
Daily Ooo's: Friday, May 16


The Loopy-O
Halfway through May. Crazy!! I need time to slow back down. Scott's 18th b-day is next Wednesday and we have *nothing* for him. No ideas for gifts, special dinner, etc. And he is giving us no hints either. We thought maybe a new tv for his room as a combo b-day/graduation gift. The one he has Gary found on the curb a few years ago and it worked, just needed a bit of a clean-up. But he says that it is fine for the amount of time he watches tv. So there went that idea. Oh well. Maybe something will come to mind. Eventually. I feel so bad since these are two big milestones and I got nuthin'

Both kids are still aggravated with the school late policy. They had a mtg schedule with the principal today but the Student Council member forgot that she is doing Teacher Day where she teaches all of the classes for one teacher. So maybe next week. But the policy is getting even stricter.One of Scott's friends was late because she got stuck behind a bus which ended up being late. Those kids got late passes, but she couldn't and got detention. The teachers were closing doors at the bell but not locking kids out and they got reprimanded for that.
The students were getting a little bit rebellious and creative. The late passes are salmon colored, and are called "Salmon Passes." *said in Very Serious Voice* So the kids started cutting out paper salmon-fish shaped, and someone snitched a bunch of blank ones and were leaving them "hidden" if anyone needed to "flash one" which is now going to be considered Theft.(Holy Run On Sentence LOL)
Seriously. There has to be a more important thing to be doing all day. Like TEACH!!!!
I keep telling scott he has 5 weeks until Graduation. Keep your head down and deal with it as much as I know it kills him.

How about you? Everyone has been pretty quiet again. Hope that all of you are well!

Finish It Friday- I still need to upload a page or 2 that I did for May Challenges here.


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- hope that you purged easily ;) Good luck with your test today. Is your hubby taking you? And did you ever post what happened with your eye dr? I got an email from my MIL, she started getting blurred vision and some flashers in her left eye. Her friend made her go to an eye dr, thinking it could be a torn retina. But nope- sound sliek the same thing you have. A blob of viscous liquid broke free and she said it will take a few weeks for gravity to take over and settle it down. But yours has been more than a few weeks right?
Lyme orgs-- it all goes back to the ^&^##@ CDC who made the "rules" on how to test and treat Lyme patients based on the ^%@^* IDSA guidelines even though they are *bunk* So there is very little recourse for us. Until the CDC/IDSA can remove themselves from the politics and profit of this, it won't change.

Sending good luck to you today!

Nancy- The sun popped out here briefly yesterday but not today. It is very grey and foggy here. Happy Deleting!

Trudy- that is so awesome that you got the phone line fixed too! Good timing, for sure. :) Glad to hear that hubby is up and running and sorry to hear about your Bruins lost.
My irises are blooming now, I just love seeing my flowers pop!

Hope you all have a wonderful day! TGIF!!!


lOve the O!
Good Morning- or should I say Brrrr Cold Morning O fam! I survived my MRI yesterday and the good news is no tear, no hole, just inflammation that is not causing me enough pain to have an injection at this time. So I need to continue with my exercises and listen to my body. I can do that. Of course that now means I need to get back into my regular exercise routine and add in the ones I need for my shoulder! Off to work, have a great day today!


Well-Known Member
Good morning today I get to go and get my hair cut and colored. One of my favorite days as by now after 5 weeks it is so long it is driving me crazy. Was weird last night was the first time since back in October that I had no hockey game to watch. But tonight is a game 7 between the Kings and the Ducks. Got some reading done, had a good talk with my sister, and scrapped and got in a good walk with my girlfriend. It was warm and muggy and mostly cloudy. Today is rain.

Chris all the those rules are crazy. It is so hard to figure out what to get a 18 year old. Good luck with that. And good luck with all the rain we are expected to get.

Phylis enjoy the rest of the day!

Laurie so glad the MRI results turned out so well!

Trudy don't get me started on the NHL. They put up a statistic on how many penalties each team has received and Montreal has been give half as many as any of the other teams and we know that is a joke. So yes I truly believe that the NHL wanted a Canadian team in the play offs. Boston was penalized for based on their reputations not what happened on the ice especially in game 7. For the Habs players to report what was said on the ice was a joke. For people to believe that that is not said more often is also silly. I can not cheer for either team Rangers or Habs LOL. So I am hoping Chicago has a repeat!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
YAAAY!! it's over and all went well. dang, that prep is a bitch. all seems fine, so yay. next one in 10 years, i should live so long. Chris, the eye thing went OK. my blobs are not going away. i think i'm just getting used to them. i think that's the secret of dealing with almost anything. eventually you just get USED to it.:faint2: why not ask S. what he'd like for a gift. honestly, beyond a certain age, i haven't a clue re: gifts. so i end up resorting to money.

Laurie, isn't is FREEZING??? i noticed it's going down to the high 30s over the weekend at night. better cover the tomato and basil plants. hope your inflammation settles down. be good and do what you're supposed to do to get better!

Nancy, we are SOO done with hockey at my house. and we're in the process of being done with baseball already, too. the Pirates are REEELEEE screwing up so far this year. so my pkan is just to ignore all of it and watch BBC and ITV dramas instead. much more fun than watching millionaire athletes choke.

Trudy, when are you leaving on your trip? i had to laugh about your husband/weeding comment. that is such a guy thing. they like the large macho jobs. the hands-and-knees nit-picking stuff is just beneath them.

i think i'm going to try to take a nap. between the anesthesia remnants and the fact that i haven't slept more than 4 or 5 hours per night over the last few nights, i'm hoping to dose off for a bit. sounds like a plan. and that's the only plan i have for today. :becky: enjoy your Friday, younz guys!
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies and a fine spring day it is!! Lots of small jobs to do today to get ready for my trip out East. Now that hockey is not the No.1 priority for my hubby anymore, perhaps the grass will get cut and all of the other projects that need to be done outside will happen too. He has a large honey do list while I am away and most of them are big jobs. Tomorrow we hope to get at least one more truck load of soil to build up the front yard and perhaps another on Sunday we will see if the weather cooperates. They are calling for :rain: again this weekend, why does it always rain on the weekend??? Then Monday very early in the morning I am on my way to Ontario. I hope to be able to pop in here once in a while to say hi, we will see just how busy they keep me. :becky:

Chris - Oh dear, so much drama with the school stuff!! Uggh just one more thing to have to deal with! I am so glad those days are over for me and my kids, although you just move on to have to deal with more s%$t right? Sure hope you think of something very nice for Scotts birthday/grad present. My parents bought me a beautiful set of luggage for my graduation, do you think they were trying to tell me something??? Like get your bags packed and get the hell out of the house :becky: I was the last of 7 kids to leave so I bet they were anxious to have the house all to themselves!! LOL.

Laurie - Dear God is winter ever going to go away for you guys???? Glad to hear that your shoulder is not going to need surgery or painful injections, sure hope the therapy works for it! Have you ever thought of trying acupuncture?

Nancy - Thanks for the info on the stats about the penalties, so much gloating going on about the Habs and mostly from Vancouver Canuck fans who normally hate the Habs LOL so now I have some ammo to shoot at them!!

Phylis - Sorry that your eye blobs are not getting any better, but like you say do they ever get better? or do we just get used to things!! Leaving on my trip on Monday morning, flight leaves at 6:45 and an hour drive to get to the airport means I will be up very, very early, but I get up very very early to pee so I will just stay up LOL.

Ok off to do the
floors and clean the bathrooms today, because I know I will be shoveling
most of the day tomorrow. This will be my MG at the airport on Monday
who is going to cook his supper and make his lunches for work?? Ha, Ha he is on his own and will appreciate me so much more when I get home! Have a wonderful day everyone!! :wave: