
Daily Ooos: Friday, June 21


The Loopy-O
Hello and Happy Friday!

Hot and humid weather here again. Throw in an extremely high pollen count and even I don't want to spend too much time outside. My poor plants and gardens. I worked outside for a little while yesterday morning and watered the stuff in buckets but sheesh, if we don't get some rain soon, everything will get fried.
I'm feeling a little tired and cranky, I have been sleeping terribly and now I am all achy. Although the achiness in my shoulders might be from yoga yesterday. I tried a new yoga video session and one of the poses was Eagle Pose, wrapping your arms around each other and then your legs and bending your knees. Yeah, I was struggling with that one. Imagine me looking like a soggy pretzel, trying to not fall on my face. LOL!

Today is my parents' 60th anniversary. That seems like a crazy long time together. My brother wanted to throw them a party or do a dinner for them but they didn't want any fuss. I'll call them later today to wish them a happy day. This morning I am heading to the dollar store to get the party prizes and after that, I think I am just about done. I feel like I am missing something but darned if I can figure out what it possibly could be. The only thing I didn't do was order a corsage but I don't know if that is even something she would want. I am not a cut-flower kind of person so maybe that's messing with my judgment.

Just watch. I am going to second-guess myself on everything I have planned and worked on for the next week. Because that is how I roll. :loser:



The Loopy-O
@vickyday I sure hope you are sleeping better than I have been the last few weeks, waking up between 4-5 am is the pits.
I am not surprised there were lots of people out walking early. Hope you are staying hydrated. any work from the doctor about the bruised feeling?

@Celestine hahah!!
When did I get so old that getting out of my routine made me grumpy?
100% truth!!!! I hope that you and your friends had a lovely time together.

@MariJ I might try out the Highlands Natural Pool if this heat sticks around much longer. It is partnered with Weis so employees get free admission.

@BrightEyes lots of good healing vibes to DD#2 and her DH ♥
TY for liking the bouquet ring, it was exactly what I was looking for even though I didn't know it existed :love:

@bcgal00 Love that you need a dry-erase board to keep track of your activities! So happy that you are having a great time in this new place!

@Terri M We have two small blueberry bushes and I don't think we have ever gotten ripe blueberries before the birds ate them.
Congrats on the trail award-- hope you have cooler weather tomorrow

@AK_Tracy Thank you for reinforcing that I am a summer girl. I still prefer 100 heat index weather over your 40-50* weather. :rotfl:

@bitzee I am the same way, trying to get everything done all at once and god forbid I ask for help. :nod1:

@JeanneMN Be safe with the storms today. Do you have a generator if you lose power?

Marilyn- my town's school finished up on Wednesday, I know that seems so late to other states that end in May. Jersey though... we do everything a little differently ;)

@mywisecrafts I can't wait to hear and see all about your vacation! Sorry to hear about the terrorist dog- I had one of those too, ate several couches but she was my best friend and I still miss her so much

@Cherylndesigns :floorlaugh: I don't know if I can take you seriously ever again if you kept Tuna as your avi.

Love and hugs and cool weather thoughts!


Love my O Family!
Hello and Happy Friday!

Hot and humid weather here again. Throw in an extremely high pollen count and even I don't want to spend too much time outside. My poor plants and gardens. I worked outside for a little while yesterday morning and watered the stuff in buckets but sheesh, if we don't get some rain soon, everything will get fried.
I'm feeling a little tired and cranky, I have been sleeping terribly and now I am all achy. Although the achiness in my shoulders might be from yoga yesterday. I tried a new yoga video session and one of the poses was Eagle Pose, wrapping your arms around each other and then your legs and bending your knees. Yeah, I was struggling with that one. Imagine me looking like a soggy pretzel, trying to not fall on my face. LOL!

Today is my parents' 60th anniversary. That seems like a crazy long time together. My brother wanted to throw them a party or do a dinner for them but they didn't want any fuss. I'll call them later today to wish them a happy day. This morning I am heading to the dollar store to get the party prizes and after that, I think I am just about done. I feel like I am missing something but darned if I can figure out what it possibly could be. The only thing I didn't do was order a corsage but I don't know if that is even something she would want. I am not a cut-flower kind of person so maybe that's messing with my judgment.

Just watch. I am going to second-guess myself on everything I have planned and worked on for the next week. Because that is how I roll. :loser:

I agree! We need some rain!
CONGRATS on your parents marriage of 60 years! It is unheard of these days and so nice to hear about! If my parents were still living they would celebrate 70 this year! My deceased husband and I would have celebrated 48 this past May.


Love my O Family!
@vickyday I sure hope you are sleeping better than I have been the last few weeks, waking up between 4-5 am is the pits.
I am not surprised there were lots of people out walking early. Hope you are staying hydrated. any work from the doctor about the bruised feeling?

@Celestine hahah!!
When did I get so old that getting out of my routine made me grumpy?
100% truth!!!! I hope that you and your friends had a lovely time together.

@MariJ I might try out the Highlands Natural Pool if this heat sticks around much longer. It is partnered with Weis so employees get free admission.

@BrightEyes lots of good healing vibes to DD#2 and her DH ♥
TY for liking the bouquet ring, it was exactly what I was looking for even though I didn't know it existed :love:

@bcgal00 Love that you need a dry-erase board to keep track of your activities! So happy that you are having a great time in this new place!

@Terri M We have two small blueberry bushes and I don't think we have ever gotten ripe blueberries before the birds ate them.
Congrats on the trail award-- hope you have cooler weather tomorrow

@AK_Tracy Thank you for reinforcing that I am a summer girl. I still prefer 100 heat index weather over your 40-50* weather. :rotfl:

@bitzee I am the same way, trying to get everything done all at once and god forbid I ask for help. :nod1:

@JeanneMN Be safe with the storms today. Do you have a generator if you lose power?

Marilyn- my town's school finished up on Wednesday, I know that seems so late to other states that end in May. Jersey though... we do everything a little differently ;)

@mywisecrafts I can't wait to hear and see all about your vacation! Sorry to hear about the terrorist dog- I had one of those too, ate several couches but she was my best friend and I still miss her so much

@Cherylndesigns :floorlaugh: I don't know if I can take you seriously ever again if you kept Tuna as your avi.

Love and hugs and cool weather thoughts!
Yeah, I don't know why I was surprised to see that many people out since that was the reason I was out so early, LOL!
Yes, I have a Dr. appt. but the soonest I could get in is next Thursday. My regular doc is out of the office and another is covering her calls so that is probably why I couldn't get in any sooner. Thats OK. Just glad I have the appointment set. I did sleep better last night, but woke up at 2 sick to my stomach....IBS issues once again! :crying1:


Love my O Family!
Happy Friday to Everyone!
Well, the Ozempic is back in Mark's system and he is nauseous with no desire to eat!
I'm having IBS issues today. If it isn't one thing it's another!
I did get a doc appt. for next Thursday to check out the bruised feeling on my side.
I did sell some of my scrapbooking stuff last night. Part of one of the bundles I had listed, so I came home and adjusted the listing! I still have TONS of stuff to list! I think I'm going to go ahead and change the pricing on everything to make it dirt cheap. I just want to get rid of it! I want it out of my house!
Since Mark and I will be nursing upset tummies today, no plans here!
Hope everyone has a lovely day!


Quick in and out this AM.... Have several errands to run in addition to seeing the dermatologist. The rain is not suppose to get here until this evening but I am taking my umbrella... just in case. I gave up looking for DH's coin counter and ordered one. It will be here today. Guess what I will be doing over the next week or so!!! :lol23: Just another clean up and clear out project.

I just remembered that I am hosting a July Challenge!!! Didn't realize that I signed up for 2 months back-to-back. Will have to get busy getting ready for it. Geeze... July... half the year is gone already!!!

Time to get my :showering: and get dressed. Will pop back in later to see how everyone is doing. HAGD


Well-Known Member
Chris you are right about NJ doing things differently and I still love being a Jersey Girl anyway! No one gets while we are in school so long, but I don't get going back to school the first week in August!
OH! I've never heard of Highlands Natural Pool - it sounds nice and great you can go there!



Well-Known Member
Quick in and out here too - I'm sorry to have ghosted ya'll the past couple of days!
@Cherylndesigns Your comments about your gal not coming around after Chuck passed resonated with me in that Mom's shower helper and I have been trying to get together. We haven't seen each other since the Saturday before mom died. She came over to help us get the hospital bed into mom's room. Anyway, after reading your comments I called her and nailed down a date. Today. 11 am. I have a couple pieces of mom's jewelry for her and a book my friend wrote. It will be a nice visit.

And that job? They called for a second interview and they offered me the job! :jawdrop3: :eek3::wow2::what!: The told me to go home and talk to Mark about the offer, and to let them know. The whole thing moved so fast and fell into such place that I know it's all God's plan. All I have to do now is say :yesss:. I'll do that today. It's a big life change! I've been retired (sorta, since caring for mom was a full time job) for 3.5 years. But I'm excited about it and at peace.

Got to go, more later! Lots to catch up on here!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
@mimes1 Congrats on the job! I think you're right to trust a feeling of peace when making the decision.

@faerywings We have a netting-covered cage over the blueberry bushes otherwise we'd just be feeding the birds. There's one cowbird who has learned to perch on the side and eat berries through the mesh. I let him be because I'm impressed.

Our grass is getting crunchy already, usually that doesn't happen until mid-July. Come on, rain!

Today's the last day of school for our grandkids, out in the Seattle area. It's funny to think the kids here in central Virginia have been out for 2 or 3 weeks already. When our daughter was in school we lived in NJ, so I'm used to the calendar running later.

I enjoyed doing the challenges and games for the birthday party, but I'm glad it's not that intense too often! DH thinks I'm doing work on the computer, when I'm really just playing. I think he only got a real cooked meal once this week -- but to be honest the plethora of salads has as much to do with the weather as with my goofing off. That's ok, he'll have a hot meal tonight; I'm ordering pizza :hammock:


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
Hello everyone!! I have been a turtle lately, but I feel that I am finally coming out of my shell. I am just not a summer person, and this heat is really making me cranky. It is interfering with my walks, which I think is contributing to my feelings. I had to wake up at 5am to get a walk in last Saturday because it was going to be too hot by even 7 am. I was going to walk this morning at 7:30 but it's already 80 degrees and the sun is beating down on me! SOOO... I am walking at 9 pm at night in our housing community just so I can get my steps in.

I've been in a scrapping slump too - probably because I've used up all my good photos, and I haven't been taking any lately. I need to find some mojo - so I think I will start scraplifting to push my creativity along. I just can't seem to create anything lately!

We found a disposable camera in my dad's car when we sold it in 2012, and I've hung on to it thinking I'd get it developed but I kept forgetting and putting it away. I sent it in today and I HOPE there are some fun pictures on the roll!! When I told Mike about it, he said that he thought they were from a gig in San Diego that we did on Independence day 2003. I HOPE that is true, because then there will be pictures of my Mom and Dad, and Meli when she was only about 5 months old!

I am doing really well with my lifestyle changes regarding food and movement, but right now the scale is frustrating the beegeebees out of me. It hasn't moved much in a month and it's making me want to throw the scale out the window! I know I'm doing everything I should and that eventually it WILL move, but it's so hard! My lab work is all within normal ranges right now, so for that I am SUPREMELY happy!! I am no longer pre-diabetic and my blood sugars are normal. My cholesterol, triglycerides, and BP are all lower and in the normal range as well. My doctor cut my BP meds in half, and if they hold steady on the half dose, she is going to take me off of it completely.

Meli is doing well in her job at Albertsons but she does not like working the customer service desk. She has asked for a transfer to drive up and go (mobile orders) and she's hoping they will switch her soon.

She is finally old enough to do the cosmetic dentistry that she needs, and we took her to one dentist for a free consultation. He said her issues were too dramatic for him and he set her up with his main dentist, who is one of the best in the area. We had a consultation with him and he is going to take her case on. He was shocked that our orthodontist left her mouth in the state it was in and called it done. He said that he OVER treated her and it led to some root loss from moving her teeth too much. We got a treatment plan and when we saw the price, we just about died on the spot. It has to be done, so we will be pretty tight money wise for the next few months. My FIL is helping us to pay for it, so that is a big blessing. The economy right now is KILLING us. I keep all my receipts, and I compared the prices of what we purchase now as to 2 years ago and our grocery bill alone has increased 275% - with food items being smaller too!!! Mike's car needs 5K of work and it's almost 10years old, so do we pour money into an old car? We may be a one car family again soon, which will SUCK because we have 3 drivers now. Our energy bills have soared, the gas prices are hell, and ... sorry - I'm preaching to the choir. I am sure you are all feeling the pinch.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone, I have been MIA again, but the moving in continues with the In-Laws needing this and that done. Its ok they seem to be happier and settling in finally. This weekend will be busy with my Gary and myself painting the shelves in the sewing shack and getting all of her sewing stuff put away. She will be happy when that is finally all done. However it does keep me away from here for a bit longer :sad2: . Perhaps July will be the month that I can finally continue on with scrapping. I am so far behind with what is going on here and it breaks my heart to not be here as much as I would like. I did get out on the Lake yesterday with SIL and we had a lovely paddle around the entire Lake. Its another glorious morning and I would love to be out there again today, but I doubt that will happen. Anyway I just wanted to pop in to say hello:wavinghello:. Please know that I am thinking about all of my O family and I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
Morning everyone, I have been MIA again, but the moving in continues with the In-Laws needing this and that done. Its ok they seem to be happier and settling in finally. This weekend will be busy with my Gary and myself painting the shelves in the sewing shack and getting all of her sewing stuff put away. She will be happy when that is finally all done. However it does keep me away from here for a bit longer :sad2: . Perhaps July will be the month that I can finally continue on with scrapping. I am so far behind with what is going on here and it breaks my heart to not be here as much as I would like. I did get out on the Lake yesterday with SIL and we had a lovely paddle around the entire Lake. Its another glorious morning and I would love to be out there again today, but I doubt that will happen. Anyway I just wanted to pop in to say hello:wavinghello:. Please know that I am thinking about all of my O family and I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!
Hang in there - take care of outside life and pop in when you can. I just popped in myself. The lake sounds amazing!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hello everyone!! I have been a turtle lately, but I feel that I am finally coming out of my shell. I am just not a summer person, and this heat is really making me cranky. It is interfering with my walks, which I think is contributing to my feelings. I had to wake up at 5am to get a walk in last Saturday because it was going to be too hot by even 7 am. I was going to walk this morning at 7:30 but it's already 80 degrees and the sun is beating down on me! SOOO... I am walking at 9 pm at night in our housing community just so I can get my steps in.

I've been in a scrapping slump too - probably because I've used up all my good photos, and I haven't been taking any lately. I need to find some mojo - so I think I will start scraplifting to push my creativity along. I just can't seem to create anything lately!

We found a disposable camera in my dad's car when we sold it in 2012, and I've hung on to it thinking I'd get it developed but I kept forgetting and putting it away. I sent it in today and I HOPE there are some fun pictures on the roll!! When I told Mike about it, he said that he thought they were from a gig in San Diego that we did on Independence day 2003. I HOPE that is true, because then there will be pictures of my Mom and Dad, and Meli when she was only about 5 months old!

I am doing really well with my lifestyle changes regarding food and movement, but right now the scale is frustrating the beegeebees out of me. It hasn't moved much in a month and it's making me want to throw the scale out the window! I know I'm doing everything I should and that eventually it WILL move, but it's so hard! My lab work is all within normal ranges right now, so for that I am SUPREMELY happy!! I am no longer pre-diabetic and my blood sugars are normal. My cholesterol, triglycerides, and BP are all lower and in the normal range as well. My doctor cut my BP meds in half, and if they hold steady on the half dose, she is going to take me off of it completely.

Meli is doing well in her job at Albertsons but she does not like working the customer service desk. She has asked for a transfer to drive up and go (mobile orders) and she's hoping they will switch her soon.

She is finally old enough to do the cosmetic dentistry that she needs, and we took her to one dentist for a free consultation. He said her issues were too dramatic for him and he set her up with his main dentist, who is one of the best in the area. We had a consultation with him and he is going to take her case on. He was shocked that our orthodontist left her mouth in the state it was in and called it done. He said that he OVER treated her and it led to some root loss from moving her teeth too much. We got a treatment plan and when we saw the price, we just about died on the spot. It has to be done, so we will be pretty tight money wise for the next few months. My FIL is helping us to pay for it, so that is a big blessing. The economy right now is KILLING us. I keep all my receipts, and I compared the prices of what we purchase now as to 2 years ago and our grocery bill alone has increased 275% - with food items being smaller too!!! Mike's car needs 5K of work and it's almost 10years old, so do we pour money into an old car? We may be a one car family again soon, which will SUCK because we have 3 drivers now. Our energy bills have soared, the gas prices are hell, and ... sorry - I'm preaching to the choir. I am sure you are all feeling the pinch.
Definitely feeling the pinch, Susie. I have been buying the same things for a long time and the prices keep going up and the packages are getting smaller. "Shrinkflation" at it's finest. My grocery bills, for one person, are ridiculous. I'm so sorry to hear about Mel's dental problems. I know how expensive dentistry is and especially is it's "cosmetic". My dog jumped up and hit me in the mouth (a few years ago) and chipped my two front teeth. I couldn't believe how much I had to pay for 2 caps. That "rescue dog" sure did cost us a LOT of money.

Hang in there with the darned scales. I rarely even weigh myself because it's too up and down. I understand why you have to though. Like you said, you're doing the right things. Sending you good "healthy lifestyle vibes". It's good to see you in here. :heartpumpred:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Morning everyone, I have been MIA again, but the moving in continues with the In-Laws needing this and that done. Its ok they seem to be happier and settling in finally. This weekend will be busy with my Gary and myself painting the shelves in the sewing shack and getting all of her sewing stuff put away. She will be happy when that is finally all done. However it does keep me away from here for a bit longer :sad2: . Perhaps July will be the month that I can finally continue on with scrapping. I am so far behind with what is going on here and it breaks my heart to not be here as much as I would like. I did get out on the Lake yesterday with SIL and we had a lovely paddle around the entire Lake. Its another glorious morning and I would love to be out there again today, but I doubt that will happen. Anyway I just wanted to pop in to say hello:wavinghello:. Please know that I am thinking about all of my O family and I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!
Trudy, we miss you, but understand that you're busy with the ILS. You are all so wonderful to pitch in and help them like you have. It's so heartwarming to read your posts and all of the things you've helped them with. You'll get caught up here - right now, they're your priority. I miss you here, but like we always say "family comes first". Glad you got out on the lake this morning. Hugs


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@mimes1 Congrats on the job! I think you're right to trust a feeling of peace when making the decision.

@faerywings We have a netting-covered cage over the blueberry bushes otherwise we'd just be feeding the birds. There's one cowbird who has learned to perch on the side and eat berries through the mesh. I let him be because I'm impressed.

Our grass is getting crunchy already, usually that doesn't happen until mid-July. Come on, rain!

Today's the last day of school for our grandkids, out in the Seattle area. It's funny to think the kids here in central Virginia have been out for 2 or 3 weeks already. When our daughter was in school we lived in NJ, so I'm used to the calendar running later.

I enjoyed doing the challenges and games for the birthday party, but I'm glad it's not that intense too often! DH thinks I'm doing work on the computer, when I'm really just playing. I think he only got a real cooked meal once this week -- but to be honest the plethora of salads has as much to do with the weather as with my goofing off. That's ok, he'll have a hot meal tonight; I'm ordering pizza :hammock:
Yes, it can get pretty intense here and I'm so happy that you've been having fun. I had to LOL about your hubby thinking you were working. Hope you get some rain soon.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Quick in and out this AM.... Have several errands to run in addition to seeing the dermatologist. The rain is not suppose to get here until this evening but I am taking my umbrella... just in case. I gave up looking for DH's coin counter and ordered one. It will be here today. Guess what I will be doing over the next week or so!!! :lol23: Just another clean up and clear out project.

I just remembered that I am hosting a July Challenge!!! Didn't realize that I signed up for 2 months back-to-back. Will have to get busy getting ready for it. Geeze... July... half the year is gone already!!!

Time to get my :showering: and get dressed. Will pop back in later to see how everyone is doing. HAGD
Hope your appt goes well today and I'm glad you remembered about your challenge. Yikes!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Quick in and out here too - I'm sorry to have ghosted ya'll the past couple of days!
@Cherylndesigns Your comments about your gal not coming around after Chuck passed resonated with me in that Mom's shower helper and I have been trying to get together. We haven't seen each other since the Saturday before mom died. She came over to help us get the hospital bed into mom's room. Anyway, after reading your comments I called her and nailed down a date. Today. 11 am. I have a couple pieces of mom's jewelry for her and a book my friend wrote. It will be a nice visit.

And that job? They called for a second interview and they offered me the job! :jawdrop3: :eek3::wow2::what!: The told me to go home and talk to Mark about the offer, and to let them know. The whole thing moved so fast and fell into such place that I know it's all God's plan. All I have to do now is say :yesss:. I'll do that today. It's a big life change! I've been retired (sorta, since caring for mom was a full time job) for 3.5 years. But I'm excited about it and at peace.

Got to go, more later! Lots to catch up on here!
Congratulations on getting the job, Amy! That will be nice to get out of the house now. Glad my comments about my housecleaner pushed you to set a definite date with the woman who helped you with your mom. Have a nice visit with her and how nice that you're giving her some of your mom's jewelry and a book. :heartpumpred::heartpumpred:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Chris @faerywings congratulations to your parents on their 60th anniversary!! What a milestone and of course they didn't want anybody to make a fuss. Sounds SO like your mom - I can almost hear her saying it. :floorlaugh:

Stop overthinking! If you don't, I'm going to have to send you my T shirt. It says "Hold on while I overthing that". :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I spent the last hour perusing the internet, looking for a macaroni tuna salad recipe. I lost mine and can't remember what I put in it except for celery seeds and oregano. I found a couple that look good so I'll pick one of those recipes to make. We're heading to afternoon games with a bunch of locals and then potluck dinner afterwards.

Also need to make potato salad for tomorrow's dinner and game night with friends. Sunday might be my quiet day aside from a morning trip to the lake (looking for baby grebes to photograph) and then I'll be gone for most of the day on Monday, a friend and her dogs will join us for a long walk thru the botanical garden which is dog friendly. Who has time to scrap these days??? It's a bit challenging right now.

@faerywings That's quite an accomplishment, being married all these years, congrats to your parents. They may bicker but they have endured.

@pachimac Susie - don't worry about the scale. Eat healthy, feel good and just carry on. I gained back 20 lbs from my keto days but I'm happy, I feel good, I eat fairly healthy (less meat, more veggies, healthy grains or GF grains). My weight isn't decreasing right now but I feel like my body will drop the weight when it wants to, as long as I eat well. I don't even get on the scale much anymore.

@mimes1 New job? Congrats. I think I missed seeing a post about that.

@Cherylndesigns Every time I see your avi I smile, it is just priceless!

I need to go get the groceries, take Remi to the park and then get the salads made. HAGD everyone.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
@faerywings Two and a half inches of rain this morning and another storm moving in. There is this 8-acre pond behind our house that slows down run off water on its way to the river, it prevents main street from flooding. It doesn't happen often, but today we look like we have lakefront property. We have access to a generator, but hopefully won't need one. II went outside for a bit to take some pictures, very humid, go figure, and now it's raining again. I was pondering starting a layout this morning but couldn't seem to muster any motivation. Dgs had baseball game tonight, but all the baseball fields are flooded so it was canceled. Dgd is supposed to have softball tourney tomorrow. We'll see. I'm going to hang in the gallery for a while, and on gray dreary days like this I feel like I need a nap.


Back home... had 3 places frozen this time. Will go back in 6 weeks - she wants to re-check 2 other spots that popped up this week and will excise the mole on the back of my neck. Hopefully that will be the last of those for awhile. Need to go put the big Band-Aid on my side as the bra is pressing against one of the frozen places. Got the other errands done and waiting on my Amazon delivery. Stopped at Sam's Club for creamer and ran into fantastic sale on short-sleeve tees... so got 3 different solid-colored ones. They are longer and come to below the crotch area. I can wear them with either shorts or leggings.

Doing a repeat of last night's supper: corn on the cob, fried ham, and a fresh fruit salad (orange, apple, banana, grapes and peanuts with a red raspberry vinaigrette dressing. And I indulged with fresh blueberries over Southern Pecan ice cream. I will skip the dessert tonight as I want to have blue berries with waffles on Saturday morning.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations Amy, that's awesome. So happy for you that you got the job, hope it's all you need it to be! :heartpumppink: