
Daily Ooo's: Friday, January 7


The Loopy-O
TGIF! And we have..... *drum roll*...................



A snow day! I wish the school had called 15 min's earlier. I get up at 5, I gate cait out of bed at 5:15. 5:17 we get the call that school is closed. It would have been so nice to stay in bed.....

I was supposed to go down and spend the day with my mom for her b-day but she would have worried w/ the forecast, so we postponed it to next week. I stopped in on my way home from MIL's yesterday unannounced for a quick cup of coffee. I'll be blogging about that later for Joy!

Hope everyone has a great day. i am going to post this and be back later for personals.
I am scrapping today!


lOve the O!
morning all - please lift me up today and especially tomorrow-

Chris- so happy you got a snow day

I am taking another mental health day from work- my boss is very understanding-


The Loopy-O
Laurie- good thoughts to you. I hope everything is OK. I have to admit I am worried about you :(

Nana Linda- Diane has been busy banning spammers again today. what is it with them? Thanks for your hard work yesterday!

K-Bammmmmm!!! Ctx?? Ohhh I hope that means good news!! And yes, I am being nosy.. but hubby?? He is back in the picture??? I hope so!!!

Trudy!! Counting down the hours for vaca for you!!!!
Make sure you give Mickey a kiss from me :)

Kristy- even though it might not seem like it-- you had a very productive day, good for you!

Linda S- That is wonderful and H apologizing. I bet it makes a lot of that stress worth while. So awesome to realize what a difference and positive influence you made in her life. yay!!

Clara- I would feel the same with the "gate guy." its a mom thing. I bet a woman/mother would have handled it very differently.
Good luck with the houses and the heat.

meg-- congrats!!!!!

Have a fabulous day my lOves!!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning! Just a quick drive-by from me. I want to say that the weekend's coming so I'll finally get some scraptime in. However...I have performance reviews that aren't written and I have got to get them done before Monday. So, I don't think this weekend will offer much time.

Chris, we have a little bit of snow on the ground...it fell last night while we were sleeping. It's sooo easy so far this year! I keep comparing it to last year and it doesn't even feel like winter! YAY! Hope that you enjoy your snow day! Sorry that you will miss being with your mom today...glad you had the joy of stopping yesterday!

Laurie...I am lifting you in prayers. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

Trudy...last work day! And then it's vacation time! WooHoo for you!

Clara, looks like I need to check out the daily O's from last night. Have a good day!


lOve the O!
ladies you are too funny- you know nana is tired from banning spam- did I tell you my family has a new holiday tradition (I don't go back for this) when they get together to do a good or wacky gift exchange and have food and fam times, they now have a spam carving contest! Yes you heard me right- spam carving- apparently you can color it too! don't know how


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I had my doctors appointment yesterday and my doctor tells me my cervix is still completely hard and closed. My due date is Tuesday so he wants me to come back on Thursday so he can "strip my membranes". If I don't go in to labor on my own after that I check in to Labor & Delivery at 5pm on the 17th and they will induce me. They won't let me go past the 18th though because apparently this little girl is huge.

HOWEVER, I was having really intense contractions last night and I woke up this morning to really thick bloody discharge. So I don't know what's going on.

Keep your fingers crossed everyone!

Chris ~ yes, he is! :)


Well-Known Member
Uhmmmm kayleigh- you need to call the nurses hotline or your doctor, I've never been preggo but that really doesn't sound right.

Good morning ladies! Hoping to get lots done today. I've been so distracted with everything constantly going off - phone, email, etc. Yesterday my phone and laptop were beeping at the same time and so much was coming in, ugh.


always chatty at the O!!
Acually Meg...amazingly enough, that is very normal. It is called a bloody show. Some women get it some don't. So, Kayleigh, unless you are uncomfortable, you should be okay. If you can get yourself walking as much as you can right now. Not the most fun thing in the world but you can go shopping at the grocery store or at the mall or wherever to get your walking done. Just get walking if you feel up to it. I hope you are able to get into labor because it is much easier on you than induced labor but giant babies aren't the easiest either. Whatever happens good luck and I hope things go smoothly and as close to how you want them as possible. remember that a birth plan is just that, only a plan, not set in stone and go with the flow. I hope this birth is an amazing experience for you aside from the end result of having the most beautiful baby you have ever laid eyes on. Also....Try really hard not to stay up all night staring at baby. Get some sleep when you can.

Things here are good. Just hanging out with little Miss Addie. We are about to do a little bit of reading and counting and then some Easy Bake Oven cooking. It will be fun. Well, I'd love to write more but I want to get to Addie and do personals so no book for you.

Chris - I read your blog and love how well you are embracing Joy. You are amazing, in case no one has told you lately. Yay for a snow day.

Laurie - I don't know what is going on with you but I will def lift you up in prayer today. I'm sorry you are having a hard time. We are all here for you. Hugs!! Maybe you should carve some spam on your own. If you do scrap it and link us up. That would be way cool and totally be a good way to spend a mental health day. Nothing like doing something a little crazy on a MH day.

Linda - Performance reviews...blech!! No fun. I was so glad to reada about H. How great to hear that she could really start to see the big picture and be able to be humble about it. Sounds like she learned a lot from you even if it took awhile for it to show.

Nana - Just thought I'd say hi and send big squeezy eye-poppy hugs. Just because. Love you girl!!

Meg - Fine. I won't bother you all day...until I do. Hahahahaha!!!


lOve the O!
so far today has been a financial friday- I have been doing an amazing amount of work with numbers and because I am not exhausted and can see more clearly what the numbers are- I have gasp- almost enjoyed it-eeekkkkkkkk! I am also discovering the joys of a punching bag- if you have an aldi's they have an everlast reflex bag (punching bag) on special this week for 45- best money I have ever spent- can't go at it long, but when I do- poor mr. bag! sounds like an up and coming layout to me!


Well-Known Member
Okay....so Laurie is right, I have been crazed with banning people the last couple of days!!! Thinking I might need to do something to get banned!!! :pound: (explaining my new alias)

It's snow flurrying here!!! HUGE HUGE flakes!!! We got a little dusting last night, nothing to do any harm...no delays or closings.

Sharon has Cameran's Birthday Party all set now:

I just love the kids birthday parties!!!!

Mike is here today...Savannah is chasing around after him like a little puppy!!! She won't let me do anything for her!! HAHAHA!!!! He keeps saying he is going to retire and I can go to work....Days like this, I am thinking it changes his mind.

Chris....I sent Vicki a PM, and I think she may have fixed it for now!! YAY!! Stupid spammers!!!:jedi
Happy birthday to Mama Faerywings!!!!!!

Laurie...LOTS OF HUGS AND I AM LIFTING LIFTING LIFTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope all is okay!!!

LindaS....wish I could help you get your work done so you could play more with us!!! Just stamp the reviews all GOOD and be done!! HAHA!! if only, HUH??

Kayleigh....hope you went to the hospital...cause it sounds like your mucus plug came out!! TIME TO HAVE THE BABY!!!!

Meg...sweetie....you have so much going on!!! YOu need an assistant!!! Hugs for you!! Hope you have a calmer day today!!!


Well-Known Member
Clara.....posting at the same time....Thanks for the love sweetie!!! :) Oh and I LOVE EASY BAKE OVEN!! I can't wait til we get one for Jaiden and Savannah....I used mine all the time!! NOTHING like a cake baked by a lightbulb!! HAHAHA!!! Hope Ethan is good and having fun!!!


Well-Known Member
YES...Laurie....do a layout on MR BAG!!! that would be so cool!! UUUGGHH on the numbers....I went to school for accouting and had accounting jobs for a long time....DROVE ME NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning my favorite people!! Just flying by on my way to work this afternoon until 6:00pm, it will be a long day. Dropped off the cat to the Pet Resort went shopping for some new underware and flip flops and now I have to get my snack ready for work. I will try to get in here later, but must do my packing yet and I am sure I won't sleep much tonight....tooo excited, I am like a little kid going to Disneyworld!!! Gotta run, but love you guys!!:-D


Well-Known Member
Clara -- I think I need you today to keep me sane!!!!

I think I need to make one of my CT members the CT manager... but what do you do to compensate them? I think I might post over in the DST Designers area and see if we can get a group of designers to exchange coupons each month for our CT managers..? Does that sound like a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Sooooo, I called my doctor's office and told them of the new development. They said they would have the doctor call me back, so the on call doctor called me and told me that, yes it does sound like I'm losing my plug, however that does not mean I'm in labor and to just go about things normally until things change. By things changing he means either my water breaking or I start having contractions that make me want to punch my husband in the face repeatedly. So neither of those things have happened yet.

I'm getting so impatient.

Note to self: Your daughter is as stubborn as you are.


always chatty at the O!!
Kayleigh - don't worry. You are not the first to be impatient and ready to do jumping jacks to get the baby out. Hopefully you won't have the contractions that make you want to punch your husband in the face, just regular and 3-5 minutes apart.

So, we Easy Baked. It was so fun. Addie loved it although I did most of the work. I got warning about how horrible the cookies and stuff were but the smores were not horrible. Addie had a sweet moment and wanted to save a cookie for Ethan. Actually she has been pretty sweet lately. We are working on reading but she was not real thrilled about it today but did wear her smart glasses by choice. She won't wear them regularly. Makes me crazy. then I forget about them for days on end.

I'm gonna get Ethan signed up for school on Monday. I just have to get the paperwork together this weekend. I think I mentioned the principal didn't thrill me and she doesn't listen. I was trying to find out which she needed, Ethan's birth certificate or his certificate of birth abroad. Most people prefer the latter because it is fully in english and she started rambling about how they don't keep the original and that was not what I was asking. She also started talking about the testing later in the year that would decide if he would move into 4th grade and all that and I was just saying I wasn't real concerned about him moving forward and she cut me off saying that the teachers and principal would make that decision. Ugh!!! The school has a lot of students so I am trying to be understanding of her attitude of parents thinking they know everything but she needs to get over it because I do. Those other parents are mistaken, I'm the real deal. Haha!! I crack myself up.

Anyway, Derek just walked in...better go. He has to try and Easy Bake Smore too. I saw somewhere online about Easy Bake recipes. I think I ought to look it up.


always chatty at the O!!
Kayleigh - another quick reminder...don't punch your husband in the face. Then he'll be cranky and think your baby's birth is all about him. Bad plan!!


always chatty at the O!!
Clara -- I think I need you today to keep me sane!!!!

I think I need to make one of my CT members the CT manager... but what do you do to compensate them? I think I might post over in the DST Designers area and see if we can get a group of designers to exchange coupons each month for our CT managers..? Does that sound like a good idea?

Not that I'm volunteering, cuz I am not...but sometimes just having less stipulations on your CT manager is a bonus too. So maybe for every so many kits they DL and use they can DL a kit just because as long as they let you know. Send a PM to LindaW because I know she is on a CT where she does a little extra so her expectations are different. Just another thought.


lOve the O!
well, I shoveled the little bit of snow on our 3 car wide 5 car long drive- so proud of me, sat down and chatted with a friend on the phone and now it is snowing and all white again- arghhh- guess I will wait till tomorrow to shovel it.