
Daily Ooos: Friday, June 7


The Loopy-O
This be me:

I am dragon my butt I am so tired.
But it is all good because this also be me:

Yup, I had a long day yesterday but I feel very accomplished! I am officially CPR/AED/Wilderness First Aid certified!! Yay Me!!!! The CRP class was so much easier than the FA. I also had the chance to share my story about how the training kicked in when the boy fell in the stream the other day. That felt amazing.
(For the newer Ooos, while everyone in the family was sick, I cleaned other people's houses for $$ and my self-esteem/self-worth took a hit. I felt like I had *nothing* to contribute. If you asked me a few years ago if I would be doing what I am doing now, I would have snort-laughed in disgust. I know I talk about myself and my job a lot but it's because I finally feel like myself again. YKWIM?)

My mom and I went over all of the bridal shower plans and menu too. That was good for us both. She was feeling left out but she is known to throw too many options and ideas into the mix, confusing everyone. I told her that I personally needed to have the skeleton planning done first and then I wanted her input. That seemed to go over well. Whew!

I am working a field trip today and when I get home, I am chatting with one of Caitlyn's friends to go over some of the games for the shower. I have no plans tomorrow so please let everyone leave me the h*** alone. :voodoodoll: :giggle4: Sunday begins a new busy week so please let me have Saturday. :praying2:

While I am at it, can get good thoughts for my parents? My dad is depressed and my mom's response is to tell him how his depression is affecting her. I told them both about Spoon Theory and how it is for both physical and mental health. Will it sink it? Probably not but it's all I have ATM... :/
What were we all saying about elder care and mental health? One more example, yannow?

One that not, enjoy your :friday:


Well-Known Member
Chris, I hope your Dad comes out of his depression. Sounds like that Bridal Shower must be happening soon.

We had a lovely day today with having lunch with a friend who lives on her own and has a ticking time bomb inside of her. 8 years ago she had a massive heart attack and last year it happened again with this time being that the heart is damaged too much for the doctors to do anything for her so sent her home to die. She is still going - still enjoying her garden - still enjoying her art of silk painting of scarves which she sells at the Local Craft store we are also involved in.

I had a bad nights sleep last night so I am feeling very tired and about to head to bed.... so.... good morning .... good night to you all.


The Loopy-O
@JeanneMN No, I totally get it! I am socially anxious/awkward too. But once I get to know you-- all bets are off :D
So happy that you had a great time with your friend and both hubs did as well.
Sorry that you had a tough time with the ACDSee db. I am obsessed with backups, I have the reminder set for weekly. And I embed the metadata every time I close it down just in case it crashes and *might* be sort of recoverable. It is such a mess of a program but I can't scrap without it.
have a wonderful time at the Reunion! It's going to be so much fun ♥

@Terri M My tips if/when you make the bruschetta- I use more tomatoes than the recipe calls for, usually 3-4 plum tomatoes. Always extra garlic b/c well- duh. Always add more garlic. :D If I have light mayo I'll use that instead of regular. And I always make the topping the day before to save time. If I have any leftovers, (usually just the 1-2 pieces that no one wants to finish from the tray) I pop them in the toaster oven the next day.
Have a fantastic trip this weekend!

@vickyday my heart is breaking for you and Caroyn's family. While I was with my parents, they got a call that a longtime friend passed unexpectedly. All they could say was how much younger he was than them. So many good thoughts to Carlyn and that she doesn't suffer... :brokenheart:

@BrightEyes Are you all set for the garage sale? I am glad you are getting set up with water and fans to stay cool. Take breaks and I know you and DD#3 will look after each other. Good luck!!

@AK_Tracy Everyone in my house knows to never, ever, ever talk to me before I have coffee. :coffeedrinker: Thanks for joining in the Caffeine Chant with me :D
HAHAHAHA!!!! Ding dong ding dong!!! :rotfl:
Faery Challenge Score: Big fat Zero. Tomorrow. I'll do some (one) tomorrow.
Keep your streak going! :cheer:

Your hostess cakes jokes make me laugh-- yesterday my mom kept calling "deviled eggs" devil dogs. hee hee!

@Cherylndesigns Thanks for the movie review and nah, I agree. I don't think Gary would like it. I rarely watch TV on my own- only at Christmas to watch It's a Wonderful Life. Maybe I'll put it on the next time I do my nails.

@mimes1 Congrats, good luck, and be safe vibes to Mark and his shoulder. Hope you got some good scrapping time in! (*mutters some more to myself*-- tomorrow...)

jeanne -- Ummmm YUM!!! Can you send me some of that watermelon martini? wishing you a fab weekend!

@bitzee good luck and healing thoughts to your DS and his shoulder!



Well-Known Member
@faerywings Chris, I am so sorry you had to go through that dark period. But, look at you now! You are doing great.

I am glad that you found a way to include your mom that makes her happy and doesn't complicate your planning process.

Sending healing thoughts for your dad and your mom and hoping that they can start being more supportive of one another.
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GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
@faerywings I'm very anal like you about backups and backup, embed data, and ultimately that's what rescued me to a clean database, but it was like everything disconnected and turned into temp files. I can't scrap without it either so that's why I had to get it back to normal before I could even think about creating. Darn, girlfriend, I didn't see your message about the martini until this morning. I slept really well which is unusual for my first night at a hotel.

We're having breakfast at the hotel this morning and then later will go to campus and register I don't know for sure what is going on the rest of the day but tonight we are celebrating 1001 donuts, a celebration we used to have every Christmas. It was held in the beautiful dining room of the freshman dorm which is being torn down later this summer, but seniors hosted it for all of the underclasspeople, candles, Christmas carols, and yes donuts. We're doing it in the chapel tonight, I think the candles are being eliminated, but there will be donut holes and hot chocolate. Then there is Mass in the chapel, this was one of the features that really made me want to go there, it is a gorgeous piece of architecture, then there is a banquet, sadly, not in our dining room, but the local state college is providing space.

Blue sky and sunshine this morning. I'm going to try to catch up more with everyone later, but need to get to the gallery and get caught up with that too. Wishing you all a sunny day, hugs to those who could use one, prayers to those who need them, and those of you who are growers, I hope you can hear your plants grow today. I'm hoping the pink lady slipper will hang on to her slippers until I get home on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Everyone!!!

@faerywings Chris your dragon :floorlaugh: :coffeedrinker:Get you some more coffee friend! The dragon comments made me laugh. That's how I feel on my way to the coffee, dragon and oh dont talk. Yet sweet love of my life thinks he needs to talk. At least he waits till the first cup is almost gone but oh babe stop talking before 8 a..m. I love hearing about your job. I'm sorry you had to go through darkness but so happy you came through it and are here, filled with light. Your job is not something I could do (or enjoy, not a bug person) but I love hearing about it and how happy you are with everything related to the job. Even when tired and chanting for Caffeine. I'll always join that chant :giggle4:

Oh @A-M Anne-Marie I hope your friend keeps proving the doctors wrong. She sounds like an amazing woman to keep going despite what the doctors said.

@JeanneMN Twin I hope you have a wonderful day at your reunion. It sounds like they have a lot of fun planned for you all. I am sure your watermelon martini helped you sleep better too!! Hotels are the worst the first night. All the strange sounds and different bed. I always take my own pillow though so that helps me sleep. One I cant use polyester and two the pillow is what I know and fits me. Family thinks I am nuts but they also know it matters for me.

Next week is going to be crazy and I am dreading it. I have to work Tuesday to Saturday. I dont mind the job, its my body getting up and out of the house by 8 a.m. every day that I dread. Plus my mom will be here to visit. I haven't seen her in a year. She only lives three hours away but hasn't been to my house since my son graduated last year. She stresses me out and we dont have a great relationship. So now I have to work, and deal with that, and my poor hubs will be home with her all week since he retired. And it will be birthday bash here and I fear missing out since I have to "entertain" but not really as she will just be on her phone ignoring me like normal. Wow that sounds so whiney. Sorry. To early for wine.

Todays my last day to stay home and chill. Homemade pizza for dinner and movie night though. Showed the kids Farris Buellers Day Off last night LOL What a hoot. Its so funny to go back and watch as the graphics are so cheesy yet they use to be cutting edge.

Okay, off to drink my coffee and catch up gallery images. Let the inspiration flow and maybe I can finish the three challenges that feel scary as they're all about inspiration.


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone. I've been outside in the sunshine, playing with the dogs and watching the birds. The baby robins are fun to watch. There are 3 babies and their wobbly heads are now bopping up when its time to eat. We learned something new today. We watched mom take the fecal sac from one of the babies, it is how they keep the nest clean while the babies are not able to get out of the nest.

Dog park and a few errands is on the agenda today. D and I want to start binging House of the Dragon over the wkend so we'll be ready for season 2. It's been too long and I forget a lot of it.

I'm going to look for a low fat dip to make for entertaining. My cheese/bacon dip was a hit but it is really rich and fattening so I want to find something yummy but not so fatty and rich. We will be taking turns hosting game night so want to come up with a few simple go-to snack options. We got a pickleball group together so we'll be ready for the fall to start playing at our local center, so I won't need to drive into Calgary to play like I have been doing.

@faerywings I'm not surprised at how good you are feeling about working, especially with the job you now have. It is perfect for you. Sorry to hear your dad is still struggling. Your parents' relationship dynamic is what it is, right? Be there to help each as you can but then distance yourself, don't drive yourself crazy about it, nothing you can do really to help much.

@JeanneMN Sounds like a wonderful evening ahead. Enjoy the donuts.

@AK_Tracy Sounds like a challenging wk ahead. Hope it goes better than expected and you don't get too stressed out.

I'm getting another coffee before heading out for errands and dog park. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon/evening.

I'm just getting in here - Adrienne called me last-minute and wanted me to go to Walgreen's with her. I wasn't even dressed, but threw some clothes on and went. I needed a couple of things and we hardly ever go inside and browse. We get our scripts there, but always drive through. I love Walgreen's and had fun looking at everything. They didn't have the sunning stuff I wanted, but I got a couple of things I needed for the dog. She has gotten loose a couple of times this week (she's a runner) and was chewing herself last night and about drove me nuts. I found a few ticks (SHIVER) on her and got them off and brushed her (last night) and put a fresh flea and tick collar on her. I was so grossed out. She goes to the groomer every 6 weeks, but I'm going to brave it and give her a bath with the flea and tick shampoo I got today. I also got these little scrubbers (they're for human scalps) but I'm going to scrub her little fanny down.

Ava came over a few minutes ago and she found another tick on her. (DOUBLE SHIVER). She also cut some matts out of her ears. These dogs love to run wild through all of the wooded areas on the property, but they come home covered in ticks and other things. It's over for Daisy. I can't live with possible ticks in my house. One more victory for me though - if I have to look on the bright side - I have never had to do "tick duty" or "flea and tick medicine duty" - Chuck always took care of that. Now, I have to and I'm grossed out, but I'm doing it. The cat is mad at me because I put his flea and tick medicine on him last night. He acts like I'm torturing him. I can't squirt it all in one time because he jumps straight up and then runs and hides. So, I have to take it in spurts.

I have such an exciting life. :rotfl::floorlaugh:

I went back a day or so - I'm so far behind. Did Vicki's friend Carolyn pass away? I couldn't find it, but it sounds like it. I hope not. I hope that it's what I read last that she was just weak.

Chris @faerywings I'm guessing that Gary would not like that movie. I know Chuck wouldn't have. Yes, it's weird to even sit in the LR and watch anything by myself. However, Your Honor is really good. I watched the first episode. It's starring Bryan Cranston, although it doesn't look like him. They've done something to make him look different, but I can't put my finger on it. I'm probably going to watch another episode this weekend. When I was telling Adrienne about it, I said that it looked like him, but we checked today, and it IS him. Sorry your dad is so depressed and that your mom isn't taking it so well. That's the trouble with depression - it isn't about somebody else. It's so hard for everybody to understand. Good call on not letting her in on the shower planning and you handled it perfectly.

Love and hugs to all and I'll try to be more present in the near future. :lovey3::heartpumplove::grouphugyay:
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Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone! Mark went back to work today and everything went well. He was able to get the assistance he needed on some of the bigger packaging (He's in Shipping and Receiving) with no problem at all. Plenty of support. I asked him if he thinks its sustainable with the way he's feeling and he said yes. So that's excellent and I'm very proud of him. He's tired and wants to relax tonight so more scrapping time for me. dance4
Erinn had a job interview today and it looks very promising. She called and was pretty excited about it. She told the guy that if she's not the right candidate she understands but that she really hopes it works out. It's a job in cabinetry which she already does so this would be consistent income and health benefits, and social elements while Paul's away. I hope she gets the job - it's a perfect fit.
Hope you all had a good day!


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone! Mark went back to work today and everything went well. He was able to get the assistance he needed on some of the bigger packaging (He's in Shipping and Receiving) with no problem at all. Plenty of support. I asked him if he thinks its sustainable with the way he's feeling and he said yes. So that's excellent and I'm very proud of him. He's tired and wants to relax tonight so more scrapping time for me. dance4
Erinn had a job interview today and it looks very promising. She called and was pretty excited about it. She told the guy that if she's not the right candidate she understands but that she really hopes it works out. It's a job in cabinetry which she already does so this would be consistent income and health benefits, and social elements while Paul's away. I hope she gets the job - it's a perfect fit.
Hope you all had a good day!
:cheer::cheer::cheer: Woot Woot!!! Best update ever!!!!!!! So glad Mark is doing well and had a good work day. Prayers for Erinn and the job!!!!


Well-Known Member
@BrightEyes I hope you're not melting and everything is going well with your garage sale!
@A-M The artwork and gardening that your friend does must be therapeutic for her and maybe helping with her quality of life in these later days. Both of those activities sound peaceful and relaxing.
@JeanneMN Sounds like you're having a great time at your reunion! Also your ACDC fun reminds me I need to back up!
@faerywings I'm no expert but I can tell you from my own experience that self-care is important, not selfish. It's good to set healthy boundaries where necessary and regarding the memory diminished person, it's important to not take their memory loss or out of character behaviors personally. More easily said than done. I reminded myself many times that it was the disease, not my mom.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hi Everyone! Mark went back to work today and everything went well. He was able to get the assistance he needed on some of the bigger packaging (He's in Shipping and Receiving) with no problem at all. Plenty of support. I asked him if he thinks its sustainable with the way he's feeling and he said yes. So that's excellent and I'm very proud of him. He's tired and wants to relax tonight so more scrapping time for me. dance4
Erinn had a job interview today and it looks very promising. She called and was pretty excited about it. She told the guy that if she's not the right candidate she understands but that she really hopes it works out. It's a job in cabinetry which she already does so this would be consistent income and health benefits, and social elements while Paul's away. I hope she gets the job - it's a perfect fit.
Hope you all had a good day!
Excellent news, Amy all around!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Just got back to my room about 45 minutes ago, long, fun, emotional, bittersweet day. I walked around by myself for a while this afternoon and took selfies at some of my favorite spots, I felt myself getting emotional, the fact that it closed in 1989 and that it's long history all of the memories that were made and also the fact that it is the last reunion ever. Over 450 alums here, the oldest, It graduated in 1946, her mother graduated from here, and her daughter brought her and is also a grad from here. The weather was spectacular today which made it even better. Took lots of photos with more on deck for tomorrow of course. My dogs are screaming so I'm going to say nighty night and try to get caught up with you in the morning.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Ugh, I've been sitting here making out my returns to Amazon. I ordered three items of clothing and don't like any of them. Well, I like them, but they don't like me. :floorlaugh: I ordered THE cutest distressed jean shorts, but if I get them to fit in the waist, the legs are huge. I ordered this adorable (well, it looked adorable on the site) loose cover-up type top in "Boho Red". Of course, the model was probably a trible zero size and had it on with a white tank top and the distressed shorts I ordered. Oh, well, I'll take them back and go into town to that little boutique where we normally get our jeans and shorts. (SIGH)


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Just got back to my room about 45 minutes ago, long, fun, emotional, bittersweet day. I walked around by myself for a while this afternoon and took selfies at some of my favorite spots, I felt myself getting emotional, the fact that it closed in 1989 and that it's long history all of the memories that were made and also the fact that it is the last reunion ever. Over 450 alums here, the oldest, It graduated in 1946, her mother graduated from here, and her daughter brought her and is also a grad from here. The weather was spectacular today which made it even better. Took lots of photos with more on deck for tomorrow of course. My dogs are screaming so I'm going to say nighty night and try to get caught up with you in the morning.
Hugs, Jeanne. It's so hard to go back, but even harder to know this the last reunion. SO glad you got to go. :hug3::hug2::lovey3: