
Daily Ooos: Friday, January 12


The Loopy-O
It's Friday!! And we are in double digits for the date and I don't know where the time is going! :giggle4:
I can't even say that I was super busy yesterday, just that my schedule was all chopped up. The grocery order wasn't ready on time so I was puttering around waiting for them to text the confirmation. :waiting:
I did laundry and dishes, then grabbed lunch before I went to clean. Gary was still feeling awful so our friend wasn't able to come over. Usually, he hangs with Gary while I am over there. That messed up my routine so I ended up taking longer there. Toss in the dogs wanting to be in and out and in and out. *blinks* Next thing I knew, it was time to start dinner.

I made French Onion soup in the IP and the onions were caramelized to perfection. *chef's kiss* So much easier and faster than when I do it on the stove. I thought that I was going to have to find a place to store it when I wasn't using it. I have this feeling that it is going to stay on the island full-time. I wish I had a bigger kitchen.

No plans today other than tackling the mess in the house. My desk is beyond awful. How does it get this messy so fast? If I have time this afternoon, I would love to scrap. I'd also like to find a pattern for the yarn I got for Christmas. Annnnd, I want to do some research on maple sap tapping. Feb 3rd is a training day for that but I'd like to have some background knowledge at least so I don't get overwhelmed.

I'm gonna need more coffee if I am going to tackle all of that! Anyone else like a cup? Or a pot? :coffeedrinker:

Have a fantastic day!


Well-Known Member
Good morning all. I didn't get my layout completed...Sydney took my mouse back to school. Actually, I think she took it over Thanksgiving. And I haven't bothered to replace it. Hers quit working or something so I just gave her mine. 100% a mom thing to do. But scrapping with the keyboard mouse is hard. So I just did an Amazon Prime order and I will have my mouse tomorrow.

@faerywings French onion soup in the InstaPot. That sounds good. I need to try that. I love French onion soup but it is so much work to make it. At least that was how I felt about it. I need to try to start cooking again. So many things to do.

It is supposed to hit 73 degrees here today but we are supposed to get rain. However, since my Iowa family is at 17 with wind chill of -4 and they have had 12 inches in the last week and have another 4-6 predicted this weekend, I'm not complaining about my gray skies.

Well, have a good day all! I'll check back in later to see how things are going with everyone and do some personals.


The Loopy-O
@LSlycord It's soooo amazing to see you here!!! :dancing6: Such fab news that the TAVR went well and that you can tell the difference already! I'm over the moon happy for you.
I hope that you were able to scrap just to say that ya did it. :giggle4: When do you have to start working again? Hopefully, you have plenty of time to rest and heal before you do.
As of now, the job schedule is light. In January I have two afternoons scheduled with the Winter Homeschool program and there is another woman who will assist Lauren with two sessions. Late Feb is when the Sap Tapping field trips will start and I'll be able to pick and choose what days I want to help with them. In the spring there are a lot more programs so I can pick up as many hours as I want. It's really wonderful.
Gary takes much-needed breaks from abx but he can usually only be off of them for a few months before the neuro-Lyme symptoms get bad. It feels like there is a super short window where I can gently convince him to restart the abx and he agrees to all hell breaking loose. It's difficult and stressful but I know that if we ride it out, eventually he'll be on an upswing.
Weren't those pics of Scott the best? He's just too cute :D He has been having so much fun with Sam's nephew, I guess his now too. They took him to the aquarium the other day and Scott was cracking us up with stories of him how he was yelling "ahhh!" in the glass tunnels. hahah! he is 19 months old, I think.
Is Syd all settled back into the new semester? When does Shaun start? I am sending him lots of good wishes that his schedules work out easier than it sounds to me. Of course, I can't do more than one thing in a day or I get all discombobulated. tee-hee

(Can you tell that I missed you? Look at the novel I wrote here HA!!!)

@BrightEyes Such good news about the endoscopy!! That's such a relief. Oh no, your friend fell back asleep, that would have stressed me out but I'm glad that you got there in the nick of time hehe. How were you feeling yesterday, no leftover grogginess?
I swear it is true, once a teacher, always a teacher. Same with nurses. If it is in you, there is no escaping it! Even if you try. *Especially* if you try. :rotfl:
Thanks for the sweet words about Scott too. He gets such a kick out of working with kids. I think he is just as excited as I am that I'm working at Weis. He's jealous that I got a staff sweatshirt and he never did. I told him he got the baseball cap and I didn't so we're even.

I am reading a really good book Please Tell Me and I want to suggest it to my BFF. But the main character's mother is a narcissist and she behaves way too close to how BFF's mom does. It's creepy how spot-on it is.

@vickyday Any updates on the igniter? I sure hope it is done by now. Is the family coming in today or tomorrow?
And how did everything fo go at your dr?
(I bet if I keep reading, you'll answer all of my questions Bwuahah!)

@bcgal00 That's just too cold. Way too cold. Any idea when the weather will warm up? I'm sure Remi is going to be bouncing off the walls if she can't get out to play. Awwwww, I cannot wait to see them out in their winter boots. (I bet they have better boots than some of the kids wore the other day at work LOL)
I bet the house is getting very comfortable and cozy. How was the night out on the town/at the pub?

@Cherylndesigns Ugh, that is not what you need, the cold temps like that. We're getting the arctic blad mid-week and I am already dreading taking J out for her walks in it. I am proud of you for taking that nap even if you needed to be encouraged by Steph to do it. (Check the Robitussin bottles, make sure she isn't spiking your tea hahaha!). Sometimes daughters know best if they have a Superwoman for a mama.
Oh wow, great news about the kitty, what a relief. And Marley is also doing her thing too? Happy and healthy pet and family vibes to you all.

Vicky- drat! sorry that the dr visit was not more helpful :(


Well-Known Member
@faerywings that sounds like a perfect schedule. This is just such a perfect job for you. And I love the idea of the sap tapping field trips. I would love to go on one of those. Hope that by the time that the weather is better, Gary is feeling better from the treatments and that he will be able to join you for some spring hikes. That is so neat that Scott and Sam get to spend time with their nephew...that is such a fun age with little kids!

Sydney has started back and she has one class on Tuesday afternoons and no classes on Thursdays so she is really busy on MWF but she has been pretty bored so far. Which means we have done lots of FaceTiming. I think that she is pretty relieved that I feel so much better. Today she has classes then is meeting a few of the girls she traveled to Germany with for lunch. There is a big gymnastics meet tonight that she is attending with friends and tomorrow is an all day conference that she has been helping with for her engineering club so that will keep her tied up all day. Sunday she is going to the new Mean Girls movie with her roommates so I think that things are getting back to normal.

Shaun starts back to school Monday. The work load sounds heavy to me but he really is motivated to graduate in December so I'm hoping that will help!


Love my O Family!
It's Friday!! And we are in double digits for the date and I don't know where the time is going! :giggle4:
I can't even say that I was super busy yesterday, just that my schedule was all chopped up. The grocery order wasn't ready on time so I was puttering around waiting for them to text the confirmation. :waiting:
I did laundry and dishes, then grabbed lunch before I went to clean. Gary was still feeling awful so our friend wasn't able to come over. Usually, he hangs with Gary while I am over there. That messed up my routine so I ended up taking longer there. Toss in the dogs wanting to be in and out and in and out. *blinks* Next thing I knew, it was time to start dinner.

I made French Onion soup in the IP and the onions were caramelized to perfection. *chef's kiss* So much easier and faster than when I do it on the stove. I thought that I was going to have to find a place to store it when I wasn't using it. I have this feeling that it is going to stay on the island full-time. I wish I had a bigger kitchen.

No plans today other than tackling the mess in the house. My desk is beyond awful. How does it get this messy so fast? If I have time this afternoon, I would love to scrap. I'd also like to find a pattern for the yarn I got for Christmas. Annnnd, I want to do some research on maple sap tapping. Feb 3rd is a training day for that but I'd like to have some background knowledge at least so I don't get overwhelmed.

I'm gonna need more coffee if I am going to tackle all of that! Anyone else like a cup? Or a pot? :coffeedrinker:

Have a fantastic day!
Sorry Gary is still not feeling well! How long does he usually not feel well when he has these episodes? I hope not long!


Love my O Family!
@LSlycord It's soooo amazing to see you here!!! :dancing6: Such fab news that the TAVR went well and that you can tell the difference already! I'm over the moon happy for you.
I hope that you were able to scrap just to say that ya did it. :giggle4: When do you have to start working again? Hopefully, you have plenty of time to rest and heal before you do.
As of now, the job schedule is light. In January I have two afternoons scheduled with the Winter Homeschool program and there is another woman who will assist Lauren with two sessions. Late Feb is when the Sap Tapping field trips will start and I'll be able to pick and choose what days I want to help with them. In the spring there are a lot more programs so I can pick up as many hours as I want. It's really wonderful.
Gary takes much-needed breaks from abx but he can usually only be off of them for a few months before the neuro-Lyme symptoms get bad. It feels like there is a super short window where I can gently convince him to restart the abx and he agrees to all hell breaking loose. It's difficult and stressful but I know that if we ride it out, eventually he'll be on an upswing.
Weren't those pics of Scott the best? He's just too cute :D He has been having so much fun with Sam's nephew, I guess his now too. They took him to the aquarium the other day and Scott was cracking us up with stories of him how he was yelling "ahhh!" in the glass tunnels. hahah! he is 19 months old, I think.
Is Syd all settled back into the new semester? When does Shaun start? I am sending him lots of good wishes that his schedules work out easier than it sounds to me. Of course, I can't do more than one thing in a day or I get all discombobulated. tee-hee

(Can you tell that I missed you? Look at the novel I wrote here HA!!!)

@BrightEyes Such good news about the endoscopy!! That's such a relief. Oh no, your friend fell back asleep, that would have stressed me out but I'm glad that you got there in the nick of time hehe. How were you feeling yesterday, no leftover grogginess?
I swear it is true, once a teacher, always a teacher. Same with nurses. If it is in you, there is no escaping it! Even if you try. *Especially* if you try. :rotfl:
Thanks for the sweet words about Scott too. He gets such a kick out of working with kids. I think he is just as excited as I am that I'm working at Weis. He's jealous that I got a staff sweatshirt and he never did. I told him he got the baseball cap and I didn't so we're even.

I am reading a really good book Please Tell Me and I want to suggest it to my BFF. But the main character's mother is a narcissist and she behaves way too close to how BFF's mom does. It's creepy how spot-on it is.

@vickyday Any updates on the igniter? I sure hope it is done by now. Is the family coming in today or tomorrow?
And how did everything fo go at your dr?
(I bet if I keep reading, you'll answer all of my questions Bwuahah!)

@bcgal00 That's just too cold. Way too cold. Any idea when the weather will warm up? I'm sure Remi is going to be bouncing off the walls if she can't get out to play. Awwwww, I cannot wait to see them out in their winter boots. (I bet they have better boots than some of the kids wore the other day at work LOL)
I bet the house is getting very comfortable and cozy. How was the night out on the town/at the pub?

@Cherylndesigns Ugh, that is not what you need, the cold temps like that. We're getting the arctic blad mid-week and I am already dreading taking J out for her walks in it. I am proud of you for taking that nap even if you needed to be encouraged by Steph to do it. (Check the Robitussin bottles, make sure she isn't spiking your tea hahaha!). Sometimes daughters know best if they have a Superwoman for a mama.
Oh wow, great news about the kitty, what a relief. And Marley is also doing her thing too? Happy and healthy pet and family vibes to you all.

Vicky- drat! sorry that the dr visit was not more helpful :(
Yes! We have heat!
Family starts arriving tonight! One son came down with a fever yesterday, so the 3 of them are not coming, drat it! The youngest (son) will arrive sometime tomorrow.....early, I hope! But who knows with him, LOL!
Unfortunately, no, nothing concrete at the doc's office.....EXCEPT that I for sure do NOT have a UTI! That was good news, even if it didn't answer the nausea issue! She prescribed some nausea meds. I took one last night. It took quite a while for it to kick in! Now if I could get this blasted headache to go away! Someone just shoot me and put me outta my misery! JK! ;). I don't want this weekend to be too messy! It has already been a WEEK of messy! o_O :banghead:


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out while I have a moment of no nausea so I can get started on my cooking!
Heat is back on! Thank You, Lord! :bouncing:
Family begins arriving tonight! dance4
I'm not even close to being ready! :potstirrer::sweeping2::vacuuming::housekeeping::takingouttrash::gravedigger:


Morning, everyone. The sun is out but 11*F is COLD!!! :brrr: :brrr: :brrr: The wind has been howling all night so don't even want to think about how cold it is with the wind chill. I am feeling back to normal this morning. I did some scrapping yesterday but mainly just rested. I had been told to not drive for 24 hours so took a PJ day yesterday.
DD#3 will be coming down tomorrow as we still have errands we have to do together.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! We are the same temps as @BrightEyes this morning 11F so approx -12C it never gets this cold here!! I think with the wind chill it feels like -15C I will be thawing the hummingbird feeder several times today! DH has gone to work and I will be phoning him soon to see how he is doing. With the dump of snow we got last night, DH took the CRV to work because of course he has not put on his winter tires on the truck. That's ok I do not plan on going anywhere today in this cold weather! Yesterday I was MIA although I did keep meaning to pop in here to say hi to everyone, it just never happened. DH decided he wanted to get out of the house, so we went to the grocery store to pick up a few items and I did the driving, he was glad to get some fresh air, but happy to be back home to rest. Today will be a good day to just be home and keep warm. I don't have much to do around the house, so hopefully I can get busy with doing a layout for one of the challenges. I need to think about what the heck I am going to get my Gary for his 70th birthday on groundhog day. I have no idea what to do for him. I suppose we should have a family get together dinner but as for a gift??? I want to start a birthday card for him, but other than that my mind is a blank! Anyway not much else happening around here, I hope to hear from Heather this morning and wondering if the boys are home from school with the big storm warnings that they are having in Ontario, it could very well be a snow day for the boys. The heat pump is continually running and I have every heather that we own going in the house, sure hope this cold spell doesn't last too long!

@faerywings - I will have to try the French Onion Soup recipe! My Gary just loves French Onion Soup!! I sometimes wonder why I put my IP away in the cupboard, seems like I am constantly dragging it out and really I should leave it on the counter :giggle4: Dam thing is so heavy!! I have the really big one, so it weighs a ton. I would love to have a cup of coffee with you, so I am turning on the keurig and starting a fresh brew. Sure hope that your Gary will start to feel better soon, it must be so upsetting seeing him struggle with his health that way! :hug1: Hugs to you both!!

@LSlycord - How wonderful to see you here again!! I am so happy that your TVAR went well and that you did not have to go the other route!! It will be good for you to get back to some kind of normal routine again! Sorry that you were not able to complete your layout, I can't imagine how hard it must be to try to do a layout without a mouse or a tablet!! I would go nuts trying to scrap without my wacomb tablet!! Hope that your kidos are both doing well and that they are happy and healthy!!

@bcgal00 - Yup that is way too cold!! I don't miss that one bit!! We had one year in Saskatchewan when the temps never went above -30 for over a month, hope you don't have to deal with that! Glad to hear that you are getting the coats and boots for your fur babies, they will be happy to have them!! How was your night at the pub?? Sure hope you met some great people!!

@BrightEyes - Brrrr!!! what more can I say?? We have the same temps and its too darn cold!!

@vickyday - Glad to hear that the heat is back on and that your family will be arriving tonight! Too bad that they won't all be able to come though, darn colds/flu!! It sucks!! Hope that your stomach and headache are both better for the next few days!!

Ok I need to get dressed and get the garbage cans out to the curb, that's my job today as DH is not allowed to lift any weight at all. Have a wonderful :friday:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. It is still -35 (feels like -47 with the wind chill) but it will warm up a bit for the wkend (-17) and then fluctuating between 7-30 throughout the week. With the sun here it doesn't feel as cold as you would think it should. We went to pub night last night and glad we went. There were 4 other couples and we all had a great time chatting. They meet up once a month at the pub. A few times a month the ladies meet up for coffee at a few local restaurants and other activities are planned here and there. I am waiting for mahjong lessons soon (the group organizer is away on holidays but promised to start up a new session soon). The legion has game night every Thurs so we'll go there next Thurs. We are finding lots to do here. We haven't had a chance to try out the seniors groups yet so maybe in the next month or so. I am still unpacking but getting close to finishing.

@faerywings Maple sap tapping should be a fun activity for your class.

@taxed4ever Good luck on birthday shopping. I struggle with what to get D on his birthdays b/c at this age, there isn't a lot of choices to come up with.

@vickyday So glad your heat is on now.

@BrightEyes Glad you are taking it easy.

I'm going to go get lunch and then take the dogs in the yard for a bit of play. Taz just can't seem to get the hang of wearing his boots, he hates it. Remi doesn't care at all and just runs around as if she has nothing on her feet.




I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon.

Brief in and out - seems like that's all I do anymore. I have to get cleaned up to go to the store before this winter blast hits. I'm always afraid that we'll get socked in on this hill and I can't run out of food for Chuck. He loves the smooties I make and they have very specific ingredients in them, so I have to be sure I'm covered. We're going to WM so pray for us. J/K or am I??? I'm sure it will be filled with people grabbing food for the impending storm.



Well-Known Member
@bcgal00 Yup it is cold here on the coast too! Not as bad as you but bad enough. -12C wind chill of -22. The hummingbird feeder have a light to keep it warm but we have to bring it inside to thoroughly warm then put it out at dusk when they come to feed. Poor little things.
I'm staying inside in my flannel pants and t-shirt! Looking out at the sunshine is good enough for me.


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone! We are the same temps as @BrightEyes this morning 11F so approx -12C it never gets this cold here!! I think with the wind chill it feels like -15C I will be thawing the hummingbird feeder several times today! DH has gone to work and I will be phoning him soon to see how he is doing. With the dump of snow we got last night, DH took the CRV to work because of course he has not put on his winter tires on the truck. That's ok I do not plan on going anywhere today in this cold weather! Yesterday I was MIA although I did keep meaning to pop in here to say hi to everyone, it just never happened. DH decided he wanted to get out of the house, so we went to the grocery store to pick up a few items and I did the driving, he was glad to get some fresh air, but happy to be back home to rest. Today will be a good day to just be home and keep warm. I don't have much to do around the house, so hopefully I can get busy with doing a layout for one of the challenges. I need to think about what the heck I am going to get my Gary for his 70th birthday on groundhog day. I have no idea what to do for him. I suppose we should have a family get together dinner but as for a gift??? I want to start a birthday card for him, but other than that my mind is a blank! Anyway not much else happening around here, I hope to hear from Heather this morning and wondering if the boys are home from school with the big storm warnings that they are having in Ontario, it could very well be a snow day for the boys. The heat pump is continually running and I have every heather that we own going in the house, sure hope this cold spell doesn't last too long!

@faerywings - I will have to try the French Onion Soup recipe! My Gary just loves French Onion Soup!! I sometimes wonder why I put my IP away in the cupboard, seems like I am constantly dragging it out and really I should leave it on the counter :giggle4: Dam thing is so heavy!! I have the really big one, so it weighs a ton. I would love to have a cup of coffee with you, so I am turning on the keurig and starting a fresh brew. Sure hope that your Gary will start to feel better soon, it must be so upsetting seeing him struggle with his health that way! :hug1: Hugs to you both!!

@LSlycord - How wonderful to see you here again!! I am so happy that your TVAR went well and that you did not have to go the other route!! It will be good for you to get back to some kind of normal routine again! Sorry that you were not able to complete your layout, I can't imagine how hard it must be to try to do a layout without a mouse or a tablet!! I would go nuts trying to scrap without my wacomb tablet!! Hope that your kidos are both doing well and that they are happy and healthy!!

@bcgal00 - Yup that is way too cold!! I don't miss that one bit!! We had one year in Saskatchewan when the temps never went above -30 for over a month, hope you don't have to deal with that! Glad to hear that you are getting the coats and boots for your fur babies, they will be happy to have them!! How was your night at the pub?? Sure hope you met some great people!!

@BrightEyes - Brrrr!!! what more can I say?? We have the same temps and its too darn cold!!

@vickyday - Glad to hear that the heat is back on and that your family will be arriving tonight! Too bad that they won't all be able to come though, darn colds/flu!! It sucks!! Hope that your stomach and headache are both better for the next few days!!

Ok I need to get dressed and get the garbage cans out to the curb, that's my job today as DH is not allowed to lift any weight at all. Have a wonderful :friday:
Yes! Thank you! Both were better but I still watched what I ate! And stayed away from any chocolate to be found!


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. It is still -35 (feels like -47 with the wind chill) but it will warm up a bit for the wkend (-17) and then fluctuating between 7-30 throughout the week. With the sun here it doesn't feel as cold as you would think it should. We went to pub night last night and glad we went. There were 4 other couples and we all had a great time chatting. They meet up once a month at the pub. A few times a month the ladies meet up for coffee at a few local restaurants and other activities are planned here and there. I am waiting for mahjong lessons soon (the group organizer is away on holidays but promised to start up a new session soon). The legion has game night every Thurs so we'll go there next Thurs. We are finding lots to do here. We haven't had a chance to try out the seniors groups yet so maybe in the next month or so. I am still unpacking but getting close to finishing.

@faerywings Maple sap tapping should be a fun activity for your class.

@taxed4ever Good luck on birthday shopping. I struggle with what to get D on his birthdays b/c at this age, there isn't a lot of choices to come up with.

@vickyday So glad your heat is on now.

@BrightEyes Glad you are taking it easy.

I'm going to go get lunch and then take the dogs in the yard for a bit of play. Taz just can't seem to get the hang of wearing his boots, he hates it. Remi doesn't care at all and just runs around as if she has nothing on her feet.


Love the boots!
Sounds like you are going to meet lots of new friends in your new home!


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone! We are the same temps as @BrightEyes this morning 11F so approx -12C it never gets this cold here!! I think with the wind chill it feels like -15C I will be thawing the hummingbird feeder several times today! DH has gone to work and I will be phoning him soon to see how he is doing. With the dump of snow we got last night, DH took the CRV to work because of course he has not put on his winter tires on the truck. That's ok I do not plan on going anywhere today in this cold weather! Yesterday I was MIA although I did keep meaning to pop in here to say hi to everyone, it just never happened. DH decided he wanted to get out of the house, so we went to the grocery store to pick up a few items and I did the driving, he was glad to get some fresh air, but happy to be back home to rest. Today will be a good day to just be home and keep warm. I don't have much to do around the house, so hopefully I can get busy with doing a layout for one of the challenges. I need to think about what the heck I am going to get my Gary for his 70th birthday on groundhog day. I have no idea what to do for him. I suppose we should have a family get together dinner but as for a gift??? I want to start a birthday card for him, but other than that my mind is a blank! Anyway not much else happening around here, I hope to hear from Heather this morning and wondering if the boys are home from school with the big storm warnings that they are having in Ontario, it could very well be a snow day for the boys. The heat pump is continually running and I have every heather that we own going in the house, sure hope this cold spell doesn't last too long!

@faerywings - I will have to try the French Onion Soup recipe! My Gary just loves French Onion Soup!! I sometimes wonder why I put my IP away in the cupboard, seems like I am constantly dragging it out and really I should leave it on the counter :giggle4: Dam thing is so heavy!! I have the really big one, so it weighs a ton. I would love to have a cup of coffee with you, so I am turning on the keurig and starting a fresh brew. Sure hope that your Gary will start to feel better soon, it must be so upsetting seeing him struggle with his health that way! :hug1: Hugs to you both!!

@LSlycord - How wonderful to see you here again!! I am so happy that your TVAR went well and that you did not have to go the other route!! It will be good for you to get back to some kind of normal routine again! Sorry that you were not able to complete your layout, I can't imagine how hard it must be to try to do a layout without a mouse or a tablet!! I would go nuts trying to scrap without my wacomb tablet!! Hope that your kidos are both doing well and that they are happy and healthy!!

@bcgal00 - Yup that is way too cold!! I don't miss that one bit!! We had one year in Saskatchewan when the temps never went above -30 for over a month, hope you don't have to deal with that! Glad to hear that you are getting the coats and boots for your fur babies, they will be happy to have them!! How was your night at the pub?? Sure hope you met some great people!!

@BrightEyes - Brrrr!!! what more can I say?? We have the same temps and its too darn cold!!

@vickyday - Glad to hear that the heat is back on and that your family will be arriving tonight! Too bad that they won't all be able to come though, darn colds/flu!! It sucks!! Hope that your stomach and headache are both better for the next few days!!

Ok I need to get dressed and get the garbage cans out to the curb, that's my job today as DH is not allowed to lift any weight at all. Have a wonderful :friday:
Have you tried googling "gifts for the 70 year old"? I had to google dirty Santa game gifts and got some excellent ideas!