
Daily Ooo's: Friday, March 6


The Loopy-O
Thank goodness I can put an end to this horrific weather-week! It snowed a lot yesterday, not as much as some areas, but I am guessing about 6". Then it dropped in temp last and it is 7* right now. Cait has a delayed opening again. They only had one full day of school this week-- the first week of March. How crazy?!
I ended up calling and leaving a msg on the dentist's voice mail that I was not going to make it in, and a few minutes later I got a call that the office was going to be closed.
I did some simple housework here, then went over to my BFF across the street for a cup of coffee i the afternoon. Felt good to see someone else's walls for a bit. Then I started shaking so I had to go home. :(

Today, Gary and I are going food shopping after I get Max off to the bus stop. I have to get in shower soon, so I don't know how many Personals I can do. I never made it back to Tuesday's-- I am such a slacker!:sorry:

QOTD-- since I am thinking of getting in the shower... What kind of shower gel/soap/body wash do you like best?
I love Dr Bronner's. Lavender is really nice and the Almond is too. Gary and Scott like the Peppermint, but I don't like minty things.


Well-Known Member
Chris, just to make you feel better: it's MINUS 3* here. but the sun is shining!!!!

i used to use Dr. Bronner's Peppermint. but my skin now goes YIKES :scared: at everything, so i'm using Cetaphil bar soap.

happy day, y'all. :becky:


The Loopy-O
*peeks under rock to find Phyllis*
If you come out I will share my Linus Blanket with you...

Sharon- thank you for wishing you could fix this %@#*^$ weather for us! I spent another hour on my taxes yesterday, just organizing and cross-referencing my IV meds and supplies from receipts to credit card bills. I said to Gary that One day I wish we were rich enough to just dump all of these to an accountant and let *them* deal with it. Then I thought again and said that I wish we were healthy enough to not have to deal with ~$20K in medical bills :pound:
Too funny about Clara-- and not being photogenic. Scott went through a phase and I try to not scrap any pictures of him from that. LOL
I have a Light Therapy Lamp- a heavy duty one for me, and Cait had a smaller one. It is next to my computer so I get a good dose every day. It really does help, but right now, I don't think anything will work unless it is on a sunny beach!!!
Flip-flops!!I love flip flop weather too!

Time to get going, TTYS!


Well-Known Member
good morning - the sun is shining on over 7 inches of new fallen snow. It never stopped snowing once all day. My son said the commute north was easy as there were so few cars on the road but the drive home was terrible as the snow on the road got worse as they came south. So glad that I did not have to go anywhere. In my town they plowed but all that did was press the snow down and no salt or sand so the roads are slippery. I had to go into town to meet my husband yesterday to take care of some business - we needed something notarized. We went to the local Wells Fargo bank and they would not do it unless we had an account with them. That seems so wrong to me. Well needless to say we did not get it done. But walking in almost 7 inches of snow to get downtown was pretty fun. It really was a winter wonderland. The snow was sticking to the trees and there was not much wind. Gorgeous actually. But this morning it is frigid! Tonight is the start of a great weekend of hockey celebrations. Tonight my Devils play the Blue Jackets. Then on Saturday the Devils start their 20th anniversary of the first Stanley Cup win. I bought the VIP package for Zach and me. That means we get special jerseys, t-shirts and a meet and greet with the players for an hour. Then we have special VIP seats for the red and white alumni game. We are so excited. My other son, his friend, my DIL and her mother are all coming to the game but they don't get the VIP stuff. Then Sunday my Devils play the Flyers and the Championship team will make an appearance and there will be a ceremony. So excited. My DH is going with me to the game tonight and then he will have most of the weekend free LOL.

Chris glad you and your dentist were smart enough not to be out if not really necessary. Take care grocery shopping!

Phylis wow is -3 a record low! We are still expecting another frigid morning tomorrow. After that a gradual warming all next week.

Sharon saw you beautiful page was featured in the newsletter. Those houses are really striking.

Trudy I am glad that some one some where is having good weather. Gives me hope that eventually it will come my way! LOL

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... TGIF!! I really hope that this is the last of the bad weather for all of you out East!! I spent the afternoon washing the inside of all the windows upstairs, today I get to tackle the downstairs Whoop!!! Oh and of course I will go do my lap swimming today. Did I tell you that on Wednesday I was the only one in the lap pool?? It was kinda weird, I felt so out of place
LOL. I kept thinking, maybe I'm not supposed to be here? but the lifeguards said it was just a slow day! It was great to have the pool to myself!! This is where I go to swim three times a week.


Chris - Glad that this week is over for you and praying that the weekend will bring you some sunshine and warmer weather!! Good luck with the food shopping! Good for you for getting out of the house, even if it was just across the street. A bitch session with your neighbour friend is always good medicine!!

Phylis - Glad to get a little sneak peek at you!! I was getting ready to put your face on a milk carton saying you were missing!!
Hope you feel more like joining us later this weekend!!

Nancy - Wow you have an exciting weekend planned!! How great that you got the VIP tickets for you and your son!! The others will be jealous!! Glad your son made it home safely, sounds like the roads were very bad!! Enjoy your hockey filled weekend!!

Sharon - Congrats on having your amazing page featured in the Newsletter!! I am in awe that you did that with your iPhone!! Can't wait to see what you come up with next after all of your lightroom and photoshop lessons!! I am still just browsing through them, but picking up some pretty cool tips along the way! Now to just get out and take some great photos!!

QOTD - I use a soap from a local shop downtown called the Salt Spring Island Soap Works. Its a wonderful tangy tangerine scented loofah that has the soap infused in the middle of it. I love it! It comes in many different scents

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Mornin'! Hope you Easties can come out of hibernation now that the 2nd week of March is around the bend. sigh.

Trudy, fun to see your pool. And Chris...glad you got out to have coffee w/ your BFF.

Nancy, sounds like a wonderful sports weekend for you. Your walk in the winter wonderland sounds nice. But then again, I'm saying that from my desk overlooking sunshine patches in the neighbor's front yard WHERE THERE IS NO SNOW! sorry.

Thanks for your nice words on the layout. I think I did most of the editing with phone apps. Yesterday DH and I went on a Golden Hour Photo Hunt along the shores of Lake Washington. I'm so enjoying the iPhone Photo Academy class I'm taking. It's getting me to start out with better photos so less editing is necessary. I'm AMAZED at what good quality photos can be taken with a mobile phone. These days Dave doesn't ask if I have my phone with me when we leave the house. He asks if I have my camera with me. Seriously, that's what I use it for the most.

Congratulations to Jean! Her yarn LO was featured on Gallery Standouts yesterday. That is one awesome honor! And well-deserved.

I got lots of computer organization done yesterday (found even MORE redundancies to reconcile and remove excess), but hours and hours still to go. Somehow my Organizer back-up was lost, so I'm starting at ZERO organizing/tagging all my scrapping supplies. I'm abandoning The Organizer, though, for Lightroom. I'm hoping I will have the courage to just cull out about half my stuff that I would NEVER use!

The scarf is off the needles. Need to weave in loose ends (have no idea how to do that on something so lacy) and block it. But today I AM GOING TO cast on for the next project. REALLY! I AM!

The other night I was awakened by a loud crash in the middle of the night...discovered the wall clock above my computer had fallen down. It's toast. So last night we got me a new little $10 clock that looks like a miniature of the ones I remember from my grade school classroom. I love it! Some days it's the Little Things. And isn't it weird that despite having a clock right on my computer, I still always look up at the wall to see what time it is? I WAY prefer analog clocks to digital.

Shower gel/body wash. Love rotating fragrances, but mostly stick to coconut or vanilla ones. I have a cotton candy perfume that I love, and wish there was a shower gel that smelled like it. No brand loyalty. And we always have whatever Costco has in huge bottles for back-up.

Don't forget to set your clocks ahead tomorrow night!


The Loopy-O
Gary and I were supposed to go food shopping, but his stomach is extra-bad today, so I had to do a Shop from Home order. I cannot see spending the money on having paying to shop for me, so I stocked up on frozen veggies in order to get the "deal" to offset the fee. I know that Cait will come home from school and heat one of for lunch. But OMG, I think it would have been easier to go shopping on my own. Maybe I would have fallen on my face halfway though
(*Clean up in Aisle Nine, bring a mop!)
but it seems like it would have been easier than fighting with the darn website.

I am here for a few minutes then I have to get some lunch and then I have hide my head under the covers to recuperate from the food shopping ordeal. ;)

Nancy- I wish we had sidewalks here! And a bike path...And a train station too. But yup, I live in the sticks!

Trudy- yes, I would like to welcome the new Cheery O's too! hehe about doing the taxes in June. That would be cool, except for the people who are looking fwd to a refund. :oops:

jean- um, YES!!! we can run away somewhere warm, and you can teach me all about rainforest/tropical birds! Deal??

My stomach is going to start grumbling in 3...2...1...
Hugs and love and sun to everyone!


Well-Known Member
Chris, thanks for sharing that photo! I once saw a mourning dove on a nest in March with snow on its back, but this is insane! (or insanely wonderful?) If we run away to the tropics, we sure won't see that!

I had a dentist appointment this morning that turned out to just be a quick look in my mouth to be sure the implant is doing well. It is and I was out of there in no time. Also it's sunny and up in the 20s though I think the low was 1F this morning.

Sharon, thanks for mentioning my GSO! That was a wonderful surprise but also thanks to the super photo Chris picked for Webspiration. You're sure getting very handsome LOs yourself. The photo shoots and lessons are good but I think too they get one excited and that's so fun.

Trudy, want to wash my windows next? Oh, right it's too cold to have them open. Well, at least you get to swim in that nice pool. Maybe you'll have it to yourself again. Love the looks of your Loofah soap!

Nancy, what a fun-filled weekend it will be! Hope the Bluejackets go quietly again. It really is supposed to get warmer isn't it?

Phylis, glad you peeked out from that rock. Sure hope it won't be needed much longer. I'm starting to have visions of something other than snow for a yard. On the radio today heard this: March is great. First the beer turns green, then your front yard. Hope it makes it to green soon! But then I remember a LO I did long ago titled something like "April showers bring . . . MUD!"

Hope it's a great start to the weekend, all.


Well-Known Member
Just dropping in to say hello, and commiserate with all the others who have had TOO much snow. I mean, snow when Day Light savings starts? That is not at all right, on both counts.

Have a great weekend everyone!