
Daily Ooo's: Friday, May 23


The Loopy-O
Gah, so tired! I don't think I have slept well in at least a week or so. Nor have I been able to take any naps this week although the good news is that its not as necessary as before. I am still tired but not as bad as I was. Guess that is a good thing, moving in the right direction.

Today I am going to pack up some stuff to send up to the lake house with my mom. Scott, Leah and I are going up tomorrow but Scott is driving and wants to take his car which is smaller than mine. My mom is bringing Gary food for while he is alone and will grab our suitcases and bring them up today. We are going to head up tomorrow and come back on Monday. Man, o' man, I cannot wait to sit my butt on the sofa and read all weekend. My mom will be very happy to take care of me and while I usually get aggravated, this time around, I am going to soak it all up. It will be good for both of us.

Cait is going to be down the Shore (jealous!!!) with her BFF and her family. Hopefully she will have better weather than last year, when it was freezing and rainy all weekend and she had only packed shorts.

What fun plans do you have today and this weekend? Any Memorial Day plans?

Have a fab friday!


The Loopy-O
Nancy! You must be in Bird Heaven!!

Phyllis- the book sounds interesting. I remember reading a book once and the protagonist never talked, she always "Cried!" She cried, "No!." "yes," she cried. ugh! It got so damn distracting and then I would cringe hahah!
Did you get your ice cream?

Laurie- enjoy your weekend and planting!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies!!! First day of summer!!!!!!!! Woo-hoo!!! Where's my cartwheel smiley?

Yesterday, I got all checked out at school and then went to two libraries. Got stocked up on the Stephanie Bond books. Just fun, mindless reading. Then I sat my butt on the couch and did nothing. I had a pretty big margarita and lunch after check out, so I didn't even eat dinner. My BP was high (perhaps from the margarita), so I went to bed pretty early. All is good this morning though.

Got some fun errands to run today - like going to the mall to pick up some make up and I told Ben we'd go get ice cream. We have baseball practice on tap for tonight and then games and working the snack shack this weekend. We might go to my brother-in-law's, but I never got a solid answer on any of that. So, we'll see.

Chris - I am so glad you get to go read and sit on the beach! :) Enjoy it!!!

Everyone else - I hope you are enjoying yourselves - birding, patriotic tees, food shoots and all. :) I'll check in later...cause you know...it's summer and I can!


Well-Known Member
"Chris!" she cried. "Yes, i DID get my ice cream."

snort. well, it was GREAT to break free of the Grocery Monoply and actually find something i wanted to buy. i bought 3 boxes of Breyers Carb Smart ice cream fudgecicles. YAAAAY! :cheer2: i actually may try to do grocery shopping at that WalMart Superstore for a few weeks, to see whether it makes a difference in my grocery bill. the store i usually shop in, i'm discovering, charges a LOT more for stuff than some other places. i'm not that great as a "comparison shopper," so i just assumed that what they chargeds was what the other stores charged, too. big surprise when i discovered that the prices there are sometimes DOLLARS more on certain stuff.

hey, have fun at the lake! and how lovely to have a Mom to take care of you. let her. it's important to HER! we're not doing anything at all over the weekend. Hubby was thinking of inviting a friend over, but i told him to give me a break, because i just did a cookout LAST weekend! so, yard work and house work, i guess. and one of those evenings i'm going to demand dinner OUT.

i gave up on the Atlantis book. I was finally defeated by this sentence:

She would be driven crazy by the lack of activity in Davis Junction, would feel shackled by the power outage and the icy roads, would get angry and frustrated
that Gordon wasn't doing anything to bring back their electricity or heat, would shout at him over the "buy generator" that, months after the summer storms
had left them in the dark and warned them that they needed to plan ahead, remained unticked on his to-do list when they needed it most, when
Hurricane Sandy had come burrowing into their mountains and dumped two feet of slush and snow on their little town, isolating it even more from the outside world.

:faint2: yep. that is ONE sentence. i was turning blue reading it. so. i decided that life is too short to read stuff that annoys me.

off to do some housework and find some stuff to read that DOESN'T annoy me. :becky:
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Well-Known Member
hi, Sara. we cross-posted. don't you just LOVE that feeling, when you walk out the door of the school?? i remember that feeling. totally great. enjoy your vaycay!


Well-Known Member
right so, first of all... I'm here.... which is a start...right? LOL

just a very, very short update (or as short as it can be when is ME typing LOL)

I'm having serious memory problems, they put it down to stress at first but is not- they changed my medication twice in the past 5 months, and it keeps messing with my reading, typing/comprehension...so if I don't make much sense.... is not that I'm completely doolaley (well, almost LOL)
be patient with me but I really really want to be around a bit more

This is the main reason why I haven't been doing much apart from pages and one to one conversations... anyway... I read this twice to get back into track now LOL

I'm here and I just wanted to say, love you & missed you girls!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Just a quick post. We got home last night from a ten day road trip to California, wine tasting, San Francisco and the coast. It was great - amazing weather and so much to do. Now its back to reality and laundry!

Hope you all have a fabulous relaxing long weekend!