
Daily Ooo's: Friday, January 9


The Loopy-O
Happy Holy Friday, Batman!

I got good-ish/bad-ish news yesterday. My client today cancelled. The bad-ish news is that I could have really used that $. The good news of it is that I now have the day off. I can get the downstairs of my house cleaned for my mom's b-day party here on Sunday. Maybe clean out the fridge so the fam doesn't eat something fuzzy while I am in the hospital. :nono:
Then I have a scrap page to finish and I really want to do Romy's Designer Spotlight challenge.

Last, I have to psych myself up to fast after midnight, which is not an issue except for the no coffee part in the morning. :faint2:

The hospital called for my Pre-Admin info as we were driving to the eye dr. I had to go over all of my medications/allergies/medical history (Thankfully I keep a list of all that in my purse because there is no way I could keep track of all *that*!). Then I get the the eye dr office and had to do it all over again for them. I said to Gary, Why do I feel deja vu on this, as in 30 minutes ago? :p
Good news on the eye issue. he said that it looks like mascara might have gotten lodged under the skin (Not sure how I feel about that, how could 4-5 identical dots of mascara get stuck under my skin like that? But WTH do I know??!!) or it is just pigmentation in my skin. Either way, totally benign. He said that it would be easy to remove, so when I asked if there was any rush to it, in light of my being out of commission for a bit, and he said nope, that if it doesn't bother me, I don't need to have it out at all. Since it really only bothers me when my eyes are dry, those little suckers can stay right where they are. I'll have Gary keep an on on them to make sure they don't change, and well, it's just one more little quirk I have.
OTOH- if I ever needed to be in a Law and Order or CSI Episode, I sure have a heck of a lot of distinguishing marks on my body to identify me. :rofl:

So that is about it from me.
Finish it Friday is same old, same old here- Pay some bills, clean the house, fight with Catzilla who is now loving on me non-stop. Yesterday she was laying on my printer and the air is so dry and static-y that when she got up, there were sheets of printer paper stuck to her fur!!

QOTD Do you have Punctuation Quirks or Pet Peeves?
As you can see, I go through periods of using lots of ellipses... (Or parentheses. ) And always, lots of exclamation points!!!


Hugs to all of you!


Well-Known Member
good morning - it is snowing hard but it is not supposed to snow for long. It is pretty since I don't have to go anywhere. Yesterday I just stayed indoors and read and scrapped. I also cooked - a Rachael Ray one pan dinner reminded me of hamburger helper and not one of my favorite but the boys were not choosy and ate it right up. My Devils lost soundly to Trudy's Boston Bruins. Tonight my Devils play the NY Islanders.

Chris so glad that the eye lid problem was benign. Enjoy the day off and hope the cleaning goes well for upcoming party.

Phylis yes my nose would have fallen off! It was cold.

Trudy so glad that the old guys were gone from the pool!

Have a great day all.


Well-Known Member
hiya from The Frozen Mid-Atlantic. GAAAH!!!! me and Mr. Woodstove. again. i was up at 4, so i stumbled over to the stove, because i knew there would still be some glowing coals in there, making it easier to start The Daily Fire. then i tried to fall asleep again. nope. :faint2:

Chris, GREAT news on the black dots. you probably should have them removed at some point. you wear contacts, right? that HAS to be uncomfortable, with those dots in there. i am having SOOO much trouble with my contacts. Old Lady dry eyes are making wearing them tough. i'm glad you have the day off today. even though it doesn't sound much like you're having a day off!!! so take at least an HOUR off to sit down and veg.

Nancy, it sounds like you had nice, relaxed day! great having the men out of the house, eh?
what was in the "Hamburger Helper" Rachael Ray food? did it have noodles in it?

i'll check in later to see who else stops by. i think i'll try to tackle a few Rosetta Stone lessons this morning.




Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-zies!! Fog on the Lake this morning, but not up here around the house, hoping for a bit of sunshine today. Later today I need to pick up our tickets for our trip and take my high school girl friend out for a coffee! She is also our travel agent and has worked for the same business since graduating from high school. Yikes!! That is a long time!! Trying to find a few nice things to wear while on our trip, but then can't decide if I should wait and just get a few things while I am there to wear?? Maybe both? :becky:

Chris - Nice that you have the day off!! Hope you get your cleaning done and your scrapping also! I keep trying to get more of the challenges done, but something always comes up and I get sidetracked. The worst thing about fasting is missing the morning coffee!! I sometimes wonder if it really makes a difference if you do not fast?? Funny about Catzilla, I used to hate that when I lived on prairie and everything I touched I got a shock from it!! Ouch!! Glad to hear that the spots on your eyelid are nothing, weird how they got there though!! Enjoy your day off!!

Nancy - I said to DH last night "Nancy will not be happy with the spanking that her Devils got" !! Hope they have a better time with NY!! I will have to check out more of Rachel Rays meals, I always enjoy her show!

Phylis - I found the recipe for the Western Sandwiches, hope its something that you can eat!! The first time I had this was shortly after Aunt Edith died, she is/was my MIL's sister and she had lots of health issues, she died very young and left behind her husband and two adopted children who were only 6 & 5 years old. We still see the daughter at reunions, but the son has distanced himself from all us. He got some money from DH's grandma shortly before she passed and we have never heard from him again. :mmph: This poor family is now dealing with the Dad dying from ALS. But I imagine it is just the daughter dealing with it.
Anyway its a pretty good recipe and I think that Edith used it a lot when she was going through Nurse's training. Enjoy!! Hope you and the Wood stove get along today! Yikes its cold where you are!! Sure hope it warms up for you very soon!!

BTW I use orange and/or yellow peppers as I don't like green ones and yes you mix all of this together in a large bowl.

Hi Shar and Jean, hope you are doing something you love today!

QOTD - I use lots of these !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and these ????????????? probably too many??

Off to swimming this morning and then to pick up my tickets, not leaving for a couple of weeks, but looking so forward to our time in the sun!! Have a wonderful day everyone!! :wave:


I'm back. Yesterday I had a "procedure" done, then slept the afternoon away. Which leads me to yet another story--another example of how different we all are. I so appreciate how this forum is such a great venting place/Therapy Session for you, especially, Chris, with all the health and bureaucratic challenges you and your sweet family have. I am the total opposite: wouldn't DREAM of mentioning my health issues here or anywhere besides my own house with my DH. The reason? When I was in my 30's, my dear aunt and uncle pulled up in front of my house with their 5th Wheel, where they spent 4 or 5 nights. (They were joyfully expected--it wasn't a surprise.) But their days were spent sitting around my kitchen table. She was a hand-quilter, and I would knit. Uncle would sit with us until he needed to go outside for a cigarette break. THE ONLY TOPIC OF CONVERSATION WAS THEIR HEALTH AND THEIR SURGERIES!!!!!!!!!!! So for days on end, all day, as we consumed pots and pots of coffee, I was force-fed WAY too many details about their bodies. The day they left, I turned to Dave and said, "I will NEVER talk about my health to anyone EVER AGAIN! And I haven't. (I admit, I've probably gone too far the other direction, but I can't help it.) I'm fine now, so many years removed from that experience (half my life?), listening to and sympathizing with others who share, but I still can't do it. It's like my throat constricts.

Anyway, I will go so far as to say that things went well. A small polyp was involved, but it is now gone, and the results will be back in a week or two. ;) I've almost deleted THAT information 3 times already! LOL

Yes! Medical fasting. Taking away our coffee is like taking away our oxygen! I keep telling myself in times like this, "tomorrow at this time, it will all be history." Glad to hear the eye spots are benign. Whew. Another bullet dodged.

Rachael Ray changed my life several years back. I was at a place where I just could not face cooking dinner for the next 30 years when I stumbled across her TV show. She got me out of my slump, and several of her early cookbook recipes are now standards in our house. She nudged me into thinking outside the box. YEAH RACHAEL! I tried watching her daytime network show, but didn't care for that. Still watch her food show from time to time.

Phylis, what language are you learning with Rosetta Stone? How's it going. I keep wishing there were a magic bullet for learning another language. You know, one where I didn't actually have to WORK at it!! I took high school French, which is totally worthless to me except to offer a pleasant "bon jour." But there are more and more Spanish-speaking people in my world, I'd love to be able to know what they are saying! LOL

I finished all 6 of the January challenges already! Loved them. LOVE the challenges.

Trudy, thanks for the recipe. Dave would love it, I'm sure. I'm with you on peppers. Of course, the green ones are ALWAYS way less money than the others. Why do I always like the most expensive thing? I'm sure you all are like that too. Glad the geezers were out of the pool.

Captain Romance is golfing today, so I'll have the house to myself for 5 hours or so.

Throw another log on the fire, and stay warm!


Well-Known Member
Trudy, thanks for the recipe! so, Prem is Spam? i also don't like green peppers at ALL, and i always use the red or orange ones. i vote for buying clothes in BOTH places!

Shar, i had to laugh at your description of your aunt and uncle and their health talk. my mom used to have to listen to several of her sisters go on and on about stuff like that, and it made my mom basically DEAF to anyone else's health. a person had to be near death and/or in the hospital to get her attention. it drove me a little nuts, but i can understand it. glad your issue has been taken care of. i'm doing Italian, since my son and DIL and grandkids all speak it fluently. i spent SOOo much time messing with the microphone this morning, trying to get the program to hear me. i adjusted everything i could think of, but i still have to SCREAM in order to be heard by the program. any ideas? i have a tech support request in to Rosetta, but they'll probably just tell me stuff i already tried.

Chris, i forgot to do the QOTD. i don't really have a punctuation thing. maybe my usual dot dot dot dot thing. i have given up using CAPS, except as emphasis, when i'm writing casually. does that count as a thing? my main peeves generally revolve around grammar and misused words. like using "then" for "than." drives me nuts. oh, and i also am now the Queen of Sentence Fragments, when writing casually. ha. in case you, haven't noticed!! :becky:
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Phylis, I'm JUST like your mom. Don't visit people in the hospital except to see new grandchildren or visit those near death.

If you are the Queen of Sentence Fragments, I'm the court jester. I do it a lot too. and dot dot dot (ellipsis). and parenthesis (drawing an arrow to previous example!). and !!!. and ???. I also like to add color to a phrase, and/or change the font style/size when possible. Although I'm sure I make my share of grammatical errors, I'm with you on that as well..."could care less" when what is meant is "COULDN'T care less." "Me and John," instead of "John and me (or I)"... AND THE ONE THAT MAKES ME SCREAM: "on accident" instead of "by accident!" When my children were at home, if they said "on accident," I made them write "by accident" 100 times! Then there are the made up words: "prolly" instead of "probably." ...........I could go on. But I won't.

No suggestions when it comes to techie issue. sorry. You should prolly just wait until you hear from Rosetta. Me and you could prolly learn a lot from them. I'm sure you just have something turned off on accident. ;)

ROTF LOL with my friends!


Well-Known Member
Afternoon O-zzies. Nothing special here other than keeping warm. I'm really trying to get back to doing needed tasks in my genealogy world, but I still wish it were December with no worries allowed in (and better weather.)

QOTD: I'm not sure I do much with punctuation on a regular basis, but also have grammar pet peeves. One lament is the dying out of the word fewer replaced with less incorrectly.

Chris, I know you're relieved that the eye thing is benign, still it would have been nice if they could have gotten them out. Love the image of Catzilla and the papers. Hope you get all that done today especially Romy's challenge that sounds so great.

Nancy, good luck against the Islanders tonight. I'm sure you're keeping warm too.

Phylis, what's this mid-Atlantic? You're on our side of the mountains not the Atlantic side. Watching radar last night it looked like you might have been getting even more blowing snow than we did. Glad it's not me playing with Mr. Woodstove! Keep warm!!

Trudy, that recipe sounds good. Have to admit I hadn't thought of Spam in years but know we ate some when I was a kid. I think the shopping both places sounds good! Most of us will be so envious when you go. Hope the swimming lane stays yours.

Shar, your stories are fun but this one is a little sad. I'm not prone to much mention of health issues either, but that might come from my rather tight-lipped father. Congrats on getting all the challenges done. You seem very efficient to me as I tend to dither over things.

Happy Friday to all and a great weekend. It's going back to very cold tomorrow, so keep warm!


JEAN! YES! Less instead of fewer. I'm always yelling at the TV when they say that (which is almost always). Same with "between" and "among."

I get how Phylis considers herself mid-Atlantic. To we west-coasters, anything in PA is mid-Atlantic, especially since the hills there hardly count as mountains! LOL (google Cascade and Rocky Mountains!!!)

As to today's story, part of it is that I'm like you. Although I may be verbose here (I prefer writing to talking), when I'm in a group, I'm mostly an observer.


Well-Known Member
wazzamatter with you girls?? didn't you pay attention in Geography class!!?? (remember when there WAS geography class in school?)


i do the same thing with less and fewer. i'm always yelling at the radio. i have never heard the "on accident" thing. must be a regional phrase. and i was never so shocked as when i realized that there were actually people, (young girls, mostly,) who actually thought "prolly" was a word!! freaked me out!!


Well-Known Member
HILLS!!?? OK, not the Rockies here in PA, but surely not just HILLS?!!:

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LOL...to us, those are foothills. sorry. ROTF We lived in New England for two years. When we saw Mt. Washington, and how proud of it all the New Hampshirites were, we LOL (before there WAS such a thing as LOL-ing). We conceded the remarkable cold windy weather there, but a mountain? Really? But, my friends in Alaska think OUR mountains are pretty puny.


Is this the girly version of "mine is bigger than yours?"

AND by the way, that big thud you heard was me falling on the floor fainting when I heard that there are people who think "prolly" is really a word. I had no idea. I thought it was just a new slang.
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Ok Trivia question for you? At what height is a hill no longer considered a hill but a mountain? I think the answer is prolly LOL a thousand feet.

Yes Phylis, Prem and Spam are the same thing, just made by different companies. Oh and thanks for the geography lesson!! Not my favourite class, but I do remember when we had them!! :becky: Oh BTW Phylis do you still want to see the calendar pages I did?? If so tell me here and I will send you a link to my dropbox.


Trudy, did you ever see the movie, The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain? Prolly not. Me and my DH recommend it.

It wasn't on accident I ran across this definition (I googled it):
There is no universally accepted definition of a mountain. Elevation, volume, relief, steepness, spacing and continuity have been used as criteria for defining a mountain.[1] In the Oxford English Dictionary a mountain is defined as "a natural elevation of the earth surface rising more or less abruptly from the surrounding level and attaining an altitude which, relatively to the adjacent elevation, is impressive or notable."[1]

Whether a landform is called a mountain may depend on local usage. The highest point in San Francisco, California, is called Mount Davidson, notwithstanding its height of 300 m (980 ft), which makes it twenty feet short of the minimum for a mountain by American designations.[citation needed] Similarly, Mount Scott outside Lawton, Oklahoma is only 251 m (823 ft) from its base to its highest point. Whittow's Dictionary of Physical Geography[2] states "Some authorities regard eminences above 600 m (2,000 ft) as mountains, those below being referred to as hills."

In the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic, a mountain is usually defined as any summit at least 2,000 feet (or 610 metres) high,[3][4][5][6][7] whilst the official United Kingdom government's definition of a mountain, for the purposes of access, is a summit of 600 metres or higher.[8] In addition, some definitions also include a topographical prominence requirement, typically 100 or 500 feet (30 or 152 m).[9] For a while, the US defined a mountain as being 1,000 feet (300 m) or taller. Any similar landform lower than this height was considered a hill. However, today, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) concludes that these terms do not have technical definitions in the US.[10]


Well-Known Member
PA may be a mid-Atlantic STATE, and that's fine in Philly, but I still say you're on OUR side of the ... whatever those things are. :bounce:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Shar... now that's a Mountain!! LOL so is this one. Taken on my trip to see my son in Alberta sorry Phylis, but you live in the foothills!!

This is our Mount Washington on the Island near Comox
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Well, this has been fun, but it's tomorrow already in the mid Atlantic states! Wonder what we can cook up. ;)