
Daily Ooo's: Friday, July 11


The Loopy-O

How are all of you today? We had another beautiful day in NJ. No AC needed. Cait and I went off to work and got home before noon. Then I went out to work in the yard. We have these two invasive weeds on the side of the yard, one is a crazy curly vine that wraps itself around everything. The other is a thorny bush. I can't get in there to dig them out by the roots so I just keep clipping them down as best as I can. And of course, I grabbed one branch without thinking and ended up with a thorn through my gloves and into my thumb. You all know how I have a hard enough time typing with just a few fingers (some day I will learn to type properly ha!) but now it is even worse.
The Stupid Faery Moment of a few days ago involved me looking for a hair clip in my overnight bag. When I reached in blindly, I cut my pointer finger on my razor, leaving me with a 3-blade gash on the finger tip. Now I have that all covered with band aids and my thumb has a hole in it. This also is giving me fits trying to get my contacts in and out. :doh:

I did make my appt for my second onc. opinion. Next up, appts for both kids' physicals since they haven't had one in years and now see a new dr, not a ped.

Sad news on the Lil Bun. S/he died last night. The kids tried really hard to keep him alive but he was just too young. He didn't even have teeth yet so they think he was probably only ~10 days old. We will be having a little burial this morning and he will be with our rats/cats in out back.

Today, I am bringing my mom to the lake with me. It shouldn't be too hot for her and I know she gets a kick out of it too. The kids will be off in all directions so she is bummed that she won't see them, but we will all be together on Sunday for Scott and Leah's graduation dinner.

Finish It Friday:
I have a LO or 2 to upload to the Gallery for the July Challenges. It's only 11 days late.... :oops:



The Loopy-O
Phyllis- i guess the bun will be out in the wild now, even though its not the way we wanted him to be :(
Angora! Eeeep!! When I was teaching PreK, someone "lovingly" donated an angora to the school. B/c my class was the oldest, guess whose room it got to be in? It was not a very friendly bunny and did not like to be handles. It came to us with its fur all matted and one one the parents groomed animals and tried to clip it as best as she could but it was not easy.
Thankfully, Cait's Bunny is mostly very docile and friendly since she is so huge (NZ White, like the Cadbury Rabbit) and weight about 15 lbs. Huge!!!!).

goodness, i'm bossy. but, as i often say to my husband: you KNOW i'm right.
toooo true!!!!!!!! :D

Whatever you do-- do NOT get white grout!! LOL I spend way too much time trying to clean other people's grout and if it is white, that only lasts the day it is put in. They shouldn't even *make* white grout. *eye roll* Like shag carpets. You know that a man had to have made them, what woman in her right mind would want to vacuum them???

Trudy- oh poor baby, not being a good sleeper. That's you, not Mason! Tee-heeeee!!! JK, Trudy, I still remember the days and long nights when my kids didn't sleep well. Hopefully, soon he will be old enough to keep himself occupied in his crib when he wakes up.I loved hearing my kids talking to themselves when they woke up early.
The River sounds like it was wonderful.
And wow!!! Love your tea readings! Good for giving the vamps the boot! I love the Heather's "response" to the proposal. Haha!!!

Sara, it is crazy but I know how you feel, just getting the house sort of tidied makes a huge difference in my outlook too. Since the AC wasn't on, I vacuumed the DR/LR and even though there are still cobwebs and dust, at least the rug looks nice.
How did you survive the playdate? Hope that you had enough wine to drink!!

Amy- yes!! Beach vacations! I need a vacation so desperately. Anywhere (that is not cold) where someone will cook yummy food and I can sleep and swim and read.....

Have a wonderful day to all of you who stop by!


Well-Known Member
Still a few minutes of morning here. DH is waiting for me to be ready to go check on a birding location we haven't visited in a long time. It is a gorgeous day for it.

Chris, sorry about the lil bun, though Phylis was really right about it (of course!) I can't imagine all the energy you evidence and always am hoping your medical scene goes better than expected.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.


Active Member
Awww, sorry about the bunny. It was so sweet of y'all to try and rehab it!

It seems like, with hands injuries, when it rains it pours! I never just have ONE bandaid on. If I cut a finger, it's guaranteed I'll injure some more.

I got signed up and registered to pay for my Fall class. I ended up dropping one after signing up for the payment plan. I'm giving it a few days to make sure it drops the amount due on the business end of things before I worry about how much it's going to cost. I did get a 98 on my first test for my summer class, woot!

I think every Friday I have a stupid amount of laundry to do. I want that to be done and the killer headache I woke up with to be gone. I made some strong coffee in the French press and I hope that speeds the meds up in my system a bit, heehee.

Hope y'all have a lovely weekend!


Well-Known Member
Chris, sorry the Bun died. It was probably sick, and that's why it was just sitting there in the road. nature can be brutal. it's a pain to have cuts on your fingers. all those nerves there, so everything is amplified a hundred times. i'm pretty sure a person can die from the pain of a paper cut. :scared: beware of just clipping stuff in the yard. clipping is taken by plants as a sign to grow! maybe nasty old Roundup would do the trick.

Hi, Jean glad you have some great weather for birding.it's sunny and lovely here, too, but i'm inside with the air-conditioning on for the Tile Guy!

Amy, congrats on your 98! it seems i ALWAYS have a stupid amount of laundry to do, and there are only two of us here!

Tile Guy is on the home stretch. (and, Chris:NOOOO no white grout EVER!! my grout is kind of the color of cement. and they have invented this stuff that you add to the grout when you're mixing it that has the sealer built right in, so YAAAY for that!) he'll come back tomorrow to install the oak divider between the tile and my wood in the dining room, and we're DONE! looking forward to getting back to normal. i will post a photo ASAP.

have a great weekend. demand that people cater to your every whim, WTH not?!:becky:


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!

I had sort of a busy day today. I dropped Ben off at camp and thought I was going to have to drive to pick up a car with my dad. But I didn't have to do that, so I got a brief bit of work done before I had to go pick up some cherries. I ordered 20 lbs! 10 Bing and 10 Ranier. It was from a chemical-free regional fresh fruit truck. They are awesome cherries. I am splitting them with my sisters-in-law. Then I sat at the hospital with my dad while my aunt had surgery. She is the old spinster of the family and needs a little extra care and love from us. She was doing fine when we left at 4 p.m., but still groggy and on a lot of pain meds. She had a back fusion. Then, I picked up Ben from camp and we dragged my husband out to PF Chang's. mmmmm it was good. Now I am home with my belly full! Not much up for the weekend. I have a hair appt. tomorrow morning and I might get a quickie pedicure too.

Chris - so sad about the bunny. Ouch about your fingers! Have fun at the lake!

Jean - I hope you enjoyed a beautiful day and found some cool birds!!

Amy - What classes are you taking? Isn't tuition just obscene? And I've had some classes lately where I'm just sitting here saying to myself, "I'm paying you for this?!" And as someone who has taught both grads and undergrads, I seriously get annoyed when I know a professor isn't putting effort in.

Oh Phylis - Soooo close to being done!! Awesome!

Well - I'm going to putter around on my computer. Ben wanted to camp in the basement until he learned he would have to share the mattress that is (still) on the floor down there with me. (We never moved it back up to the guest bed after our air conditioner fiasco.) Now he just wants to have the memory foam mattress topper from the guest bed on HIS bed for the night. Score. I don't have to sleep in the basement. :)

Have a good weekend everyone!