
Daily Ooos: Friday, July 5


The Loopy-O
Happy 5th of July! How was your 4th? Did you enjoy any fireworks or BBQs? Not here, although my neighbors were setting fireworks off for hours. Whisky was on the bed with me and seemed unbothered for the most part. J must have been hanging out with Gary and I hope the Trazodone helped her stay semi-calm.

I sat on my butt almost the entire day. And I was sooo bored! Next time I complain and say I want a day to do nothing, remind me of how awful it is doing nothing all day long. I did a lot of tagging in ACDSee- at least 12-15 kits. I still have 15 or so more to go, just waiting in the To Be Tagged folder. Did I get to scrap? Not really, I had a LO for Carol W's template challenge finished but decided I wanted to swap out a photo. Then it needed a little bit of tweaking so all in all, it wasn't much.
My frustration was that I felt perfectly fine. No aches or pain or fatigue as long as I wasn't trying to walk. At least after surgery or an illness, I was slightly more willing to read or watch TV in bed. I showed off my First Aid Ace bandage wrapping skills to Gary, that was kind of cool. :lol23:

Cait and I are going to visit MIL this morning. She brought all of the shower gifts back to her house since she had a place to store them and we don't. They packed everything into her car so the cash/checks and a few things needed for the wedding itself have to come back here. Cait and I were going to look for shoes for my MoB dress but I think that I should stay off high heels for now. (why isn't it acceptable to wear sneakers or Dr Martens with an evening gown?? WHY???)
It's mindboggling when I look back to my high school days and I wore high heels almost every day, even when I was teaching at the preschool vo-tech program.

Have a fantastic day, my friends! :love:


The Loopy-O
BTW: My only goal today other than MIL's house is to scrap a page for @tanteva 's challenge. She is lit-erally trying to kill me.

(I loved Parks and Rec.)

@vickyday Look at you using the quotes!! *high 5*
RICE is Rest/Ice/Compression/Elevation-- good practice for sprains and strains. And whatever I did to myself (dummy). :/
I hope that Ilene is enjoys her g-grands!

@Terri M LOL-ing at you biking downhill - wheeee! A few months ago I did a hike where we went downhill first to see an old miner's cemetery- then we went uphill. It definitely felt strange descending first. Shenandoah must be a gorgeous place to hike.
I am :lalala: about your pain being from a bad hip and not an IT band. My dad says the exact same thing about joint replacement surgery. You wake up in recovery and sure, you have surgical pain but the joint-- it feels phenomenal! Glad the hip replacement solved the knee issue for you.
Did you get any rain? We are supposed to get some today. All I am asking-- for everyone who needs it-- is a nice, steady, gentle rain. None of this crazy wind and t-storms and sideways rain and hail. :no:

@AK_Tracy Cheryl and I had this conversation a couple of coffee pots ago -- better to get a cheap Mr. Coffee with the expectation of it breaking down in a year than spending a lot more money and having it last 18 months instead. *grumbles* Gary is in charge of researching coffee pots since he is the one who sets it up at night.

@JeanneMN Your description of your cousin's eulogy gave me goosebumps. What an absolute treasure to be able to see that whenever you need a cousin-fix. She sounds like an amazing person. Hugs!


Love my O Family!
Did you enjoy any fireworks or BBQs? Not here, although my neighbors were setting fireworks off for hours.
Same here!
I sat on my butt almost the entire day. And I was sooo bored!
Same here.....but I was NOT bored! I was working on FB marketplace items all day.
RICE is Rest/Ice/Compression/Elevation-- good practice for sprains and strains. And whatever I did to myself (dummy). :/
I hope that Ilene is enjoys her g-grands!
Thanks! I'll have to try and remember that one! It will take a while, I am sure (and probably another explanation request, LOL)! It took me a while to remember the BRAT one...Banana, rice, applesauce, toast.....for tummy problems.
Yes, Ilene got to enjoy some of her g-grands, but not all.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
No walking for me today, bad girl! I slept in! Then when we got up at 7:30 it was already way too muggy out!
Working on FB marketplace stuff this holiday weekend. Mark is out at the sawmill working on wood for the cabin porch. He worked in the woods yesterday most of the day and was soaked when he finally did come in! At least he keeps hydrated!
The only celebrating we did yesterday was roasting a couple of brats in the toaster oven and then went for ice cream! It was really hot here and EVERYONE was at the ice cream shop!
Time to get back to my scanning!
Have a great day!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
It's a slow day. David always works at Habitat for Humanity on Fridays. I know they scheduled outside work, and we've got a Heat Advisory with forecasted heat index up to 109° this afternoon so I hope they end early. Just a couple quick thunderstorms yesterday, not enough rain to make much difference. It looks like we're going back to typical summer late day thunderstorms pattern, so maybe if we get them several days in a row it will be helpful.

I'm trying to plan activities for the 2 weeks we will have our granddaughters visiting in August. There's ET showing at the Kids Series at the local theater, we can go for a short hike to the highest point in Shenandoah NP one day, and there's a very nice lake in the National Forest for swimming and a picnic. It looks like a great children's museum in Lynchburg, even has a zip-line. But I'm trying to think of some easy-ish interesting crafts project for days we stay home. So if you have any great ideas let me know. The girls are age 6 and 10.

We have a trail work day scheduled for tomorrow morning. In addition to trimming back brambles and branches, it seems some kids have dug a hole and built bike ramps right in the middle of the trail so we'll have to fill that in. Why would anyone think that's OK? Where are their mothers?!

I have done scrapbook pages 2 days in a row, yipee! Can I keep it up today? There's a book I'm reading that keeps calling me back, but I have to take the car in for regular service this afternoon so I'll just try to put off reading until then.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning.
Yesterday was crazy weather with the wind. It didn't know what direction it wanted to blow. We mad a small fire, had cigars and whiskey and then dinner was grilled burgers. Very low key. Watched a couple movies. Sat on my butt a lot. Today I will make up for it :giggle4: I need to clean the kitchen. And make dinner. And vacuum. But it was nice to do nothing Wednesday and Thursday, especially after having family here. My plan it to clean, scrap, clean, scrap. Made about 10 pages yesterday and before you go nuts Twin, @JeanneMN they were mostly templates where I just inserted photos. Had so many photos so I used mosaic templates that hold about 10-15 photos per page. So that's how I got so many done. Very simple, photo focus layouts. 4 month old great niece and we took tons of photos, just 200 in 48 hours. :floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member
I have done scrapbook pages 2 days in a row, yipee! Can I keep it up today? There's a book I'm reading that keeps calling me back, but I have to take the car in for regular service this afternoon so I'll just try to put off reading until then.
Oooohhhhh what's the book???? I love that you read while getting the car serviced. I do to and the first couple times the guys looked at me like I was crazy. They told me it would be about two hours before my car was done. I was like okay, I'll be reading my book while I wait. They were like but its two hours. I told them look, I have snacks, my kindle with 500 books, and water. You have a bathroom here and a couch. I will be fine! Kids are home with dad. Take your time, let me know when its done. Now they just nod and ask ya having around to read? Yep.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Oooohhhhh what's the book???? I love that you read while getting the car serviced. I do to and the first couple times the guys looked at me like I was crazy. They told me it would be about two hours before my car was done. I was like okay, I'll be reading my book while I wait. They were like but its two hours. I told them look, I have snacks, my kindle with 500 books, and water. You have a bathroom here and a couch. I will be fine! Kids are home with dad. Take your time, let me know when its done. Now they just nod and ask ya having around to read? Yep.
I know what you mean -- I have to find a place away from the TV. Why are there TVs on everywhere?

I got this fantastic book called A Walk in the Park from the library (libraries are THE BEST) after I read the NYT review of it a couple weeks ago. It's about these 2 guys who decide to walk the Grand Canyon from one end to the other. They are total idiots, at least at the start (halfway through the book they seem to be learning better) so it's kind of cringe-inducing at places. But the author has included so much history and geography and just all-in-all interesting stuff that it makes me want to go back to the Grand Canyon and look again. I recommend it.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean -- I have to find a place away from the TV. Why are there TVs on everywhere?

I got this fantastic book called A Walk in the Park from the library (libraries are THE BEST) after I read the NYT review of it a couple weeks ago. It's about these 2 guys who decide to walk the Grand Canyon from one end to the other. They are total idiots, at least at the start (halfway through the book they seem to be learning better) so it's kind of cringe-inducing at places. But the author has included so much history and geography and just all-in-all interesting stuff that it makes me want to go back to the Grand Canyon and look again. I recommend it.
Thank you! I will have to check that out. Sounds interesting. I agree, why do there have to be TV everywhere? My favorite Mexican place was so fun in the beginning and now its full of TVs. Its not like you can hear them. And all the different channels. And people wonder why we can communicate anymore. Even dinner out is fun of tv crap. I dislike it. When I go out you better be talking to me not staring into space at a tv. :soapbox: I'm stepping down now. Thank you for the book recommendation.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I've had a busy week (ha ha...when don't I??? LOL). We have game events 5 times a week right now so we're out a lot. Then getting Remi out to the park and chores/groceries, etc, it all keeps me busy (in a good way, I am loving life here). I also have been out meeting new people, going to lunches, coffee get-togethers, etc so b/c of all that I sure have decreased my online time and am not reading or scrapping as much. Even my photography has slowed down. So I may disappear for a few days at a time but will always be back to check in.

The deck isn't done but the railing is in place and hopefully today or early next week they will complete it all and then put a roof over it. The heat ( is coming this week so as soon as the roof is up we can get the roll down blind to block the sun. It gets incredibly sunny here almost every day. We are going to get a rain barrel, we missed filling it up during the bit of rainy season we had but we still could collect a bit over the summer and then it will be in place for next summer.

The Calgary stampede starts today. I am on the fence about going. It is going to be really hot and thousands of people. So right now I'm at .... maybe. I hate really big crowds and trying to figure out the parking, bus and entry into the park. There is no way I could drive there, parking will be insane to get there. If I don't go this year, next year for sure. I really wanted the center to bus us there and back but it wasn't advertised very well so most people didn't know about it, so the opportunity fell through. Next year I will get 30 people to go and we'll hire the bus.

@faerywings I'm not surprised you were bored by a day with nothing to do LOL. You are like me, you can't sit around too long. You like to putter.

I need coffee and then need to get dressed and get out of here, run errands and run Remi at the park. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hello all,

We had a nice day - ate too much, but it was fun. Adrienne and I started the madness by going to Wally's at 9:30. WHY do we torture ourselves like that? It was nuts - lightbulb moment, I think I said this yesterday. :lol23: Oh well, that kind of insanity is worth repeating.

I hate fireworks - I feel so sorry for the dogs and any veterans who might be having PTSD. We had a dog that shook to pieces every 4th of July. These crazy people take this opportunity to shoot them off all month, I swear

There were a lot of people at Adrienne's, as usual. They have a huge house and a beautiful pool, so everybody wants to go there. It's kind of like party central.

Then the rain started - it rained really hard a large part of the night, but no thunder of lightening. I can stand the rain, without the other stuff. I should be out pulling weeds - I should be out pulling weeds.......................yes, I said it twice. I went out, looked around, came back in. Don't know where to start. Then my wifi has been off and on all day. I just found out there were working on it so it was up and down. At least it's not mine.

Chris @faerywings file this under "the best laid plans". When Steph got married, I had the most beautiful light sage green MIL dress with a jacket. Still no shoes that I liked. Adrienne and I went to a nearby town (in Michigan) to this big fancy shoe store and on the way in, I stumbled on a pipe that was sticking up on their sidewalk and broke my left foot. If I've told you this before, disregard it. Fast forward - I was in a black walking boot for her wedding - it was a beautiful thing. Her colors were fortunately black, white and sage green, so I was okay in black. I word black Pallazzo pants and a beautiful, beaded black top. On my other foot was a black flat. SO, I don't know why you couldn't wear (at least) flats to Cait's wedding. Everybody is looking at the bride anyway. (The people in the store were freaked out when I got inside and my knee was bleeding and my left shoe was all scuffed up. They were so worried about a lawsuit, which never happened, but we did end up settling after a few months.


Well-Known Member
I hate fireworks - I feel so sorry for the dogs and any veterans who might be having PTSD. We had a dog that shook to pieces every 4th of July. These crazy people take this opportunity to shoot them off all month, I swear
This is one good thing up here. Its too light for fireworks. We usually only have them the day after thanksgiving (city display) and New Years. One or two might go off for 4th of July but you cant see them and its a waste of money. New Years gets crazy.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
What a treasure @JeanneMN Twin to have those links. What a wonderful blessing to watch over and over. I didn't think to get video of my dad before he passed, just photos. I'm so glad you were able to watch them privately and let some grief out.
Thank you Twin. There is something comforting knowing I can hear her voice & wisdom again when I need it.
Good Morning.
Yesterday was crazy weather with the wind. It didn't know what direction it wanted to blow. We mad a small fire, had cigars and whiskey and then dinner was grilled burgers. Very low key. Watched a couple movies. Sat on my butt a lot. Today I will make up for it :giggle4: I need to clean the kitchen. And make dinner. And vacuum. But it was nice to do nothing Wednesday and Thursday, especially after having family here. My plan it to clean, scrap, clean, scrap. Made about 10 pages yesterday and before you go nuts Twin, @JeanneMN they were mostly templates where I just inserted photos. Had so many photos so I used mosaic templates that hold about 10-15 photos per page. So that's how I got so many done. Very simple, photo focus layouts. 4 month old great niece and we took tons of photos, just 200 in 48 hours. :floorlaugh:
Thank you for sparing me a shriek, but this was my first thought . .
shriek.jpg right before you told me to slow my roll, cool my jets and go lay down by my dish. You better cue the TWilight Zone music, because just a little while ago I was - thinking, yes,I know it's a scary thought, and I had an idea, very similar to a brain fart, without any lingering air pollution. I try to do the former once a day, the other needs no effort. I think I might set some pages up with just the photos and then add the rest when something strikes my fancy which is pretty much all the time, so that may have been a brain fart & not an idea. I wish I could send ya'll some rain.

@faerywings You asked how long the pool weather lasted. . . . . . exactly one day. It was raining yesterday morning when I got up and it rained all morning & early afternoon, over an inch. The sun came out, I think it was the sun anyway, or else somebody lit me up with a spotlight, wine would be preferable. I went out and sat in the pergola for an hour or so when the sky started getting gray. I brought myself back in, grudgingly and about 45 minutes later the rock & roll, disco ball, wind machine started up. I stood in front of the patio door, hey not like men who go out stand in the driveway and watched the sky. Honestly, I wish I could change channels, the wind was blowing sideways the way it does in a blizzard, I was sure it was going to produce hail, but luckily it didn't. Over 2 1/2 inches yesterday. It was raining this morning when I got up, I think it was this morning,? yesterday?, skip pool day , the day before that?, ad nauseum, one day slops into the next. The last 3 summers we had all we could do to keep lawn from going from dormant to dead.

@vickydayIf I can make at least someone spew their beverage, I have justified another day on earth, since hubs doesn't drink coffee, the mantle rests upon your shoulders.

Hubs is helping sis & bil and not home yet, I think it's time for popcorn, but then like it's 5 o'clock somewhere, it's always popcorn o' clock here.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
This is one good thing up here. Its too light for fireworks. We usually only have them the day after thanksgiving (city display) and New Years. One or two might go off for 4th of July but you cant see them and its a waste of money. New Years gets crazy.
That's a good thing, for sure.


Well-Known Member
Cait and I were going to look for shoes for my MoB dress but I think that I should stay off high heels for now. (why isn't it acceptable to wear sneakers or Dr Martens with an evening gown?? WHY???)
It's mindboggling when I look back to my high school days and I wore high heels almost every day, even when I was teaching at the preschool vo-tech program.

Have a fantastic day, my friends! :love:
@faerywings Just an FYI: My high school age granddaughter wore Converse high-tops to her school formal. Maybe it's the cool thing now. :)