
Daily Ooo's: Friday , July 25


The Loopy-O
TGIF? *headdesk* I do NOT like Fridays in the summer. Nope, nope, nope. But today, I am not working. I have some stuff to do around the house, and I still have to finish that LO for Aug.
But you know what?
First, I really need more :tea:

I will be back, soon, I promise!


The Loopy-O
And...drum roll... I am back, slightly more caffeinated than before. Not enough, never enough!
Did I ever share the photo that Cait did for her Photography Class of me and my millions cups of coffee? (Slight exaggeration ;)) I have it around here somewhere, I'll have to post it soon. *adds it to my To-Do List* It's frightening how scary I look, but funny when you know me. Ha!

How are all of you today? Hope that you are enjoying TGIF. My plan is to spend the afternoon with my nose it a book at the lake. Man, I need that.

Yesterday's appt went totally as expected. Still on IV, go back in Sept. And after the last several visits/bills and not hearing a darn thing about any sort of coverage for the visits, we are giving up on the insurance and I paid part of my bill. My balance was $1400, so I put half on the credit card and she is wiping the other half for me. Thank goodness for small, yet expensive favors.

The funny part of the visit is that my dr told me that she had a dream about me. It was the night before my PICC line-trip to the ER. When she got into work that morning and heard my msg's she remembered it, that she was driving in a car with me and Gary and that we were ordering food and wouldn't let her look at the menu. She kept saying that she was hungry but I wouldn't give her anything to eat. Then after I ate, without sharing (not like me at all), I hopped into the back seat, said that I was tired and cranky (TOTALLY like me!!!) and went to sleep while she kept saying that all she wanted was a meatball sub!

You know its bad when your dr has dreams about you!:pound:

That is about it here, hope that you all have a really lovely day!!!
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The Loopy-O
Are all of you ready for a Oscraps Weekend get-O-way? I am! Stop over and check out some of the fun challenges and chat and a Collab Hop!

Phyllis- you are seriously rocking the zucchini bread! Good luck with freezing the ones with almond flour.
I am going to make your wish for me and the lake come true today. It's not the Shore, but its not my house either :D I wish there was some way to make the wish about Lyme going away true too, but I am not as hopeful for that. Who knows, maybe some day. She did say that there is a new test for Bartonella (a co-infection also from ticks) that is much more sensitive and accurate so maybe Lyme testing will get better and cheaper. *hopeful*
OMG, my thoughts exactly about having people over to force me to clean. Except I don't like people. Cait is having some friends over today so maybe that will get me and her a bit motivated? I can call you, tell you that I am coming over tonight, and then cancel at the last minute if that would help you.;)

nancy- MEN!!!! And SONS!! Sorry that you had to go through that with them. It's a genetic defect. Has to be on that Y chromosome. The little bit of \ missing from XX must contain all of the critical info necessary to live... *eye roll*
When are you going to AZ?

hugs everyone!


Well-Known Member

There's so much to say I don't know where to start! :) I read through the past week of the Dailys, so I think I'm caught up.

Chris - I can't believe your doctor had a dream about you. That's kinda funny. Give the woman a meatball sub will you?! I think the black bean burgers sound interesting, but I love black beans. And I love sprouts, so the avocado sandwich sounds interesting too. Glad Cait's room turned out well! DH laughed at me because I packed a Starbucks Doubleshot for each morning of the trip and also had a cup of coffee with breakfast. But coffee is a necessity.

Phylis - Yum for all your zucchini stuff. Now that we are back I'm going to get some too. The work you're doing at the cemetery is so important. Genealogy is one of those things that when I was young, I didn't get why "old" people were so into it. Now that I'm an "old" person and trying to find out about my family and helping my dad track things down, I get it. (I was the same way with "It's a Wonderful Life"...didn't get it until I was older!) I've used the Find a Grave website several times actually. It can really help track down where family lived, when they were born and died, etc. and help piece together history. Like Chris, I'm not big on going to the cemetery and visiting. My mom wasn't either. She wanted to be cremated and she is. She is inured (I learned that it is interred when you are buried and inured when you are cremated) in a beautiful granite wall at the base of a statue of Mary. I think she would like that. The only thing is - and we laughed about this - she is facing the hospital that she worked at for almost 30 years. LOL We thought that would drive her nuts and laugh about it. My only disappointment is that my dad purchased a spot next to her and now he thinks he will be buried with his new wife somewhere else in the cemetery. Not really that big of a deal because he never liked the idea of being cremated, but a little sad to me.

We alway joke that my mom haunts my dad. Twice in the week after she died, he was sort of picking on her or making fun of something she did or said and a light bulb popped and went out. Twice!! It was funny! So anytime he makes fun of her now, we all duck and cover our heads and look up at the lights. LOL

Laurie! - The Color Run is a big thing here too. I've never done it, but people enjoy it. I heard though that they are finding that inhaling the color packet stuff isn't great for you. So glad you stayed out of the party. Great job on doing it!

Trudy - Mason is stinking adorable! And they are right, he looks just like you. We will be glad when you are back, but I'm happy you are having a great time!

Nancy - Glad vacation was wonderful! And boys are dumb. DH was starting to drive me crazy yesterday. He makes me decide everything and refuses to give any opinion. He had made a couple of comments about places not to eat on the way home, so when it was time to stop, I told him to pick. He got irritated when I said, "You're the one driving." He said, "Yes, but I'm driving us all, so I would like to get input." grrrr don't get mad at me when you do this to me constantly! Then he refused, for some unknown reason, to pull over and let me drive. He even got to the point where he was drifting. He kept saying, "I'm tired." I finally yelled at him to pull over and let me drive. He still wouldn't do it and insisted he was fine. WTH? What testosterone-filled or OCD thoughts going on in your head take precedence over your family's safety? I'm still pissed off about it! (Pardon my french!)

Did I miss anyone? Ok. I'm doing a separate post on vacation now. :)


Well-Known Member
"my thoughts exactly about having people over to force me to clean. Except I don't like people. "

haHAAAAA!!!! :rofl:

Chris, that's my problem lately, too. although YOU are constantly interacting with family and people, kids' friends, etc. you must like people better than i do. i actually got a fair amount of cleaning done yesterday. and once again, the house is clean but still looks just the same as before. i would like some DRAMATIC changes after i clean. not happening.

i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy that you're doing the lake today. stay there all day and tell the fam to just do their own thing. no guilt permitted today.

Nancy, men are too much, aren't they? how will you get back at them? :fish: hatch a plot! "NO consequences," if your guys are like mine, doesn't work in changing behavior. in other words, make them suffer! :becky:

snort...what a nasty girl i am. i read a Facebook Friend's post this morning that basically said: let Karma take care of people who do wrong to you. and i thought: well, i kinda ENJOY being The Hand of Karma!! :laser:

The Hand of Karma is baking more zucchini bread this morning. Hubby found a giant zucchini that i didn't see outside, so it got transmogrified (The Hand of Karma can use words like that...) into two loaves of zucchini bread. and i'm making my vegetable pesto soup right now, so that used 2 more Zs. THEN i'm actually getting out of the house and going to THE MALL, for no apparent reason. then i'll go in search of some kibbee http://www.cooks.com/recipe/952c533/kibbee.html and Loubia (http://veesrecipefile.wordpress.com...lebanese-green-beans-loubia-bzeit-three-ways/) for lunch that someone other than ME makes. a Be Nice to Me kind of day.

have yourselves a Be Nice to Me kind of day, too. :becky:
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Well-Known Member
So, here's a little run down on vacation...

Stopped at Wall Drug and a Prairie Dog town on our way out there. Got in fairly late in the evening and plopped ourselves down in the hotel room. Planned the next day and got settled.

Sunday - Mount Rushmore - Beautiful. So glad to see it in person and it is a beautiful area. It was stinking hot though. I'd love to go back when it's not so hot. Big Thunder Gold Mine - Ben's first choice of thing to do. It was fun, we went on a Mine tour with an excellent guide. He panned for gold and gemstones. It was great. The gold is just really teeny-tiny flecks, but it was still fun. We walked around Keystone...got fudge, that sort of thing. Then, we went back to the hotel and swam in the water park there for about three hours. Ben was in heaven and I had fun. They had an excellent lazy river.

Monday - Mammoth Site - Very cool and Ben loved it. It's an actual dig site for real fossils that you get to tour. Then we paid to have Ben do a Jr. Paleontologist dig and he LOVED it. He said it was his favorite thing. He found the biggest (fake) bone there. We were going to go to Jewel Cave, but hit Wind Cave first and just decided to do that instead. It was so cool to walk through the cave! And since it was 101 outside, the 53 degrees in the cave felt awesome. We took a long, winding drive back to the hotel through Wind Cave Park and a tiny bit on the outskirts of Custer. Ran into a herd of Bison, our first official sighting. Which was cool. (It would have been much quicker to go back to Hot Springs and up the interstate since we were sooo hungry by then, but oh well.)

Tuesday - Bear Country and Reptile Gardens. Pretty cool to see all the animals and Ben loved that too. I hope the animals are treated well in those places. I'm sure animal rights activists have some things to say about them. However, I thought it was cool to scratch a Giant Tortoise's neck. Good old Tank sure appreciated my nails. He raised up as I was scratching him to a full standing position and then collapsed down when I stopped. It was kind of funny. Then we toured Rapid City a bit. Got a Black Hills Gold ring, went to Storybook Island, and lastly saw the fountains. Then we did the water park at the hotel again.

Wednesday - We did the Wildlife Loop and a little Geocache adventure at Custer. It was beautiful and so fun. We went back to Keystone to eat lunch and then we did the 1880 Train. It was a nice and pretty ride.

Thursday - On our way back, we did the Badlands loop. Very cool to see such different formations!!

All in all, a very cool vacation. I'd like to go back when it's not a million degrees and do more nature stuff and less touristy stuff. I highly recommend it as a vacation!
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Well-Known Member
Good day! Just got back from having my hair cut and colored! Always nice to have a fresh look. Then came back and had a nice walk with my girlfriend. It is a gorgeous day in NJ. Low 80s and no humidity.

Chris have a great day at the Lake. It should be glorious!

Phylis I love the idea of hand of Karma. In fact I just made reservations for my next trip out west and he will be teaching so can't come with. It was the best time for my sister so not really my fault. Love all the fun you are having with your zucchinis.

Sara your vacation sounds so fun! My boys loved Mt Rushmore and the Badlands. I loved the Badlands. Cant wait to see your pages.

Have a great day all!