Woo-hoo for Friday!
Don't pitties have the best smiles? My Jaida has such a happy smile too. Glad that the dogs are smiling, I am aggravated! It's raining. Again. I swear, it feels like it's been raining practically nonstop since September. I know I am exaggerating. Of course, I am- I always do. I am a hyperbolic kinda chick.
Well, at least Scott and I got a nice hike in yesterday. The hike I signed up for tomorrow is rescheduled for next Saturday. And it is at the same time as the one that was rescheduled from last weekend. Any bets if it will rain next Saturday? Scott is supposed to be leading a hike tomorrow that was originally set in September and has been rescheduled several times already. At least it isn't snow. (trying to look on the bright side) The hike we went on yesterday was an easy one. Scott dropped a log on his foot the other day and either broke or badly bruised his toe. But it was pleasant- we saw deer, a teeny tiny garter snake (4" long if that), some chipmunks and squirrels. Plus a very freaky doll. The doll was facedown in the bottom V of the tree trunk, half covered by leaves. He flipped it over with his hiking stick and it had the cleanest and brightest blue eyes. The doll was filthy but not the eyes. Not a speck of dirt or leaves. Clear blue. Staring. It was *creepy.*
I told Scott about jury duty and he felt bad for me. He suggested that I buy a cheap external webcam. The county will lend you a laptop for jury duty selection but you have to go to Paterson to pick it up. Easy/cheaper/less stressful to buy one for $20 on Amazon. It is coming on Monday LOL
My big plan for today was to steam clean downstairs but since it's raining that will need to wait. I think I'll work on my closet instead. Pack away the summer stuff and bring down the winter clothes. I think I'll make broccoli cheddar soup tonight for dinner. Rainy days and soup is a good combo this time of year.