
Daily Ooos: Friday, October 20


The Loopy-O

Woo-hoo for Friday!

Don't pitties have the best smiles? My Jaida has such a happy smile too. Glad that the dogs are smiling, I am aggravated! It's raining. Again. I swear, it feels like it's been raining practically nonstop since September. I know I am exaggerating. Of course, I am- I always do. I am a hyperbolic kinda chick. :rotfl:

Well, at least Scott and I got a nice hike in yesterday. The hike I signed up for tomorrow is rescheduled for next Saturday. And it is at the same time as the one that was rescheduled from last weekend. Any bets if it will rain next Saturday? Scott is supposed to be leading a hike tomorrow that was originally set in September and has been rescheduled several times already. At least it isn't snow. (trying to look on the bright side) The hike we went on yesterday was an easy one. Scott dropped a log on his foot the other day and either broke or badly bruised his toe. But it was pleasant- we saw deer, a teeny tiny garter snake (4" long if that), some chipmunks and squirrels. Plus a very freaky doll. The doll was facedown in the bottom V of the tree trunk, half covered by leaves. He flipped it over with his hiking stick and it had the cleanest and brightest blue eyes. The doll was filthy but not the eyes. Not a speck of dirt or leaves. Clear blue. Staring. It was *creepy.* :grimreaper:

I told Scott about jury duty and he felt bad for me. He suggested that I buy a cheap external webcam. The county will lend you a laptop for jury duty selection but you have to go to Paterson to pick it up. Easy/cheaper/less stressful to buy one for $20 on Amazon. It is coming on Monday LOL

My big plan for today was to steam clean downstairs but since it's raining that will need to wait. I think I'll work on my closet instead. Pack away the summer stuff and bring down the winter clothes. I think I'll make broccoli cheddar soup tonight for dinner. Rainy days and soup is a good combo this time of year.



The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes oh drat, sorry that the RSV shot hurt a lot. How is your arm today? Hope that you rested and are back to normal today

@vickyday Oh nooooooo! That stinks about leaving your clothes at the hotel. Have a great time on this trip.

@taxed4ever I hear ya about the rain! I hope that you and Linda get the kayaks out again before it's too cold to be on the water.
Congrats to your sister on being a great-grandma! And baby snuggles... *happy sigh* that must have been such a wonderful feeling. I get my baby snuggles in the form of rats :giggle4: I hope that you get some photos holding Everly next time you see her.
Scott got out of serving on the jury last month because he works closely with the county Sheriff's Dept. he told me I could say that I can't be unbiased because he told me stories, but we'll have to see how it goes. I know I can get my LLMD to give me a medical excuse for my anxiety but *shrugs* I don't know-- I should do my civic duty and all that. Even if I don't want to. heh

@pachimac My "kids" are a little older than your DD. They and their friends have been able to get jobs (not my nephew yet- but he is looking for something very specific and competitive). Their struggle is with the housing market. Even with good-paying jobs, there aren't any affordable houses. Scott and Sam lucked out. The house they are renting was over $200 a month less than the market average and for a much (MUCH!) nicer house. Caitlyn and Tom had to give up on looking to buy one.
I feel awful for the younger generation.

Oh no! I can't believe that you left your clothes at home and for a wedding no less!

My worst experience of forgetting something happened a long time ago. After Caitlyn was born, I had really really awful postpartum depression. Gary and I decided to go to Jamaica for a long weekend, thinking that some sun and sand might help. For some reason, he thought he should make copies of our birth certificates. We got to the airport, checked in, and he left the BCs at home on the copier. We called our neighbor who got the BCs and raced to the airport but didn't make it in time for us to catch our flight. I was staring at the plane (pre-9/11 so I was at the gate) as it took off, sobbing.
Thankfully, the travel agent was able to get us booked for the next day and extend the trip so it stayed for three nights.

@Cherylndesigns How is Chuck today? Did Steph get everything settled with a case manager and insurance and home care? He must have been awfully sick and I hope that he stays in the hospital until he is physically ready to leave. I'm positive that mentally, he has *been* ready for days LOL
Lots more hugs and love coming your way. It's been a really stressful month for you. Please make sure that you take care of yourself too.
I would *not* want to have to go to Detroit for Jury Duty. No way! Caitlyn had to testify at a court hearing in Newark, NJ and I had to ask my FIL to drive us. I would have been a total wreck. Paterson isn't as bad and I know that Scott would drive me down beforehand so I could see where I had to go. But I'd really rather not.... :/

@pachimac Good luck with the medical procedure today. And I am so sorry about the money part of it. BTDT :(
Sending you good thoughts and love all day today! :sparkles1:


As for the moose...
I have an entire Monty Python bit going 'round in my head. Moose biting sisters, and being made of wood so the witches float and having to burn them. :lol23:
Me~> :crazy:

I'd better go before I say something stupid. (Stupider. )



Mistress of Mayhem
Looks like we will be able to save most of the pellets. Heard that we've had 4 mooses sleeping in our garden. They've eaten all the apples apart for a couple that's probably to high up in the tree. And they've left poop all over the place.


At least they had it nice here at the Moose Spa.

Oh, and John is the best house sitter if you ever need one. He's not noticed ANYTHING. LOL


Yesterday turned into a 'do nothing' day. I was running a low grade fever - ended up putting on a fleece jacket and huddling under my heavy weight throw most of the afternoon/evening - and it was 82F here. :crying1: Feeling better this morning and that is a good thing as I have to go pay my CC bill. Last time I mailed it - it took 2 weeks to get there and was late. So now I pay it in person as it is only 2 miles from my house. Will pick up some fruit and veggies while I am out.

Heard from my niece... all is on track for them to be here on the 26th. It will be a short visit (1-2 days) then they will stop to visit my sister in Texas as they head for the east coast for his winter job. Talked to Sis about staying here from Thanksgiving through Christmas - but she is in a church choir and they have a Christmas performance a week before Christmas. So she is willing to make 2 trips - one for Thanksgiving and one for Christmas.... providing the weather is okay.

Sorry - no personals today... the hands are rebelling from the typing. CYL


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It is a very, very foggy morning here! I am glad I don't have to drive anywhere this morning! You can hardly see your hand in front of your face! Hopefully that means the sun will come out soon and burn all that fog away! I had a nice visit with SIL Linda and her son yesterday, we sat out on the back patio and enjoyed the sunshine, it was hard to believe that it was the middle of October, the temps were lovely 20C. / 68F. After the visit I went for a nice walk and had to take off the light jacket that I was wearing, sure hope that this nice weather holds for the weekend! We still have a bit of yard work to do in the backyard. Not too much happening here today, so I guess I should work on my calendar and get my grocery shopping list started. Whooo Hooo what an exciting life I lead LOL. SIL and her son might be going to Hike Stoney hill today and asked if I was interested in coming with them, so I said of course, I sure could use the exercise! I have been a very lazy lady lately!! I will work a bit more on my junk journal today and should have it completed soon, so I will post a flip through of that when it is done. Heather should be calling soon, so I will get to personals before she does.

@faerywings - So glad you got to go on the hike with Scott, sure hope his toe is not broken and feels better soon! OUCH!! I hope that the next time I see Everly that I get a photo, but here is one of me when I got to meet my SIL Sharon's new grandaughter Sophia, she is a sweetie pie also!! You forget just how tiny and precious new borns are!

@pachimac - I am sorry that your procedure is going to be so hard on your bank account!! I do hope whatever you are having done goes well though!! I really need to go back and look at what this is all about.

@BrightEyes - Ohh darn so sorry that you have had a fever from your latest shot!! Hopefully you are all done with them for a long time now. Like I said before, I sure am not looking forward to my vaccines coming up in November! It will be nice for you to have a visit from your niece, even if it will be a short one. Hope your sister will be able to make two trips to see you, it will be so nice to have her there with you for the holidays!

@Cherylndesigns - I am so happy that you have Steph there with you to help you through this worrisome time! Hopefully your DH will be home with you soon and all will be well!!

@tanteva - Ohhh Nooo not snow already!! So funny that John never even noticed them!! Sounds like the Moose enjoyed their time at your spa though LOL.

Ok Heather has called and this post has been sitting here for an hour :giggle4: better get on with my morning! Have a great day everyone! :waving1


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hello my lovelies.

Chuck is doing a LITTLE bit better today, but he's still in ICU. He's getting his "wits" back and filled me in (by phone) on everything that we already knew, but I didn't tell him that. He's been so sick that he didn't even know how sick he'd been. He had that gallstone stuck in his gallbladder and it was cutting off his blood supply and he was going into sepsis, we already know from the surgeon. His surgery was truly an emergency. I'm going to talk to the head nurse in ICU in about thirty minutes, but I think everything is moving along nicely. Again, he asked for NO visitors. He said he loved all of us and we all know he loved him, but to please not come up. He said "they're doing too many things to me, and I don't need anybody else here". Poor guy. Roger is goig up to see him tomorrow, though.

Chris @faerywings sorry about your rain but at least you got one hike in. It's in the 80's and gorgeous here after a brief cold snap. It gets down at night, but the days are glorious. Yes, Jury Duty was super fun in downtown Detroit - they had panhandleres even back then that "hit you up" for a few extra dollars wherever you went. I had to report on Monday at 9 AM, so I made a "dry run" on Sunday, so I knew where I was going. It wasn't a pleasant experience. It just happened to be right before I had to be in Indianapolis to help out my dad and mom. Dad wasn't doing well at all, and I threw myself on the mercy of the judge with that and he excused me. I actually had to go to help with my parents the very next day, after I was excused.

Trudy @taxed4ever what a precious picture and let's watch the ;great-grandchild thing" - you know I'm a GGM now. BWAHAHA You look amazing so who cares (even if you were?) I know you're far away from becoming a GGM but it's kinda fun. I never thought I'd be a GGM and I never thought Adrienne would be a grandma at her age either.

Susie @pachimac I'm holding you close to my heart while you have your procedure. What a bummer that you had to come up with that much money before they would do it. I just hope we're not going to be "street people" after all of these bills start coming in from Chuck's hospitalization, the ambulance, ICU, emergency surgery yada yada yada.



I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
Thank you for the prayers and good thoughts ladies. Everything went well (except for getting a new nurse that blew my veins out in my hand and forearm to get my IV in. They finally had to put it in my elbow. )

The surgeon said all went well and no cancer scare, so that’s a relief!

I’ll be a little scarce as it’s hard to sit for long ( I had a fistula removed from my bum.) but I’ll be in and out.


Love my O Family!

Woo-hoo for Friday!

Don't pitties have the best smiles? My Jaida has such a happy smile too. Glad that the dogs are smiling, I am aggravated! It's raining. Again. I swear, it feels like it's been raining practically nonstop since September. I know I am exaggerating. Of course, I am- I always do. I am a hyperbolic kinda chick. :rotfl:

Well, at least Scott and I got a nice hike in yesterday. The hike I signed up for tomorrow is rescheduled for next Saturday. And it is at the same time as the one that was rescheduled from last weekend. Any bets if it will rain next Saturday? Scott is supposed to be leading a hike tomorrow that was originally set in September and has been rescheduled several times already. At least it isn't snow. (trying to look on the bright side) The hike we went on yesterday was an easy one. Scott dropped a log on his foot the other day and either broke or badly bruised his toe. But it was pleasant- we saw deer, a teeny tiny garter snake (4" long if that), some chipmunks and squirrels. Plus a very freaky doll. The doll was facedown in the bottom V of the tree trunk, half covered by leaves. He flipped it over with his hiking stick and it had the cleanest and brightest blue eyes. The doll was filthy but not the eyes. Not a speck of dirt or leaves. Clear blue. Staring. It was *creepy.* :grimreaper:

I told Scott about jury duty and he felt bad for me. He suggested that I buy a cheap external webcam. The county will lend you a laptop for jury duty selection but you have to go to Paterson to pick it up. Easy/cheaper/less stressful to buy one for $20 on Amazon. It is coming on Monday LOL

My big plan for today was to steam clean downstairs but since it's raining that will need to wait. I think I'll work on my closet instead. Pack away the summer stuff and bring down the winter clothes. I think I'll make broccoli cheddar soup tonight for dinner. Rainy days and soup is a good combo this time of year.

I love soup any time of the year, but especially during the fall and winter months!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Thank you for the prayers and good thoughts ladies. Everything went well (except for getting a new nurse that blew my veins out in my hand and forearm to get my IV in. They finally had to put it in my elbow. )

The surgeon said all went well and no cancer scare, so that’s a relief!

I’ll be a little scarce as it’s hard to sit for long ( I had a fistula removed from my bum.) but I’ll be in and out.
Thanks for the update, Susie. SO thankful that there wasn't any cancer. I know you'll take it easy and stay off your bum. Did you get one of those donuts to sit on? Hugs


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I plan on making chicken noodle soup with big broad noodles!!! And chili with corn bread!!
Oh, that sounds good and reminds me that I brought home a side of cornbread salad from Nancy's today. FYI Nancy's is a pie shop/lunch/early dinner place that we frequent VERY often. Everything is homemade and she sells any kind of pies and cakes. We've already put our Thanksgiving pies ordered.