
Daily Ooo's Friday October 9


The Loopy-O
Is everyone as happy as I am that this week is almost over? ;)

I think I might have a relaxing weekend coming up. If all goes as planned, I might be going up to PA, just with my parents! My mom is going to get me on Saturday, after the Autumn Lights Festival. Then she is going to bring me back on Monday. So I will have a couple of days to decompress, read, relax in front of the fireplace with a glass of wine in my hand!
*happy sigh*

I hope that each and every one of you has a chance to relax this weekend too!!

ME- how was your lunch? And I was thinking of your dad, too. I guess Linda S's mom made me think of him... how is he doing? Hope he is feeling well.

Dawn- rainy autumn days are the pits- I like the warm sunny ones LOL
But the trees by me are really changing and driving home the other day-- it makes me happy that I live where I do!

Clara-- mmm mmmm! Your dinner sounded great- (love cornbread!) I have never had black eyes peas... how do you cook them? On their own, or like a chili? II (usually) love to cook this time of year. I am big on soups and Crock pot stuff.... so can you share your recipe too?
Oktoberfest sounds like a blast! Have fun!! And have a beer for me!!
Not sure about Addie, once my kids got out of the baby-stage they were pretty good sleepers as toddlers/little kids.
Cait is 11 and still needs a night light.
IIRC The Ferber book discusses what to do about keeping kids in their beds. But I think it was more directed to getting them to sleep in the bed, not necessarily staying in it.

Dawn- Yum! How was your dinner? I love our local Chinese buffet- my mom and I go there for lunch on occasion. They have sushi too!
*eye roll* Thanks for LOL at the dare.... ;) So stupid!!Where do boys gets these ideas????

Clara- Thanks for the good wishes re: Scott/therapy. We are finding that the "heavy" discipline is working against us. All it does it set him into a rage and then he becomes fixated on whatever it is he lost (phone/computer/etc) What we are working on now is to keep him grounded- that he cannot go out, but that he can still have his phone. This seems to keep him calm enough that we can actually talk to him.
Whether it works or not... I don't know yet!
Has anyone else tried this??

Yes, life is so short- and I love that song/soundtrack- it is a great reminder of what is important in life.

Hugs Linda W!!! Hope that you are feeling better today. Have you tried garlic pills??? Do you think you need to get to the dr?
Sending you some garlic and some chicken soup!

Sandra! Great job shopping!
And congrats on the new gig! How is the regular job going?

Linda S- glad you were able to take a day to recuperate, even with the "good" news re: your mom, it still must be incredibly stressful. Sending lots of hugs to you too.
Thanks for your prayers- they really mean a lot.

I know I don't discuss it much b/c I don't want to offend anyone, but in my belief- I think that all Gods all eventually take you to the same place, the same Higher Power- so if you pray to God, Jesus, Allah, Demeter, and soon... they all end up where they need to be.
So even though I might not be Christian, I respect your God as part of my own.

I hope that doesn't insult or offend anyone, but I just want to explain, I guess. And to let you know that your prayers mean so much to me.

Happy Friday!!!


I lOve Me Some O!
Happy Friday to you too Chris!

I hope everything goes as planned for you and your parents this weekend.

As for a relaxing weekend for me...maybe...but it will be sporadically mixed with work. If the rain stays today I have to reschedule a senior photography session to Sunday since they'll be at the park here with their horses. And Saturday I have a wedding to photograph, which though it won't be the full day, like some I've done, it is still a wedding and thus still stressful. Still going to find some time for me this weekend and maybe take a couple movies to watch with my grandma and maybe finish designing my cousin's wedding album for my studio sample.

Still glad it is Friday though!

Have a great weekend Chris & everyone that comes later! :)


Well-Known Member
Rain, rain go away come again some other day, LOL. I'm sooooo tired of rainy, cloudy days. Makes me sleepy...but on a good note at least I'm where I can take a nap if I want to :).
Davy says 'Hi' to everyone! She's out happily, hopping around, she just ate a lovely piece of paper. I hope everyone has a fantastic day and I will be back later for dailies.

**Warning: I'm a little fussy today so if you don't wanna read my saga stop reading now LOL.

I was bad yesterday...got my last paycheck and bought a few digi-kits I coveted...ack. Sure is fun scrappin' with them though :). I will find out Monday, hopefully, whether or not I get my unemployment, I'm soooo nervous about it. My former employer has never let anyone get approved(I'm sure I've told y'all that already) which means I would need to get someone to represent me cause if I appeal it I intend to win LOL. This whole thing kind of burns me up because I have an inheritance coming, my grandparents are well off(not like tons $$ but enough to be comfortable on) it was to be my daddy's but goes to me as I'm his only child. They refuse to part with any though until they are gone....I feel so guilty for even thinking about it and I've never voiced it to anyone so now I feel doubly guilty. But just knowing they could let me have enough to pay off my car and not worry....it just gets to me. Ok, I've said it and now I feel like lightning is gonna strike me down....eeek. If I weren't Baptist I'd be going to confession right now LOL. Instead I'll pray a little extra and go do the Gratitude Challenge.

Ok, that's enough about me...rather 'too much' about me LOL.


Well-Known Member
Chris-saw your part about God and prayer. The way I think about it is everyone can use someone sending out healing thoughts. The more people that send out prayers/thoughts towards someone the better. Kind of like karma I guess or good vibes or positive thinking I guess. The good thing about our lovely country is that everyone is free to worship or not however they choose. People around here look down on me (DH's sisters especially) because I don't go to church anymore, the people I've encountered since my preacher was called to another church and since has passed away, have been 'fake' or come across as better than others. It gets to me because a lot of them lead horrible daily lives, but then go to church on Sunday and act like 'it's all good', I believe we should live our best life all the time and not just on Sunday.I have my faith and I pray on my own. Now, maybe if I were near Sally I would go to her church :).
ok, I've done it again and got long-winded....a lot of times I will type out my opinions and thoughts and delete them without posting but I have a posting goal to meet so I'm letting this one stay LOL.


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone! Coffee and Tea and baked yummies for all.

Chris, I love that we can pray for one another and send hugs and good vibes without anyone getting upset. Religion can be such a hot button. Thanks for sharing your feelings. I don't know how to live without my faith. It gets me through.

Hi Elisa! Hope your weekend goes as planned and that the rain doesn't interfere. It sounds like a busy weekend for sure.

Dawn, sending umbrellas and boats your way. It sure sounds like you need it. You can send the rain my way. We need it.

Hubby is off to do some POM work (our little sideline networking business). Yay! It has been so slow and we can sure use a little extra to cushion things around here.

I've got loads and loads of laundry to deal with and some meal planning and some design work. I really shouldn't even be on here but I wanted to stop in. :)

((Hugs around))


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm behind again. I went all yesterday w/o internet until last night! Our power flickered and when that happens, my wireless always dies and I don't know how to fix it. :-(

Things are pretty quiet here with my oldest. She has been doing pretty good, so that's nice. We have a fire pit reserved at the pumpkin patch tonight and I can't wait. Except that it's supposed to be cold! It's looking like the low 40's. It will be fun though. We invited a lot of people, I just hope some of them show up because I spent $150 on food yesterday to bring tonight! Our pumpkin patch is huge and basically a theme park, but w/o the big rides. It's huge! It's called Vala's, if you're curious. ;-)

Now on my side, things are crazy! I had a good friend text me 2 weeks ago and ask me to take the photos at her nieces wedding! After my telling her over and over that I wasn't a pro. photographer, especially for a WEDDING, she still insisted that I do it. So, we went last weekend, we met with the bride-to-be and after talking to her, she said she wanted me to do it. Even w/ my telling her that I was just a hobby photographer. She looked at the pics that I have taken and said she wanted me. Well, after thinking about it for a few days and letting reality set in, I talked to my friend the other day and told her that I really wanted her niece to know that I was not qualified at all to do this, that I'm not a pro, that there is no way that I can produce the type of photos that she sees in magazines and of her friends weddings, etc. My friend talked to her niece and she still wants me to do it! She said I'm the girl for her. Oh my gosh! To add on to all of the excitement about this, it's at my friends "summer house" and that house is in VEGAS! My friend is paying to fly me, my DH and Gracie out to Vegas, we will stay at her house, and will pretty much have an all-expense paid 4-day vacay in Vegas. Wow! They have been asking what I wanted to be paid, and after talking to my DH, we decided that I would do it for free. The opportunity for me to do this and to see if this is something that I might pursue (I've been thinking about doing something like this for quite awhile, just never did anything about it, because I don't have any confidence in myself & my abilities, to be honest), and the experience for us to go to Vegas....that's enough of a payment for us, for sure. Plus, it's a favor for a friend, and that is most important. So! I am getting a couple of books today on digi photography/wedding photography and I will be doing lots and lots of studying and practicing. I have until February! My friends nephew is getting married next month and I might tag along to practice and get the feel of things before her nieces big day. So, that's my BIG news. lol I didn't mean to ramble on about that....I can't ever talk about anything in just a few sentences. lol Any and all prayers about this are very welcomed! Thanks for listening, if you read this far. lol

I hope you are all having a good Friday! I'll be in and out fast all weekend. I have something every day until Monday....Lots of love and hugs ladies and have a wonderful weekend!

(Oh, and GO BIG RED!!!! We beat Mizzo last night AT Mizzo!!! The first time in many years to beat them at their stadium! Whoo Hoo!!!!)


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody! I haven't been around for days. How is everybody? We've had a crazy week, with parades in the neighborhood and whatnot.

Gee whiz, I feel so out of the loop! I'm going to have to read and catch up on everything.


always chatty at the O!!
It is Friday and I have about 3 hours left of work and then I am off for the weekend beerfest. Whoohoo!! I really wish I liked beer, but I don't...so, I am bringing my little one drink blender and stuff for mojitos. Yummy. It is a mojito mix so it is just sweet and yummmm. It rocks. PLus all the yummy german food. I am just stoked to have a little weekend getaway. It will be great.

I am with all of you guys. I love that we all have different beliefs. I have always been one who loves to hear about different beliefs and have always thought a lot like Chris that most spiritual beliefs have different paths to get there but the goals and principals were very similar. I personally have to go to church very regularly or my faith goes kaput. I have zero self motivation and discipline, but I know that about myself. I don't look down on people who don't go to church, I just know that I need to go and I enjoy going so therefore I get my butt up and get myself there. I do think all church's have some type of hypocrisy and double standard because we are human and human error exists and we can't geta round that but everyone does the best we can and we shouldn't judge each other based on what we think our best should be. So, Chris, I definately don't think your beliefs are offensive. they were my beliefs for a very long time, until I settled on a specific set of beliefs that felt right in my heart. So, that is my wordy thoughts thrown into the mix for ya. (you knew it was coming :) )

So, I think I have things figured out for Addie. I just need to get her a littler night light. The light she has in her room is just too bright is all. It is a pretty easy fix. She does have a birthday coming up so I might wait and get her one for her birthday. I think we are having a princess tea party for her birthday. So cute. I love little girls.

So, dh got a 4-day weekend. Don't get me wrong it is great and Columbus is cool and all. Although a 4-day because his people came over and killed my people? Come on now? :) I was giving my husband crap about that the other day. I remember having all those days off when I was a kid but they don't seem to get all the days off any more. It is weird. At least I thought I got Columbus Day off. That is a cool thng about dh being in the military and not deployed he gets every silly holiday off. The federal employees that work with him get 10 paid holidays. That is just unreal. I think I get 6 and it is put into my vacation time. It is set up very weird. One day I think I should work for the government. My sister works for teh state and has for a few years now. If she were to get pregnant and have a baby she would have enough sick time for all of her doctor's appointments and to take 3 months off after the baby was born. It is crazy...but she also gets comp time for working overtime and stuff, which as a social worker she does.

Wow...once again I am chatty today. I am cutting myself off. I think it is the coffee or something. Or maybe I am trying to get in my word quota since I won't really be on here this weekend or something. Who knows. Okay off for some personals.


Well-Known Member
Well...I finally made it here today.....Took me long enough...I have tried several times today...

I am feeling somewhat better....I am up and running anyway....YAY!!

MY HOUSE HAS BEEN A ZOO TODAY!! Just with people instead of animals...and I seriously need cages for them all!! I have spent the last two hours doing nothing but picking up...no cleaning...just picking up!!!

Lets see....DH got the day off....like he needed it...he is on vaca next week!!! Traci, Jesse and Jaiden spent the night...and have been here all day, Ayden has been here all day, and Sharon, Cameran and Savannah most of the day.....When I clean house I always say it's too big, but today...I have to say I NEED A BIGGER HOUSE!!!!!!!!

I gave Jaiden her first little hair trim today...she has bangs now!!

I did some scrapping last night...even as bad as I felt....I needed to sit up to unstop my head, and I just wanted to be doing SOMETHING!! I was up til 1 am...then still didn't sleep very much...three nights now...I am really hoping that tonight I will just pass out!!

DH keeps saying "Bet you won't feel like doing anything this weekend" and I keep saying "OH NO MISTER!!! WE ARE GOING OUT ON OUR DATE..SO DON'T EVEN TRY TO GET OUT OF IT!!" He says he's not, he just wants to make sure I feel okay....but he did already check the times of the movies!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! I feel better just thinking about it!!

Well, since it has taken me over an hour to get this done....I better get dinner cooking!!

Love my O Fam!!! HAVE A FAB WEEKEND!!


Well-Known Member
Quick personals:

Chris...I hope you have a very restful and peaceful good weekend!! You so deserve it!!

Elisa...sounds like you are pretty well set for the weekend...have fun with your grandma and the movies...sounds wonderful!! and hope your photo shoot is a success!! and YAY for scrapping!!

Dawn....you are definately allowed to be fussy here!! I understand you frustration about your grandparents....seen this many times, and have a bit of going on in my family too! and hope you get the unemployment...fingers crossed!!

Hi Merkee....thanks for the yummy baked goods!! It's 6:15 pm here and I have not eaten all day...no time!! just what I need!!

Di...WOOT!! all expense paid trip to VEGAS BABY!! Love that the girl wanted you to take the photos anyway!! I need a friend like this!! LOL!!!

Hi Andrea!! Have fab weekend dear!!

Clara....a princess tea party sounds so prissy and fun!! GIRLIE!! Hope you have fun time at your festivities this weekend!! sounds like a blast!! and yeah...Sharon gets all those silly holidays too....she works for the VA hospital...Govt jobs aren't so bad huh??

Ok...I gotta get...for real!!

Lori Potts

Well-Known Member
ok ok i pulled the disappearing act again. sorry I am dropping by to show some O love and see what ya'll have been up to.

Lori Potts

Well-Known Member
Chris u are such a sweetie and have a way of brightening my day with your posts here. I love that last line about God and I admire you for thinking that way. I can relate. To me energy is energy. Positive or negative it all makes an impact somewhere. Hope I did not offend.:p

Lori Potts

Well-Known Member
Aww Dawn. Sounds like u hit hard times while I was away. I ought to back track and see what is up. I can understand ur feelings on the grandparents thing. I am sure they have a reason I wonder what it is. Good luck with the unemployment front. I hope it goes ur way.

Lori Potts

Well-Known Member
wow Dianne. The pumpkin patch sounds like a fall dream but I am wowed at your photography opportunity!! best of luck and i think it would be great if u did it for free!!

Lori Potts

Well-Known Member
dont worry about being wordy clara. it gives us all an excuse to sound off every once in awhile. your ber fest sand beer sounds so fun!! be safe and enjoy!!

Lori Potts

Well-Known Member
LindaW I hope the sickies leave u alone soon and no one else u care for gets sick too. I hear ya on the picking up but I bet u enjoyed ur fam being over. Have fun on ur date. Movies can be so relaxing!!