
Daily Ooo's Friday Jan 9 TGIF


The Loopy-O
Hiya my O-fam!

I was so proud of myself, I got a lot done yesterday!
I worked til 3, ran errands on the way home, I walked on the treadmill for a few minutes, and I took my picture for the day.
After dinner I then folded and put away 2 huge loads of laundry. I am trying to pick up crocheting again, and am making a teeny blanket for Caitlyn's webkinz. :D

Today I am working again to make up for the missed snow day on Wed (woot!! $$$$!) , have to run some errands in town, do some work at home.
Cait has a sleepover party, we are having leftovers for dinner, and then I am hitting the bed!

Caitl got the Wilton Cake Book, Course One and wants to decorate a cake for my mom's b-day party on Sunday. So we'll bake it today and then decorate it tomorrow. Wish me luck, cake decorating is not anywhere near any of my areas of talent LOL

How is everyone else doing today?

Sandra, oh honey- I am so sorry you have all of this to deal with. :( Just know I am sending huge hugs and all of the extra bits of strength I got to you. Are there any other options right now other than intubating Dad? And I know how much you want to do for him, but just keep in mind, the bottom line is that it is his decision. You can only offer advice and support. That is soooo incredibly hard to do- and to sit back- but I know you can do it!
And did you get any news on that other job for Gabe? I know that last week you mentioned there was something out there-- maybe that is just waiting around the corner. my fingers are crossed for ya hon.

Joslyn-- congrats on the new car!! And LOL at your text books- my parents still have some of mine and I graduated in 92! Yes, the last century buhahahah!

Dawn- you are tooooo sweet!!!! It isn't always easy (esp when dh is being a total grump) but I really try hard to be happy and positive. My life is what it is and it sure is nicer to smile than frown :)
Hope you feel better too- and since you are new (everyone else has heard me say this about a gazliion times!)--- take garlic pills. I swear by them for when I get sick.

LindaP, congrats on surviving the first week back. And good for you- yummy gravy money LOL!

Hi ME!! Hey are you getting any fun plans together for the Inaug? My MIL is dying to go and my FIL refuses. I keep hinting that she could take me instead ;)

Tali- gentle hugs to Boden's tummy.

Tara- yay for happy sinuses!!! And for SUN!!!!!! Why is it men are so aggaravating when it comes to drs? I also hope you get that insurance/union mess straightened out.

Sally- xoxoxoxoxo
Did you and Cora see Bridal Wars?
And yes!!! YOu can do it!! I hate exercise too- that is why I live wii fit, it is actually fun!

Clara- how are you doing with the flooding? Hope your basement stays dry!
I was going to do like you suggested and just run a week behind, but my OCD would never stand for it. LOL It was easy to just pick up those few days. I am so happy you are doing this with me too!!
Remind me-- no stress :D

Hi Shell- safe trip and come back and visit us soon! xoxoxoxo

Hi merkee-- good luck with your CT call!!

Ahhh, that lovely age- it is so exciting when babies first start walking- then it gets old really fast! LOL You end up missing the days that you could plop them on a blanket and they'd stay *giggle*
Nah (well, sort of...) it is so much fun watching them.
(Every. last. freakin'. minute.)

Gotta run, time to get Kid #1 to the bus.

Love to you all!


Well-Known Member
good morning... I've got to finish getting Will ready for school and to the crosswalk... then I have to come back and shower and go get my mom and sister... We cleaned up the family room after the kids went to bed last night and then I was up until after midnight finishing that last 3S kit that's due on the 18th! I am soooo glad to have it done... I have tons of stuff I want to work on but couldn't until those were finished!

Thank you all so much for everyone's support... I knew I'd find it here... after talking to Gabe last night, we'll be okay for a little while... he got paid last night for a 2 full weeks, he'll get paid a full week this week, even though he doesn't work today. On top of that he'll get almost 4 weeks of vacation time paid out, 2 weeks severance... plus because he's being "laid off," they are required to pay him the remaining 2 years on a project bonus contract... this is the bonus we've gotten in November for both 2007/2008... so fortunately we're in better shape than the last time this happened... and once he receives all those monies he can apply for unemployment... so we'll just have to be very careful!

Chris - thanks hon... my sister talked to a couple of Dad's nurses at the home, and they feel like the doctor is seriously jumping the gun here... they said Dad should not even consider being intubated until a modified barium swallow is done... the speech therapist will also sit with him while he has a meal and make observations... it could be that its very little aspiration, and it would be a simple matter of turning his head a particular way when he eats/drinks... so we'll see... as for the job, Gabe did interview for one on Monday... but we won't know until today or early next week as they were interviewing 2 other candidates this week... Gabe didn't know when those interviews were, so we do not have a definitive answer on when they'll get back to him... I'm praying so hard that he'll get it...

okay - sorry I've rattled on... I've got to get Will some breakfast and off to school... I'll be scarce today as my mom and sister will be here until they finish working on my sister's car... hope you all have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I am one tired mama. The past 2 nights, Christian has refused bedtime and then has woken up screaming like he's had a nightmare and completely inconsolable. I hope tonight is a better night. At least, it's Friday, right?

I have had very little time to scrap this week other than working on ADSR with Karen, but that has totally been fun. :) Hope to get some ME time this weekend.

Chris - I don't think I am going to get to go to the Inaug ... while we have been given the day off from work because traffic is going to be a nightmare, daycare has closed too so I think we'll be watching on our couch like everyone else. But I do hope to get downtown on the weekend for some festivities. I think there is something going on at the Lincoln Memorial over the weekend. It's so exciting!!

Sandra -- how are you doing? good to here that you will be okay for a while. praying for you guys.

Love to you all.


Well-Known Member
Chris, we are proud of you too. You also seem so upbeat today, that's great. :)

Sandra, your news on your dad today is a ray of hope. I pray that they were jumping the gun and that there are indeed more options for your dad. ((hugs))

Mary Ellen, hope tonight will be a good sleep night for Christian so that you can get some rest too. Is he awake when he is inconsolable? Perhaps he is having sleep terrors. They are typical for some little ones.

Coffee, hugs and love to all!


Well-Known Member
Happy Friday everyone! We have finally arrived!
It's been a long week in many ways. I pray that this economy straightens itself up very soon! I've just learned that two friends have been laid off from their jobs. Met with a parent this morning who will find out next week Wednesday if he still has a job. The economy here is usually pretty strong and quite resilient but it seems that no place is safe? There's nothing quite like a 250 pound dad breaking into tears in your office to get straight to your heart!
Sandra - keepin you and Gabe and your Dad in my prayers!
Chris -It sounds lik eyou are having a good end to the week! I'm so happy for you!
ME - I hope you can get some rest and get the little one to rest as well.
Merkee - good luck with your call. Coffee all around
Clara - I think I figured it out. I'm going to only let meself read twilight number 3 while ON the eliptical climber? How's that grab you?
Tali - hope Boden is feeling better. It looks like you and I are in for crappy weather the next week or so - not looking forward to that!
Sally - I want to hear about bridal wars too!
Well my coffee cup is empty, time to switch to water! Happy Friday gals, love you all!


...loves her some "O"
Morning OFam!!!

Well, I am loving Friday!! MR Gorgeous is off to the DR to get his bood pressure checked and see if he needs new meds. It's taken him 6 months to get back to the dr since he took MG off the bp meds for side effects. So i'm glad he's going...no use stressing out your organs if you don't need to right now. And this weekend, he'll get our bowflex all set up and ready to get moving with me, so hopefully within 6months, neither of us will be needing bp meds!

I'm excited to say I lost 6lbs this week! can u believe? part of it was water weight, i'm sure...cause i was sick and had some issues (tmi...i know), that helped too!! LOL!! The kicker is that last night I had tiramisu after the movie at La Madeleines BUT i only ate half of it. It was my first real sugar for the week! So I know now that I can have, but not very much. It's nice to be able to NOT deny oneself of the little pleasures in life. Now, we'll see how much self control I have!! LOL!!! BTW, I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE HEALTHY Os!!!!!!

Yep, we saw Bride Wars last night. It was definitely a chick flick!!! I would be interested to hear Cora's review of it myself. But I thought it was fun for a free movie. We had sneak preview passes! I am a big fan of both Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway, and Candice Bergen was soooooo great in it, too!! If you want a chick flick fluff night, go for it! And it has the guy who plays Van on Reba...that cracked us up! LOL!!

It was really fun to just be out with the girls last night...after a week of just being at home. And even though I just have the stuffy head mess, runny nose thing, I feel so much more energized!! So that's making me think better, too!! I have soo much work to do to this house this weekend, and getting school ready for next week, and so forth...I'm excited I feel better!!

Sandra, I'm so glad that you have a bit of respite financially...i know that takes the stress off a little! And my sil was a speech pathologist and did that kind of therapy for a while. If you dad really does need a feeding tube later, can't he have a G-Tube? so he doesn't have to have something down his throat? Lil had that where there's just a little button in her tummy where you attach the tube and feed directly into the tummy. i don't know if that is TMI or not, but it was soo wonderful here to see her smile for the first time when she was three months after having that tube outof her nose!! still here for ya!!

LindaP, i'm sooo thankful for Friday, too this week!! Loving the weekend coming!! hugs to you!

Mary Ellen, ohhhhh hun, praying for you and Christian to get some sleep tonight!!

Merk, thanks for the coffee!!! Now I can get up and fold that laundry like I'm supposed to!! :)

Chris!!! Sooo glad you are getting some work time in. and You don't know...you may be the best cake decorator in the world..just need a Wilton book to teach ya!! hugs, doll!!

and to all who come after, HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

ohhh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweet Genevieve!!!!


always chatty at the O!!
Hahahaha!! LindaP, that is a great answer!! I am so impatient with things like books. How can a book just sit there when I have to know what is going to happen. I always got Harry Potter on the day it came out, I got Breaking dawn when it came out and had it read in a couple of days. I just can't wait. Which is why I hardly ever read. My mom used to read like crazy and my sister and I often felt like we had to compete with her books so i don't read much...but when I do...I am going to finish it and find out what happened.

Things here are good. My house didn't float away. My house is at the top of a hill so I don't have to worry much about my house flooding. I'm sure my parents' garage flooded but I forgot to ask. It is very strange though because we are surrounded by flooded areas. There have been evacuations East of me about 20 miles along with lots of closed roads including I-5 both North and South of me. I just keep praying that people are handling it and no one gets hurt, sick or loses their home. It is scary watching it on tv.

I am very thankful it is Friday, although I won't see my husband much. they may be better though. For some reason he is frustrating me lately. I don't know if it is him or me but either way, I am frustrated. It sucks when I get frustrated with him because I will start going off about all the things that are bugging me and I know he stops listening and gets annoyed that all i am doing is going through my laundry list of things. I hate that I bottle up...but I do. Gotta work on that.

I don't have much for plans this weekend. I need to premake some meals this weekend. I am going to go grocery shopping tonight to get it all figured out. I hate not knowing what to make for dinner so it is nice to have stuff in the freezer that I can just pull out in the morning and my husband gets it together before I get home. I usually go someplace to do it but i don't love their menu and the lady who runs it is a little strange and kinda snotty so I think I can just do it on my own. So, I need to run through some personals and start working on my grocery list. I have a couple of weight watchers cookbooks I am getting ideas from.

Chris - Yay for the work and I hope you get some good sleep tonight. I am pretty excited about the photos too. Yay!! I'm glad you thought to start late because I really was going back and forth about it myself.

Sandra - Good luck getting the appointment for your dad. The speech therapists really help out a lot of patients. I have done a lot of the modified barrium swallows when I worked at the hospital and they were always great and did what they could to help the patients. The test has them try different consistancies and they try things like turning their head and seeing if it goes away with coughing and things like that. I hope he is able to get that scheduled and you guys come up with a better answer than intubation.

ME - Poor Christian. If he has night terrors that is hard. Ethan used to get them when he was really little. He'd wake up screaming and we couldn't wake him up. I started getting in the shower with him to wake him up. He stopped them when he was about 2.5 finally. I hope you enjoy your day off of work on inauguration day. When is that anyway??

Merkee - Thanks for the coffee. I can definately use some today.

LindaP - Congrats on finishing your first week back. Hopefully next week will be back to feeling like a normal week.

Have a great day everyone!!


always chatty at the O!!
Sally - you snuck in!! Congrats on the weight loss. I wish mine were that much but at least I lost. Yay!! I hope you enjoy your weekend!!


Well-Known Member
Quickie from me. We are a sick house. Boden is doing better, down to just a few nasty diapers a day, but Jacob is way worse. Poor guy. And I'm not so hot myself. Eric is home today to help, and I'm super thankful for him.

Much love.


Well-Known Member
Hey O's. I just wanted to poke in before my little monsters wake up :). I am having a serious chocolate chip cookie craving so I am going to make a nice big batch!!! I had a buffalo wing craving durning our vaction and got my fix last night at Buffalo Wild WIngs. We met some friends and their son there and it was a nice evening out. I love those types of resturants right now with my kids, they are loud enough that I don't feel bad when my kids are loud too!

We don't have any serious plans for the weekend. Another snow storm is expected so Gunar will have to plow and we'll probably be home bound. I think we are going to rent last seasons LOST and catch up.

Sally~ WTG on 6 pounds!!!! That is awesome and I am glad that you still gave yourself a small treat :)!

Clara~ Glad to hear you haven't floated away :), I hope it stays that way.
Happy weekend.


Well-Known Member
I'm excited to say I lost 6lbs this week!

Sandra, I'm so glad that you have a bit of respite financially...i know that takes the stress off a little! And my sil was a speech pathologist and did that kind of therapy for a while. If you dad really does need a feeding tube later, can't he have a G-Tube? so he doesn't have to have something down his throat? Lil had that where there's just a little button in her tummy where you attach the tube and feed directly into the tummy. i don't know if that is TMI or not, but it was soo wonderful here to see her smile for the first time when she was three months after having that tube outof her nose!! still here for ya!!

congrats... I found some of what you lost ;) and yes it was a g-tube they were suggesting.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, TGIF!

Chris-garlic pills, I've wondered if they seriously help. I'll pick some up. I get this stuff too often! thank you for the tip :)

Tali-I hope you feel better soon, if there's one thing I know about it's tummy issues, ugh.

Sally-congrats on the wt loss! Enjoy the bowflex and have fun working out with MG!

Sandra-I'm praying for you and your family, take care of yourself and try not to get stressed too much.

LindaP-great idea to read while working out, I plan to read while I'm on my treadmill, hopefully that will help pass the time faster!

Merkee-good luck with the CT call, can't wait to see who joins us!

ME-my daughter had night terrors until she was about 4, she was practically inconsolable and would not wake up I would just rock her and sing softly until she would finally drift back to a quiet sleep. It is so disturbing to see them like that :(.

Clara-stay dry!

Joslyn-you have me craving choc chip cookies now! eeek

Everyone, have a lovely weekend :).