
Daily Ooos: Friday, November 24: Recovery Edition!


The Loopy-O
Fugettabout shopping, I am talking about cooking recovery. And eating I suppose. *pats tummy*
I am opening this up but then I have to run. We are getting the gutters cleaned this morning-- between 8-11-- and I have to scoop the lawn before they get here. And I need to get out of my PJs.

I'll be back to post my usual blather in a bit.


Love my O Family!
And that's a wrap for another Thanksgiving! This little poem was in today's Daily Almanac:

Art thou gone?—then fare thee well!
Many a good do I remember
Of thee, that I fain would tell;
Many a dream beyond all trouble;
Many a feast where beer did bubble;
Many a jolly beauty toasted;
Many a mighty turkey roasted.
–Bryan Walker Procter (1787–1874)

Mark is in the woods and I am exercising my wrist with typing 2-handed. It is stiff today, but usable! I have been trying to massage it and stretch it if I'm just sitting. I definitely will keep wearing the brace to bed and when we go out. Just thankful that I can use my left hand somewhat now!

Have a good day!


The Loopy-O
Wonderful news Vicky!! :cheer: Enjoy using your hand again and what a sweet little poem for today ♥

It's only a few hours later and I think I have things relatively under control. As far as the kitchen goes, at least LOL! Just waiting for the dishwasher to finish and then put away all of the dishes. I used a strange combination of china, everyday dishes, and plastic disposable plates that I reuse until they crack. I can't put anything away until I have them clean so I can figure out what goes where.

Thanksgiving was honestly one of the better and less stressful ones that I have had. Sam's family all brought a ton of food and helped out setting up and cleaning up. Her sister is still not in labor but she is *huge.* The baby has dropped but that's it so far. I adore her son, he is 18 months old and seriously is the cutest little guy. He found the cabinet with
my Tupperware and thought it was the coolest thing to take the lids out and run around with them. That brought back memories of Scott at that age. That was the one cabinet that he was allowed in and he would take out every piece of Tupperware and throw them all over the kitchen. Who needs toys? :D
I have to call my parents later to check on my dad. He lost his balance coming up the stairs (just two of them!) to my door and fell. That was a good start to the day. *eye roll*

Scott is coming here this afternoon, we are putting up the Christmas Tree. It's the only day that he and Caitlyn have off so when he suggested it, I jumped on it. Gary will have to bring everything down from the attic and move the furniture. I am in no shape to do that. Leftovers for dinner. A good rest of the day.

Have a wonderful one!


The Loopy-O
@taxed4ever How do the blinds look?? So exciting that they are installed. Good luck shopping and get some good sales. I wish I had ideas for the family for gifts but nothing is hitting me so far.
J was quite drugged yesterday. We increased the dose per the vet's instructions and she was pretty out of it. Back to herself this morning when the gutter cleaners were here. Jumping on the sofa and up on the windowsill. Ugh.
I wash the floors before I cook in case I drop something that can fall under the 5-second rule and/or can be rinsed off. If I don't then I'll give it to the dogs (or they snarf it up) or the rats- they looooved the apple slices that fell as I was making the pies.

@vickyday The joke my dad says when we tell him he fell asleep in front of the TV is that he is checking his eyelids for leaks. hehe
Glad that you are doing so well with your hand!

@Cherylndesigns I am so so so soooo happy that Chcuk was able to be at Thanksgiving. I know how hard it would have been if he wasn't there. I did most holidays with just me and the kids when Gary was very sick. It was hard. I am sure it felt good -- if tiring- for him as well. Enjoy the rest of the weekend with your family.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! I hope that you are all recouping from your Thanksgiving feasts!! It is a sunny but very cold morning here and I need to bring in the hummingbird feeders soon to defrost them again. I made a fresh batch of food for them so they will have a nice warm drink when I get that put out. The Canadian Rowing Team are out on the Lake this morning, they sure are a hardy bunch!! :brrr::brrr:. My new blinds look great and I am so happy with them, however the big window did not get done as they must have measured wrong and the blind was too big. Darn It!! Now we have to wait to get that last one installed. Oh well what can you do, mistakes happen right?!! I did get some online shopping done, but still need to do a lot more today and over the weekend. I did not work on my calendar and now I am really starting to get panicky about it. I know it will get done, but it might not happen in the time frame I was hoping for. My DH found out that he can't get to see the surgeon about his hernia until January 23rd!!!!! I am not very happy with him for waiting so dam long to have it dealt with. Now god knows when it will be before he has his actual surgery. Plans for going on a warm vacation this winter are looking bleak :sad2:!! I could just strangle him!! :shakingsense:. Sorry my mood is not great today so I will do personals and then get to work on shopping and calendar scrapping.

@faerywings - How wonderful that you had such a great Thanksgiving!! Sounds like it was so much less stressful than other years! Glad to hear that J was a bit more docile for your company, hope she doesn't go nuts with the gutter guy being at your house today. Oh dear your poor Dad! It really sucks when you know they are struggling with balance issues and there isn't much you can do about it to help them out!

@vickyday - So great to hear that you are typing with two hands again! I hope you can work out the stiffness in your wrist and thanks for sharing your lovely poem with us!

gotta run Heather is calling BFN


Sis and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. When I got up yesterday morning, I decided to make a marinade for the chicken breast. (Note: I have never made one before but have watch several cooking shows that show how to make it.) I had a bag of limes that needed to be juiced so I started with that... about 1/2 cup of lime juice, 1/3 cup of olive oil, salt and pepper and a dash of garlic salt, and about 1 Tablespoon of Italian seasonings. Rinsed and salted the chicken breasts then into the marinade and then frigerated for about 2 hours. Put them into a casserole dish then mixed 3/4 of cup of milk into 2 cans of cream of chicken soup and poured it over the chicken breast. Baked for about an hour... OH MY WORD!!!! It was so good and the soup/gravy was fabulous. That recipe is going into my list of easy to make and delicious. The nice thing is that neither Sis and I over ate and no stuffed tummies. We had pumpkin pie with cool whip topping for supper. :love: DD#3 came down in mid-afternoon for a visit. Then Sis packed up to be ready to leave this morning. There is a winter warning for us all the way to Amarillo where she lives for tonight and through Sunday. So glad she will be home before it hits. I will be having leftovers for my dinner tonight... and have another 2 meals tucked into the freezer!

I uploaded the Week 4 - final LO for the Art Journaling challenge. Then got busy and made the LO from More Than Words by Palvinka that I got yesterday and uploaded it. Have a couple more LOs I want to work on but need to go to the library and pick up the 'on hold' new Nora Roberts book today before the weather gets too bad.

Will try to get back in to do personals for all. HAGD


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon.

I'm in a food coma too. It happens every year. Asher just woke up - he slept with me last night. He's a night owl like his grandma, so he played his PS5 with his friends until about 1 AM and then got real quiet so I knew he was asleep, then I got on my side of the bed. Steph slept on the couch and she's out there working, so I had time to jump on here.

Today is Alyssa's birthday - she's 18 and was actually born ON Thanksgiving Day 18 years ago. Her bd falls on Thanksgiving every few years. We're having a party for her tonight and eating leftovers. We'll be ready for them by then.

Chris @faerywings I'm sure your dad losing his balance was frightening. Glad you have a handle on your after-cleaning and have fun putting the tree up. I'm going to wait until after Dec 1st at least to start that. All of my big stuff and my tree (remember the debacle last year with my tree?) - are at Adrienne's. I had to buy a new tree last year.

Kay, glad you had a good day and your sis DID make it and your chicken sounds delish.

Vicky @vickyday glad you're typing with two hands and it will be stiff for awhile.
Trudy @taxed4ever that stinks about the one blind, but you got the rest up. I'm sure you feel like :shakingsense:your Gary.

Sounds like maybe people are moving around here, and Asher's finally awake - playing on his PS5 already. :giggle4:



Well-Known Member
Good afternoon all! I am here to offer a huge apology. I am so sorry that I have been MIA without planning to and without telling you. Between Sydney being away at school and the heart tests (and fighting with doctors), I have totally lost all mojo. It was taking everything that I had to get myself to work each day.

Things are looking up...Syd has been home for 10 days and then was home for 3 days a week before that and that has cheered me up considerably. The doctors have agreed to do a TAVR which will be much better than the Open Heart Surgery. It is scheduled for January 11. The only difficulty is that my company is switching health insurance on January 1 so I may need to jump through additional hoops...I sure hope not! But if I do, I do!

Anyway, I still don't have the mojo to scrap but I realized that I do have the energy to come check out the O and leave some comments. Who knows...it could even cause me to feel a little bit creative!


Well-Known Member
@BrightEyes I'm so glad that your sister was able to get there to spend Thanksgiving with you! The chicken recipe sounds good. I would not have thought to marinate the chicken before covering it with the soup and milk. I will definitely try that. I learn lots of things like the marinating from watching food shows. Hope you got the new Nora Roberts book from the library just in case the winter storm watch limits your travel.

@Cherylndesigns I was almost afraid to read the update on Marley but what great news that is! And I see that the Chuck was there for Thanksgiving dinner yesterday so that sounds like a very good sign as well! And Steph and Asher were there for dinner as well. You must be in heaven!! Enjoy the birthday party tonight!


Well-Known Member
@vickyday so glad to hear that you are able to use both wrists, even if it isn't quite back to normal. I think that I read somewhere that the Ozempic is working well for Mark. I'm very glad to hear that!

@taxed4ever so glad to hear that your DH has the doctor's appointment but it doesn't seem that there is much chance that he will be able to get it done in time for a nice warm vacation. Ugh...I really hate having the medical system so involved in how I live my life. Glad that you got your blinds up and hope that working on your calendar improves your mood a bit!

@bcgal00 is moving next week?!! I saw it on Facebook and I am beyond happy for her!!! Shall I make my medical system comment again...no, Linda, not necessary!

@faerywings I am so sorry to hear that your dad lost his balance on the stairs. Glad it turned out ok...but I know that was scary and is hanging around a bit in the shadows of your mind. Glad that Thanksgiving was peaceful. And what a treat that Scott and Cait will be there to decorate the tree together. I think we are doing ours tomorrow afternoon. Shaun works in the morning but will be home in the afternoon and Syd won't go back to school until Sunday morning so it sounds like the perfect time to get that done!


Love my O Family!
@taxed4ever How do the blinds look?? So exciting that they are installed. Good luck shopping and get some good sales. I wish I had ideas for the family for gifts but nothing is hitting me so far.
J was quite drugged yesterday. We increased the dose per the vet's instructions and she was pretty out of it. Back to herself this morning when the gutter cleaners were here. Jumping on the sofa and up on the windowsill. Ugh.
I wash the floors before I cook in case I drop something that can fall under the 5-second rule and/or can be rinsed off. If I don't then I'll give it to the dogs (or they snarf it up) or the rats- they looooved the apple slices that fell as I was making the pies.

@vickyday The joke my dad says when we tell him he fell asleep in front of the TV is that he is checking his eyelids for leaks. hehe
Glad that you are doing so well with your hand!

@Cherylndesigns I am so so so soooo happy that Chcuk was able to be at Thanksgiving. I know how hard it would have been if he wasn't there. I did most holidays with just me and the kids when Gary was very sick. It was hard. I am sure it felt good -- if tiring- for him as well. Enjoy the rest of the weekend with your family.
Ha! My dad used to sleep in front of the TV with a toothpick hanging out of his mouth.


Love my O Family!
@vickyday so glad to hear that you are able to use both wrists, even if it isn't quite back to normal. I think that I read somewhere that the Ozempic is working well for Mark. I'm very glad to hear that!

@taxed4ever so glad to hear that your DH has the doctor's appointment but it doesn't seem that there is much chance that he will be able to get it done in time for a nice warm vacation. Ugh...I really hate having the medical system so involved in how I live my life. Glad that you got your blinds up and hope that working on your calendar improves your mood a bit!

@bcgal00 is moving next week?!! I saw it on Facebook and I am beyond happy for her!!! Shall I make my medical system comment again...no, Linda, not necessary!

@faerywings I am so sorry to hear that your dad lost his balance on the stairs. Glad it turned out ok...but I know that was scary and is hanging around a bit in the shadows of your mind. Glad that Thanksgiving was peaceful. And what a treat that Scott and Cait will be there to decorate the tree together. I think we are doing ours tomorrow afternoon. Shaun works in the morning but will be home in the afternoon and Syd won't go back to school until Sunday morning so it sounds like the perfect time to get that done!
Thank you! It is good to be able to use both hands to type! Hope you are doing well!