
Daily Ooos" Friday, January 19


The Loopy-O
Welcome to the Ooos on another cold and snowy day. *golf clap*
I feel like I am stuck in a Groundhog Day-type simulation. Any of you feel that way too?

Yesterday flew by even though it felt like it took me longer to do everything. I guess it's just the way it goes during the winter.
** That reminded me to put my therapy light on, I haven't been using it regularly and it definitely makes a difference. @Cherylndesigns don't forget about yours**

Cleaning was fine and I was extra careful using the pressurized cans. Although if that happened, my friend would probably laugh just as much as my family did.
In case you were wondering, IP mashed potatoes are delicious! Faster, easier, and nice and hot even made a couple hours in advance. A nice dinner with Scott and played a card game afterward. I think we are going to do a Pictionary Rematch when he and Sam come over next week. I better get my chicken feet socks out. (cait got me a pair of socks that look like chicken feet one year for Christmas).
On a funny note, Lauren was over at Scott's the other night and told him about my messed up first day at work. She was worried that I wouldn't come back. He told her the same thing I said-- I have enough years of teaching experience and it would take a lot to scare me off. :rotfl:

I don't have any big plans today. I need to call a lab regarding a bill that I shouldn't have gotten. I was hoping it could be done online but nope, I gotta speak to a human. I'm sure I am going to need to shovel the driveway at some point. It's a toss-up which one I am dreading more. heh

Hoping everyone stays warm and cozy! xoxo


The Loopy-O
@vickyday I feel about as wide as I am tall, same as in that emoji LOL!
My deal with snow is that it is allowed overnight on Christmas Eve- say from 2 am to 6 am. Then it melts by 9 am and is not seen again until next Christmas. Has it worked out that way ever? Not even close! ;)
The way the heat needs to be running non-stop, it wouldn't surprise me if your scratchy throat is just from the dry air. Do you have a humidifier?
Happy birthday to Ilene!! :birthday2:
Any word for the Mac people?

@BrightEyes whew!!! What fab news about the computer updating, not dying. Thank goodness! What a great idea to ask your DS#1/aka IT guy for some help in picking out a new one.
Whisky goes nuts over the sweet potato treats. I put some into their treat puzzle to keep her busy while Gary and I were doing J's PT. She was frantic trying to get to them and flipped the entire block over at one point. Hahahaha!! It's just sweet potato, oatmeal, and coconut oil. Nothing fancy but she looooves them :D

@taxed4ever I am LMBO over your description of your neighbor having fun with your snowblower! My Gary was like that when he got to use Caitlyn's last week. (Cait's boss gave her his old blower which is much bigger and more powerful than the one that Gary's brother gave us a couple of years ago. Personally, I don't give a you-know-know-what over what kind of power/treads/throwing distance they have as long as I don't have to shovel the entire driveway manually :giggle4: !)
That's fab news about his staples coming out, when is he able to resume normal activity?
Poor Heather, having cooped up boys and Poochie underfoot. Does the school have built-in snow days or do they have to make it all up at the end of the year?

@Cherylndesigns YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY for above freezing temps! dance4
Now you get to deal with mud. Mud is much better especially when you have running water at the same time. I hope that you can get everyone's cars and trucks back home.
We do the same with the dogs-- we have long leads and normally let them out at the same time. I still do that with W, it is just a PITB since Jaida isn't allowed on long leashes until she gets cleared at her 4-month post-op appt. It was much easier for her last knee surgery- that was done in May so I had nice weather to walk her at least. These two dogs are like Daisy, they are runners. My other two stayed in the yard on their own.
Hope your WM trip wasn't too crazy!

@bcgal00 Were you finally able to get your DLs done? NJ- probably most states- has a 6-point paperwork process that was a nightmare when it was first introduced. People would wait for hours to get the documents processed only to find that one of them didn't count. I hope the temps get warmer soon for Remi's sake if nothing else. Is Taz doing any better in his booties?

@LSlycord Congrats on finishing your work-week!


Love my O Family!
Welcome to the Ooos on another cold and snowy day. *golf clap*
I feel like I am stuck in a Groundhog Day-type simulation. Any of you feel that way too?

Yesterday flew by even though it felt like it took me longer to do everything. I guess it's just the way it goes during the winter.
** That reminded me to put my therapy light on, I haven't been using it regularly and it definitely makes a difference. @Cherylndesigns don't forget about yours**

Cleaning was fine and I was extra careful using the pressurized cans. Although if that happened, my friend would probably laugh just as much as my family did.
In case you were wondering, IP mashed potatoes are delicious! Faster, easier, and nice and hot even made a couple hours in advance. A nice dinner with Scott and played a card game afterward. I think we are going to do a Pictionary Rematch when he and Sam come over next week. I better get my chicken feet socks out. (cait got me a pair of socks that look like chicken feet one year for Christmas).
On a funny note, Lauren was over at Scott's the other night and told him about my messed up first day at work. She was worried that I wouldn't come back. He told her the same thing I said-- I have enough years of teaching experience and it would take a lot to scare me off. :rotfl:

I don't have any big plans today. I need to call a lab regarding a bill that I shouldn't have gotten. I was hoping it could be done online but nope, I gotta speak to a human. I'm sure I am going to need to shovel the driveway at some point. It's a toss-up which one I am dreading more. heh

Hoping everyone stays warm and cozy! xoxo
A picture of your chicken feet, please!
I sure hope that "human" speaks English!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday I feel about as wide as I am tall, same as in that emoji LOL!
My deal with snow is that it is allowed overnight on Christmas Eve- say from 2 am to 6 am. Then it melts by 9 am and is not seen again until next Christmas. Has it worked out that way ever? Not even close! ;)
The way the heat needs to be running non-stop, it wouldn't surprise me if your scratchy throat is just from the dry air. Do you have a humidifier?
Happy birthday to Ilene!! :birthday2:
Any word for the Mac people?

@BrightEyes whew!!! What fab news about the computer updating, not dying. Thank goodness! What a great idea to ask your DS#1/aka IT guy for some help in picking out a new one.
Whisky goes nuts over the sweet potato treats. I put some into their treat puzzle to keep her busy while Gary and I were doing J's PT. She was frantic trying to get to them and flipped the entire block over at one point. Hahahaha!! It's just sweet potato, oatmeal, and coconut oil. Nothing fancy but she looooves them :D

@taxed4ever I am LMBO over your description of your neighbor having fun with your snowblower! My Gary was like that when he got to use Caitlyn's last week. (Cait's boss gave her his old blower which is much bigger and more powerful than the one that Gary's brother gave us a couple of years ago. Personally, I don't give a you-know-know-what over what kind of power/treads/throwing distance they have as long as I don't have to shovel the entire driveway manually :giggle4: !)
That's fab news about his staples coming out, when is he able to resume normal activity?
Poor Heather, having cooped up boys and Poochie underfoot. Does the school have built-in snow days or do they have to make it all up at the end of the year?

@Cherylndesigns YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY for above freezing temps! dance4
Now you get to deal with mud. Mud is much better especially when you have running water at the same time. I hope that you can get everyone's cars and trucks back home.
We do the same with the dogs-- we have long leads and normally let them out at the same time. I still do that with W, it is just a PITB since Jaida isn't allowed on long leashes until she gets cleared at her 4-month post-op appt. It was much easier for her last knee surgery- that was done in May so I had nice weather to walk her at least. These two dogs are like Daisy, they are runners. My other two stayed in the yard on their own.
Hope your WM trip wasn't too crazy!

@bcgal00 Were you finally able to get your DLs done? NJ- probably most states- has a 6-point paperwork process that was a nightmare when it was first introduced. People would wait for hours to get the documents processed only to find that one of them didn't count. I hope the temps get warmer soon for Remi's sake if nothing else. Is Taz doing any better in his booties?

@LSlycord Congrats on finishing your work-week!
I never thought about the heat/dry air being the cause of my throat issues. But you are probably right! No humidifier. If I remember, I'll put a bowl of water in front of one of the heat vents and see if that helps! No word from the Mac people yet, but I haven't checked my email this morning yet. I have PT in about an hour that I need to get ready for.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning to All,
Quick in and out this morning.
Noah, the adopted grandson that is now working with Mark, came home with him from work yesterday and will be spending the weekend with us and then returning to work on Monday with Mark. He and Mark will probably spend most of the weekend in the woods.
I need to get ready to leave for PT in about half an hour.
No plans for the day other than that.
The sun is shining nicely! And it is above freezing!
I've been capturing some nice bird pictures at my feeders that I plan to scrap.
OK. Gotta run!
Have a great day!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all. I've been up for awhile. I woke up at 6 with those terrible leg cramps that I get. his time then were in the back of my thighs. When those start, I might as well get up. I took two Potassium tablets and they're calming down now. I finished a LO for Karen Schulz that I'd been working on, then thought I'd say hi.

Well, the cars at the bottom of the hill saga took place yesterday. It got up to 54 and everything was slushy so I knew we could get them up that steep hill. I put a jacket on, and my walking boots and Steph asked me where I was going. I told her I was walking down to the barn (on the lower part of the property to drive her car back up. She's not used to walking a lot, especially on these steep hills, but decided to go with me. We got her car and drove it back up to our house - bingo - just like that. More fun ranch life. Our WM trip was harried. It was busier than it was before Christmas and New Year's for some reason. Steph was about to jump out of her skin - she hates crowds and it was crowded. I rushed through my list and forgot a couple of things. We finally got out of there and came home.

She's going home Sunday. Our friend/adopted family member Aly is going to trim and color her hair tomorrow. She works in a salon in town and won't charge "famiy", so we just give her a big tip. Anyway, Steph has a picture - lots of caramel highlights, a little dark underneath and some lighter highlights around her face. She wants some layers cut to add volume, but not too much taken off. She's excited.

Water isn't on full-force yet, it kind of went out again last night but it seems a little stronger this. am. I did get a shower yesterday - yay. It was coming out kind of sputtering and crazy, but I got a shower and it was delicious. Also did one load of dishes, and have another one ready to go. Tried to do a load of laundry, but that was about the time the water was getting wonky last night and it sounded like the washing machine was struggling, so I stopped it.

chris, @faerywings I haven't been using my light for a couple of days because it's been so bright and sunny here. I only need mine when it's dark and dreary. Sounds like we both have runners. Daisy would be long gone is she got out, which she does occasionally. There's a county road that runs past the entrance to our property and people drive like maniacs on it I'm always terrified she'll get up there.

I'm going to get off of here and go post the layout f0r Karen. The Color Plays are starting to come out too. I can't wait!

Love and hugs to all and I'll probably pop back in later.


Wow... I slept in until 8AM!!! I woke up a few times but drifted back off to sleep each time. Could have something to do with reading until after 10PM. I read and finished "Dragon Code" by Gigi McCaffery (Ann McCaffery's daughter - Pern book). It was just as wonderful as all the Pern books by Ann and her son Todd). Lots of familiar characters and the writing was just as good. Don't know how I missed seeing this one when it was released in 2018. Will be adding it to my collection - and slotting it in beside The White Dragon as it is set at the same time period. Yes, both of my 'on-hold' books were ready yesterday so I got them in the afternoon. I was halfway through "The Raging Storm" but had to switch to "Dragon Code" as I couldn't wait to read it. :rotfl:

I have errands I need to run before noon... so this is a short post to say "hi". BBL


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning ladies... Well now its raining UGH!! It will be one sloppy mess out there after we got another couple of inches of snow again yesterday! :gloomy:. DH has my CRV again, so I won't be going anywhere again today. It gives me more time to work on another layout today. I am feeling in the mood to do art journal page, so I might just do @Cherylndesigns week three Art Journaling Challenge. I love the quotes! It might take me all day just to find the kit/kits I want to use for it though :giggle4:. I spent a lot of time shovelling again yesterday and got in some good conversations with the neighbours and the neighbourhood kids! They were having a blast playing on the huge pile of snow that the snowplow made between our house and the neighbours to the left of us. So nice to hear them playing outside!! I miss those days!! I did not have a great sleep last night and dreamed all night long, mostly about my Mother, all good dreams I think, but I wonder why she came to visit me for most of the night??? Anyway I don't have much going on today, the rain should take care of the driveway clearing and hopefully it doesn't turn into freezing rain like they have forecasted. Its plus 2C so far, so it shouldn't freeze. Looking forward to the weekend when we will be able to get out of here for a bit and do some errands and get our groceries. (never thought I would say that LOL).

@faerywings - Yes it does seem like Ground Hog Day for me too, which is actually my Gary's birthday :giggle4:. This year he will turn 70 and I haven't a clue as what to do for it. He doesn't want to have a big family dinner and he keeps telling me that he would just rather forget his birthday. I am thinking that we will go shopping for a new lazyboy recliner for him, the one he has now is looking pretty ratty!! Yes poor Heather, she doesn't get much accomplished when the boys are home from school! Hope that they are both back for this last day, but the way their weather has been I have my doubts. DH will have to take it easy for a couple more weeks, it was a nasty big hernia and the doctor had to wrap it in mesh four times, believe me he got a talking to from her :rollingpin1:about waiting so long to have it repaired!! MEN!!!

@vickyday - Lucky you to have the nice sunshine today! I hope that PT goes well today and that you have a nice weekend with Noah staying with you and Mark! The guys will have a great time in the woods doing guy stuff I guess???

@Cherylndesigns - Sorry that you had such terrible leg cramps, my DH has those too sometimes, but he takes Calcium Magnesium everyday and it sure has helped him! I only seem to get cramps in my feet when I swim laps, so strange!! Glad to hear you were able to get the vehicles back to the house and sounds like your trip to WM was awfully busy!! I am not much for crowds either so I can relate to Steph wanting to jump out of her skin!! Sure hope that you are on the end of your water woes!

Heather is calling so I will come back in a bit and finish this post off!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I started the day with my normal routine (watching the sunrise, drinking coffee, reading book on my phone) but by 8:15 Remi was getting antsy. So I took my coffee and went up to the third floor to the media room. I put on the tv and played ball with Remi while Taz quietly chewed a toy beside me on the couch. I kept Remi busy for about 1/2 hour, then did some organizing in the room and then played again for another 20 min or so. That settled her down. We're heading out in a few minutes to put in paperwork and apply for our Alberta medical. Turns out it is the same office we were at yesterday to do our licenses. So, off we go (again). I think this is the 5th visit to that office now. That should be the end of it. Everything we need to do to be Albertans should be done.

Went to the Elks club last night for Thurs night game night. We played Euchre with two others and had a blast (cheap beer and food which was nice). Others are interested in playing too so looks like we'll have a bunch of people that want to come play Thurs night next week. Monday night is bingo there so D and I are going, meeting the two women we met last night. Looks like our social life is picking up quickly :)

Today is a bit warmer but not much but tomorrow it will get about 15°F warmer and then go up from there. So finally tomorrow I will get out to the dog park with Remi and put her boots on. I'll leave Taz at home, he's not as hardy as Remi.

Heading out now so better get ready. HAGD everyone.


Love my O Family!
Good morning all. I've been up for awhile. I woke up at 6 with those terrible leg cramps that I get. his time then were in the back of my thighs. When those start, I might as well get up. I took two Potassium tablets and they're calming down now. I finished a LO for Karen Schulz that I'd been working on, then thought I'd say hi.

Well, the cars at the bottom of the hill saga took place yesterday. It got up to 54 and everything was slushy so I knew we could get them up that steep hill. I put a jacket on, and my walking boots and Steph asked me where I was going. I told her I was walking down to the barn (on the lower part of the property to drive her car back up. She's not used to walking a lot, especially on these steep hills, but decided to go with me. We got her car and drove it back up to our house - bingo - just like that. More fun ranch life. Our WM trip was harried. It was busier than it was before Christmas and New Year's for some reason. Steph was about to jump out of her skin - she hates crowds and it was crowded. I rushed through my list and forgot a couple of things. We finally got out of there and came home.

She's going home Sunday. Our friend/adopted family member Aly is going to trim and color her hair tomorrow. She works in a salon in town and won't charge "famiy", so we just give her a big tip. Anyway, Steph has a picture - lots of caramel highlights, a little dark underneath and some lighter highlights around her face. She wants some layers cut to add volume, but not too much taken off. She's excited.

Water isn't on full-force yet, it kind of went out again last night but it seems a little stronger this. am. I did get a shower yesterday - yay. It was coming out kind of sputtering and crazy, but I got a shower and it was delicious. Also did one load of dishes, and have another one ready to go. Tried to do a load of laundry, but that was about the time the water was getting wonky last night and it sounded like the washing machine was struggling, so I stopped it.

chris, @faerywings I haven't been using my light for a couple of days because it's been so bright and sunny here. I only need mine when it's dark and dreary. Sounds like we both have runners. Daisy would be long gone is she got out, which she does occasionally. There's a county road that runs past the entrance to our property and people drive like maniacs on it I'm always terrified she'll get up there.

I'm going to get off of here and go post the layout f0r Karen. The Color Plays are starting to come out too. I can't wait!

Love and hugs to all and I'll probably pop back in later.
Oh no! Hope the water doesn't completely give out on you again!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning ladies... Well now its raining UGH!! It will be one sloppy mess out there after we got another couple of inches of snow again yesterday! :gloomy:. DH has my CRV again, so I won't be going anywhere again today. It gives me more time to work on another layout today. I am feeling in the mood to do art journal page, so I might just do @Cherylndesigns week three Art Journaling Challenge. I love the quotes! It might take me all day just to find the kit/kits I want to use for it though :giggle4:. I spent a lot of time shovelling again yesterday and got in some good conversations with the neighbours and the neighbourhood kids! They were having a blast playing on the huge pile of snow that the snowplow made between our house and the neighbours to the left of us. So nice to hear them playing outside!! I miss those days!! I did not have a great sleep last night and dreamed all night long, mostly about my Mother, all good dreams I think, but I wonder why she came to visit me for most of the night??? Anyway I don't have much going on today, the rain should take care of the driveway clearing and hopefully it doesn't turn into freezing rain like they have forecasted. Its plus 2C so far, so it shouldn't freeze. Looking forward to the weekend when we will be able to get out of here for a bit and do some errands and get our groceries. (never thought I would say that LOL).

@faerywings - Yes it does seem like Ground Hog Day for me too, which is actually my Gary's birthday :giggle4:. This year he will turn 70 and I haven't a clue as what to do for it. He doesn't want to have a big family dinner and he keeps telling me that he would just rather forget his birthday. I am thinking that we will go shopping for a new lazyboy recliner for him, the one he has now is looking pretty ratty!! Yes poor Heather, she doesn't get much accomplished when the boys are home from school! Hope that they are both back for this last day, but the way their weather has been I have my doubts. DH will have to take it easy for a couple more weeks, it was a nasty big hernia and the doctor had to wrap it in mesh four times, believe me he got a talking to from her :rollingpin1:about waiting so long to have it repaired!! MEN!!!

@vickyday - Lucky you to have the nice sunshine today! I hope that PT goes well today and that you have a nice weekend with Noah staying with you and Mark! The guys will have a great time in the woods doing guy stuff I guess???

@Cherylndesigns - Sorry that you had such terrible leg cramps, my DH has those too sometimes, but he takes Calcium Magnesium everyday and it sure has helped him! I only seem to get cramps in my feet when I swim laps, so strange!! Glad to hear you were able to get the vehicles back to the house and sounds like your trip to WM was awfully busy!! I am not much for crowds either so I can relate to Steph wanting to jump out of her skin!! Sure hope that you are on the end of your water woes!

Heather is calling so I will come back in a bit and finish this post off!
YAY! PT (away from home) IS DONE!!! It was a good session and she gave me some progression things to do to add more resistance as I feel the current routine becomes too easy!

Sometimes I miss all of the fun kid noises around the house, but mostly I do not, LOL! Love the peace and quiet after raising four kids all very close in age! My oldest was 5 1/2 when our 4th was born! I'm so glad we had them that close together, however, even though we surely didn't plan it that way! It's funny! As soon as Noah walked into the house I realized how LOUDLY he talks! I'm kinda glad he and Mark will be in the woods most of the weekend! ;)


Love my O Family!
Getting together with others and playing cards sounds like fun! Unfortunately, with Mark's tinnitus ear problems, he doesn't enjoy getting together with a lot of noise in the background because he cannot hear well! So, we stay at home.....me on the computer and him in the woods.....or him watching TV with the volume turned up way louder than I need to have it!
Good morning ladies. I started the day with my normal routine (watching the sunrise, drinking coffee, reading book on my phone) but by 8:15 Remi was getting antsy. So I took my coffee and went up to the third floor to the media room. I put on the tv and played ball with Remi while Taz quietly chewed a toy beside me on the couch. I kept Remi busy for about 1/2 hour, then did some organizing in the room and then played again for another 20 min or so. That settled her down. We're heading out in a few minutes to put in paperwork and apply for our Alberta medical. Turns out it is the same office we were at yesterday to do our licenses. So, off we go (again). I think this is the 5th visit to that office now. That should be the end of it. Everything we need to do to be Albertans should be done.

Went to the Elks club last night for Thurs night game night. We played Euchre with two others and had a blast (cheap beer and food which was nice). Others are interested in playing too so looks like we'll have a bunch of people that want to come play Thurs night next week. Monday night is bingo there so D and I are going, meeting the two women we met last night. Looks like our social life is picking up quickly :)

Today is a bit warmer but not much but tomorrow it will get about 15°F warmer and then go up from there. So finally tomorrow I will get out to the dog park with Remi and put her boots on. I'll leave Taz at home, he's not as hardy as Remi.

Heading out now so better get ready. HAGD everyone.


Well-Known Member
Getting together with others and playing cards sounds like fun! Unfortunately, with Mark's tinnitus ear problems, he doesn't enjoy getting together with a lot of noise in the background because he cannot hear well! So, we stay at home.....me on the computer and him in the woods.....or him watching TV with the volume turned up way louder than I need to have it!
Ugh...tinnitus is nasty. My aunt had it for years.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good Morning ladies... Well now its raining UGH!! It will be one sloppy mess out there after we got another couple of inches of snow again yesterday! :gloomy:. DH has my CRV again, so I won't be going anywhere again today. It gives me more time to work on another layout today. I am feeling in the mood to do art journal page, so I might just do @Cherylndesigns week three Art Journaling Challenge. I love the quotes! It might take me all day just to find the kit/kits I want to use for it though :giggle4:. I spent a lot of time shovelling again yesterday and got in some good conversations with the neighbours and the neighbourhood kids! They were having a blast playing on the huge pile of snow that the snowplow made between our house and the neighbours to the left of us. So nice to hear them playing outside!! I miss those days!! I did not have a great sleep last night and dreamed all night long, mostly about my Mother, all good dreams I think, but I wonder why she came to visit me for most of the night??? Anyway I don't have much going on today, the rain should take care of the driveway clearing and hopefully it doesn't turn into freezing rain like they have forecasted. Its plus 2C so far, so it shouldn't freeze. Looking forward to the weekend when we will be able to get out of here for a bit and do some errands and get our groceries. (never thought I would say that LOL).

@faerywings - Yes it does seem like Ground Hog Day for me too, which is actually my Gary's birthday :giggle4:. This year he will turn 70 and I haven't a clue as what to do for it. He doesn't want to have a big family dinner and he keeps telling me that he would just rather forget his birthday. I am thinking that we will go shopping for a new lazyboy recliner for him, the one he has now is looking pretty ratty!! Yes poor Heather, she doesn't get much accomplished when the boys are home from school! Hope that they are both back for this last day, but the way their weather has been I have my doubts. DH will have to take it easy for a couple more weeks, it was a nasty big hernia and the doctor had to wrap it in mesh four times, believe me he got a talking to from her :rollingpin1:about waiting so long to have it repaired!! MEN!!!

@vickyday - Lucky you to have the nice sunshine today! I hope that PT goes well today and that you have a nice weekend with Noah staying with you and Mark! The guys will have a great time in the woods doing guy stuff I guess???

@Cherylndesigns - Sorry that you had such terrible leg cramps, my DH has those too sometimes, but he takes Calcium Magnesium everyday and it sure has helped him! I only seem to get cramps in my feet when I swim laps, so strange!! Glad to hear you were able to get the vehicles back to the house and sounds like your trip to WM was awfully busy!! I am not much for crowds either so I can relate to Steph wanting to jump out of her skin!! Sure hope that you are on the end of your water woes!

Heather is calling so I will come back in a bit and finish this post off!


Well, I did it... I just bought a new HP Desktop computer!!! I had looked on-line yesterday and it was on sale for $250 OFF! :wow: So I went to BB and looked at it and bought it. dance4 The saleman commented that it a good thing I came in today... the sale ends tomorrow night!!! I will wait until DSon#1 gets here to unpack it. So we will be playing shift computers and monitors around at that time. I will shift the new keyboard/mouse that I just bought along with DH's computer but will use my old monitor for that computer. I will use my nice big monitor for the new HP. Now I will just hope that DH's computer keeps working until all that switching around is done. I will also be keeping an eye out for another sale on 5TB ExHDs..

While I was out running around, I stopped at the Used Book/DVD store. Came home with 10 DVDs... :dancing6: And made a quick stop at the Senior Citizen Center and took out a few books. I had forgot to take my bag of books for there with me. Will drop them off in the next week or so. I had intended to stop at Smith's for a few groceries but my get-up-and-go had already got-up-and-went somewhere. So I came on home. Ready to put my feet up and relax for the rest of the afternoon.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Wow @BrightEyes WTG on the great sale of the new computer!! I hope that all the transition to the new on goes smoothly! I bet you will love your brand new desktop!! :lovey3:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good Morning ladies... Well now its raining UGH!! It will be one sloppy mess out there after we got another couple of inches of snow again yesterday! :gloomy:. DH has my CRV again, so I won't be going anywhere again today. It gives me more time to work on another layout today. I am feeling in the mood to do art journal page, so I might just do @Cherylndesigns week three Art Journaling Challenge. I love the quotes! It might take me all day just to find the kit/kits I want to use for it though :giggle4:. I spent a lot of time shovelling again yesterday and got in some good conversations with the neighbours and the neighbourhood kids! They were having a blast playing on the huge pile of snow that the snowplow made between our house and the neighbours to the left of us. So nice to hear them playing outside!! I miss those days!! I did not have a great sleep last night and dreamed all night long, mostly about my Mother, all good dreams I think, but I wonder why she came to visit me for most of the night??? Anyway I don't have much going on today, the rain should take care of the driveway clearing and hopefully it doesn't turn into freezing rain like they have forecasted. Its plus 2C so far, so it shouldn't freeze. Looking forward to the weekend when we will be able to get out of here for a bit and do some errands and get our groceries. (never thought I would say that LOL).

@faerywings - Yes it does seem like Ground Hog Day for me too, which is actually my Gary's birthday :giggle4:. This year he will turn 70 and I haven't a clue as what to do for it. He doesn't want to have a big family dinner and he keeps telling me that he would just rather forget his birthday. I am thinking that we will go shopping for a new lazyboy recliner for him, the one he has now is looking pretty ratty!! Yes poor Heather, she doesn't get much accomplished when the boys are home from school! Hope that they are both back for this last day, but the way their weather has been I have my doubts. DH will have to take it easy for a couple more weeks, it was a nasty big hernia and the doctor had to wrap it in mesh four times, believe me he got a talking to from her :rollingpin1:about waiting so long to have it repaired!! MEN!!!

@vickyday - Lucky you to have the nice sunshine today! I hope that PT goes well today and that you have a nice weekend with Noah staying with you and Mark! The guys will have a great time in the woods doing guy stuff I guess???

@Cherylndesigns - Sorry that you had such terrible leg cramps, my DH has those too sometimes, but he takes Calcium Magnesium everyday and it sure has helped him! I only seem to get cramps in my feet when I swim laps, so strange!! Glad to hear you were able to get the vehicles back to the house and sounds like your trip to WM was awfully busy!! I am not much for crowds either so I can relate to Steph wanting to jump out of her skin!! Sure hope that you are on the end of your water woes!

Heather is calling so I will come back in a bit and finish this post off!
Trudy, I'm sorry your Gary does too and that you get foot cramps when you swim. I have
Restless Leg Syndrome and this is beyond RLS. I do take Calcium and Magnesium - does Gary take them every day or just when he has those cramps? The Potassium seems to help me more immediately - you might tell him about that. Chris's @faerywings Gary has RLS too but I think his is more in his arms and neck. It's a horrible thing. I take a prescription called Pramiprexle and I think i need to take it more than once a day/ My dr just doubled my dose, but my sister takes four of them over the course of a day so that they stay in her system. I'm going to talk to my dr next time I'm in there.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Trudy, I'm sorry your Gary does too and that you get foot cramps when you swim. I have
Restless Leg Syndrome and this is beyond RLS. I do take Calcium and Magnesium - does Gary take them every day or just when he has those cramps? The Potassium seems to help me more immediately - you might tell him about that. Chris's @faerywings Gary has RLS too but I think his is more in his arms and neck. It's a horrible thing. I take a prescription called Pramiprexle and I think i need to take it more than once a day/ My dr just doubled my dose, but my sister takes four of them over the course of a day so that they stay in her system. I'm going to talk to my dr next time I'm in there.
Yes my Gary takes his Calcium Magnesium every day and really has helped him a lot, he also drinks a lot more water now than he used to and I think that has helped also! Sorry you have Restless leg syndrome so bad! It must be a horrible thing to have!! Hope that your double dose of RX helps you out!:praying2:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Yes my Gary takes his Calcium Magnesium every day and really has helped him a lot, he also drinks a lot more water now than he used to and I think that has helped also! Sorry you have Restless leg syndrome so bad! It must be a horrible thing to have!! Hope that your double dose of RX helps you out!:praying2:
It IS horrible, Trudy! I've had it since I was a kid, but we never knew what it was. All of the women in my family have been "blessed" with it. We always called them "Jimmy Legs". Some nights are worse than others - you can't even explain it to a person who has never had it. You can't hold your legs (or arms or wherever you have them) still. Chuck didn't "know" but he always had sympathy for mine. Then, one of his good men friends admitted to him that he had them and explained how horrible they were. "Jim" was the person who recommended the medication I'm on now. Very few men have RLS for some reason.