time together and FIL was happy as he got to keep one of the cakes for himself and the house smelled delicious!! He also got his new recliner delivered so he was busy figuring out how it all worked. I worked on a layout yesterday and realized that I haven’t posted my last two layouts to other galleries yet. I need to do that today!

I am so sorry that you are feeling so crappy from your vaccine shot!! I sure hope that you feel much better as the day goes along! I bet that Caitlyn will love your spooky gifts they sound really cool!! Have you checked the pre-release from Jenn that was posted yesterday? It’s right up your alley!! you will love it!

@vickyday - Sheesh you and your Mark are still not 100% yet?? Hope that the headaches go away and you get to enjoy the rest of the day! Happy that you got out for a bike ride at least yesterday! Perhaps you can spend some time scrapping today for one of the challenges, I am so far behind on scrapping this month and need to work on that before this month is over, its flying by!!

DH is pouring me a second cup of coffee, so I will sign off and enjoy that with him! Have a great day everyone!
Mark and I have always had a lot of headaches. If he is not careful his turn into migraines and the puking begins. At least I don't suffer with those!
I smiled at your saying your DH was pouring more coffee for you. Mark always offers to make my coffee if he is here and up before me. Makes me smile! It's the little things, right?!


Love my O Family!
I am back (sort of) -- it is past noon and I feel *slightly* better so I hope top catch up on yesterday's comments. At least until I get hit by the dump truck again and have to take another nap.
Check Hell for me please, it might be getting :brrr: Me, taking another nap. :/

@taxed4ever oooow, poor Linda getting stung by a hornet! That is brutal! It's great news that the hike leader carried first aid, it's too easy to get stung, hurt, or fall out hiking. I have been seeing quite a lot of mushrooms here as well, lots of turkey tail and chicken of the woods. Do you forage at all? I remember when Scott would come home with a bag full of chicken of the woods or puffballs and cook them up. I was always worried that he was going to poison himself :p .
How are Heather and the boys doing now that school has been in for a few weeks?
I saw that Mason is home sick, poor guy! Healthy vibes for Heather that she doesn't catch it too.
The lovebirds :lovey3: come home on Sunday morning, so hopefully Gary will be feeling well enough to drive down to pick them up.

@AK_Tracy I imagine Vit D is critical for you northern lighters :D I have been taking Calcium and Vit D and I take garlic pills when I start to get sick. I haven't had Vit C in the house for a long time but it's a good reminder with winter coming up fast. Thx!
I never heard of termination dust before and I don't want to hear about it again :lalala: :D
Do you ever pack away winter coats and boots or just push them out of the way during your 2 days of summer?

@vickyday Gentle hugs to you and I hope you are feeling more like yourself today, you must have been very disappointed when you couldn't visit with Ilene.
I am with you, I'd like to zoom in to AK, check out the mountains and wildlife, and then zoom back out. I am still waiting for teleportation to be a thing.

@Terri M Hopefully by this time, almost 1 pm, you are back in the recovery room or on your way home. Lots of pain-free vibes and easy healing~~~~

Hugs to all of my O-fam!
Or for Samantha to share her "Bewitched" nose twitching! ;)


Love my O Family!
Morning all. I have been up and dressed for awhile. DD#3 called yesterday - she is coming over today and needs some help with a sewing project she is working on. I also have some books to give her. She is also going to bring down a few gluten-free things for DD#1. We will need the gluten-free flour when we make the enchilada sauce. Looks like we will make that for dinner on Tuesday and DD#3 and her hubby will join us. Getting excited to see DD#1 - and her hubby, too. Spent some time scrapping a couple of CT LOs this morning. Need to get them done before DD gets here tomorrow. I need to vacuum and mop the kitchen floor.

@faerywings Sorry you had a reaction to the Covid shot. Hopefully you will be feeling better quickly.

@mimes1 Glad to hear hubby came through the surgery just fine. Hope he rests/sleeps enough when he gets home so you can do some scrapping.

@AK_Tracy Brrr... that is cold! Sorry you ran out of coffee creamer.... I prefer the liquid creamer but keep the powdered creamer on hand... just in case. My niece who is in Montana posted photos of the snow on the mountain tops there. They should be heading back down to North Carolina within the next month. His job is with gas-line company so they move down where there isn't alot of snow in the winter.

@vickyday So sorry you and Mark have not been feeling good. Hope the headache goes away soon.

@JeanneMN Those bugs sound horrible!! Good luck on getting the pond set up for the winter.

Have a good day all.
Thank you! It actually has eased up for both of us! Enough so that he is out working in the woods! You can't keep a good man down!
I know how excited you must be for your DD to get there! I love it when my oldest DD comes for a visit and then she, my youngest daughter and I can spend time together! Never long enough!


Love my O Family!
Good morning everyone. Mark had his shoulder surgery this morning. All
Went well. Im at the hospital now and will be ably to see him shortly. Everything went best case scenario so his recovery should be considerably faster and easier than last time around. Hopefully while
He’s recovering these next couple
Days he’ll be easy chair bound and I’ll be able to scrap. Haha.
YAY! Thank the Lord that the surgery went well! Now, prayers for fast healing!


Love my O Family!
I am so sorry the vaccine gives you side effects. I remember someone telling me personals weren't required; I think you are due a day off. Now you are so take it easy challenged, go find a dark place with your blankie and feel better.

I hope it's more fun than putting a pond to bed for winter, but hubs was going to check on his mom and then out to help his brother-in-law with some projects. I started a layout with my first Lynn-Cheryl layout. We'll see if my idea makes it onto a page.

@vickyday I'm glad you at least felt well enough to bike, those days are ticking down. It is a gorgeous, blue-sky day here too. Trees are turning quickly and on Sunday the highs will only be in the 60s.

They are picking soybeans around our area, so hopefully the backyard won't be invested with Asian beetles when we'er working on the pond this weekend. Those things are nasty and stinky when you smuck them. This time of year, we keep a piece of electrical tape close by, I don't know how they get in or how they get those crunchy wings through tiny crevices, but they do and they're gross. I haven't had breakfast yet and @taxed4ever made me hungry with all those yummy bakery goods. I'm going to have breakfast, which quite possibly is a delay tactic for getting the layout going.
I know, right? I wanted to ride again today, but, alas the rain is moving in it looks like. Maybe it won't last long and the sun will come back out and we can go for ice cream! Fingers crossed!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning All.
Today is a great day, the 15 minutes I have been awake are perfect. Coffee and O time. The suns rising and its 34*.

@faerywings I hope you start to feel better soon. The eye/headache pain is never fun. Makes doing anything doubly hard.

@vickyday Im sorry you and Mark are still feeling icky.

@taxed4ever the cake baking session sounds like it was a fun time. Hope DH doesn't have too much planned and you can relax today.

My plan for the day is to putter in the kitchen prepping for pizza night. In between all that maybe some laundry and sitting on my couch.

Time for more coffee. Have a great day!
Thanks! The headaches have eased up, thank the Lord!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Oh guys, I'm SO negligent. I actually posted last night and forgot to hit "post". DUH. I do that with texts too - forget to hit send.

I'm honestly too tired right now to go back and read all of your messages, but give me time. What have I gotten accomplished? Well, I had another CT layout to do - it's done and ready to post tonight. I also got one of my bathrooms cleaned up and am managing to keep my kitchen clean. I have a vegge bowl with mushroom risotto ready to eat and it smells divine. I think I might need to go eat and come back later.