
Daily Ooo's: Friday, September 12: TGIF Edition


The Loopy-O
Who is with me???


What a wretched week. I had to email my MIL, I screwed up on something and wanted to apologize for the miscommunication. As I started to fill her in on the last week or so, I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry. When you see all of the stupid crap written in one space, its insane.

But in spite of it all, my kids are holding up pretty well. Caitlyn is doing the I Love Zoloft Happy Dance. She is proud of herself for being more social, talking to people and not having a panic attack if called on in class. Scott is liking his courses as well and has been doing his HW diligently. One moment that I was proud of was for his assignment in Public Speaking. He has to write a speech describing who he is. He brainstormed with us for a while and kept getting stuck. But he kept at it. If this was last year, he would have blown it off.
Gotta always focus on the good.

And I did actually get a bit accomplished yesterday, the most important was making the appt for my mammo and ultrasound that I had been stalling on.

So here is to Friday, may we all have a wonderful kick-off to the weekend!!!


The Loopy-O
Laurie- Oh my!!! What is it with men this week??? Glad to hear that he got flowers and cupcakes for you:)

Trudy- How awesome to be able to get those laps in!! So proud of you!!! Yuck about the swim cap- hope the new one works better for you.
It can only get better from here!!
Haven't I heard this before? :pound:

Fruit flies! Ack, they are everywhere! I have to do the ACV too.
Laurie, did you try vinegar and baking soda down your drain? That can help too.

Love to all!


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- off to work I go, then a birthday dinner for a co-worker with some shopping in between. This weekend is jammed and I am not sure I will make it here. Going to work on the basement, dance lessons and go clean up the office and bathrooms at the space we are renting- not trusting son to do it as clean as I want!! I bought apples and made applesauce yesterday. It was a good day with lots of positive energy flowing!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... T.G.I.F.!! This will be a bit more relaxing weekend, shopping at Costco to fill the freezer back up with meat and then some shopping at Michaels for some new paints as I have a fall painting project I would like to get started on. All my paints are so old and they are hard to paint with. A few new brushes might be nice too!! Time to get some Mums on the front porch as well and take down the hanging baskets :sad:

Chris - It is so nice to hear that your kids are doing well so far in school! Especially nice to hear that Cait is enjoying her classes and not freaking out about being called upon in class!! It must be a huge relief for you!!

Laurie - How wonderful that you are feeling the positive energy in life again!! A busy weekend for you, you are the Clean Queen these past few days!! I am sure the place will sparkle when you are done!! Yummmmm!!! Applesauce!!! I can't remember the last time I made Applesauce, your kitchen must smell divine!! Hope the fruit fly problem got solved before you had all those apple peelings lying around!! Dam Fruit Flies!! They drive you crazy always trying to go for a swim in my wine LOL!

Speaking of swimming, I am off to the pool again this morning and will try to get in a few more laps than my first go at it. I bought myself a new silicone bathing cap this time, so hopefully that one does not bother me. Another nice sunny day here again today, but very cool out this morning. You can tell that Fall is well on its way!! I love the Autumn with all of the beautiful colours, but it is always sad to see the summer end!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
hiya! just a quick fly-by! i just got home from the Cemetery Project. it's FINISHED!!
i am so proud of myself. that was a LOT of pictures! i just have to resize the files, rename the, with the peoples' names and burn them to CDs, then send them off to the guy who's the coordinator of this GenWeb project locally. whew!

Hubby is coming home early today to cut some grass with the New(er) Machine. whatever keeps him out of the house and out from under my feet! looking forward to some kibbe and spinach pies and baba ganoush for dinner tonight. and, since it's Friday, some cheap champagne! :champagne :bounce:

enjoy the weekend, y'all. :becky: