
Daily Ooo's: Friday , July 18


The Loopy-O
Happy friday! Long week here, but it went so fast! But at the same time, my impatience seems to be growing on certain things. Like Cait's dr's appt. I don't know why we ended up having to wait, since I made the appt for 9.15. Should have been one of the first ones in. But it was worth it, Cait saw a new dr, moved from the ped. to a Nurse Practitioner. I liked her a lot too. She seemed very interested in how Cait was feeling, emotionally as well as physically. She discussed natural stress management and how to best keep her nutrition up, being a vegetarian. And one thing I really liked, is that she came up with some ways for Cait to hopefully lower her risk for breast cancer in the future. I liked that she didn't blow it off saying that Cait was too young to worry about it, but that she could and should take small steps now.

I cooked the swiss chard last night, I found a recipe to saute it with olive oil, garlic, red onions, white wine and parm cheese. It looked so pretty and I thought it was really good. Everyone ate it, but so they liked it ATM, but who knows if they will next time. LOL

Today, Cait and I are working and then I am parking my butt on the beach. Should be a beautiful day and I need it!!

Finish It Friday:
Pay another medical bill. Upload a LO for the new collab and challenge.
That is it!



The Loopy-O
Phyllis- I had to go to BJ's yesterday too but thankfully I only needed two things. Gary needed contractor bags for the garbage cans and I forgot to buy cream cheese for the dessert I am making for the BBQ on Sunday. Yup, I spent $12 on cream cheese b/c I was too lazy to deal with Shop Rite. ;)
That is awesome about being able to make zucc bread with almond flour, I bet it freezes well too.
I am honestly really loving the colorful foods lately. My IL's brought up the purple potatoes for a dinner we had and I thought that they were cool. We have orange and purple tomatoes growing again this year and they look so pretty in a salad. Its funny though, how we are conditioned that certain foods have to be a certain color. We were talking about margarine and how the actual color of it is grey but that have to add food dye to it so it would look like butter.
Hope you are enjoying the cooler weather. me-- I am cuddled up under a blanket as I type :)

Sara. i will give that highlight thing a shot next. Its kind of a bummer that everything got wiped from autofill.
Oh poor Ben!!!!! What an awful experience for you both. And it is only going to make him more anxious for the next time. Ugh!!!!
HUgs to you both.
But I did see on FB that another of Ben's dogs was adopted? That is awesome!

Hope that all of you are having a great day!


Well-Known Member
guess what i'm doing? yup. baking zucchini bread!! i keep finding monster zucchinis that i missed, hiding in the zucchini plant. cut out the seed and pithy middle, and get baking. Chris, dunno if the almond flour zucchini muffins freeze well or not. i generally eat them for breakfast every day for a while until they're done. in fact, i had one this morn for breakfast. i have a good almond flour recipe for a zucchini and cheddar cheese bread that i'm making for dinner tonight to go with the flank steak. i'll probably make a pot of pesto veg soup that uses my pesto and some of this zucchini for the weekend. i am loving actually HAVING zucchini for the first time in years!!

today, a trip into the city to drop off some....zucchini bread...et al at my daughter's apartment. then back home to do some more house cleaning. woot.

have a happy day, guys! :becky:


Well-Known Member
It's Friday! You know what that means? It means we leave for South Dakota tomorrow! Yay! I'm excited! I am also excited to unplug. I'm going to turn off visual notifications on my phone for my email and not take my laptop. It will be nice.

Chris, you are having some really awesome foods. I love it when my plate is all rainbow-y. We've been trying hard to make sure we have a protein, a veggie, and a fruit at every meal. I've gained far too much weight in the past two months. Though last night, I went out with a friend to a favorite sushi place. She was one of the K-3 librarians in my district and I love her to pieces. She took amazing care of Ben too. Now she has a job in a different district. :-( I'm so happy for her professionally, but sad to see her leave my district. Anyway....the sushi was so good. We both only do cooked stuff. My favorite is like a crab rangoon almost. mmmmmm....

Ben's Book Buddy did get adopted again! And the one he got yesterday will not last long I don't think. She is sweet, eager to train, she is adorable, and she's only five months old. Someone will definitely snap her up! Today, we get to have a picnic with them. I'm excited for that but keep forgetting that I don't have the afternoon to ourselves to finish packing and pick up the house. No biggie though. He is completely loving this camp. They got to see raptors from the Raptor Recovery center, tons of different pets and service animals, read to dogs, run the dog obstacle course, do animal related crafts...He has had a blast. Yesterday, they got to see birds, a few different pet dogs, and a hedgehog. Definitely the best camp all summer.

Phylis - We are having flank steak for dinner too! I think I've mentioned this before, but my DH has learned how to "sous vide" cook. Water bath cook. He has a box that hooks up to the crock pot that turns the temp on and off. You fill up the crock pot with water and put a thermometer in the water. The thermometer connects to the power box which, like I said, turns the temp on and off. You season and then vacuum seal your meat and put it in the water. The water cooks it on a low temperature for hours. I think my husband started the flank steak yesterday mid morning and we'll have it for dinner tonight. When it's ready, you take it out and sear it to get a nice crust. The steak comes out so moist and tender and perfect every single time. We don't grill very well, so this is great for us because we love steak.

My BIL offered us some zucchini and cucumbers from their garden and I told him when we get back from vacation I am snapping them up. So you'll have to give me the cheddar cheese bread recipe!

This morning I am taking the car to get an oil change so it's ready for our trip. Delivering cherries to my SIL before they go bad. And - depending on the time - picking up the house/packing. Then Ben and I have a picnic at his camp. Tonight will definitely involve packing. Not an exciting day, but not bad. :)

Have a good day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Sara, have a BLAST in South Dakota! remember to look for the road where you are right next to Washington's head at Rushmore!