
Daily Ooo's: Friday, March 21


The Loopy-O
oops, I almost made today's date the 20th. But I caught it in time. I am *not* going to make a mistake on the day becasue TGIF!:cool:

I can't believe that I made it through my week working. I was happy that I picked this week to be my "Week Off." Gary and the kids give me a week off as Christmas and Birthday gifts. I chose the week b/c I knew I was going to be tired, so they did all of the laundry, litter box detail, cooking and washing dishes. It really helped so I could rest when I got home from work.

Today I am off to two appt's. Social Worker at 12 and Radiation Onc at 1. Really and truly hoping that he says no radiation. Well, actually, I am hoping there is some shortened treatment. I think that if he says "None" I will worry about recurrence every time I need a mammo. But if he says, say maybe 2-3 weeks I will feel like I have done something preventative. But if he says full 5-7 weeks I think I will lose my mind.
But I will do what I have to do.

I found out yesterday that digital designs are not the only thing pirated on the internet. :( Cait has been looking for prom dresses and being Cait, she wants something unique and non-traditional. She found a dress that she loves, black and purple corset top, with a black tulle skirt. It just screams her name. It was a reasonable price, ships internationally. But I wanted her to try on something similar IRL so we could get an idea of how it will fit and look.
So I Googled "corset dresses NJ" to see if there were any B&M stores. I found an Etsy shop, and guess what? There was the dress (and for a lot more money). Something didn't feel right so I contacted the Esty shop owner asking if she was affiliated with the other website, but I had a feeling she was the real deal. The website was a Chinese Knockoff who was stealing her designs and photos. :mad:
We have an appt to meet with the real designer in two weeks. The dress is out of our price range, but we'll figure it out. The dress designer says on her website that there is a fee for Plus size to compensate for more fabric and time making it (these are all custom made). Maybe when she sees how petite cait is, she can subtract it LOL

OK my lovely O-Fam, I am running behind since I blabbered on and on this morning.

Love and hugs and coffee!
Happy Scrapping too!


The Loopy-O
Hi Eva-Anna -Addict! I love her stuff too-- its like there is no way you can make a bad page. No matter what you do, its just gorgeous. And no-- there is no turning back with that addiction...;)

Sara-- a 2 hour chat? How fun! A guess there were lots of people in there. Wish I could have been, And don't worry about the trivia- you sound so busy, but thank you for offering!
And 65* one day, snow the next? That's just crazy!!!!

Nancy- how was the game last night?

Trudy, that is soooo frustrating!

Jane-- yoga.. I really want to start doing yoga (again).....

Jean- how did the appt with your sister go? *fingers crossed for good news*

Ok, really gotta run..... xoxoxo


lOve the O!
Well good morning O fam. Seems like time gets away from me. It is stressful when your son moves back home. He is working at getting a job, which is good, but coming and going just messes with me. Guess I like control. Last night hubby and I went on a date night- we went to the shooting range and then to dinner at this "high scale" burger place. The food was good, but once is enough, I can say- yup I ate there. I made an appointment at orthopedic dr two weeks from now to see why my shoulder has been acting up. Hoping it does not interfere with my treating of kiddos, but knowing it likely will. Today we are supposed to hit 60 degrees!


Well-Known Member
good morning! Had such a fun day yesterday. It was a good day for a walk so that was good. Then helped my son figure out the health insurance quagmire. He actually had a good experience as the woman on the phone seemed to really know her stuff. Now we just have to decide what to do. Then my son and his hockey gal pal and I headed to Newark for a quick dinner and then watching the Devils play the Wild. It was an exciting game as the Devils went up 2-0 but the game was tied 3-3 and had to go to OT. But then Andy Greene scored in so my Devils won! The Devils gave out stress pucks as all left the Rock. I could have used that during the game. LOL. Today the weather is sunny! Should have a great day to scrap!

Chris so glad you had your week off gifts from your family. However since it seems they can do this for a week perhaps they should be encouraged to continue to take on some of this chores on a more permanent basis. Hope your appts go well!

Laurie I agree having grown children underfoot is strange.

Trudy so sad when a whole post is lost!

Tropt glad dog training is going so well! Bummer about the allergies though.

Jane yoga and then breakfast with your friends sounds like such lovely way to start the day!

Jean hope the appt went well.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning "O" friends... frosty here this morning, hubby had to start the truck and let it run so he could see out the windows, so that means that the skies are clear and sunny today. Hope to get out for a nice long walk today.

Chris - Wow how nice to have the family give you that great gift for Christmas!! You timed it perfectly to use! Sure hope the dress lady decides to give Cait a deal on her design, wouldn't that be great!! You will have to take photos of her if she tries it on! Keeping my fingers crossed for you that you do not need radiation and that you kicked that cancer's ass right out of your body!!! Never to be seen again!!!

Laurie - It must be very stressful to have your son living back home with you! I hope that his search for a good job goes well and soon you have your life back to normal. We love our children, but we raise them to leave the nest and its just not the same if they come back later on in our lives. You are wonderful parents to welcome him back home and give him the knowledge that you are there for him when he is in need!! :hug: Hope you get your shoulder taken care of and that it is nothing serious!!

Nancy - Sounds like your perfect day that you had yesterday! So glad that your Devils came through and won their game, it must have been an exciting one!! Great that your son had an actual good experience with the health insurance people. I have heard so many stories about it being awful, so nice when something good happens for a change!! Enjoy your day and hope you get to do that scrapping you want to do!

Phylis - :wave: I am thinking of you, hope all is well !! :hug:

T - Happy for you that the dog training (people training) is coming along, too bad about the allergies though. :sad:

Jean - I have been doing Yoga again too, I have a great video cd that I use with lots of different levels of yoga, I just love the way Yoga makes me feel and I think its actually starting to take off a few inches from this old body. I am surprised how flexible this old gal still is! I used to do Yoga all the time when I was younger and it really is great to get back to it again!! "Namaste"

Well lots of things to do on the computer today, organizing my scrapping stuff better and tagging it in Bridge, I have been meaning to do that for soooooo long!! It will take me forever I am sure!! Then I have to update the family tree as lots of babies were born this past year. Hubby wants me to look for a few new songs to make a cd for his truck and I still have to finish painting my sister's rock for her DD's Cat headstone. Ok gotta get busy and start this day!! Have a great Friday everyone!!! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
hi, guys. just a fast fly-by to say HI!! all's well-ish. unfortunately, it SNOWED for the last two hours here. Laurie, we're supposed to get up to 50 today, so i have NOOOO idea where this ridiculous snow blast came from....

happy Friday, yinz guys! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Yikes, Phylis, snow? Missed us. But Laurie we aren't getting anywhere near 60 today. And both of you are pretty close.

My sister just got a CAT scan yesterday; don't know when she'll get any word on it.

Noticed folks wanting to buy TIME at Romy's shop. If anyone finds some, please let us all know!