
Daily Ooo's: Friday, March 7


The Loopy-O
TGIF!!! This week has been a BLUR!!!!!! I can't believe it is Friday already. Nor can I believe how exhausted I still am. I really thought that I would be up and running by now, but I am still not myself. I hate that feeling. I know that Sara said it was not going to be days but longer than that to feel back to normal, but geez..... I didn't think she was going to be right! :pound:

Gary and I were going to do food shopping today but he suggested that we do online shopping again. I hate to spend the extra money but the more I think of it, the more I think he is right.

Dr's office called yesterday, and I have an appt for Tues for follow-up and referral to radiology oncologist. I really didn't want to do radiation but I am realizing that it is the right decision. I am so young (i have decided that 45 is young, and I have at least another 45 years to go ;)) and it will really knock down the chances of the cancer coming back. Sucks but I guess you gotta do what ya gotta do.

That is about it from little corner of the world. How is it going in yours?

Love and miss you all!


Well-Known Member
hellOOOOOOOOO, Chris. :wave: this is your surrogate nurse again. GET BACK IN BED!!!! :rant: yay for online grocery shopping, and, again, put away the Swifter!! glad to hear you're going on with the chemo. there's no way to avoid it, if you want to add a layer of caution, which i think is always good. give yourself WEEKS to get to feeling almost normal. your body has had a shock!

does anyone have chronically itchy ears?? if so, what do you do about it? it's driving me nuts....

today, no idea what i'm doing, but it's going to involve going OUTSIDE! it's going to be 50 DEGREES!!! i think i have to go over to the Apple store to ask one of the geniuses some questions about my power cords.

OK. off i go to attack Friday.:becky:


The Loopy-O
Hi Tropt! Guess you are busy with your guests. My son is a vegetarian and it is so hard to find meals that everyone will eat. I cannot imagine trying to feed a vegan!
How is ZLS doing with the spray? Is it helping at all?

E-books-- my MIL gave me an ipad as a hand me down and I went a bit crazy at first with the free books! I use bookbub and ... oh crud, can't remember the other. If Sara comes in I am sure she'll know a bunch.

Jane- welcome back to reality???? ;) What a wonderful trip!!!

Eva!! Good for you for making that call!!!! I have a hard time on the phone too, but for you to do it in English, girl, you rock!!!! What a GREAT example you are to John as well.
Good luck on your diet. Chakras, mine need a tune-up as well. I used to have some awesome meditation tapes for that, but who has a tape player any more? Do you know of a good podcast or something similar I can throw onto my ipod?

hahah! Phyllis, you know me too well. Yesterday Gary was inthe shower and the dishwasher needed to be emptied. I put away the cookie sheets (they were loud) and Gary shouts out What are you doing? I tell him I was making lunch.He comes out a few minutes later-- Oh you were going to eat the cookie sheets? :oops: Busted!
How is your aunt? Hugs to you both. Yeah low card is going out and it is all gluten-free now.
We made baked broccoli last night-- broc. with a little olive oil and minced garlic, it was yummy. Bet you could add in some pingioli (spelling??) nuts for protein too. The recipe is floating around FB and the internet, but if you want to try it and can;t find it, let me know.

Nancy- I don't think we got over freezing yesterday but I think we got close. 27*? It sounds like you had a wonderful hockey/friend day!!

Hi Trudy! Hope that the cleaning went quickly for you!

Jane-- oh how awesome to see the whales!!

P- how horrible for your aunt. :(

Laurie- you are always so busy! Hope the house and basement is easy for you too!


The Loopy-O
They let me keep it, so I am still rocking the Kick Breast Cancers Ass color. :D

Wish they had taken it off and used my PICC line for the anesthesia though. I have a horribly bruised vein instead.Silly how "hospital protocols" can be so different.

My BFF sent me pink roses (same color as my nails!) in a Lime green vase. How awesome is that? I took some pics yesterday and need to find the energy to scrap them :(

Gary and I are going to trythe onmline while Ido my IV. And its not chemo-- thank goodness, the kind of cancer I have is treating with radiation and hormone therapy. A huge blessing for sure!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning "O" friends!! Sorry I was MIA, but I really needed to get caught up on the cleaning and few other things yesterday! Today looks to be a nice weather day, so I am planning on getting out for a nice long walk today!

Chris - Take it easy my friend, you will be back to normal in due time, but let your body have this break first! Like Phylis says, its gone through a major shock! Its not going to fix itself overnight! Yes 45 is still very young, wish I was 45 again!! You are taking the right route with your treatment, kick that Cancers ASS!!!
Too funny that you got caught trying to empty the dishwasher LOL you bad faery you!! Glad to hear that you were able to keep your pretty pink nail polish too!! :becky:

Phylis - First let me say how sorry I am to hear that your favourite Aunt is not doing well! I hope that she is on the mend and that you will have her in your life for a long time yet!! It is scary to think of being the oldest generation in the family, I will be there soon also. YIKES!
Now are your ears itchy on the inside or the outside?? My oldest sister had itchy ears on the inside all of her life, something to do with the wax I think, she had major wax build up all the time. When mine get built up with wax I go to the Dr to have them flushed out, it feels sooooo good!! Sure hope you get outside for a bit today and enjoy those milder temps!! Hope the sun shines for you today too!!

Nancy - I know you are out there!! Probably posting at the same time, so I will just say hi and hope that your day is amazing!!

To anyone else that pops in here today, have a great one and do something that you love to do today!! I am heading to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee and some breakfast, then some scrapping is in my future!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
good day as it is after lunch - had an early morning trip to my get my hair cut and colored. And now my hair is short again. Yesterday made me really want the spring and heat to come. Our furnace kept running out of water which means we have a leak in a pipe somewhere. My DH and I searched the house and could not find anything obvious. Then in the back of furnace there a return pipe and it has a pin hole leak. My DH plugged it but it seems obvious that when the winter is over we have to get a lot of pipes replaced. The house is old so I guess there will always be repairs to be made. Had a fun dinner last night. We all got caught up and the dinner was really good. Found out though that supposedly it is a mafioso hangout. Who knows. The food was really good! Today should be warmer and I will be walking again.

Chris keep resting - yes 45 is young! So going the extra with radiation seems like good advice from your doctors. I have to say that having my son do the grocery shopping is a great thing for me or like you I would be doing online shopping.

Phylis hope your aunt is doing better.

Trudy funny how life gets in the way. Enjoy your nice weather today.

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Trudy, it's not ear wax. it feels like my skin is irritated (inside my ear holes) and it itches. nothing wrong further in with my eardrums. hope you had a super walk. i was out in the sunshine today, too, and WOW, it makes a difference in my mood!!

Nancy, ah, the joys of older homes, eh? i have water coming in one of our fireplaces, and Hubby can't figure out where it's coming from. i always think it's a good idea to move every 10 years to avoid Old House Syndrome. you know the thing. where everything starts to GO WRONG!!! can't get my husband to agree though....


Well-Known Member
Chris, whoops. i didn't mean chemo. i meant radiation. my elderly brain synapses got crossed....:loco:


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
Chris - I use YouTube. Tons of videos there for chakra tuning.


Well-Known Member
Late, late, late to the party..sigh.. Too busy with the video shoot and then taking care of our guests and helping DD with ZLS. The bitter apple spray doesn't seem to faze her much. Sooooo onto the next "sure" thing, I guess. ;) But I guess I should give it a few more days. :)


Well-Known Member
I know that Sara said it was not going to be days but longer than that to feel back to normal, but geez..... I didn't think she was going to be right! :pound:

HEY!!! :rofl:

That's what I get for getting behind in the Daily Ooo's I suppose!