
Daily Ooo's: Friday, March 13


The Loopy-O
Oh, hey-- look at that, another Friday the 13th. :D I sure could use some good luck today instead of Faery-Luck-- which is neither good or bad, but just chaotic. Bwuahahahah!!!

We thought we had everything all planned out. Scott scheduled the test he was supposed to take today yesterday. We made an appt for my car to go in the shop (steering wheel issues) for today, since we figured Scott wasn't going to be driving anywhere for a while.

I get a text from Gary last night after Scott went in for his appt that Scott wasn't getting laughing gas b/c insurance wouldn't cover it (WTF????) . I went into SuperMom Mode and started texting Gary to tell Scott to get the gas if he needed it and would figure out how to pay it afterward. Then I started getting really pissed at the office for not letting us know before hand and so on.

A very little while later, Gary calls to say that they are on there way home. Wait, whaaaa???? Apparently the office have god-awful communication skills and this was just a consult. Scott spoke with them 3 different times, even calling to confirm that this was, indeed, an extraction-- and was told each time that it was. But NOPE!!! When he gets back in with the dr, it was just the consult.:mad:

I am livid, telling Gary to get all of his x-rays and records, but Scott is saying he doesn't want to start back at square one- he is fine with the dr, and just wants to get it over and done with.

He walks in the door, and I give him a hug and say "Welcome to the Campbell Family Luck" (this is the kind of crap we deal with all of the time!). He laughs at me, and says something along the lines of "what, like this never happened to me before?" That made me laugh at least.

I am sort of dreading today. I really want to bury my head in my blankets and be done. But I have to take Cait and then Max to the bus stops. Then drop off my car at the shop with my fingers/toes/eyes crossed that this will be an easy fix. Off to the pharmacy to pick up some Rx's with fingers/toes/eyes crossed that Gary's new Rx isn't too expensive. He tested positive for Babesia again and has to go back on anti-malarials.

The good news is that my IV bags came in yesterday when we didn't think they would be here before Monday, or any time soon. (Did I ramble on about how they couldn't get saline bags due to severe shortages? No saline bags, no way to the gets abx into my line. Crazy!)

Do y'all see why I am cranky all of the time????


I want to get a puppy. I want to have someting fun and furry and puppy kisses.
That is the child in me. The so-called adult realizes now is not the time, but that pisses the Child off even more.
(But I want an Oompah Loopah NOOOOW!!!!!)

Wish me luck that I make it through the day ok.
My mom is coming up- she made soup for Scott, thinking that he would need soft foods. She had the misfortune of calling me-- to warn me about burglaries in my town, and 2 stolen guns-- right after I got the No Laughing Gas texts and I started ranting and she starting worrying. She knows he is ok now, but is frantic about the dr. It could get ugly today. I love her soooo much, but she also worries soooo much.

OK, welll. Now that I got *that* out of my system...I'd better put my soapbox away.

QOTD- Do you believe in ghosts?
I totally do. Gary and I saw one about 10 years ago crossing the road that we were driving down. Our house def. has at least one that likes to mess with us. Lights goo on and off, thermostat in the basement would get turned up to 70*, we would it back down, then it would go back up again. Then there is the case of all of the items it has taken.
I would love here if you have any ghosts stories to share!


The Loopy-O
Back for a few before we have to go drop the car off.

Phyllis- Re: the documentary, not sure of time frame. It is obviously to inform about Lyme. There is a groundbreaking doc, Under Our Skin, that really did an amazing job of intro-ing Lyme to the general population. CDC/IDSA... follow the MONEY! LOL). This one is going to be smaller scale, I think, but is to continue in the area of "what next" (ha!! that's you!!!!:D). The roundtables were not only how Lyme impacts us medically, but how the medical profession can help. It will be really neat to see it when it is all done.
I had a fun time looking through some old pics. I found some of my puppy, whom I still miss terribly. Some of Cait with her chubby cheeks- and some when you can see how sick the kids are as I was pushing them in a wheelchair at a museum.
Scott is pretty stoked about it too.

Ack about the ipad!!! fingers/toes/eyes crossed for continued healing!

Happy Birthday to your DS Nancy!!
So cool on seeing so many birds. I saw a blue jay, a cardinal and a teeny brown one yesterday. And yes, that is the extent of my bird knowledge . Puppies!!! I want puppies!!!!!!

Phyllis- I am speechless but not shocked about the denial. That really is such a mess!!

Trudy- yay on the good night's sleep!! Hope that happened again for you. I am guessing that Heather still has found anyone/been qualified to get help as disabled person? Two yo's are in constant motion, and I hope that she does ok. Hugs to all of you!

Jean- I know, voodoo dolls, and yelling, a typical day at the O!!!! hahaha!!! Hope you are enjoying the weather and got some done on your project.



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... ohh its pretty quiet in here today! Well except for all the yelling and screaming that Chris is doing
:becky: just kidding sweetie. You have every right to be more than pissed off today!!

Chris - I can't believe that dentist office??? WTH is the matter with people these days, why can't anyone get it right anymore??
I know you say you want a puppy, but think of the expense, the cost of vet bills the cost of food!! The pee you will have to clean up all the time! Hope I am not being a downer, but really can you afford a puppy right now??

Ok I am busy doing party things today and skyping with Heather and then swimming. DH is home until 10am as he has a meeting to go to and was told not to show up until then. Hopefully he gets to see DD and Mason too!! Not a bad sleep for me last night, so feeling pretty good today!! :wave:

QOTD - I swear we used to have a ghost in our one house that we lived in on the Prairie. Kids toy cars and such would start moving across the floor for no reason and the rocking chair would move a bit now and then. Nothing horrible just kinda freaked us out a lot!!


Well-Known Member
waaah! i'm so LATE!! hi, Trudy! hi, Chris! i'll stop in tomorrow. today was just a goofy day. :becky: