
Daily Ooos: Friday, July 26


The Loopy-O
Good morning, O-zies, and happy Friday to you all!

Good news! I am in a better mood than I was yesterday. Whew! Don't get me wrong, I was still bored most of the day but at least I feel ok about it at the moment.

Guess how bored I was?
I was sooooo bored that I cleaned out the Tupperware cabinet. :rotfl: Uh-huh-- I did. I matched all of the lids and recycled all of the non-matching ones. Now I am waiting for all of the missing socks to reappear. My theory is that all of the missing socks and Tupperware lids live in a different dimension. Maybe by resetting that balance, the socks will be able to come back to this dimension.
Funny and somewhat startling moment when I was doing this: I had to practically climb into the cabinet to get to the back area of it. I have my headphones on and I am more in the cabinet than out. I rummage around a while, back out of it, and then notice that the toaster oven is on. Tom's bagel is in there and it wasn't when I climbed in. I never even knew he was in the kitchen. When he came back for his bagel, I teased him asking how tempted he was to kick me in my butt since it had been in his way. He said that he was being extra careful not to. Good answer, future SIL! :giggle4:

The sun came out in the afternoon and I worked on weeding and deadheading. Someone -- looking at you chipmunks that live in the drainpipe- has been eating my tomatoes just before they are ready to get picked. I took a half-eaten one off the vine and put it on a tree stump where the chipmunks and squirrels hang out often. I watched the cutest chunky squirrel eat it, too cute. However- the chipmunks must have gone back to the tomato plant because the intact tomato that was behind the nibbled one now has a huge chunk taken out of it. I guess by moving the half-eaten one it gave the chipmunks an easier path to the second one LOL

We are going to see my niece tonight and I am looking fwd to being with the family. She is only home for a few days and has no idea the next time she will be back here to visit. (She is in Vet school and her schedule is *packed*) I hope that Gary will feel well enough to come with us, yesterday was another icky day for him.
I think I am going to make deviled eggs even though my Sis-IL said that she didn't need anything. I got a dozen eggs at the FP yesterday and I don't like to go anywhere empty-handed. (I called the smaller FP that is open a few hours during the week. I feel bad since the volunteers take calls at their homes and then go in to fill your order. I only do this when I am getting desperate) .
Oh yeah-- back to the deviled eggs-- @Terri M got me thinking about them the other day. I will cook them in the Instant Pot this morning and have them ready before we head out at 5.
The best news of the day-- I don't have to worry about what to cook for dinner. dance3

Ahhhh. I sound much better today, don't I? I have a busy week coming up so that should help my mood too. Thanks as always for putting up with me


The Loopy-O
Mark wanted me to fry some yellow squash the neighbor gave us.
I usually cook zucchini over yellow squash but if I am oven frying, I dip in eggs and then breadcrumbs. I'll either use the Italian seasoned kind or I'll add herns to plain ones. The other way I cook squash is to slice them into thin rounds, melt a little butter and water in a frying pan, and saute them, adding more butter and water as it gets absorbed. Top with grated parmesan.
FWIW -- For what it's worth. I sometimes pair it with YMMV -- Your mileage may vary. :)

Good morning from the pig barn at the Olmsted County Fair! The youngest kids are out there now. The air is cool and about as fresh as it ever is when, pigs, goats, chickens, ducks are cohabitating. Back with more later.
I can practically close my eyes and smell that "fresh" air!
We took it easy and just visited.
Sounds like a perfect day! I hope that you had a fun and productive time looking at the family photos yesterday and that you are still taking it easy with your shoulder.
I’m going out to dinner tonight b/c we’re holding our Trails Crew meetings in a local restaurant. Then I’m going out to lunch with some ladies from church tomorrow and dinner with friends before seeing a play tomorrow night. I’m either going to have a fridge full of leftover boxes or gain 5 lbs. I know I should order salads but then I get seduced by French fries.
How was dinner? Have fun at lunch today too. I hear you about french fries..... yummmmmm. One of the best/worst things that Caitlyn did was buy a deep fryer for Tom. Which since he moved in with us, we get to use it for now. They make the best french fries in it. *pats tummy and nods*
Good luck with the Princesses
Yesterday's hike was so great!
It sounds wonderful!! I love that feeling of getting to the top and taking it all in.
I hope all of the door installations go well!
*fingers crossed that you get some rain soon* I thought you lived on the Wet Coast- guess not anymore :(

Today is my "baby" Asher's 13th birthday!
Happy Birthday, Asher!
Is he coming to visit soon?
Chris, sorry you're having blah (is that the right word?) days. Here's an idea - go do some "housekeeping" on your files and drives. I did that last night and it felt so good. I wasn't accomplishing anything, so I went into my EHD's and cleaned house. Also found the one AJ page from my "grief journals" that I was missing. I was so excited when I found it.
That's a *really* good idea. It doesn't take much mental effort but will be satisfying to clean stuff up, lighten the load so to speak.
I loved your Week 4 AJ page. Your grief journey has been very inspiring. You might not always feel it, but you are incredibly strong.
You must have been worried out of your mind for Susie. That heat is dangerous.

@AK_Tracy Oh wow, what a sight it must have been to see the bear in the river. Just the one? I am LMBO at the "brown dot in the blue river." I have so many of that type of photo, even when you zoom in it still isn't scrap-worthy.
Oooooo, this sounds fun. Can I help? :floorlaugh:
Of course, you can! :pokestick:
I wont actually slap you. :heartpumppink: And I am sorry your feeling this but it does matter. You matter and how you feel matters. :heartpumppink: What have you told me since I got here? Its a safe place to say anything. We love you and all have those days. You're allowed to tell us when you have them too.
Thank you -- all of you-- that means so much to me. ♥ I appreciate having that safe space as well.
I hope that line fishing works out ok for you. I am guessing you can't get a doctor's note/medical excuse for proxy fishing? Sustenance fishing is a brand new concept to me so forgive me if I ask a ton of silly questions about it.

It's 8 am and everyone is still asleep and the AC is off. It's so quiet and I love it. Think I am going to get another :coffee1: and head to the Gallery.

Love and hugs!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
It's a headachey day today. But it feels like it is easing up after the Tylenol!
Today Mark and I are celebrating our 6th anniversary. Hard to believe! We already act like an old, married couple! Oh, wait! We are! :giggle4:
We are going out later, probably for a late lunch, to celebrate. We are easy like that! No gifts.....just food, LOL! We do want to go somewhere different so I've got to decide where that will be.
Got lots of a good, steady rain yesterday morning and early afternoon during my time with Ilene. We went to a little coffee shop for breakfast that turns biscuit dough into a waffle for the sandwiches. We both had the Carolina Sunrise which was a waffle biscuit with egg, cheese and bacon. Very good! Then we went to Save-a-buck. Afterwards we went back to her house and played 3 games of Qwirkle before I went home around 2. When Mark got home from work we went to Ruby Tuesday to use the BOGO FREE coupon that expired yesterday. Then back home to get ready for the church service an hour away. It was a busy but good day.
Today I need to update the links to the Color Play pages I did, do today's ATC and do some commenting in the gallery. I also need to work in my checkbook, which I hate doing and have put it off way too long!

I matched all of the lids and recycled all of the non-matching ones.
That's another job I hate doing!
missing socks
Don't have too many of those since the kids are gone from the house, LOL! The ones that get missing now are usually found static-glued inside another piece of clothing!
The sun came out in the afternoon and I worked on weeding and deadheading.
I know that made you very happy!
chipmunks and squirrels
Never gave it a thought that maybe it was chipmunks and squirrels leaving bite marks in the tomatoes! I figured it was rabbits.
We are going to see my niece tonight and I am looking fwd to being with the family.
Have a wonderful time with the family!
hope that Gary will feel well enough to come with us, yesterday was another icky day for him.
I'm sorry Gary has been having a rough patch! Hope he feels better and can gather with the family, too! :hug4:
I don't have to worry about what to cook for dinner. dance3
WOOHOO! That's ALWAYS a good day! Me, either, since it is our anniversary!
I sound much better today, don't I?
YES, you do! :hug4:
I usually cook zucchini over yellow squash but if I am oven frying, I dip in eggs and then breadcrumbs. I'll either use the Italian seasoned kind or I'll add herns to plain ones. The other way I cook squash is to slice them into thin rounds, melt a little butter and water in a frying pan, and saute them, adding more butter and water as it gets absorbed. Top with grated parmesan.
FWIW -- For what it's worth. I sometimes pair it with YMMV -- Your mileage may vary.
I'd rather have zucchini than yellow squash, too, but when it's free.....it's for me! Our neighbor usually generously shares his garden veggies with us! I usually slice them in wedges and spray olive oil on them and sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese, salt and pepper and bake them in the toaster oven. But Mark wanted them fried! So, when he asks (he asks for very little) I try to oblige him. ;)


Did a quick dash in this morning... just got the Color Play LOs uploaded to all the galleries. whoo-whee... :banana4:

Sister is getting her shower then we will back at work on scanning photos into my old computer. She brought over 6 of her albums. We set a routine of looking at an album and using small post-it to tag which photos we want to scan. Only problem is we looked at 3 of them before we decided to use the post-it notes... :idea: so we have to go back and tag those albums. Then Sis takes photos out of the album (1 at a time), gives photo to me and I scan it in and give it back to her to put back in place in the album. Once that group is done - I move them from the scanned doc folder into a named folder in the ExHD. Once we get them all scanned... will switch the ExHD back to the new computer and then will copy those folders on to her flash drive. My old computer is so slow - and the new one is much faster - so it will copy files faster. We hope to get all the scanning and transfers done finished by tomorrow.

Have fun playing with the Color Play...


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!!!
Chris, lets trade places. I need a boring do nothing day. My body is yelling at me to slow down. So lets trade. You can come clean my house and play with the grands and I will sit on the couch and veg. :)

I hope that line fishing works out ok for you. I am guessing you can't get a doctor's note/medical excuse for proxy fishing? Sustenance fishing is a brand new concept to me so forgive me if I ask a ton of silly questions about it.
Just the dipnetting is subsistence and since its per household, my hubs could catch all the limit. Its just my most favorite way to fish and I dont want to miss out. But I also dont want to hurt more. So we will try using a fishing pole and see if I can fish left handed. Will be less stress then with a net. No silly questions. I love answering them if I know the answer. :heartpumppink: Cant learn new stuff if we dont ask.
Today Mark and I are celebrating our 6th anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Vicky and Mark!!!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I was out at the dog park this morning and now home for another cup of coffee (or two). I have some CT duties to do, want to make up a batch of egg salad for a light dinner and want to check amazon for a small iron board. I don't iron often so don't want to pull out the big one, I just need a small table top one for when I use my steamer/travel iron. We are heading out to a show in Calgary (Beautifica) later today.

@AK_Tracy You life sounds so interesting. Good thing I don't live up there, I would never be home, I'd be out with a camera constantly.

@faerywings I like oven frying squash, potato, sweet potato, zucchini and/or beans in a parmesan spice, italian seasonings and olive oil. So good.

Taz is being the "man" today. We joke all the time now about his old man quirks and behaviors this last year (he'll be 12 soon). He has decided that he often wants to claim the spot under my desk which freaks Remi out. He never used to do that. So Remi lays her head in my lap and softly cries. Oh, the drama LOL!

I'd better get on with my day. BFN


Well-Known Member
So Remi lays her head in my lap and softly cries. Oh, the drama LOL!
My dog does this every time the trash guys come to empty the dumpster!!! Every two weeks. She spins circles whining at hubs like Dad do you hear the invaders? Do you hear them? they're stealing out trash! Dad! Freak out with me :giggle4: Its so funny. She argues back when he says its fine and I am aware. Dogs are a hoot.

And you could totally live here! You would eventually be home. Since wildlife comes to the house at times, you dont always have to leave home. LOL I love that even on the mundane days of adulting God shows me something fun. Like the bear. Even though I didn't get a great photo. Still super fun to see.


Well-Known Member
My daughter went fishing last night. Her family hit a run of fish. They did this under two hours. Tails are cut to mark them as subsistence. Have to cut them when fishing this way.


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GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
We are officially Up North, left home at 7, drive straight thru, got here a little early, cuz said noonish, we're on a bay on their lake, straight thru that channel, down around that bump in the lake and then down a ways. Sky is clearing, sun is peeking out, it's supposed to be a hot beautiful week.


Well-Known Member
Woo hoo!!! Gonna go fishing! That counts as a down day right??? Its pouring rain and fish are running. Will be with a rod n reel not dipnetting. But I'm excited. Gonna pay for it but will be so much fun. Smaller limits, three per person. Dinner plans canceled lol no homemade pizza. will be PB&J. Its fishing season.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
@JeanneMN Oh my that looks beautiful! I want to be there with you. Looks so peaceful. I hope and pray you have a wonderful time of relaxing and sunshine. Let all the cares go.
Thank you so much, that is the plan. I've never been a huge country fan, but I've been hooked on an Amazon music Playlist America the beautiful and there's a song God's Country and I realized country music performers are the only ones who do patriotic music.This is God's Country