
Daily Ooos: Friday, January 10


The Loopy-O
GooooOd morning!
This week went by so fast. I think I spent so much mental energy complaining about the cold that I didn't have time to process much else. At least there is "good" news today. The winds are slightly better and the wind chill is only -3*F. (Only -3* Ugh) At least I don't have to go anywhere today. My main goal is to not let it get to me that every time J begs to go outside, I open the door, attach the lead, and then she refuses to step outside. :rolleyes1:

Cleaning went fine for my friend and then I worked on readjusting the HS curriculum for the second session. I am doing the same lessons with some different focuses. Birds In Winter will be more about Early Migrators and Maple Sugaring got put with Trees In Winter. Sam and Scott got me (really for the whole family/crew) a new Murder Mystery game. This one is Pirate-themed and I picked out everyone's characters. As the host, I am "Old Local Pirate."

No plans today other than tidying up the house and scrapping. I have so many gorgeous photos from the wedding that I want to use and I haven't had the time/creative spark to do that yet.

Wishing everyone a lovely and healthy day!
Yeah, I pulled the plug on the gathering today. We're trying to reschedule for later this month but my youngest won't be able to make it, unfortunately!
I'm so sorry :(
Please tell Ilene that we are wishing her a happy 85th birthday on the 18th :birthday2:

@BrightEyes Beautiful avatar!
Blech-- snow and cold weather stinks. I am wearing my fuzzy--lined pants right now and 4 layers of shirts/t-shirts :D
So glad you got my hugs xoxo
Bill would be very proud and happy (at least as I imagine it) that you have progressed to bittersweet from devasted on the anniversary. He seems like he was your biggest champion and would not want to hold you back in any way, not even in grief. I bet he was laughing along with you as you took your selfies ♥

@taxed4ever sending you all of my love and healing thoughts. You must be experiencing a huge range of emotions and you know we are here to help you in any way we can. :hug3:
*fingers crossed that you don't get sick*

That is WAY to cold! We keep the bedroom at 65 but the living room is 69.
It is way too cold! I used to keep it even lower when we had no income and were waiting for Gary's disability to be approved. I scrapped pics of me in my "terrorist" hat I wore inside to stay warm.
I'm sorry you used so many spoons Wednesday, I hope you relaxed and got them back!

@bcgal00 I know I keep saying it but it makes me so happy that you and D are getting so involved with your community. He's done more socially where you are now than I ever remember him doing out West.
This time of year is perfect for comfort food and soup. I made soup again last night- the third batch in the last 2 weeks- French Onion, Baked Potato, and Broccoli "cheddar." And yup, I had grilled cheese last week and then baked mac and "cheese" last weekend. All comfort (carb) food all the time.
(Plus salads. I have to have my big salad too or I'd turn into a cheesy carb :giggle4: )

@Cherylndesigns OH NO! Norovirus??? :thud:
That is supposed to be awful beyond words. Please stay hydrated, that is supposed to be one of the big concerns so take sips of water or whatever you can keep down...
I'd rather have a head cold for 2 weeks than a stomach bug for 24 hours.
Hopefully, this will pass soon and you can get back to more normal but it is always wonderful to see you pop in. xo

Good thoughts to you all!
MOrning O'fam!

Getting ready to head out for more cleaning- it was worse than I expected, however the person we are helping is very thankful and that makes it worthwhile. I used to have a cat and loved the two cats in a home that gets minimal care (the vacuum was plugged from catch container to floor brush with cat hair) I will put aside my love for cats for the time being. I have beef stew in the crockpot for when we get home. Hubby will watch Ohio State tonight, so perhaps I can scrap again.
GooooOd morning!
This week went by so fast. I think I spent so much mental energy complaining about the cold that I didn't have time to process much else. At least there is "good" news today. The winds are slightly better and the wind chill is only -3*F. (Only -3* Ugh) At least I don't have to go anywhere today. My main goal is to not let it get to me that every time J begs to go outside, I open the door, attach the lead, and then she refuses to step outside. :rolleyes1:

Cleaning went fine for my friend and then I worked on readjusting the HS curriculum for the second session. I am doing the same lessons with some different focuses. Birds In Winter will be more about Early Migrators and Maple Sugaring got put with Trees In Winter. Sam and Scott got me (really for the whole family/crew) a new Murder Mystery game. This one is Pirate-themed and I picked out everyone's characters. As the host, I am "Old Local Pirate."

No plans today other than tidying up the house and scrapping. I have so many gorgeous photos from the wedding that I want to use and I haven't had the time/creative spark to do that yet.

Wishing everyone a lovely and healthy day!
Sounds like a relatively low-key day for you! I'm glad! Same for me!
I'm so sorry :(
Please tell Ilene that we are wishing her a happy 85th birthday on the 18th :birthday2:

@BrightEyes Beautiful avatar!
Blech-- snow and cold weather stinks. I am wearing my fuzzy--lined pants right now and 4 layers of shirts/t-shirts :D
So glad you got my hugs xoxo
Bill would be very proud and happy (at least as I imagine it) that you have progressed to bittersweet from devasted on the anniversary. He seems like he was your biggest champion and would not want to hold you back in any way, not even in grief. I bet he was laughing along with you as you took your selfies ♥

@taxed4ever sending you all of my love and healing thoughts. You must be experiencing a huge range of emotions and you know we are here to help you in any way we can. :hug3:
*fingers crossed that you don't get sick*

It is way too cold! I used to keep it even lower when we had no income and were waiting for Gary's disability to be approved. I scrapped pics of me in my "terrorist" hat I wore inside to stay warm.
I'm sorry you used so many spoons Wednesday, I hope you relaxed and got them back!

@bcgal00 I know I keep saying it but it makes me so happy that you and D are getting so involved with your community. He's done more socially where you are now than I ever remember him doing out West.
This time of year is perfect for comfort food and soup. I made soup again last night- the third batch in the last 2 weeks- French Onion, Baked Potato, and Broccoli "cheddar." And yup, I had grilled cheese last week and then baked mac and "cheese" last weekend. All comfort (carb) food all the time.
(Plus salads. I have to have my big salad too or I'd turn into a cheesy carb :giggle4: )

@Cherylndesigns OH NO! Norovirus??? :thud:
That is supposed to be awful beyond words. Please stay hydrated, that is supposed to be one of the big concerns so take sips of water or whatever you can keep down...
I'd rather have a head cold for 2 weeks than a stomach bug for 24 hours.
Hopefully, this will pass soon and you can get back to more normal but it is always wonderful to see you pop in. xo

Good thoughts to you all!
We have rescheduled the gathering for the weekend of the 31st. Only thing is that my youngest will not be able to be with us now. Stupid Walmart! :mad:
Busy morning for me so far,
I didn't go to bed until 2 last night as I worked on re-downloads for the shop until late and then did 2 ATCs and got my pre-release pages posted along with the ATCs.

This morning has been spent straightening, sweeping, putting dishes away, making the bed, taking care of the garbage, yada yada yada. Mark is in the woods with Piper. I'm ready to do some more re-downloading and later today I want to move some pics from the camera so I can do some scrapping with them.

Weather is headed this way. It was in Chattanooga, TN several hours ago. We are about 7 hours from there, I think. The wind has all but died for now! The birds have sure been hitting my feeders hard the last couple of days! I think they know bad weather is coming!

Today is a pj day! Getting ready to fix my egg and spinach frittata and blueberry muffin for breakfast. Plans for supper are Mark's beloved Hamburger casserole!

HAGD and stay safe and warm, especially if you are in the line of the storm sweeping from s.west to east today!
Morning ladies... it is so dark and dreary outside, kind of like my mood lately. Yesterday was a mixed emotions day as I was going through some photos of my brother and was laughing and crying! Got a few sympathy cards and those made me cry too. I suppose it will get better over time. Anyway I did manage to do a bit of catching up here yesterday, talked with Heather and made plans to see my sister today. I was away for her 70th birthday on the 4th and so I have a couple of gifts for her and really wanted to take her to brunch. However she declined the brunch and just wants me to come for a visit and coffee. I will bring chocolate cheese cake and it will be good to be together with her! I found a beautiful frame at Winners yesterday and put a great photo of our brother in it, added a sticker to the frame that says "Brother, forever in my heart". I hope she likes it! I am going to do one for myself also. I also had a chat with my SIL Veronica and she is keeping very busy helping her DD and family move into a new home. She is thankful to have the distraction, but says then it hits her like a ton of bricks! We are so thankful that she is with her family!! My DH is feeling so much better today and so far I am still healthy. I got a really good sleep last night and feel like I am adjusted to the three hour time difference. So I need to get organized and get out the door by 9:30 this morning, so I can pick up some flowers and the cheesecake before going to my sisters!

No plans today other than tidying up the house and scrapping. I have so many gorgeous photos from the wedding that I want to use and I haven't had the time/creative spark to do that yet.
I am looking forward to seeing all of your wedding photos!! I sure hope your creative juices get flowing again soon! Try to keep warm and hopefully your temps will rise! Thank you for your kind words! I know that my O family is here if I need them! I can feel your hugs all the way over here on the West Coast!! :lovey3:
Sounds like a relatively low-key day for you! I'm glad! Same for me!

I hope that you get to do something fun on your low key day today! So sorry that your son will not be able to join you for your gathering!! :sad2:

I need one more cup of coffee before getting into the shower, off to the gallery to get inspired, but not sure if any scrapping will happen for me today or not. We will see what the day brings, have a wonderful :friday:
Good Morning Ladies!
I did minimal anything yesterday and its as nice. I try to remind my self its taking care of me not lazy. Not much going on today. Just bible study and working on some layouts. I will also be doing a little shopping thanks to all the awesome prizes handed out yesterday. Quick belly button post. Coffees calling. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Morning... it is another COLD day... only 22*F - but the sun has finally broken through the heavy fog/low clouds. Most of the snow has melted and the roads are clear in town. Going to get dressed and run a few errands. Had a nice long talk with DD#1 yesterday morning. Then Sister called in the afternoon. Both the calls helped lift my spirits.

@BrightEyes Beautiful avatar!
Blech-- snow and cold weather stinks. I am wearing my fuzzy--lined pants right now and 4 layers of shirts/t-shirts :D
So glad you got my hugs xoxo
Bill would be very proud and happy (at least as I imagine it) that you have progressed to bittersweet from devasted on the anniversary. He seems like he was your biggest champion and would not want to hold you back in any way, not even in grief. I bet he was laughing along with you as you took your selfies ♥
Thanks for the nice comment on the Avatar. Yes, I am sure Bill was LOL as I took the selfies!!! I will be layering up before I head out this morning. I am running out of fresh veggies and other must have food - so that is a very needed errand.

@Cherylndesigns OH NO! Norovirus??? No wonder you have been feeling so bad. Sending healing thoughts your way.

@taxed4ever So very sorry about your brother. Adjusting to loss will take time. What a wonderful gift his photo will be for your sister... and also one for yourself. It will be a treasured one. Go and share your memories of him with your sister. :hug1:

@LaurieW Oh, ugh!!! What a mess you have cleaning that mess out.

@vickyday You are such a good friend to Ilene. Glad to hear hubby is feeling well enough to be back at work. Good luck on downloading all the lost kits.. and I hope you can recover most of the photos.

Time to get moving. Will check back in later.
Good morning ladies. I've done some CT work this morning, enjoyed my coffee, book and chatting with the family. I need to get Remi out for a walk before we head out for mexican train at the center in a bit. Then after that I'll be heading into Calgary to attend the bead/gem show. I'll be home for a late dinner of leftover pizza from last night's outing with friends.

I'm almost done "Five Star Weekend" which I have enjoyed but I feel like it was dragged out a bit. My next read is going to be "The Grace Year" by Kim Liggett.

I need to get going, have to cut this short. HAGD everyone.
Morning ladies... it is so dark and dreary outside, kind of like my mood lately. Yesterday was a mixed emotions day as I was going through some photos of my brother and was laughing and crying! Got a few sympathy cards and those made me cry too. I suppose it will get better over time. Anyway I did manage to do a bit of catching up here yesterday, talked with Heather and made plans to see my sister today. I was away for her 70th birthday on the 4th and so I have a couple of gifts for her and really wanted to take her to brunch. However she declined the brunch and just wants me to come for a visit and coffee. I will bring chocolate cheese cake and it will be good to be together with her! I found a beautiful frame at Winners yesterday and put a great photo of our brother in it, added a sticker to the frame that says "Brother, forever in my heart". I hope she likes it! I am going to do one for myself also. I also had a chat with my SIL Veronica and she is keeping very busy helping her DD and family move into a new home. She is thankful to have the distraction, but says then it hits her like a ton of bricks! We are so thankful that she is with her family!! My DH is feeling so much better today and so far I am still healthy. I got a really good sleep last night and feel like I am adjusted to the three hour time difference. So I need to get organized and get out the door by 9:30 this morning, so I can pick up some flowers and the cheesecake before going to my sisters!

I am looking forward to seeing all of your wedding photos!! I sure hope your creative juices get flowing again soon! Try to keep warm and hopefully your temps will rise! Thank you for your kind words! I know that my O family is here if I need them! I can feel your hugs all the way over here on the West Coast!! :lovey3:

I hope that you get to do something fun on your low key day today! So sorry that your son will not be able to join you for your gathering!! :sad2:

I need one more cup of coffee before getting into the shower, off to the gallery to get inspired, but not sure if any scrapping will happen for me today or not. We will see what the day brings, have a wonderful :friday:
I glad to hear you got a good sleep last night!
The framed photo of your brother sounds like a wonderful and timely gift....for both of you! I have no doubt that she will like it!
It's SNOWING!! The Winter Storm is here! It's coming down quite heavily!
It was supposed to start here at 4:13 and I have yet to see it! After getting stuck in Blair, I am fine for Cora to miss me. Will be back cleaning again on Sunday- 3-4 hours at a time is all I/we can handle.
Hello all,

Well, I'm off the couch Got a good night's sleep last night - we got medication and it's kicking in fast. Funny thing; we kept thinking every day that we'd "feel better tomorrow".

Chris @faerywings Adrienne has a bad head cold now - this thing just goes from one "thing" to the next - it runs the gamut of "icks". I am staying hydrated. Water tastes about as good as anything, but I've also been craving Cokes, which I don't normally give myself permission to drink because I don't want to become addicted to them again. LOL Right now, I could care less. LOL

Kay @BrightEyes thanks for the healing thoughts. Trudy @taxed4ever I'm sending lots of love and hugs to you.

We got 6" of snow last night. It's so beautiful, but I hope it's not going to be another Artic Blast this year.

I'm running out of steam and I'm hungry. Ava sent me some chicken pot pies, so I'm putting one in the oven in a minute.

So sorry most of you are having cold weather and snow. It's chilly here in Florida too but sweatshirt and long pants makes it ok.

Tuesday we had 2 impact resistant hurricane sliding glass doors installed. Prep was super messy for the biggest one because they had to grind the plaster to alter the opening. Dust went everywhere in the house so I have been cleaning, cleaning and cleaning. Since the house is all torn up now I put lemon oil on the antiques and leather conditioner on the sofas. Spring cleaning, wiping down walls and washing curtains. Got to get it all done because our grand daughter is coming down for a vacation so I want to be able to go tour around with her.

Norovirus....ugh Hope you feel better.

Have a good weekend everyone.