
Daily Ooo's: Friday, March 14


The Loopy-O
Hey hey hey!! How is everyone! TGIF!

So this was so insane last night. It was *freezing* here yesterday, we had a high of 16* and the wind was whipping. But it is also daylight saving time so at 7pm, still relatively light outside. I was in the kitchen, seeing the sun set over the snowy back yard and being so cold in the house. It was just so weird. And ye, they are calling for possible snow Sunday night. Gah. Done. Done. Done.

Good news is that I felt somewhat better yesterday. Little less tired and painful. I made it through food shopping with Gary, both on my feet and not yelling at him. I'd say that was a win-win. :humble:

Today my mom is coming up to take me out to lunch. Low-key and all that. And then I need to start getting ready to go back to work on Monday.

Any good plans for you today? Hope that the sun is shining wherever you are!

and psssst....... in case you haven't noticed, the Oscraps Birthday Party kicks off on the 15th-- tomorrow!!!! Get a good night sleep so you will be ready for it!



The Loopy-O
Oh-- how about a Finish-It Friday?

I would really like to finish my taxes, but I doubt I will be able to get them all done. I did add up all of our out of pocket Rx's.Just our Rx;'s- $1480. Crazy, right? Wait until I add up our dr's visits....*sigh*

Sara, oh that sounds like me, having to cut a walk short to pee!
I liked student teaching even though I thought my Mentor hated me. It wasn't until my last day that she told me that I did a great job and that she was really going to miss having me there. How was your hike and picnic? and truly sad to tear down woods for a sports complex. We are losing our "green" so quickly. Thankfully (in some ways) I live in Watershed area and to get any building approved you have to really run through hoops since it is protected land. Wish there was more of that.

Hugs to you Eva. I remember how worried about your dad's health and then all of this happened with your sister. :(
But I am so happy to hear that the sun is shining and that you are enjoying coffee with a friend. Its the little things that keep us all going.

Trudy-- clean up your garden?? Soooooo Jealous!!!! My yard is still a mixture of snow/ice/a teeny bit of mud/and a lot of frozen dog poop. (That is going to awful to clean up, yuck!)

Laurie, it looks like Spring has hit you too! Enjoy your day!


Well-Known Member
hiya. back from my Aunt's house. wow. i hope i'm as easy-going and nice as she is when
(if ) i make it to my 80's and are feeling not really swell. ha. NO chance. i doubt a personality like mine heals itself with increasing age. :pound: of course, i picked the ONE day between two really nice days to go over there. freezing cold and really windy and the forecast changed back and forth and back again and forth again regarding snow. ultimately, we didn't get more than a dusting, though it was so cold outaide that i had trouble opening my car doors yesterday morning. yep. like Chris said: done, done DONE!!!

Chris, is vacuuming a good idea for you to be doing yet? won't that put a lot of stress on your surgery area? well, you and the docs know best. but just keep taking it easy! going out to lunch with your mom will be good. just getting out of the house has got to be a plus. it makes a person feel hopeful, right? like winter is over and spring is COMING!!!

today i'm going out to lunch with a friend i haven't seen in about a year, so it should be a funny, chatty old time. our sons went to high school together and played together on the hockey team, and my son took her daughter to the Jr. Prom. they live on Martha's Vinyard for half of the year, so i like to hear her talk about that. ha. certainly not MY life!!!

happy Friday. happy every day! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning I can't believe how cold it is. Only 24 and wind chill down to single digits. And of course yesterday my furnace decides not to work. Fortunately we have a lovely plumber who made it out by mid afternoon and said it was a pressure gauge. He will be back this summer to replace lots of our piping as they are so old they are leaking. Old houses are always needing something. No walk it was blowing like 30+mph.

Chris glad you are doing so much better! But as Phylis says take it easy. Looking forward to the party here at the "O". And I can't believe it will be snowing on Monday for the St. Patrick's day parade.

Phylis so glad that your visits with your aunt are so pleasant. Yes I think we are done with this winter.

Sara sounds like walk was fun even if you had to pee (LOL)

Eva glad the sun is shining again.

Trudy I have no green thumb thus I have no garden. I am going to plant bushes that don't require must maintenance and that flower I am thinking butterfly bushes for sure. But as Chris says it is way too early here.

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Nancy, a few years ago we got 10+ inches of snow on St. Patrick's Day! we had your terrible weather, too. SOOOO COLD!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry that it's still cold for a lot of you. It's turned a corner here I think. (I hope.) Our low day in the next week will be 43! Yippee!

For the record, Ben had to pee. But it easily could have been me. The other night Matt was like, "What the heck? Before I fell asleep, you went to the bathroom like four times!" *sigh*

Eva - I'm sorry sorry that it's so hard. Helpful or not, I can tell you that you never stop missing them, though it does get easier with time. I'm glad you have a happier body though and are feeling better!

Oh Trudy, I hate it when I do that. If I leave the Ooo's up for a long time and come back to them, but forget to refresh before I type my response, it tells me I can't post because the "token expired" and then I lose my post. I do it a lot. :p Pages are $2.50 a piece at Walmart?? Wow. Where is the cheapest place - any clue?

Yay for sun and son Laurie.

Chris - I don't even want to think about your bills. I wish you would win the lottery. Sometimes, I'm so amazed by your positivity. Don't push yourself too much going back to work though. OK?

Phylis - ugh the cold. blech. But at least you have lunch with a friend. That's always nice.

Nancy - I've always said I have a black thumb. I kill most things. My hostas are really nice because I don't have to do a thing to them. I can chop off the tops in the fall if I want. I did that that this year because last year they were humongous. But we don't weed and we don't garden or anything. I even wish we could get a lawn service because we end up with thistles when everyone in our neighborhood has beautiful lawns. Neither of us are green thumb people.

We had a very nice afternoon yesterday. I think today we will go on another hike, just to get out of the house. We will go to the nature preserve nearby. We ended up sticking close to home yesterday because of Matt's work calls and it was good. We had a picnic and Ben got to play with friends. We got dinner out and watched Frozen. It was nice.

A new family moved in behind us. I'm so excited. They seem to have three or four kids. Hopefully, Ben will have more friends to play with. The boy behind us that is kind of friends with seems like he has so many other older friends in the neighborhood because of his older brothers. They seem like "forced friends". The boy two house down is two years younger....so maybe this will work better.

Well - everyone enjoy their days!


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
Hugs to you Eva. I remember how worried about your dad's health and then all of this happened with your sister. :(

Oh, I've forgotten to tell you all about my father. Like you say, we were more or less just waiting for him to die. Then my sister passed, and we all thought that this is what will be the end of it for dad. But - all of a sudden the drs said his heart was in a better condition, and they wanted to give him a pacemaker (before this they had said his heart was in such a poor condition, he wouldn't survive a pacemaker operation). So now dad has a pacemaker. He's not totally well, but he's much better. Also the dr has said it's fine for him to drive a car again. He's gained some weight again, and looks so much healthier.

I'm positive my sister have been pulling some strings from the other side to get him better, to let us keep him for a couple of years. We all have a guardian angel now :)


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... :rain: here today, so I am off to the grocery store to stock up on veggies and fruit. Usually we do this on Saturday, but we are meeting up with hubby's family to go to Cedar Crematorium (sounds fun huh??) Actually Gary's Parents bought plots there waaaayyy back when the kids were babies and now they want to transfer everything over to us, so we will not have to worry about paying for burial expenses for ourselves and Gary's sisters. Pretty nice!! Wish we could have done the same for our kids, but with us moving all over the place and them moving all over the place too, we have no idea where they would even want to be. Hubby says he could care less, I could throw him out with the trash LOL. Oh well I guess that's something we are going to have to discuss with our kids soon!

Chris - Please don't push yourself too hard!! Ouch on the prescription costs and I can't believe that you also have to pay for Dr.s Appointments?? Sheesh!! Really you gotta move to :canada: !!

Phylis - Sounds like your Aunt is quite the woman!! I would love to meet her!! I had an Auntie like that too, she was the sweetest woman, very Engilsh, I just adored her!! Have a wonderful time with your friend, hope she has lots of great stories to tell you! Enjoy !

Nancy - Brrrr, must have been cold with the furnace on the fritz!! Glad you have a good plumber friend to fix you up! If you are planning on planting butterfly bushes, be sure you have tons of room for them, they grow huge!!! And spread out a lot too, but the butterflies and hummingbirds love them!!

Sara - Guess I should have worded my post better yesterday lol I got the scrapbook pages printed out at CopyCat printers, a local printing place here. I went to Walmart to pick up some blank cover pages for my scrapbook. I don't think our Walmart prints out 12x12 pages, but maybe I should check that out. I know that Staples charges even more than the local printing place :sad: Wish there were more choices! Sounds like your hike was great!! DH and I love to hike the mountains around our area, there are tons of trails and great places to see. Just have to wait for everything to dry up enough to get out there.

Eva - Well isn't that amazing news about your Dad!! Your sister really must be watching over you all!! Enjoy each and every moment you have with your family!!

Ok, I am starving and I really have to eat before grocery shopping or I will end up buying all kinds of things I don't need :becky: Have a great friday everyone and don't forget to have fun with the upcoming Oscraps birthday!! The Avatar challenge has already begun, as you can tell by my silly Avatar!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Good morning all! Just got back from Emergency with my mum. She had her 2nd gall bladder attack in a week. Amazingly, they sent her home with pain killers and told her not to come back unless she gets a fever or the pain doesn't improve after 5 or 6 hours!!! She will at least get bumped up the surgery list now and the ER doctor thought she might get in to see the surgeon within a week so that's good. She's planning a trip to the UK at the beginning of May so is hopeful she will have surgery before she goes, otherwise she may have to cancel the trip. I'm so glad she's living here now and not all the way over in the UK!
Les gets back from his back country ski trip tomorrow so I'm off to get groceries and do some house cleaning. Will try to get back to do personals later.