
Daily Ooos: Friday, March 8


The Loopy-O
Looks to be a beautiful day! I have (had?) such good plans to be outside this afternoon. My morning got off to a bad start. I was scrolling on my phone when it went black. Dead as a doornail. poof. :glowskull:

It wasn't in my game plan to:
1. Bang on dead phone's screen repeatedly thinking it just might turn on magically
2. Look for my old phone to use in the meantime only to remember that Scott borrowed it. Gary texted him for me to see where it was
3. Attempt to log into T Mobile and the Google Store to look for new (refurb) phones only to find that all of my two-factor authentication/Google Authentication is sent to my cell phone. I used Gary's phone to log in for Google Auth. but it takes 24 hours to review the login before I can use their authenticator/QR code.
4. Finally, look at phones on Amazon while trying not to pass out over the cost

Nope, I planned to get my housework done in the morning, have an early lunch, and hit the trails. I was going to text (sob!!!) Scott mid-morning to see if he was able to get up-county but if not, I was going to the smaller park and look for mushrooms. The next set of field trips are focusing on macroinvertebrates and decomposers. I have Scott's old mushroom field guide and an app on my phone (sobs harder!!) to help me with the ID.

Welp. That went upside down.

Some of that will be salvageable as long as Gary can get the old phone working. It's not a good idea to be hiking on my own without a phone. Although, what did we do in the bad old days before cell phones? :D

I am so far behind schedule and I'm making homemade falafel for dinner. I soaked the beans overnight and will grind them this morning and make the mix. All I'll have to do when I get home will be to fry them up. Hmmmm, maybe I can see if Cait wants to use Tom's deep fryer?



The Loopy-O
@vickyday Hope you had some luck looking for a doctor who takes your insurance. Lyme docs rarely take insurance so I understand how hard that is, and how expensive.

@BrightEyes I haven't had a chance to scrap with any of the new releases but the ads that were in the HAPS were amazing.
I hope that your BP stays stable. My mom's heart rate has been so incredibly high after the last month and I know it concerns her. Stress is awful...

Oh wow, I am so sorry to hear that the woman from the senior center passed. 96 and was still volunteering, that's amazing. She will be missed, for sure :(

@taxed4ever Congrats to your ILs!!!! That's amazing news. May this path continue forward smoothly ♥
Is it me or is *everything* breaking for everyone recently? Hope that your Gary was able to look at the dishwasher and it was an easy fix. Sometimes screws get loose

@Cherylndesigns So glad that you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and that Adrienne was able to navigate the phone calls


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies! Oh Chris, I so often wonder about how we lived before cell phones. Sydney is on spring break starting this afternoon and she is heading to Cocoa Beach with a bunch of friends and then after a couple of days there, they are headed to Key West. This group of friends has someone living in each of these locations so there is no cost for lodging. The benefit of going to school in Florida. Sydney is driving and that makes me a little nervous, but I'm trying to concentrate on the fact that she is living her best life. I've always wanted to visit Key West...and she will get there before me. :rolleyes:

Back to your cell phone @faerywings...I'm sure that Gary will get it fixed. He is the genius of all electronic things!

So I am so sorry to have been missing so long. Life is good...I'm feeling good. But there just aren't enough hours in the day. So I am retiring from Cheery-O's. It makes me sad but I'm hoping that I won't have guilt over all of the things undone and be able to just pop in here on occasion. My scrapping mojo is totally missing but I sure miss all of you.

@faerywings have Cait and Tom got a house? @taxed4ever and your in-laws are moving? Miss so much when I'm not here. :grouphugyay:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... its back to rain today and its probably not going to stop any time soon. Well its started FIL has been busy, busy getting things ready to sell and he wants me to post it all on MarketPlace, he is asking way too much for his old power tools ladders etc. but I will try to sell them for him and hopefully we will realize that he needs to lower his prices. Deep breaths lol. I am going to be busy!! While I was getting my hair done yesterday, my sister Wendy txt me that my oldest brother Bob (88) had his son by his side and was taking his last breaths, my poor brother has had a hard life, lost one of his sons in a car crash he was only 16, then lost his wife around 15 years ago, he was a trucker and wasn't home much, but he did love his family so much! As of this morning I still haven't heard anymore about him, he has had dementia for the last couple of years so it was hard to visit him as he would forget you were there the minute you left. So sad!!

@faerywings - Sorry that your cell phone has bit the dust, but i be if anyone can fix it your Gary can!! Yes what on earth did we do in the old days with no cell phones LOL. The dishwasher is still working, I put it on before going to bed last night, so I wouldn't have to listen to it this morning, my Gary will look at it this weekend. He thinks that its probably time to replace it. Looking at the bill for it last night we bought it in 2017, I'm surprised that it has lasted this long, but more surprised that so many years have passed that quickly!! :holysheep: .

@LSlycord - I am sad that you are stepping down from being a CherryO, but I totally get that you are very busy and so happy that you are feeling so well! Yes Gary's parents have sold the property and are moving into the house across the street from us what a shocker right?!! I hope you continue to pop in once in awhile, we miss seeing your pretty face!

Ok I gotta cut this short, being inundated with photos of things for sale and now lots of messages from SIL Linda! Hope you all have a great :friday:


Love my O Family!
Looks to be a beautiful day! I have (had?) such good plans to be outside this afternoon. My morning got off to a bad start. I was scrolling on my phone when it went black. Dead as a doornail. poof. :glowskull:

It wasn't in my game plan to:
1. Bang on dead phone's screen repeatedly thinking it just might turn on magically
2. Look for my old phone to use in the meantime only to remember that Scott borrowed it. Gary texted him for me to see where it was
3. Attempt to log into T Mobile and the Google Store to look for new (refurb) phones only to find that all of my two-factor authentication/Google Authentication is sent to my cell phone. I used Gary's phone to log in for Google Auth. but it takes 24 hours to review the login before I can use their authenticator/QR code.
4. Finally, look at phones on Amazon while trying not to pass out over the cost

Nope, I planned to get my housework done in the morning, have an early lunch, and hit the trails. I was going to text (sob!!!) Scott mid-morning to see if he was able to get up-county but if not, I was going to the smaller park and look for mushrooms. The next set of field trips are focusing on macroinvertebrates and decomposers. I have Scott's old mushroom field guide and an app on my phone (sobs harder!!) to help me with the ID.

Welp. That went upside down.

Some of that will be salvageable as long as Gary can get the old phone working. It's not a good idea to be hiking on my own without a phone. Although, what did we do in the bad old days before cell phones? :D

I am so far behind schedule and I'm making homemade falafel for dinner. I soaked the beans overnight and will grind them this morning and make the mix. All I'll have to do when I get home will be to fry them up. Hmmmm, maybe I can see if Cait wants to use Tom's deep fryer?

I hope by now your day is going better!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday Hope you had some luck looking for a doctor who takes your insurance. Lyme docs rarely take insurance so I understand how hard that is, and how expensive.

@BrightEyes I haven't had a chance to scrap with any of the new releases but the ads that were in the HAPS were amazing.
I hope that your BP stays stable. My mom's heart rate has been so incredibly high after the last month and I know it concerns her. Stress is awful...

Oh wow, I am so sorry to hear that the woman from the senior center passed. 96 and was still volunteering, that's amazing. She will be missed, for sure :(

@taxed4ever Congrats to your ILs!!!! That's amazing news. May this path continue forward smoothly ♥
Is it me or is *everything* breaking for everyone recently? Hope that your Gary was able to look at the dishwasher and it was an easy fix. Sometimes screws get loose

@Cherylndesigns So glad that you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and that Adrienne was able to navigate the phone calls
No, but I got a message back from the Naturopathic clinic. A consult meeting for one hour is $300 (less than I thought it would be) and $100 per 30 minute sessions (less, again, than I thought it would be.). I figured the sessions would be $300 at least! I talked to Mark and I have decided I am going to go for a consult meeting to see what they can do for me. And Mark said he would go with me.


Love my O Family!
Good Afternoon,
It is overcast and chilly today, but Mark, Noah and Bobby are in the woods working on the cables for the target practice sessions.

Nothing going on for me. I need to do some laundry but may wait until tomorrow. I did some sweeping earlier and picked up a grocery order. I hope it doesn't rain so I can take a walk in the woods down to see how the guys are doing.

Hope everyone has a great day and weekend!


Morning, all. Hard to believe that the first week in March has passed so quickly! Been scanning back at photos from March in the past years - and yes, we have had snow some time during that month every year!!! And yet... we also had spring blooms in mid-to-late March. So guess this is a normal cycle of warm, cold, snow, wind, spring blooming. Today and tomorrow will be the coldest days then a warming trend until next weekend - and the cycle continues again. :lol23: I talked to DD#1 yesterday... she talked to her son (who lives here in town) and he will try to get over here this weekend to clean up the yard - get rid of the fallen leaves and pull the weeds and spray the tiny weeds. Will depend on if the weather is bad or not.

Just looked outside and it is raining now. Guess the weather guys were right about that. Today will be a sweatshirt and pants day for sure.

@faerywings Oh, NO... so sorry about your cell phone quitting on you! Hope Gary can get it fixed.

@taxed4ever Noise from the dishwasher is not good. Maybe your DH can figure out what is going on with it. I keep thinking that mine will quit on me - it came with the new house back in Jan 2011. It gave me problems a few times then began working like it should. Wow, yours is much newer than mine... Yes, you will have your work cut out dealing with FinLaw's idea of prices on his things. Good luck. We understand if you are not around for awhile.

@LSlycord Glad to see you pop in. We will miss you on the CT but understand when real life has to take priority.

I was so excited to have some books from the library to read. Imagine my surprise and disappointment when 2 of the books could not hold my attention.... especially the one I waited over 2 months to get. "The Fourth Wing" is a fantasy with dragons - I was hoping it would be similar to Anne McCaffery's Pern series... but it more about evil dragons and violence to gain the right to bond to with dragons. No point in reading it any further. The second one was also a fantasy about magic... but was too juvenile in the characters and actions - although it is an adult fiction!! And to really be a disappointment - the 3rd book was a Large Print and I had read the regular print book a few months ago... the covers were different so I didn't realize it until I started reading it!!! So all of them will go back when I am out and about later on. At least I did get a few from the Senior Citizen Center so will give them a try.



I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon Lovelies,

Kind of overcast, but pretty warm - 65 right now, and it looks like it's going to hang in the sixties for a few days. If the sun comes out, that's ok. By next Tuesday, it's back in the low 70s. Still chilly at night though.

Chris @faerywings darn it about your phone! It's not that old, is it? Seems like I remember when you got it. No, please don't hit the trails w/o it - or leave a trail of breadcrumbs or something. We used to be on our own before cell phones - walkie talkies were the first thing we had and the range sucked. Phone prices are frightening - I've never been able to bring myself to buy one out right. I just pay the extra dollars until they're paid off. My is paid off in the next few months, then my bill will go down. I pay ten dollats a month toward owning the phone right now. Ava has a plan with Apple (I know you have an Android, but maybe they have something similar) it's $5 a month and they fix ANYTHING - even if your screen cracks. I'm thinking about getting that coverage myself. I'm not hard on my phones, but she is. (I'm sure that buying vs leasing probably works out in the favor of buying, but I've just never wanted to plunk out that much money. It's like everything else - pay me now or pay me later.) You can even put smart watches on your phone bill now. They think of everything. Steph just put a Mac tablet on her phone bill. She doesn't have the money to go buy a computer and she needed one. I didn't know you could do that, but I guess they offer just about anything.

Yes, Adrienne is the "queen of the phone calls" like I said, that's what she does all day long. I SO appreciated her cutting through the gibberish for me. It's so nice to have techy kids and grandkids. Between the two of us we even figured out to hook up Chuck's printer to my computer. Then we had to figure out how to USE it so You Tube to the rescue. We high fived when it actually started working. She's good with hardware and I'm good with software. What a team!

Well, I've written a book. Linda @LSlycord good to see you pop in, but sad to see you leave the CT. Hope you can stop in frequently and keep us updated on your busy life. Enjoy your time with your life and your beautiful family.

Tridu @taxed4ever congrats to the IL's for the final sale - now the "fun" begins. It will be so much easier to have them so close.

Vicky @vickyday I wanted to tell you that MOO always covered DO's for us and we lived in two different states. They're medical doctors - with a DO degree on top of the MD. That's pretty much what most of the drs in MI are, a lot in FL and out here, too. I wouldn't see why your insurance wouldn't cover them. Even the surgeons are often DO's.

Kay @BrightEyes enjoy your new books and I know you'll be glad to get your yard cleaned up.

Hugs and love to all.


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... its back to rain today and its probably not going to stop any time soon. Well its started FIL has been busy, busy getting things ready to sell and he wants me to post it all on MarketPlace, he is asking way too much for his old power tools ladders etc. but I will try to sell them for him and hopefully we will realize that he needs to lower his prices. Deep breaths lol. I am going to be busy!! While I was getting my hair done yesterday, my sister Wendy txt me that my oldest brother Bob (88) had his son by his side and was taking his last breaths, my poor brother has had a hard life, lost one of his sons in a car crash he was only 16, then lost his wife around 15 years ago, he was a trucker and wasn't home much, but he did love his family so much! As of this morning I still haven't heard anymore about him, he has had dementia for the last couple of years so it was hard to visit him as he would forget you were there the minute you left. So sad!!

@faerywings - Sorry that your cell phone has bit the dust, but i be if anyone can fix it your Gary can!! Yes what on earth did we do in the old days with no cell phones LOL. The dishwasher is still working, I put it on before going to bed last night, so I wouldn't have to listen to it this morning, my Gary will look at it this weekend. He thinks that its probably time to replace it. Looking at the bill for it last night we bought it in 2017, I'm surprised that it has lasted this long, but more surprised that so many years have passed that quickly!! :holysheep: .

@LSlycord - I am sad that you are stepping down from being a CherryO, but I totally get that you are very busy and so happy that you are feeling so well! Yes Gary's parents have sold the property and are moving into the house across the street from us what a shocker right?!! I hope you continue to pop in once in awhile, we miss seeing your pretty face!

Ok I gotta cut this short, being inundated with photos of things for sale and now lots of messages from SIL Linda! Hope you all have a great :friday:
So sorry to hear the news of your brother! Dementia/Alzheimer are the worst diseases! So sad! :hug2: