
Daily Ooo's: Friday, March 30


The Loopy-O
This week is going by pretty quickly, which seems funny now, since on Wed I thought it should be Friday. (yeah, don't ask me how that works, I am not sure myself.)
I guess the B-day Bash has been keeping me busy with all of the partying and scrapping and gallery-loving! The sad part of it is, is that I have not bought one new thing in the O-Shop. I was hoping to get some good inspiration on somethiung to treat myself with so I started this thread: Look what I did! but it is still empty. Guess everyone has been so busy scrapping, but that is a good thing.

Speaking of Gallery-Loving, we have Another Celebration Coming Up....-- Our very own LInda S is officially "One in a Million" with 25,000 posts!!!! Linda gives the sweetest, sincerest gallery comments, and I am thrilled that she made it to 25,000! :cheer2: Yay Linda, we love you!!!

Off to clean today then home to rest. Gary and I both have colds. He is out for the count. I am popping garlic pills like a vampire-ophobe. PU!
But I am looking fwd to a relatively quiet weekend. House full of teenagers tonight.... hopefully nothing else after that.

Finish It Friday..... don't get me started, I am having way to much fun being in denial:croc:



The Loopy-O

Linda S: How was Shaun's concert? WE have Cait's All-District Music Festival next week. She is only in chorus now, so we miss the band portion. They have all of the elem kids in one band. Then the Middle School and HS in their own bands. They each play a few songs, then they all do Scotland the Brave together which is pretty amazing to see. And our Pipes and Drums always make an appearance to standing ovations and all. Pretty cool.

Kristy- were you ever able to recover your fonts? From a font-addict, that sounds horrible :(

Oh Laurie- your basement is going to be stunning!!! Congrats on the bonus!!

Trista, omg- the boys were too funny. I told one guy who had some facial hair and a dress that he needed a shave. He lifts his arms and says Ya think? eep!!! :rofl:
Hope your little guy is feeling lots better!

Hi trudy!

Stef- *giggles at your avi again*
How did your dad do with the surgery? How long will he need to be inthe hospital? Good healing vibes to him.
Ugh re: the windows. We tried to do a loan mod when Gary first got sick only to find out that we made "too little money." what??? We are trying again, but they keep "losing" our paperwork. :frusty:
Sometimes it feels like the entire system is rigged. OK-- all of the time! LOL

Oh my Phyllis!!!! My mom used to nosebleeds like that -- very scary! Cait and I get them, out of the blue and bad, but no where near as bad as that.
Did they say what caused it??
I am sure they told you, but just in case-- garlic, Vit E, advil/aspirin are all blood thinners so stay away from them for a while. *gentle hugs*

Oh I see that they told you about the humidifier. Right. Because it has been so cold and dry this winter. *smh* Try Vaseline up the nose-- yucky but it works.

Laurie!! Sounds like a perfect day!!! Hope you get another one today.



Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies! ((hugs)) Chris! It has always been easy to leave love in the galleries and to chat on the forums because I have the dearest friends here.

Shaun's concert was so much fun! The music teacher did a fabulous job. And it was the first time that the elementary students had used our new high school auditorium. It was such a wonderful venue for the concert!

Went to Sydney's soccer practice first for 30 minutes. She had told me, "Mom, sometimes you just have to miss things." I agreed. She then said, "And I think that we need to miss Shaun's concert." Too smart for her own good.

Not very pleased with the way daycare has gone this week. Wednesday when I picked her up, she relayed kids fighting, not following teacher direction, etc. Yesterday she told me that some kid told her on the playground that he would "break her bones" and when that didn't scare her (she said, "Mom, don't worry, he can't break my bones. I'm way too fast.") he called her a b****. Now you know Mama ain't happy about that one. So Mama will be leaving early and talking with the folks at AppleTree.

Need to get that first cup of java! Be back later today.


Well-Known Member
thanks, Chris. i've been stuffing Ayr up my nose and saline spray. hopefully it's stopped. i forgot about garlic being a thinner! thanks for the reminder!

Pipes and Drums! Scotland the Brave!! WOW!! you guys have high school pipers? that's amazing!

Linda, when i read stories like yours, i am SO glad i don't have to think about schools or caregivers anymore. sounds like Apple Tree does need a talking to from you! i was NEVER very good at holding my temper when someone else's kid was mistreating mine. good luck. i'll bet you get their attention!

my Giant Kitty is getting his Vet house call today. i love my vet. you can either go to his office (when we used to do that, my cat threw up the whole way there and back...he gets car sick!) OR the Vet has a fully-equipped van that will come to your driveway. all i have to do now is wrap Monster Kat up in a towel, carry him down the front stairs, and we're there! perfect.

it's FRIDAY! enjoy!



The Loopy-O
Phyllis-= Vit C is also good to strengthen capillary walls, just remembered that one too!




lOve the O!
morning all - need to go get dressed for work- it will be pajama day- not really, but I have this grey tencel outfit that feels like jammies and looks professional- can't beat that. I just watched the parody to red solo cup- double D cup- it was good for a morning chuckle! Maybe I could do a layout- or not!

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
good morning....no i haven't gotten my fonts back yet...not sure when i'll do that probably today LOL i'll be getting my program sometime today YAY!!!! very excited about that...

and Linda S!!! woohoo!!!!

the parody to red solo cup is HILARIOUS!!!!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies! I haven't gotten in on these chats since I started being active here but I have a question and I hope someone can help me.
I was on a thread and someone told how to unzip several files at once with ACDSee. I can't remember where I was to go find that again and I have forgotten!!!! I'm buying so much this week and would love to be able to unzip them all at once! Does anyone here remember that, or know how to do it??? Help!!! ;-)



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
TGIF ladies!! Hope you all have a fabo day!! Just quickly popping in because I'm running late and I still have to get myself breakfast :hungry:

Chris - Sorry you and your Gary have that nasty cold!! Hurray and get things done, then you can crawl under a nice warm blanket and have a snooze :sleep: Feel better soon!!

Phylis - How lucky are you that you don't have to drive poor kitty to the Vet!!! I am still missing my Mr. Abu!! Sometimes I think I catch a glimpse of him at the door, waiting to come in the house (how weird is that?).

LindaS - Oh, Oh they got Mama Bear worked up LOL!! You tell them not to mess with your baby, do you need me to come and help you out?? :boxing: Just kidding, hope you get things settled!!

Laurie - You work outfit sounds wonderful!! Where did you get it? I have to wear an ugly red shirt to work everyday, but at least I get to wear comfy pants and runners. Have a great day at work!

Kristy - Have fun getting all your fonts back and horray for your program coming today!!

MsKaty - I don't use ACDC but I do you a great program that Clara told me about... Extractnow . just type in extractnow into your browser and will take you right to the site its free and works like a charm. You just drop your zipped files into it and push extract and there you go all of them at once. Hope this helps!!

Off to get breakfast and hopefully I can spend some much needed time in the gallery today after work!! Lots to catch up on!! Have fun at the party everyone! :wave:


lOve the O!
Good Morning Ladies! I haven't gotten in on these chats since I started being active here but I have a question and I hope someone can help me.
I was on a thread and someone told how to unzip several files at once with ACDSee. I can't remember where I was to go find that again and I have forgotten!!!! I'm buying so much this week and would love to be able to unzip them all at once! Does anyone here remember that, or know how to do it??? Help!!! ;-)


You need to hold control while you select the zips, then click the extract button and select folder to extract to.


The Loopy-O
Yup, Laurie has it. Ctrl-Click all of the zips you want to unzip. Alt-A, Chose where you want them unzipped to and you should be good to go!


Well-Known Member
waiting on mr ups man....usually its the same guy who delivers packages to me...so i can say man hahahahahahaha i want my program!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ok seriously gonna pull my hair out now...i got my copy but now it tells me that my system has not been modified or what have you.....the trial version WORKED on my computer...so why will this not install!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
well so much for that....i guess i need the service pack 2 to run this thing...i dunno why i didnt have it before when i did the trial version....but they no longer offer vista service pack 2 i have to go and buy windows 7 for 120 dollars....which i am not gonna do...so i guess that its for me for making graphics or layouts


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
NNNNNNOOOOOOOO say it isn't sooooo!! Have you thought about trying Adobe Photoshop?? You can get a free trial online and see how you like it? Try photoshop elements first its easy and has everything you need to do your layouts!! Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
well i went on the windows site and found the link to download the service pack 2 and got that installed STILL DOESN"T WORK!!! grrrrrrrrrrr i've tried photoshop....just couldnt get the hang of it :( and i can't find a cheap one either to even make it worth my while to learn it


Well-Known Member
LOL Chris I feel like I've spent all my mad money over the last week at Oscraps! It's been fun to go through and pick up kits I've been wanting!