
Daily Ooos: Friday, May 17


The Loopy-O
Hiiiiiiiii, O-zies!
This is the first day all week that I haven't had to rush out of the house around 8 am. That means I should have time to proofread my posts before I submit them. Will it make it any easier for you to understand what I write? Ehhh... doubtful... :D

Whichever weather website that made Forecast #1 in my post yesterday was the correct one. It was drizzling when the trip started, stopped for the most part during the trip, and then started again pretty much as soon as we got them back on the buses. Not that it mattered to the kids, most of them were wet and muddy from the stream. I was as well- guess where my butt landed? In the mud. LOL
I was filling the specimen trays with water and the stream banks were very slippery and my heel just slid and slid and plop! down I went. Lauren was telling the kids what they were looking for, where to find them and we always tell them to move carefully, the rocks are slippery. After I went down, I raised my arm and yelled to them--- It's slippery! Bwuahaha!
This group of kids were awesome and the teacher and chaperones-- spot on! What a difference that makes. Everything flowed, the kids were happy, and the timing was perfect.

I am doing some cleaning and party prep today. I was going to go to the liquor store but my car needs to go into the shop, the Check Engine light came on. ****please please let it be an easy and quick fix-**** Inexpensive would be awesome too, but that might be pushing it.
Caitlyn has a Cardiologist appt this afternoon that is near my mom's so she will drop me off there on the way and I'm going to try to make heads or tails of what is going on with her new phone. Her old one bricked so the company sent her a slightly newer model. But she can't figure out how to get it to work and my brother has iPhones so didn't understand that she needs a Google account for the Android. My job (and I wish I didn't choose to accept ;) ) is to set the new one up and then explain it to her. She has an Android tablet so you'd think she would be semi-familar....but you would be wrong. hehehe

I did have a chance to scrap a page yesterday and would love to get some scrap time in today. We'll have to see how the day progresses.

Hugs to you all!


The Loopy-O
@bitzee My mom can usually tell when it is going to rain a day or so in advance too, based on aches and pains. :D
Nosebleeds like that are scary, my DD used to get them when she was younger and I can't tell you how many times I had to bring clean clothes to her at school. Even now she gets them randomly.

@taxed4ever It is so darn nice seeing you here most days :lovey3:
I'm glad that the rain held off for your hike but I'm also happy that your plants got watered yesterday by it. I hear ya on not wanting to spend money but don't procrastinate so much that you can't recover what you need off of this one. BTDT!
I brought my donations out this morning and its two garbage bags and 5 medium-sized boxes. None of it -- NONE-- is from my Gary. SMH!

@Cherylndesigns What new kits did you buy? I haven't had a chance to look at anything new. The last two pages I made were from my stash.
I hope that the storm season calms down for you soon, or at least that it rains early evening so it doesn't disturb your sleep.
We don't know much about Christopher's birth parents but one of them had to have been tall. He is 13 and 5'4" and growing like a weed.
Eva might be wrong about ketchup but she was 100% correct about housework :floorlaugh:

@AK_Tracy Oh no!! I bet the cookies tasted wonderful but isn't it utterly aggravating when you know that you messed up? I do that all of the time. Sorry you had a day but pizza must have been a good ending to it.
My LLMD had me on a bunch of supplements. Vit D was a biggie since Lyme bacteria binds with a form of Vit D or something like that to cause a deficiency. I've been skipping that one more than I should so I have to get back on that.
Late-stage Lyme bacteria form cysts and hide from the immune system. If your immune system takes a hit from something unrelated, they can come out and start replicating again. people who catch it right after a bite usually don't get the cyst forms because the bacteria are killed while they are in the spirochetal stage. It's a complicated and "smart" bacteria.

@BrightEyes I hope that you stayed off of your feet and in your massage chair yesterday. All day. You did so much with the shelves! They do look awesome and easy to choose your next read. That's such a good idea to immediately donate the books you know that you don't want to hang on to.
Do you have Little Libraries in your town? We have a bunch of them set up and I always think I should bring some but forget until I am driving past.

@bcgal00 Good luck with the EHD transfers. Thanks for the info on the American widgeon, I will have to see if there are any around here. They have gorgeous coloring.

@vickyday I read your blog post and it sounds like you had the best time with your girls! Busy days for sure!

@JeanneMN Your grands must all be so musical and how wonderful that you get to see them in their various concerts. How many instruments do they play? There must be several each. Wow, that is talent!
I haven't had a chance to get any plants yet. :bawling: I need to get some herbs and veggies but I haven't had time. And the kicker-- I drive past the local garden center on my way home from work. I should stop on Tuesday. I feel that I should wait for Caitlyn because they have alpacas, goats, and a wallaby (really! And it is adorable !) and we used to go together but she doesn't have a lot of free time either. :/
Do you get a lot of Japanese beetles? We used to but haven't had a big brood in a while. (watch, I just jinxed myself :D)

@Terri M Ticks are one of the few creatures I don't mind killing. I hate them. I use permethrin on my boots and hats, the highest deet sprays for personal use, and picaridin at work. (It's a nature preserve and they prefer that over DEET. It makes me a little nervous but I will go by their rules and shower/tick check as soon as I get home). My dad has had Lyme with a bullseye a few times too and the abx helped him. My family never got any bullseyes and were untreated for years and years. Its a like completely different disease at that point :(
All fingers and toes crossed that you stay clear of the ticks!!
:wow: 5 out of 6 challenges!! Good work!!

@MariJ I hope that things calm down soon for you. I hate it when Real Life gets int he way of scrap time. Grrrr :rollingpin1:

Time to get dressed and start cleaning here.
Love to all!


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone! I missed checking in yesterday - Erinn and I had a pretty busy day. First we went to her horse barn for her horse to get a hoof trim and a deep tissue massage. Her horse was diagnosed with “Kissing spine” last week which means his riding days are forever over. Kissing spine is where the spine is actually fused. The horse looks normal and healthy and happy at this point, just can’t have anything on his back. Erinn is getting him regular massages, and she’s learning to do it as well. Watching the therapist treat him, and connect with him on such a deep level was truly inspiring. Then we did some more horse errands, back to the barn, out to lunch, then we went to Home Depot and got some porch plants. We transplanted those, then sowed the raised bed and planted some seeds. I managed to get my steps in just before dark and I was beat!!
Today should be quieter, Belle and I are going to a local farm market tonight for a concert. It’s not supposed to rain but by looking at the sky even now I’d say otherwise. Fingers crossed!!

It looks like I’m going to stay longer here at Erinn and Belles. I’ll stay the week and head home next Thursday. Erinn needs me to stay a little longer for support. Now that my mom is gone, I’m happy to be able to stay. Previously I would have had to get home to my mom. (Whenever we went anywhere overnight it was big bucks to get mom covered while we were gone.). It’s a weird mix of emotions on that. I”m happy to be able to support my daughter, but sad my mom’s not here to get home too.

HAGD everyone!!


Well-Known Member
@Cherylndesigns @bcgal00 Have you checked out GoodSync? It’s a program for backing up or transferring files. I’ve been using it for years and years and it never fails. Now there is an annual fee to use it. Whenever I get a new EHD, I just tell it what to copy to the new EHD and let it do it’s thing. I also back up once a month using it. I recommend it highly. It doesn’t use the cloud at all - it’s just from your computer or EHD to whatever device you want.

@Terri M @faerywings what is a bullseye regarding Lyme? Between the ticks in the grass and the deer in the yard, I’m quite concerned about Lyme but don’t know much about it other than prevention! I appreciate all the information you’ve been sharing on this thread.

@BrightEyes that is a lot of books! I hope you get some rest! Your shelving looks really great. There’s something special about a book case full of books. Growing up my parents had an entire built in library wall in the family room. So many good memories of that. Reading 6 - 10 books a week is impressive! My daughter is a big book reader - and my mom has a nook. I found it in her things last week so I’m hopeful that I can charge it and get into it.

@MariJ I hope things start settling down soon and you’re inspired to scrap a page or two!

@AK_Tracy I hope your finger continues to get better - and I enjoyed your cookies (well reading about them anyway) and I’m sure they were perfect just the way they were!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
It's a lovely sunny day here and it was nice to get up and see hanging baskets in the garden and pots on the deck. Bit by bit spring unfolds. There's a lot of what I refer to as "frog kucka" swirling on top of the pond, so they've done there business for now and may have moved on to greener pastures. Happy to report that some of the showy ladyslippers are poking out of the ground as well, always a big sigh of relief when I can see those little green pokey thingies coming up.

@faerywings Yes my grands are very musical, which I love. Mom went to college on a music scholarship and and was wise enough to know if wouldn't pay the rent so she got a double major, music and nursing. She's a PA now. Dad, my son, is also very musical. He started piano in first grade and took lessons until he graduated from high school. He was a natural at it and really played from his soul. He started violin in 5th grade and was extremely good at that too, but sadly, the orchestra director had a family of 'pets' and by the time he was a senior in high school, it had broken his spirit and he hasn't touched that handmade violin we got him since. He's also a beautiful singer and was in a south-eastern Minnesota Honors Choir from 9-12th grade, that's the group we went to Europe with in 1998. Grandson also plays piano, but I think he does it only because dad wanted him too, but he practices his band instruments way more than piano. He's a beautiful singer too, but dad started him in Honors Choir when he was in 4th grade, and he wasn't ready at that age to have every Sunday night tied up with a choir rehearsal. He was in choir but none of the kids can stand the new choir director so his two step-brothers quit last year, and he quit this year, and dgd wants to quit to but I don't know if she's going to be allowed to. One of those mysteries I'm not privy to. She couldn't carry a tune in a bushel basket when she was little, I have a video of her singing Frozen in the car on the way to the lake. Headphones on, singing at the top of her lungs, bless her heart but talk about fingernails on a chalkboard. Hubs and I just laughed along with her.

@bitzee My hubs used to get frequent nosebleeds too. When I finally dragged him kicking and screaming to a Red Cross Blood Drive the nosebleeds stopped, they would start up again right about the time he was eligible to donate again. At least it got him to be a regular blood donor, I'd been one since college. Both of us donate platelets on a regular basis at Mayo Clinic. Such a simple thing to do, snuggled in blankets, they bring you beverages and snacks, and you lay there and potentially save several lives or hopefully at least improve them.

@Cherylndesigns I don't know if you use Windows or Mac, but if it's Windows you should be able to drag and drop files between EHDs IF you can get them to both show up at the same time in Explorer. I used to backup all of my stuff on Amazon Drive, but they don't have that anymore where you can store different file types. Your explanation of Color Play did help me. I kind of figured the kit was always a month behind, but I wasn't exactly sure. Thank you for clearing that up. I know cleaning has to be done, but I still think cleaning is overrated.
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@AK_Tracy sometimes that whole math and memory thing is hard, especially when it's something you could do in your sleep (you'd have a crummy bed) but I think that's when it's most likely to happen. I drive the exact same route every time to the gym and I swear, sometimes I get there and don't remember the sites along the way. Not that I'm distracted, I'm paying attention to the driving and the scenery is already burned in my brain (hmmm so that's where the smoke is coming from, should be over quick). I'm sure it must have something to do with your advanced age...........51laughing minion.gif

@BrightEyes been there, done that with the back, I hope it's feeling better today and if you have a massage chair color me green, that is my favorite part of my mani-pedi. The before pictures of the bookshelves remind me of the spring inventory in the library. and the others, how lovely it looked when everything was finally put away. I have a hard time giving books away, I never EVER thought I'd switch to e-books, I mean, where is the smell the cracking spine, the overdue books from the library? The latter would be the biggest reason probably. When I was working our library was tied into a regional library system, so I could go in and tweak the due date, but when I couldn't 'tweak' anymore it made hubs 'twerk' hence e-books which return themselves. I don't get e-books from the library anymore, the ones I read always have a waiting list it seems so I use Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

@bcgal00 You are such a social butterfly, you really live life to the fullest, way to go girl!!! Yes, you can have too many EHDs & just USB things in general running on your computer. I didn't know that either, but my 3-year-old laptop, which is pretty powerful, only has 3 ports so I added a 9 port extender and it's running fine, but I did discover I had to swap out locations of a few things.

@taxed4ever Your hikes sound absolutely FABulous, nature is soooo soothing to the soul especially when lakes and streams or rivers are involved. You are 'taxing' yourself with a lot of frustration, irritation, and aggravation, even though I know you don't want to spend the $$, it would be easier on you in the long run, and IMHO I wouldn't go with something that may be too small again in a couple years, but then I'm a Windows person and I know Macs are more expensive.

@Terri M I've noticed you've been a busy bee in the gallery, good for you on having 5 of the 6 done. That's the point I'm at and I have summer left as well. I figure I had 'summer' in January in Key West so I think I'll use those for mine. I think the Alaska cruise would be a gorgeous #6.

@A-M Sounds like a lovely way to spend your day and add some joy to you Aunty day at the same time.

Still in my pjs, need to go grocery shopping and my meat order at the meat market can be picked up at 9:30 so I'll catch you all later. Have a lovely day everyone and hopefully get into some SCRAPeS.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
@Terri M @faerywings what is a bullseye regarding Lyme?
The “classic”, but by no means universal, symptom of a Lyme disease infection is a rash that has a red spot in the middle and a ring a few inches across around it. Ergo, bullseye. If you get it, you’re lucky because you can catch the infection early - it appears within a couple days - and get an antibiotic dose while the bacteria is still susceptible. Otherwise, you may have no symptoms, or very generalized, non-specific symptoms, and not get diagnosed until much later. Chronic Lyme is notoriously hard to treat.

The other tick disease I worry about is the one that causes alpha-gal syndrome; you become allergic to mammalian products. No more steak, burgers, pork chops. Maybe no more cheese or milk ( depending). Your diet changes to chicken and fish. I know 3 people who have this, so I know it’s prevalent in the area. Whenever I feel lazy about tick checking, I remember how much I like my hamburgers!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I don't have to rush out for anything this morning, yay! I have such a busy life now that I really appreciate the days when I don't have much to do. I'll go to the dog park (of course) for Remi and do some chores around the house. I'll get a page done later, play some online mahjong (its been great practice for me so I don't feel so overwhelmed when I play with the club). I might take D with me later and go check out the seniors centre in town. Quite a few of the women from our group go there to work out, their gym fee is cheap. I also want to check out their euchre club (ha ha...as if I need one more game to play every week LOL).

We had a great time last night at game night. Six of us have agreed that we will sometimes go to one woman's home where she has acreage and all the dogs can play outside while we play cards out there too. There would be 7 dogs. Should be interesting!

We haven't seen much of the baby in the nest under the deck but we hear the chirping so they seem to be ok. The other nest by the hot tub at the other end now has a robin almost ready to drop her eggs in. She is rooting around, trying to settle into the nest and is fine tuning the space. She is hilarious to watch, she is so spastic about jumping around, pushing and pulling the nesting materials and flip flops all over. Jen got a funny video of her in action. I probably won't get pics outside b/c I would be too close and would disturb them but I hope to get a few iphone pics thru the window of them.

@faerywings Sounds like a good day (except for the wet bum part). Hope you figure out C's phone for her. I'm lucky to have both Darrell and Jen to help figure things out with the phones (we all have the same one). Hope the car trouble isn't a big deal.

@mimes1 It's good that you can stay longer to provide support. I bet your mom is up there smiling down, knowing you are there helping. I had more freedom after my mom passed but I sure missed her too. I know how you feel. Thx for the recommendation of GoodSync. So far the transfer onto a bigger drive seems to be going ok. If I can get everything onto two big drives that should be ok (fingers crossed).

@JeanneMN How nice to have such a musical family, we sure don't. The computer seems to be working fine now that I have unplugged the EHDs except for 2 at a time, I am transferring one over onto a big drive, then will unplug and put away that small EHD, then transfer another one onto the big drive, and so on, until I get everything onto 2 big drives, hopefully that will all work out now.

@Terri M I too worry about the tics. I am out almost daily, hiking with the dogs or out birding. I try to check but fear I'll miss seeing one on me. I could live with the alpha-gal syndrome but Lyme terrifies me, it can be so debilitating (just ask Chris and her family, they have been thru so much). We have tic medication for dogs, I just don't understand why they can't come up for something for us too.

I'm going to get more coffee, go check on the bird nests and maybe come back later to see what LO I might want to work on. HAGD everyone.


Love my O Family!
Hiiiiiiiii, O-zies!
This is the first day all week that I haven't had to rush out of the house around 8 am. That means I should have time to proofread my posts before I submit them. Will it make it any easier for you to understand what I write? Ehhh... doubtful... :D

Whichever weather website that made Forecast #1 in my post yesterday was the correct one. It was drizzling when the trip started, stopped for the most part during the trip, and then started again pretty much as soon as we got them back on the buses. Not that it mattered to the kids, most of them were wet and muddy from the stream. I was as well- guess where my butt landed? In the mud. LOL
I was filling the specimen trays with water and the stream banks were very slippery and my heel just slid and slid and plop! down I went. Lauren was telling the kids what they were looking for, where to find them and we always tell them to move carefully, the rocks are slippery. After I went down, I raised my arm and yelled to them--- It's slippery! Bwuahaha!
This group of kids were awesome and the teacher and chaperones-- spot on! What a difference that makes. Everything flowed, the kids were happy, and the timing was perfect.

I am doing some cleaning and party prep today. I was going to go to the liquor store but my car needs to go into the shop, the Check Engine light came on. ****please please let it be an easy and quick fix-**** Inexpensive would be awesome too, but that might be pushing it.
Caitlyn has a Cardiologist appt this afternoon that is near my mom's so she will drop me off there on the way and I'm going to try to make heads or tails of what is going on with her new phone. Her old one bricked so the company sent her a slightly newer model. But she can't figure out how to get it to work and my brother has iPhones so didn't understand that she needs a Google account for the Android. My job (and I wish I didn't choose to accept ;) ) is to set the new one up and then explain it to her. She has an Android tablet so you'd think she would be semi-familar....but you would be wrong. hehehe

I did have a chance to scrap a page yesterday and would love to get some scrap time in today. We'll have to see how the day progresses.

Hugs to you all!
I hope your set-up for your mom's phone goes much smoother AND quicker than what I dealt with for Ilene! OY-VEY! I'll be praying for you! ;) :praying2:
Glad you had a good day with the kids yesterday!


Love my O Family!
Good morning everyone! I missed checking in yesterday - Erinn and I had a pretty busy day. First we went to her horse barn for her horse to get a hoof trim and a deep tissue massage. Her horse was diagnosed with “Kissing spine” last week which means his riding days are forever over. Kissing spine is where the spine is actually fused. The horse looks normal and healthy and happy at this point, just can’t have anything on his back. Erinn is getting him regular massages, and she’s learning to do it as well. Watching the therapist treat him, and connect with him on such a deep level was truly inspiring. Then we did some more horse errands, back to the barn, out to lunch, then we went to Home Depot and got some porch plants. We transplanted those, then sowed the raised bed and planted some seeds. I managed to get my steps in just before dark and I was beat!!
Today should be quieter, Belle and I are going to a local farm market tonight for a concert. It’s not supposed to rain but by looking at the sky even now I’d say otherwise. Fingers crossed!!

It looks like I’m going to stay longer here at Erinn and Belles. I’ll stay the week and head home next Thursday. Erinn needs me to stay a little longer for support. Now that my mom is gone, I’m happy to be able to stay. Previously I would have had to get home to my mom. (Whenever we went anywhere overnight it was big bucks to get mom covered while we were gone.). It’s a weird mix of emotions on that. I”m happy to be able to support my daughter, but sad my mom’s not here to get home too.

HAGD everyone!!
So glad you can give your daughter the support she needs, but it is sad that you no longer have your mom! I miss my parents even though they have been gone for more than 20 years!


Morning, everyone. I swore I was going to rest and read yesterday.... well that didn't happen as I planned. It had rained most of the Wednesday night and most of Thursday morning - but then the sun came out. Once it quit, DD#3 called to say that she and her son were on the way over to pick up the reclining cycle that I can't use anymore due to the back and ankle problems. I discovered that one of the boxes by the cycle was filled with cassette tapes and several music CDs. Plus I had just found another smaller box in the garage with cassette tapes - both were ones my mom had... and a box of her books!! I have a Victrola unit in the office that plays CDs, cassettes, LP records and the radio. I was sorting through the boxes of cassettes when DD and son arrived. She also has a unit that plays cassettes so she will look over the ones I am not keeping to see which ones she wants. Many of them are brand new - still wrapped in cellophane! Readers Digest songs of different eras and country music. I had my grandson carry the box of books into the family room so I could sit later on and go through the books to see which ones I wanted to keep (only 4 of them). The box is now in the trunk of the car and I will drop them off at the Friends of Literacy book store today.

While they were here, I had them set my patio swing back up and put the patio umbrella back over the patio table. Then I had grandson swap out the small indoor TV antennas for me. The one in the bedroom was getting better/more reception than the one in the family room. After they left, I got the cassettes sorted and put in the cassette storage drawer units in the office. I like playing music while I am scrapping.

While it was raining in that morning, I did put my Dr Scholl's chair massager unit on the recliner and sat with it running for about an hour. That really helped the back and hips. And I used it again last evening while reading one of mom's books. I need to do that again today... once I drop the books off. I hope to get back to scrapping this weekend - now that all the other stuff has been done. I told DD that her sorting and weeding out stuff and rubbed off on me but I needed to take a break from that for a long spell!!!

Need to get dressed and do my errands. CYL


Well-Known Member
Good Morning everyone!
Its my laundry day so of course its raining! However that also means the last of the snow should melt and the pollen should be knocked down. Means I wont be running the dogs outside. Good thing we have a treadmill. Big dogs love the treadmill.

@faerywings I am so sorry about the phone upgrade. I hope it goes smooth and easy. My MIL went from an iPhone 7 to a 13!!!! HUGE jump. She's having issues plus wants a new computer since hers is 8-9 years old and the battery wont stay charged. I feel your pain. My Brother in law is running out to visit her next weekend since she's having trouble with electronics. Thankfully its not me. My FIL always thought I could fix anything since I too had a Mac. It was always the Dell he had issues with :giggle4: But I would try. Your field trip yesterday sounds so much more fun than the previous one. Attentive kids and chaperones makes a huge difference. I love how when you slide down into the mud, bad time for mud bath though, you made a joke reminding the kids it was slippery. So perfect and probably made them pay attention better.

@mimes1 I'm so sorry the horse has kissing spine. That would be so hard. My sister is a horse gal and she would be devastated to not ride. I'm thankful they can still bond though and the horse is in good spirits. I'm sad you'll be gone longer without your computer. It must be crazy not to be able to scrap. I am so glad you can be there for the girls though. I am sure its a huge relief for them to have you there. :heartpumppink: Its a big adjustment.

I am doing good with my thumb. The skin thankfully re-attached and its healing. Just need to make sure I dont smack it on anything as its tender still. Yes, the cookies were okay but ugh they needed that extra butter. I noticed LOL But thankfully it wasn't an ewww what happened. They at least tasted good.

@JeanneMN Did you son play his music by ear or paper? My son loved to play piano and played from the heart but oh he could play by ear and remember. Sheet music was harder but once he got it, it stuck. But I think he also just memorized the notes. His favorite thing was once he sorta knew a song, he sped it up. Before he could read the music well, he wanted to learn "a real song" so his piano teacher taught him the Pink Panther song. He would play it over and over and over with no sheet music.

Jeanne I hear you on the missing the drive sometimes. Its crazy. I drive the same road all the time, its the only road LOL, but sometimes your mind is solving the worlds problems while you drive and next thing you know you arrived where you were going. I know I was watching other drivers and paying attention but I can tell ya if the store was crowded or people were out biking or anything. Its crazy how we do that. And yeah, I blame my advanced age! :giggle4: Followed by the distraction of teens.

I highly recommend getting dressed before running to the store. I know its the thing to hit Walmart in pajamas but please dont be that person :floorlaugh::rotfl::floorlaugh:

Okay, off to get more coffee and sit back down and look at the gallery.
Have a wonderful day everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
Morning, everyone. I swore I was going to rest and read yesterday.... well that didn't happen as I planned. It had rained most of the Wednesday night and most of Thursday morning - but then the sun came out. Once it quit, DD#3 called to say that she and her son were on the way over to pick up the reclining cycle that I can't use anymore due to the back and ankle problems. I discovered that one of the boxes by the cycle was filled with cassette tapes and several music CDs. Plus I had just found another smaller box in the garage with cassette tapes - both were ones my mom had... and a box of her books!! I have a Victrola unit in the office that plays CDs, cassettes, LP records and the radio. I was sorting through the boxes of cassettes when DD and son arrived. She also has a unit that plays cassettes so she will look over the ones I am not keeping to see which ones she wants. Many of them are brand new - still wrapped in cellophane! Readers Digest songs of different eras and country music. I had my grandson carry the box of books into the family room so I could sit later on and go through the books to see which ones I wanted to keep (only 4 of them). The box is now in the trunk of the car and I will drop them off at the Friends of Literacy book store today.

While they were here, I had them set my patio swing back up and put the patio umbrella back over the patio table. Then I had grandson swap out the small indoor TV antennas for me. The one in the bedroom was getting better/more reception than the one in the family room. After they left, I got the cassettes sorted and put in the cassette storage drawer units in the office. I like playing music while I am scrapping.
Oh how fun! more books! And ones with a connection. I'm glad you at least used the massager I am sure that helped you be able to move around. I'm sorry you didn't get to sit and read and relax like you wanted. I did some for you though. I dont know that I moved yesterday other then to eat or use bathroom. My body is telling me I need to move a bit today.

The patio swing and umbrella sounds wonderful!!!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Got my walk in, however it was done in our woods with my camera in tow. So it wasn't strenuous, but at least I was up and about for about 40 minutes! Now I'm working on weeding through pictures from the last week so I can share them with my girls and SIL.
Today and tomorrow I need to catch up on my daily ATCs from my devotional book from the past week. And I want to get some more challenges done. Plus I need to work on my June challenge, too! I'm running out of time as the month is flying by!
For those new to our O family, I thought I would share some photos of the cabin/pit/bathroom my husband built in our woods. It is where we "try" to hold our family gatherings, but for some reason it always seems to rain so we end up at my daughter's home about 20 minutes away.
That little brown building in the center of the second picture is the bathroom.....complete with a flushable RV toilet! And that rounded "roof" on the right in the first picture is a TV dish that Mark put to good use! It has a stove pipe running through the center of it connected to a half barrel wood stove Mark rigged up.

And, after a busy week, I can get caught up on my reading and enjoy my recliner!

HAGD to everyone who drops by today! :bye2:


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!
Got my walk in, however it was done in our woods with my camera in tow. So it wasn't strenuous, but at least I was up and about for about 40 minutes! Now I'm working on weeding through pictures from the last week so I can share them with my girls and SIL.
Today and tomorrow I need to catch up on my daily ATCs from my devotional book from the past week. And I want to get some more challenges done. Plus I need to work on my June challenge, too! I'm running out of time as the month is flying by!
For those new to our O family, I thought I would share some photos of the cabin/pit/bathroom my husband built in our woods. It is where we "try" to hold our family gatherings, but for some reason it always seems to rain so we end up at my daughter's home about 20 minutes away.
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That little brown building in the center of the second picture is the bathroom.....complete with a flushable RV toilet! And that rounded "roof" on the right in the first picture is a TV dish that Mark put to good use! It has a stove pipe running through the center of it connected to a half barrel wood stove Mark rigged up.

And, after a busy week, I can get caught up on my reading and enjoy my recliner!
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HAGD to everyone who drops by today! :bye2:
What a clever repurpose for the tv dish!! And yeah for a bathroom. That's a wonderful addition for any family gathering. Thanks for sharing with us newbies. Love the recliner photo! Glad youre taking time to relax.


Love my O Family!
Morning, everyone. I swore I was going to rest and read yesterday.... well that didn't happen as I planned. It had rained most of the Wednesday night and most of Thursday morning - but then the sun came out. Once it quit, DD#3 called to say that she and her son were on the way over to pick up the reclining cycle that I can't use anymore due to the back and ankle problems. I discovered that one of the boxes by the cycle was filled with cassette tapes and several music CDs. Plus I had just found another smaller box in the garage with cassette tapes - both were ones my mom had... and a box of her books!! I have a Victrola unit in the office that plays CDs, cassettes, LP records and the radio. I was sorting through the boxes of cassettes when DD and son arrived. She also has a unit that plays cassettes so she will look over the ones I am not keeping to see which ones she wants. Many of them are brand new - still wrapped in cellophane! Readers Digest songs of different eras and country music. I had my grandson carry the box of books into the family room so I could sit later on and go through the books to see which ones I wanted to keep (only 4 of them). The box is now in the trunk of the car and I will drop them off at the Friends of Literacy book store today.

While they were here, I had them set my patio swing back up and put the patio umbrella back over the patio table. Then I had grandson swap out the small indoor TV antennas for me. The one in the bedroom was getting better/more reception than the one in the family room. After they left, I got the cassettes sorted and put in the cassette storage drawer units in the office. I like playing music while I am scrapping.

While it was raining in that morning, I did put my Dr Scholl's chair massager unit on the recliner and sat with it running for about an hour. That really helped the back and hips. And I used it again last evening while reading one of mom's books. I need to do that again today... once I drop the books off. I hope to get back to scrapping this weekend - now that all the other stuff has been done. I told DD that her sorting and weeding out stuff and rubbed off on me but I needed to take a break from that for a long spell!!!

Need to get dressed and do my errands. CYL
So glad your back and hips are better after your massage! I still have not purchased one of those massagers, but with walking my back has been better lately!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone!
Its my laundry day so of course its raining! However that also means the last of the snow should melt and the pollen should be knocked down. Means I wont be running the dogs outside. Good thing we have a treadmill. Big dogs love the treadmill.

@faerywings I am so sorry about the phone upgrade. I hope it goes smooth and easy. My MIL went from an iPhone 7 to a 13!!!! HUGE jump. She's having issues plus wants a new computer since hers is 8-9 years old and the battery wont stay charged. I feel your pain. My Brother in law is running out to visit her next weekend since she's having trouble with electronics. Thankfully its not me. My FIL always thought I could fix anything since I too had a Mac. It was always the Dell he had issues with :giggle4: But I would try. Your field trip yesterday sounds so much more fun than the previous one. Attentive kids and chaperones makes a huge difference. I love how when you slide down into the mud, bad time for mud bath though, you made a joke reminding the kids it was slippery. So perfect and probably made them pay attention better.

@mimes1 I'm so sorry the horse has kissing spine. That would be so hard. My sister is a horse gal and she would be devastated to not ride. I'm thankful they can still bond though and the horse is in good spirits. I'm sad you'll be gone longer without your computer. It must be crazy not to be able to scrap. I am so glad you can be there for the girls though. I am sure its a huge relief for them to have you there. :heartpumppink: Its a big adjustment.

I am doing good with my thumb. The skin thankfully re-attached and its healing. Just need to make sure I dont smack it on anything as its tender still. Yes, the cookies were okay but ugh they needed that extra butter. I noticed LOL But thankfully it wasn't an ewww what happened. They at least tasted good.

@JeanneMN Did you son play his music by ear or paper? My son loved to play piano and played from the heart but oh he could play by ear and remember. Sheet music was harder but once he got it, it stuck. But I think he also just memorized the notes. His favorite thing was once he sorta knew a song, he sped it up. Before he could read the music well, he wanted to learn "a real song" so his piano teacher taught him the Pink Panther song. He would play it over and over and over with no sheet music.

Jeanne I hear you on the missing the drive sometimes. Its crazy. I drive the same road all the time, its the only road LOL, but sometimes your mind is solving the worlds problems while you drive and next thing you know you arrived where you were going. I know I was watching other drivers and paying attention but I can tell ya if the store was crowded or people were out biking or anything. Its crazy how we do that. And yeah, I blame my advanced age! :giggle4: Followed by the distraction of teens.

I highly recommend getting dressed before running to the store. I know its the thing to hit Walmart in pajamas but please dont be that person :floorlaugh::rotfl::floorlaugh:

Okay, off to get more coffee and sit back down and look at the gallery.
Have a wonderful day everyone!!!
I should probably do some laundry today as it is supposed to be rainy this weekend.......but I'm not going to! I'm playing today! And DH has already said we are going out to dinner, so I don't have to prep anything! Sounds good to me!


Well-Known Member
I should probably do some laundry today as it is supposed to be rainy this weekend.......but I'm not going to! I'm playing today! And DH has already said we are going out to dinner, so I don't have to prep anything! Sounds good to me!
Vicky this sounds like a perfect day!!!! I wouldn't do laundry either!!!!!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon,'

Quick in and out for me. Alyssa's (next to oldest GD) graduation is at 7 which means we'll be leaving early to get a seat. They have already moved it indoors to the gym and it's not very big. We're having a party afterwards that probably won't start until after nine. It's going to be a late night.

Chris @faerywings, the latest new kits I've used have been Me and You and Purrfect by FeiFei Stuff and Vintage Soul by mixed media by erin.'

Amy @mimes1 thanks for the recommendation for moving my EHD files! I'm SO getting that! Glad you're getting to stay a few more days and that's so sad about the horse. I'm a horse lover, so I was touched by the massage. Hugs to all of you.

I'm going to get off of here now. I also need to do the Instagram Color Plays for the weekend. You can see the Color Play posts here: https://www.instagram.com/oscraps/

Happy Friday and if I get back on here, it will be late(r) tonight. XOXO


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon,'

Quick in and out for me. Alyssa's (next to oldest GD) graduation is at 7 which means we'll be leaving early to get a seat. They have already moved it indoors to the gym and it's not very big. We're having a party afterwards that probably won't start until after nine. It's going to be a late night.

Chris @faerywings, the latest new kits I've used have been Me and You and Purrfect by FeiFei Stuff and Vintage Soul by mixed media by erin.'

Amy @mimes1 thanks for the recommendation for moving my EHD files! I'm SO getting that! Glad you're getting to stay a few more days and that's so sad about the horse. I'm a horse lover, so I was touched by the massage. Hugs to all of you.

I'm going to get off of here now. I also need to do the Instagram Color Plays for the weekend. You can see the Color Play posts here: https://www.instagram.com/oscraps/

Happy Friday and if I get back on here, it will be late(r) tonight. XOXO
Best wishes to your gd! Have fun tonight!


Well-Known Member
The “classic”, but by no means universal, symptom of a Lyme disease infection is a rash that has a red spot in the middle and a ring a few inches across around it. Ergo, bullseye. If you get it, you’re lucky because you can catch the infection early - it appears within a couple days - and get an antibiotic dose while the bacteria is still susceptible. Otherwise, you may have no symptoms, or very generalized, non-specific symptoms, and not get diagnosed until much later. Chronic Lyme is notoriously hard to treat.
@mimes1 For sure what Terri said; and unfortunately I was one of those that did not have a bullseye rash. So I was sick off and on one summer and 6 weeks later got a horrible nerve pain and a few weeks later was diagnosed with Lyme. Blood tests showed it was 8 weeks in and had reached the nervous system, hence the nerve pain. I was lucky in that most of my symptoms resolved with treatment, the few that remain are tolerable and not a big issue. But, for sure if I'd had that rash things would have been different!

Thanks, Chris and that's for sure about life taking over scrapping time. Right now I'm sitting in a car with a sleeping baby and trying to get things done on my laptop! @faerywings

Amy, I know what a double-edged sword it is being able to stay longer. I had that with my Mom, too. :hug4:


Well-Known Member
@Terri M That is interesting what you have shared about Lyme's disease as my Son-in-law contracted that here in
Australia but sadly the medical system here will not acknowledge it so he was not able to get proper treatment and so went to Mexico last December with the hope of a cure.


Another quick in and out... I found another 20 Stampin' Up! stamp sets hidden on another shelf... so took them over to my friend who bought the rest of them. Then took the bags and box of books over the book store as a donation. So glad they had a rolling cart and the person there lifted them out of the trunk for me. I ended up getting 5 movie DVDs, 2 musical DVDs and a CD by Celine Dion while I was there. Then a stop at the grocery store to pick up a few items. It was too early to pickup mail so will wait and do that tomorrow.

I worked on a couple of CT LOs ... have a couple more to do but the body is hollering at me. Time to get back on the massager.


Love my O Family!
Another quick in and out... I found another 20 Stampin' Up! stamp sets hidden on another shelf... so took them over to my friend who bought the rest of them. Then took the bags and box of books over the book store as a donation. So glad they had a rolling cart and the person there lifted them out of the trunk for me. I ended up getting 5 movie DVDs, 2 musical DVDs and a CD by Celine Dion while I was there. Then a stop at the grocery store to pick up a few items. It was too early to pickup mail so will wait and do that tomorrow.

I worked on a couple of CT LOs ... have a couple more to do but the body is hollering at me. Time to get back on the massager.
You need to quit finding things so you can rest! ;)


Love my O Family!
@mimes1 For sure what Terri said; and unfortunately I was one of those that did not have a bullseye rash. So I was sick off and on one summer and 6 weeks later got a horrible nerve pain and a few weeks later was diagnosed with Lyme. Blood tests showed it was 8 weeks in and had reached the nervous system, hence the nerve pain. I was lucky in that most of my symptoms resolved with treatment, the few that remain are tolerable and not a big issue. But, for sure if I'd had that rash things would have been different!

Thanks, Chris and that's for sure about life taking over scrapping time. Right now I'm sitting in a car with a sleeping baby and trying to get things done on my laptop! @faerywings

Amy, I know what a double-edged sword it is being able to stay longer. I had that with my Mom, too. :hug4:
BTW, I love your shadow picture on the beach in your avatar!