
Daily Ooo's Friday March 13 *woot* TGIF!!!


The Loopy-O
Wa-hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Friday!!!!!!!
I so totally did not want to get out of bed again- Thank you Coffee Gods!LOL
Long day yesterday- I worked for MIL, who told me that she doesn't know how much longer she can keep me on. Her quilt biz is going really slowly. She wants to wait until I can get something to ill in, but I have no idea how many people are looking for cleaning ladies. I sent an email out to all of my local friends and hopefully something will open up. I keep saying over again: "One door closes, another opens."
Maybe I need to say "One door opens before the other closes....."
Semantics :)

But I am working today for my other client so that is good. Then is it home to keep working on my own house.

I told my SIL that I am changing my attitude. Dust is my friend. I have *lots* of friends. Buhahahahaahh!!!!!

Here little dust bunny! Aren't you cuuuute! So soft.... and I don't have to feed you like the other five fur-balls I own that created you! (or clean up the poop either..... unless that is what those smaller dust spots are...... hmmm)

Scott has ISS today (In school susp). Another kid was pushing him, and he used the palm of his hand on the kid's face (ugh) to get him away. I am glad thathe is standing up for himself, but geez, but this is his second supsension in 7th grade. I wonder what I am doing wrong, maybe I am just not cut out to be the mom to a teen.
(Please- someone tell me that is normal!)

So how are all of you today? Happy it is Friday? Yay!

*gentle dark hugs* Dawn. I hate migraines, thankfully have not had one in over a year. Hope that you are better by now.

Tali- did you take pics of the 'do's? And do you like google chrome? I haven't tried it, and I don't know of anyone else who does. Maybe I'll see how it is. Can't hurt!

Sandra- I hear ya on the cold weather- love you!

Karen- try those garlic pills for the cold too :) And dads- they *never* hear the kids. It has to be some maternal instinct. I have been up with both kids puking and Gary wouldn't hear a thing.
And Orange Juice? No clue here- do tell!

ME- hope you enjoyed your big night out! Woo hoo, new "do!!

LindaP mmmmmmmmm, choc chip cookies.... will you adopt me?

Oh no Kat! Did everything work out ok??

Clara, IKWYM about making appts. Gary and I have to make appt's with our new Medicaid dr b/c we are going to need standing referrals for any blood work we have done at our Lyme drs. (we find this out after all 4 of us get blood drawn last week-- ugh!!!) And I just have been stalling. Why is it so hard to just pick up the phone??
How was Church Group? I think your assessment of DH's reaction is spot on. Hope it eases up in time.

Hi Kelly!

Sara- take it eay on your self! You need time to heal and regain strength!

So I am off (not to see the wizard, but to the school bus #1)

Have a wonderful day ladies!!


Well-Known Member
good morning... just wanted to hop by real quick and say hello... I have to get Will some breakfast and off to school... then I've got some design stuff I'm working on for a little bit... then its off to shower and over to the school to have lunch with Will and help out his teacher for a little while... we're supposed to take the kids to a family night at the school but we also wanted to go see Watchmen so I'm not sure which we're doing yet...

Chris - dust bunnies are your friends, huh? lol that made me laugh... love you, too!

have a great day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Chris...I love your attitude! What a pick me up on a Friday morning! And I'm so glad it's Friday!!! YES!!! The kids are on spring break but I still have to work. Oh well, they are home with Daddy and that's such a blessing for me...knowing that they are with someone who loves them as much as I do.

Busy weekend ahead. Haoyi is in state for speech contests...two different contests...so I'll probably drive to Ames for that. Then the high school boys basketball team is in the State Final tomorrow night so I bet that we all go to that because I'm sure Haoyi will want to attend. The time flies too fast.

Got to go...need to get to work! But I miss all of you so much! So I'll leave some coffee cake and coffee for those who come next!


Well-Known Member
Woohoo!!!! We made it another work week...well, almost ...it is Fri the 13th no less ;) and I still haven't left the house. But, no headache...yet. I left work early yesterday and got a massage, she concentrated on my trouble spots and it was wonderful........mmmmmm. Thank you, Chris, you are soooo sweet...and freakin' hilarious...dust bunny friends and poopies, LMBO! I hope you find lots more of them to sweep away. Now, pick up that phone.....it won't bite!

Ok...now what is google chrome?! Guess I'll have to google it this evening.

Sandra-glad to see you posting and busy designing!

Linda-sounds like you have a busy weekend planned! yummy, coffee cake, thank you :)

Chris--woohoo on the goal!!

I'm in the dark re: yesterday so I'll have to catch up tonight...it's off to work with me. Catch y'all later, have a great day! hi to all who pop in later :).


Well-Known Member
Hi girls, tgif, tigif! My college roommate is coming into town tonight for a surprise baby tomorrow for another dear college friend! Should be fun. Got some good news about my dad this week - the bone scan was negative! His kidney surgery is next Wednesday so I will be heading up to PA next week.

Hi Chris! Congrats on the posting goal. And keeping my fingers crossed for other clients for you!

Dawn - ooh, that massage sounds just plain amazing!!

Linda - you are one busy lady.

Hiya, Sandra! Hope you're doing okay.

Love to you all.


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning. I am supposed to be unloading the dishes but I'm visiting with you all instead!! Friday is a great day of the week. I don't think I get coffee today though. So sad :(
So, I went to Youth Group last night and it was pretty cool. Our church is under construction so we can't use it during the week so they cleaned out the bus barn and have made it into the youth center. It is all very industrial and very cool. I was impressed. I didn't know any of the kids but hopefully I'll get to know them in time.

I don't know what is going on this weekend. I feel like a lot is going on but I'm not sure what all we have going on.

oh!! So, this cracked me up last night and so I have to share it with all of you. When I got home my dh told me that E needed to tell me what he needed to save money for. So we sat down and this is what he said..."there's this girl at school who likes me, and I like her back so I want to save money to buy her something." He's in 1st grade so it is kinda cute. So then I grilled him..."do you hold her hand? Hug her? Kiss her?? No? Good, you're not old enough for all that hugging and kissing stuff." He got that annoyed "mooo-oom" look. Good times.

Chris - That seems so weird to me that Scott would get in trouble for defending himself. What do they want him to do? Curl in a ball on the ground? But I guess rules are rules. I love your dust bunny attitude. That is great. If you didn't mind the drive to Olympia, I'd let you clean my house and I have another friend whose house needs some love. Too bad. You would probably hate my house. I am not even close to being a clean freak so it is a bit cluttered and stuff.

Sandra - big choices for your evening. Watchmen sounds awesome. I hate family nights at the school. Too many people in one place, but I go anyway because Ethan loves it. Have a good evening whatever you do.

Linda - sounds like you have one busy weekend planned. That is awesome that dh gets to be at home with them.

Dawn - So glad the headache has gone away. Yay!!

Ooooh, Friday the 13th, huh? I am so glad I don't work at the hospital. Have a great day everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Morning ladies. :) Having a kind of funky day, so not much to say. SIL did come over last night, she did a great job of helping me figure out what to do with my hair, so I'm really excited. We leave for Vegas in less than 3 weeks. I saw a shot of the inside of an airport on the news last night and got panicky immediately. I need to call my doc and get some meds to help me survive the flight.

Tomorrow we are going to IL's to get a swingset for the kids. MIL bought it from the chick that does her nails. :D It's a very big wooden one, and she got it for only $200. I'm really excited.

We didn't take pics of my hair, I'm always the one behind the camera and I swear Eric doesn't even know how to run it. ;)

Chris - big hugs sweetie. I have no idea how hard it is to parent teens. I struggle with Ella - she is a very strong-willed and energetic child, and it is hard for me. I hope you get another cleaning opp very soon. Also - I do like Google Chrome, a lot. :) It is so cool. The way it displays favorites, and often-visited sights, is so handy. I am so happy with it.

ME - wonderful news about your dad! Have a fun weekend with your friends.

Sandra - have a good night!

Dawn - I'm glad you got a massage and have no headache today! Fabulous. Google Chrome is a new browser, I've been using it for about a month and I love it. I have run into a few snags with a download but that is the only problem I've had.

Linda - wow, busy weekend!! Have fun!

Clara - cute story about Ethan! Love that. Have a great weekend!


...loves her some "O"
morning girlies!! and Happy Friday!!!

Mr Gorgeous is on the ground and on his way home from the airport. He left CA at 6am this morning, so I'm totally excited to be a whole family again for a week. That is my good news today.

Well, that and this!! I LOST weight this week!! yay!!!! I'm really really excited!! I think I've found my groove again!

today, I'm working on my LONG list of projects. Trying to establish habits with all of my committments and not go crazy! It seems like from 9-midnight at night is my most productive time, but my brain has been sooooo full, I'm not really getting the best of my abilities!! So I'm working toward that goal, too! Getting it together!!

I'm off to create a coffeehouse flyer for our church now. I love you all!!


Well-Known Member
we didn't go to family night... decided to take the kids out to eat and do some shopping at The Children's Place and spent way too much money of course!