
Daily Ooo's Friday March 6


The Loopy-O
Good morning my O-Fam!

How are y'all?

Doing somewhat better today. I stayed in bed for almost the whole day. I think I really needed it.

Gotta run, we are off to the kids' Lyme drs today (no it never ends hahahah)

Love to you all!


Well-Known Member
OMG - what a week! I'm so behind in all of your lives. So sorry, I hope to get caught up a little today, but we'll see if that becomes reality or not:)
We had our first round of competitions all day Wednesday - so a total day without internet ARGGGGGG! My kids did really well for the first time out. We won a couple events and were second and third team in a couple more. I just hope they don't get lazy on my now and stop studying! We want to peak in about a month at state convention so I've got to keep them hungry and working! Anyone want to coach one or more of my 14 teams?
The challenge at Brownie Scraps is wrapping up. I'm finishing my week five kit and they have already posted the instructions for our final exam. We had to pick a pallete and a theme for the final and post them in a thread. After everyone posted they told us that we would be designing the kit with the color palette in the post unerneath us:( So, instead of a pastel pallete and "Lazy Afternoon" ( I thought that was pretty broad!) I now have some shades of blue and green with the theme of Earth Day.......... any ideas.........please :) I teach Natural Resources so it won't be that bad, just totally not the direction my mind was going!
Ali's (15 year old) basketball team lost their regional championship game last night. :( The winners of the game advance to the state championship. This is the third year in a row that we have lost that game to the same school. Yes, there were tears :( Anyone else struggle with their kids' tears? It just kills me, especially something like this when you can't change it at all!
Well - all you lovely folks, have a Fabulous Friday!

Chris - hope your appointments go well and that you are feeling better in time to enjoy the weekend!


Well-Known Member
TGIF! TGIF! We are going to have a wonderful weekend here - 60 degrees! Woot!! DH is headed to Las Vegas for a conference, and my parents are coming to visit. It will be good to spend some time with my Dad, and I know they will enjoying hanging out with Christian. :)

Chris - good luck at the doctor's appointments today.

Linda - I forget what kind of competition are your students participating in? Sounds busy!!

Have a great weekend, everyone! You all are so amazing, and I am so glad to have my O Friends.


Well-Known Member
Definitely a welcome TGIF! The weather is warmer although a little dampness in the air, DH and I are going to try and get the bike out tomorrow and take a little road trip...which means no scrapping and that pains me ;). But I will get some photo ops hopefully. We may even stay overnight somewhere, who knows.

I sure miss my 4 day work week, that 3rd day was *my* day where I could catch up on my scrapping, now I have to cram everything in on evenings and weekends and there aren't enough hours KWIM? Oh well. I don't know how you girls with young kids do it all, I don't remember how I did it all back then, LOL. Keep house, errands, take the kids all over the place, work, etc, etc, plus find me time. I do fine during the colder months but when it gets warmer that throws DH wanting to take bike trips every wkend which seriously cuts down my scrapping time plus I don't love it quite as much as he does because it hurts my neck and which in turn gives me a migraine.

Oh sorry, I didn't mean to go off on a tangent LOL...first bike trip of the season and I'm already complaining ;). Just y'all wait, first of many I'm sure! Just wait til it gets hot then I'll really get going, ugh.

Chris-I sure hope you and yours get to feeling better in time to have a nice weekend, you sure deserve it!

ME-enjoy your visit with your parents!

LindaP-sounds like a very busy time!!! But exciting as well :).

Everyone who pops in, have a lovely day!!! Hugs to all!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning!! I am excited it is Friday although it looks like we have a busy weekend ahead of us with birthdays and a visit to a jazz bar to see a friend's band. It should be fun. Plus it is in the afternoon so I think I can take the kids. We'll see. My poor girl woke up in a horrible mood this morning. That seems to be happening more and more often where she just wants to cry and cry. My husband is a trooper though and manages to get her ready without throwing his hands up.

Chris - good luck at your appointments today. I hope you get news of improvement. I hope your day in bed helps you to feel better for a few days.

Linda - those poor girls on the basketball team. That is so hard. Congrats on all of your teams doing well in the other competition. That really stinks about not getting to use what you had hoped for in the designing challenges but I am sure you will be able to come up with something great.

ME - In answer to your question yesterday...I am going to Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Cozumel also on Carnival. I looked into Royal Caribbean but I didn't like their stops as much. I am very excited though even though it is so far away. I can't wait to see what Ethan wants to do. I think he would really like swimming with the turtles in Cayman. We'll see though. I'm not going to set anything up until we are already in the ship. That way we can go to the little excursion class and see what it is all about and see what Ethan gets excited about.

Dawn - I know how you feel about the bike. We have a Gold wing so it isn't too uncomfortabe. Kinda like sitting in a recliner but I do not enjoy it nearly as much as my husband. Now he's talking about selling it and getting some quads. We'll see how that goes. We don't have any way take them anywhere. No pick up, no trailer. He's a dork. Congrats on the 1500. Yay!!

To everyone...I get free coffee today so all of you should too. For free coffee day I always get a non-fat vanilla chai latte. (you know me and my foofoo coffee) What would you guys like??


Well-Known Member
Chris, hope you feel better today.

LindaP, you make me dizzy with all your busyness. :)

Dawn, yay on the post count.

Wavin to ME. We're gonna have 61-62 this weekend too. Yippie!

I am finally starting to feel human again. Not only was I sick, but I caught pink eye too. It's been crazy around my house. You can call me the Lysol queen. lol Hubby's doctor told him that the viruses going around this year are real stinkers and keep coming back to people. That seems to be so true.

I look forward to the weekend to catch up on laundry and cleaning and shopping and everything. The chores sure piled up.

I can't do Finish it Friday, cause I haven't started it all yet. lol

Wavin hi to everyone to follow, and a Big Hello to any newbies I haven't welcomed.

Have a good day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Clara, we were posting at the same time. Sounds like a fun weekend for you.
Hope your daughter feels better. Thanks for the free coffee. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Girls

how is everyone? today was a semi gloomy day....supposed to warm up but it was chilly here. Had to take Nico to the doctor because he's got a rash all over his stomach / chest and back and they told me its a virus most likely caused by his recent MMR shot (measels, mumps,rubella). He got the shot 2 weeks ago at his 1 year check up. So she says nothing to worry about and it will be fine. I ran to the natural produce mart to get some fruit and the pears were nice and ripe. Nico loves pears. and now he's napping and I have been cleaning and wanting to scrap but Im also trying to hit the gallery to up my post count.
so....that was my day!

Chris - I hope you feel better and can enjoy your weekend.

LindaP - Holy moly! You are soooo busy!! Hope you get some you time this weekend!!

ME - enjoy your parentals!!! have a great weekend! Nice that you get some time to spend with your Dad

Dawn- hope if u have to take a trip that you get some photo op's ! enjoy the weather & congrats on your post count! im trying to get there......

Clara - Hope Addie is feeling better. maybe shes just having a yucky time right now. My husband has a quad, hes had one for 8 years or so. We have miles of trails that meet our backyard and we ride often (not me so much now but I did pre-baby.....our neighbors have quads also and we used to ride with them alot before Nico) when Nico get s alittle older we are going ot get him one...they are SO fun!!!!!

Merkee - Glad you are feeling better!!! Have a nice weekend!


...loves her some "O"
hey everyone!! sorry i'm so late in posting!! I'm at this very moment watching my children put on a play about the Persian Queen Esther and King Xerxes!! My favorite part so far has been seeing Cora's really funny costume changes!! heehee!!! And Quentin's tiara (minus the actual tiara part...just the headband made of foil!!) is pretty 'rad'!! okay...i think they learned the story. That's the main part! heehee!!

We have a busy weekend scheduled. Quentin has a gymnastics meet tomorrow in Bryan/College Station (home of ATM University) about an hour away. So that will be fun. I am having a blast ramping up my Stampin' Up! business. I'm loving the new products and all...and last night, I'm proud to say, I earned another $5 toward Lyme Awareness!!! ohhh I need to add that blinkie to my BLOG!! ohhh so much to do!! where is that time going????

Here's the sad news...not really so sad, but sad for me...Mr Gorgeous goes back to CA on Monday. We are really doing a lot better about it. Really counting our blessings. We are so glad to have a good income in these times. We are also glad to have the perks...air miles...hotel points. It still just blows my mind that we stayed in Paris for two nights and three days for FREE because of all of those long days of MR Gorgeous in Ca! So I'm counting the blessings! I have the greatest pic of Mr Gorgeous and lillian doing math together today. He was just being the most angelic of husbands and could tell i was having a day with all of them. So he came out and taught her math...it was sooo cute!!! can't wait to scrap it.

okay...i'm off to take cora and her cousin to the gym. Have a wonderful weekend!! I'll see you in the gallery!!! :)


always chatty at the O!!
hey everyone!! sorry i'm so late in posting!! I'm at this very moment watching my children put on a play about the Persian Queen Esther and King Xerxes!! My favorite part so far has been seeing Cora's really funny costume changes!! heehee!!! And Quentin's tiara (minus the actual tiara part...just the headband made of foil!!) is pretty 'rad'!! okay...i think they learned the story. That's the main part! heehee!!

That is so funny. We just watched "A Night With the King" on Wednesday after reading Esther. The movie was pretty decent except for the king who was strange looking, had a nice body and kept simply showing it off throughout the movie instead of actually acting. It was crazy to me how strange it was that they actually changed stuff (I understand some embellishment) from a 9 chapter book. It seems like it would be pretty easy to stick to the story a little better. It was still pretty good though.


Well-Known Member
The competitions that my students are involved in are called Career Development Events (CDE's) They range from floriculture to dairy foods judging (did you see Napolean Dynomite - where he tastes the milk and says something about a cow walking through and onion patch? Well, that is the dairy foods cde) livestock judging, natural resouces, food science, horse evaluation, business management, nursery landscape, etc. My fave is floriculture and that team always does well, but I have a full year floriculture class, so by the time we hit March their arrangements are pretty good and they know all of the Identification plants without putting in too much extra effort.