
Daily Ooo's Friday October 23


The Loopy-O
TGIF!!! Wooooooooohoooooooo!
Thank goodness I made it through another crazy week! One more to go next week (endocrinologist appt, repeat mammo, and counseling w/ Scott) and I think I am going to be somewhat calm until Nov 16 (Disability hearing)

I did something really really stupid yesterday.
What do I always tell people when they get a medical notice? Do NOT google... why can't i follow my own advice???
I got my mammo results -certified mail, no less.

It says something about fibroglandular pachydermal -- no LOL parenchymal-:p pattern-- so I looked it up- it sounds ominous, right? Turns out it is normal breast tissue.
Then I see that my Right Breast has a cluster of calcifications. So I google that. Gah!!
Calcifications are usually benign, esp if they are scattered..... clustered calcifications can sometimes signal cancer, and YES I am even more pissed at my mom!!!!! It would be *really* nice to know if there is family history, ya know??

Honestly, I really think that everything is all right, I just should have known to not do this.
google+ medical= evil!!!

But today is a good day!!!!! Spa Day!!!!!!!! I am soooo excited!!!! SIL and I are having a full body massage, mani/pedi- then we are meeting up with my brother for dinner. Yay!!!
We (Sil and I) have already told my mom that we'll need a Spa Gift Card refill for C-mas! LOL

My computer is wacked again today so I am gonna post this and *fingers crossed* it will make it through :)
Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, Tab, Enter---- does the trick LOL

Today I am going to go from the bottom up- I always feel like I neglect the people who post last, because I am running late by then.

Linda S- What a great quote from Sydney!! And Shaun too- such funny kids. Sorry that Shaun is still having some problems at school. Even at 13- I go through that with Scott. I think now that he knows that I am constantly emailing his teachers, he knows he can't pull anything on me. But man, I would have *loved* to seen Shaun's face when he heard the voicemail. (You have to look for the brights spots, right? ;))
Good for you and the personal trainer!!
Can someone please kick my butt and make me exercise???

Clara-- oh what a pair we are me- little Miss Munchhausen, and you Little Miss Klepto! That is too funny! You can come here, steal my phone and then we can go out for coffee together? Deal?
Good to hear that Addie is better and great news about your ministry. I am glad he understands. It isn't worth the stress of trying to be/do something you are not comfy with.

Clara and Linda- I got to do more yard work yesterday at MIL's -- made me so happy to be out in the sun!

Linda W!!! Those babies are sooooo cute!!!!! neither of my babies were chunks, so I love seeing baby rolls! They are too cute together!

Sally and Linda S- *shudders* TV punishment is rough, especially at the end of the day when you are exhausted and just need 15 minutes of peace. - I would use it as a last resort LOL Now the big punishment is no phone, oh the horror!
And no way-- you have a baby grand??? Gary has wanted one since.... forever. Not that we have the $$ or the space... but I know he'd love to see that. Next year when we go down to Coz (we are going, I have to) we should stop over at your house LOL (LOve how I just invite myself? )
Have fun moving furniture!

Linda W- oooh saving for a camera! Sweeeet! I have a Rebel xti and I love the pics I get. The newer ones are so light it is amazing!
No matter what you get, you'll love it.
Any new news on that poor girl????

Okie doke artichokies!
Be back later (I hope, if not, have a FAB day!)
Good morning Chris. Spa Day sounds wonderful!

We are doing "cousins sleepover" tonight...although only one cousin is coming. Beka is between Shaun and Sydney in age...and she and Shaun are in the same class. It's pretty easy. Her older sister Sarah was the one who went to Cozumel with us. So Beka met us at the airport and said " Uh...Linda...I want to go to Mexico next!" LOL

Anyway, that should give me some time in the gallery tonight...and maybe to do some scrapping of pics from Coz! I'll be back later.
Hi O's :). I've been lurking the last few days, Chase has some virus that is not fun. Fever, puking, rash and just irritable little boy. Fever broke last night so I am optomistic that today is going to be a better day, he actually let me put him down this morning without screaming.

Not much else going on here. I work tomorrow and then I am off for two weeks :). Its a rainy gloomy day here so I am going to do some baking with my big girls. They've been neglected the last couple of days and need some Mama time.

Chris~ I SHUDDER when I am in triage and someone tells me " I looked this up on the internet..." Enjoy the spa!!!

Linda~ how fun a cousin sleepover. I can't wait until our kids are old enough to enjoy that.

I am off to be the mama cow!
Hey girlies!! What a week!! I am really looking forward to the weekend!! I only have a sec...Cameran didn't have school today...and he is not happy with me being on the computer...poor kid...so used to all the attention, and now he has to share with these babies...

We are making cookies...halloween cut outs..today and painting our pumpkins...we have done that every year since he was two...he loves to paint faces on them...He makes me do the big pumpkin and he does all the little ones!!

I will try to make it back later...

Nothing really new on the missing VT girl...just more people keep coming forward to say what they saw....so many did see her outside the arena before the concert, not in very good shape. Her father is a DR and he has put up a $100K reward...

(((HUGS))) my friends!!
hey girlies...

we are excited as this is the day to move our house around. And we have extra incentive as we invited the entire church youth group over for a party tonight because they were supposed to have a meeting at church, but our youth directors went on an emergency trip up to OK to take care of a friend who is having issues! Soooo we are partying in a "new house" tonight!!

And an update for those who are on FB with me...my aunt is still not doing so hot after open heart surgery yesterday. Her heart is apparently swollen, so they can't sew her up...it is at least beating on its own right now. This is a great thing!! She also has been under anesthesia for a long time which for someone at 76, is not a good thing. so Please Please please pray for her...this is my dad's sister who is just a bit younger than my dad would have been if he had not died of the exact same surgery!! (ugh!) Thanks soooo much for your prayers and good thoughts!! :)

okay...i'm gonna leave you guys some individual loving and then i'm off to eat something cool (don't know what it is yet, but it'll be cool - for sure!!)...
LindaW, enjoy the cookies, darling!!! how fun, fun, fun!!!! love to hear your babysitting antics!! love ya!!!
Jos, {{{{HUGS}}}} to you and Chase!! You soooo crack me up...we always called me the cow and when Donnie helped me with the hospital pump, we called him Farmer Don...LOL!!! ohhhhh sorry...TMI!!!!! that just makes me laugh tho!!!! I hope Chase is feeling better right NOW!!!! love ya, hun!!
Ohhhhhh LindaS, can't wait to see some Coz pages!! just makes me homesick for Cyn, Sal and El Cid!! But we are doing the right thing here so that next year we can afford the whole fam to go!! yay!!! love ya, girlie!!
Chris!!! OMGosh, girlie...you need to just schedule to come home with us on your way home...you can do a sleepover for a few days without having to buy an extra ticket! It's called a stop-over, i think. we did it when we went to Alaska...didn't cost us an extra penny to stay three days over at my sister's outside of Seattle!! how fun would that be?????? Love it!! :) and love you, my dear friend!! :)
ohhhhh and did I mention that the AC guy is coming this morning!!! We've lasted 6 weeks without our upstairs AC!!! I'm sooo proud of us!! we did the right thing and we are blessed for it!! yay!! (and isn't it ironic that the day the guy comes to install the new one, it's 54 degrees outside????? crazy, i know!!!)

love you all!! and to all who come after me, love you, too!! :)
I think the weather hates me actually having sessions since it chooses to rain every time I do. Doesn't it realize I'm trying to start a business? And I was looking forward to today's too since it was a little 6-yr-old. Fingers crossed for Sunday since I now have TWO sessions scheduled then.

Anywho! I should be finishing up other work and things since this month is nearly over & I need to send an album order for myself out before the 31st since I have a bogo sale coupon!! But I'm not done with it!! I haven't had the motivation to finish it and I NEED to!

So these are my plans the next few days... finish a wedding album, start my cousins album order, finish editing last weeks senior picture session, start/finish last Saturday's wedding pictures, start yesterday's senior, update my tax program with older orders, (I slack on this one even though both my parent's are accountants), send in a couple orders, CLEAN, do laundry, backup files, and shoot 2 sessions Sunday.

Luckily I have tomorrow off. Now I just need motivation. Anyone have any for me?

(plus I'm leaving time to still be distracted! hehehe)

Why is October nearly over?


Chris - I want a spa day! I've never been to one before. I took a wholistic massage class my sophomore & senior year of college and that's the most spa-like thing I've done.

LindaS - I loved having cousin sleepovers when I was little. I hope it all goes well! And of course Beka would want to go to Mexico if her sister got to go....I want to go too! Can't wait to see your pages! Maybe I'll pull out my sister's pictures from Cancun & make her a couple pages, (maybe that'll make me more jealous though that I've never been out of the country).

LindaW - Your picture of your babies yesterday was soo cute! They are definitely little chunks! :-) BTW hope you are sharing your cookies here, I need some! Maybe I should bake some tonight.

Sally - I hope that your aunt will pull through alright and they will be able to sew her up. It is a good thing though that her heart is beating on its own. I'll keep you and her in my thoughts.
Good morning ladies!!

I'm in a mood today. Not a bad mood but I do feel like turning on some rockin music up loud and jammin out. Stupid work. I mean work isn't stupid I'm just at work so I can't rock out. Lame. No matter how much noise there is I don't think I can make it loud enough right now. I wish I had my iPod right now. That could work. I am just in a weird silly mood right now. I just keep going on and on about nonsense. I do that usually anyway, but more so today. It is weird because I started pretty ticked off this morning. My dh has been wanting to bring the dog in the house at night since it has started getting cold at night, which I am fine with but I told him he needed to dog proof the house first, which he hasn't done. So, this morning I came down stairs to flour all over the floor and my dh had an attitude about it and said something about how was he supposed to know there was flour in a bag on the floor, when there was also shoes, kids stuffed animals, etc on the floor. You know things dogs like to chew up and can't be repaired once a dog tears into them. The things I told him to take care of before he started bringing the dog into the house a few weeks ago. Grrr... but now that mood is over and I'm onto silliness.

Addie is finally healthy and back in daycare again. Yay!! I was glad that I got her at home when she was all happy though. derek got her in the cranky phase of her being sick. Not that I wish her crankyness on him I'm just selfish enough to be happy that I got the good part. Yay me. He usually gets the good part and I get the cranky when he works and stuff. He does get the cranky in the afternoons before I get home from work often enough though. Poor guy.

so what's everyone got planned for their weekend? i want to do the pumpkin patch. i always to put off the pumpkin patch as long as possible. If we go too soon Derek wants to carve the pumpkins. He never remembers that if we carve the pumpkins to soon they mold. He has a hard time with that. Poor guy. He is such a kid. I love that and hate that all at the same time sometimes. I'm sure you all know what that feels like. Well, off to do some personals.
Hi girls, just thought I'd check in. It's been a crazy week. Hubby got laid off yesterday so he will now be under foot for a while. It really messes with my computer time. We were expecting it so we are prepared for a while.

I've been busy packaging some new quick pages created for me by our very own Miz Dawn. :) I should have them in the store by tomorrow. You all need to take a look. I'm also working on some projects for next month.

Weather is beautiful. Cool with a hint of warm. I just love fall. :)

Hugs to all! Oh Linda W, I did go peek at the grandbabies. Cute little ones. :) Hard to believe the age difference is so little with the size difference. Your little guy is gonna grow to be a teddy bear some day. :) Chunky is good on babies.

Chris, no more research until you know something for sure. ((hugs)) I had those deposits and they were nothing. :)

Tap at you all later....
Chris - the cool things about stealing your phone is that because I feel so bad about stealing your phone I even buy your coffee. How cool is that? :) Enjoy your spa day. I am so jealous. I haven't had a massage in too long. I need one bad. A mani/pedi would be awesome too. I also think it is interesting that you like that canons for the reason I don't like them. The lightness of them makes me uncomfortable I feel like it is going to tip forward. I think it is so interesting how different people are about Nikons and canons. You always prefer one over the other. The best advice I ever got here was to go and hold them. I had no idea they felt so much different. I hope you get to spend some time outside this weekend.

LindaS - Have fun with the cousins sleepove tonight and you get some sleep. Please leave us some links for your Coz LOs so they don't get missed. I so want to make it next year. I am going to start saving my change so I can go next year. I want to go bad.

Mama Cow Jos - One day you will get your identity back...well, maybe. LOL!! I used to moo on my way to pump in my little room I pumped in here at work. I used to get so irritated when I would be pumping and on the one day a week that we had a podiatrist here the "nurse" (she wasn't actually a nurse they just call themselves that) would come and knock on my door to let me know they needed an x-ray. They couldn't wait 5 minutes apparently. It would annoy the crap out of me. She knew how long I would be gone. It wasn't like I was gone more than a few minutes. I would come out every time and let her to please not bother me when I was pumping and to please just leave the paperwork on my desk I would be out shortly...but everytime she would insist on knocking on the door like I needed to be bothered sitting half naked in a weird room because I had nothing better to do than sit in there. Sorry, sore subject and it is two years later. How lame is that? Two weeks off? That will be nice. I'm glad Chase is starting to feel a little bit better. I hope the girls are not feeling too neglected and you are able to spend some time with them. Hopefully everyone will get some rest today.

Linda - Poor Cameran. I'm sure you will get him caught up on some Nana lovin today. Let him eat some extra cookies and send him all sugared up to mom. That's the proper grandma thing to do, right? LOL!! Enjoy the pumpkin painting. Take some pics.

Sally - have fun partying in your "new" house. That should be fun having all those kids in the house tonight. I'll be praying for your aunt that the swelling goes down and that she stays healthy and is able to get sewn up soon.

Elisa - I am sending so good motivation vibes your way and some sunny thoughts too. I hope you are able to get all of that stuff done. It sounds like a lot. I'm sure you will get it all taken care of though. Good luck.

Alright ladies I am out of here. Ciao.
Chris - I almost forgot to say something extra about your little research project besides about the computer...all that stuff that you said is VERY common. Not just a little common but VERY common. Most clinic do have you stay until the radiologist looks at it but not all unfortunately. Then they do the extra views they need before you leave. Too bad that clinic doesn't do that but they don't. So don't ever do that google thing ever again so we don't have to come out there and beat you and throw ping pong balls at you. And if you do in fact have an elephant breast...um that is weird and I just don't know what to say about that.
Cousin sleepover is postponed to next weekend. I got home and Sydney said that her head hurt. I pulled her into my lap to snuggle and she's got a fever. I just checked it and it's 100 so we are starting the Motrin...and postponing the sleepover. She's happily planted in front of the TV...thank goodness that Shaun's been good at school the last two days so he can have some TV back. I may still get some scrapping in. But not until I get my post count complete.
Hi girls, just thought I'd check in. It's been a crazy week. Hubby got laid off yesterday so he will now be under foot for a while. It really messes with my computer time. We were expecting it so we are prepared for a while.

So sorry to hear this Merkee. It's not good...even when prepared. I'm hoping that it will turn around quickly!
Jos, sorry to hear that Chase isn't feeling well. It's so hard when they're babies and you can't tell them that they'll be better soon. :-( Prayers coming your way!
Linda, it sounds like Cameran had a good day with Nana. I know how hard that is when they are trying to make the adjustment to having to share you! Can't wait to see those painted pumpkins!
Clara, sounds like it was a long day. Good thing that it was Friday huh? And I will definitely hook you up with some links!
Sally, glad for the AC guy...and sounds like you've got a fun evening ahead! Glad that you are saving those pennies...I need to do the same.
Dawn...oh Dawn...where are you? I hope that you're not avoiding us because you're not feeling like being cheerful. That's what we're all here for...why have an O fam if you can't tell all of us how you are feeling?

So Elisa, where are you located? Just in case any of us live nearby and are looking for a good photographer...
Dawn...oh Dawn...where are you? I hope that you're not avoiding us because you're not feeling like being cheerful. That's what we're all here for...why have an O fam if you can't tell all of us how you are feeling?


awww, Linda, you are such a doll! I actually got out and did something today. The kids and I went to lunch and a movie (don't bother seeing Paranormal Activity anybody). We had a fun time though and it was soooo good seeing DS! I think he's missing home a little, too. I'm actually feeling pretty cheery for the moment. I love you all for caring :).

I actually had a call from a friend from my former workplace...she's having a bad time of it as well...was put on a 3 day suspension due to a disagreement(doctor overreacted) with the doc I used to work with and he actually wanted her 'fired on the spot' but luckily she gets to keep her job. I'm telling y'all I am soooo much better off without that place!

Off to check how everyone is doing :).
Good morning Chris. Spa Day sounds wonderful!

We are doing "cousins sleepover" tonight...although only one cousin is coming. Beka is between Shaun and Sydney in age...and she and Shaun are in the same class. It's pretty easy. Her older sister Sarah was the one who went to Cozumel with us. So Beka met us at the airport and said " Uh...Linda...I want to go to Mexico next!" LOL

Anyway, that should give me some time in the gallery tonight...and maybe to do some scrapping of pics from Coz! I'll be back later.

Sounds like a fun night for the kiddos! Have fun scrapping!
Hi O's :). I've been lurking the last few days, Chase has some virus that is not fun. Fever, puking, rash and just irritable little boy. Fever broke last night so I am optomistic that today is going to be a better day, he actually let me put him down this morning without screaming.

Not much else going on here. I work tomorrow and then I am off for two weeks :). Its a rainy gloomy day here so I am going to do some baking with my big girls. They've been neglected the last couple of days and need some Mama time.

Chris~ I SHUDDER when I am in triage and someone tells me " I looked this up on the internet..." Enjoy the spa!!!

Linda~ how fun a cousin sleepover. I can't wait until our kids are old enough to enjoy that.

I am off to be the mama cow!

Hi Jos! I hope little Chase gets to feeling better quickly! Hope you had a fun day with the girls!
Hey girlies!! What a week!! I am really looking forward to the weekend!! I only have a sec...Cameran didn't have school today...and he is not happy with me being on the computer...poor kid...so used to all the attention, and now he has to share with these babies...

We are making cookies...halloween cut outs..today and painting our pumpkins...we have done that every year since he was two...he loves to paint faces on them...He makes me do the big pumpkin and he does all the little ones!!

I will try to make it back later...

Nothing really new on the missing VT girl...just more people keep coming forward to say what they saw....so many did see her outside the arena before the concert, not in very good shape. Her father is a DR and he has put up a $100K reward...

(((HUGS))) my friends!!

hi sweetie! sounds like a fun day for you and Cam! I am praying hard for the VT girl, I so hope she's ok.
