
Daily Ooos: Friday, February 9


The Loopy-O
Now that I am working, do you think Fridays will start to have some meaning for me? I doubt it, I am working tomorrow. It's going to take some time to get acclimated to having a work schedule, even though it is so few hours ATM. I cleaned yesterday afternoon and by dinner time, I was pooooped out.

Time is getting away from me :runningdog: (Please tell me that I am not the only one who wants to flip that dog in the other direction. He should be running away from my words, not into them)
Sam asked me if needed any help for the Murder Party that is on Feb 20. That had slipped my mind *whooosh* so I had to spend most of the morning finding and tying up all of the loose ends. I think I have the menu all set and most of the props are ready to go. I have to find a costume of sorts- as the host, I am a theater manager in 1922. Oh, I wish lived next to Cheryl- for lots of reasons-- but then I could borrow her Victor/Victoria costume. :p

My mom is coming today and we're going to walk around some cute shops in Warwick, NY, just over the mountain. The shops are overpriced and way too kitschy for my taste but it makes her happy and the weather should be decent. Hopefully, she'll want to start the bridal shower planning with me. The last time I tried, she ended up on one of her medical venting tangents and that was that. I still have plenty of time and I'm going to email Tom for some more ideas/suggestions/contact info soon.

Can you tell me what you think of this:
If they move in here, they aren't going to need a lot of the traditional bridal shower gifts right away. They got a lot at the engagement party and Christmas as well as picking up a bunch of stuff on their own. A honeymoon is not in their budget so would it be appropriate to ask for cash to put towards a honeymoon, just a few nights somewhere other than here? It would be optional but under the circumstances, maybe for the best? Cait and Gary are spending Saturday in the attic to organize it so she can put everything they have been keeping in Scott's room up there. This house is bursting at the seams as it is. I can't imagine trying to store more housewares here. :no:

As always, I appreciate your opinions and input!

Wishing you all a fantastic Friday! Hugs!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday :giggle4: at Mark, the strong silent type, gabbing away after the service.
Any luck getting the car figured out?
Congrats to Ilene again on her G-G-DD! :lovey3:

@BrightEyes I hope the weather cooperated long enough for the pest control to get to you.
4 months is a longtime to go without a haircut, did you get it trimmed up?

BRB, J needs to go out or eat, Not sure which just yet :D


The Loopy-O
It was food, that dog would prefer food over almost anything else LOL

Kay- your siggie is gorgeous!!!!

@taxed4ever Yes!!! I am starting to notice a big change in the sky at dinner time. That's fantastic that you saw your old friend on the hike! Will she be a regular? That will be a lot of fun for you both.
I don't blame Rolling Pin Trudy for being aggravated at all- the blinds have been a PITB for you and I hope that everything is all squared away and done correctly.
Will your ILs even look at the house across the street? They would be close to you guys an to Linda. Sounds perfect for them. Maybe they will surprise you. Ya never know...

Of course, the check engine light was off when you got to the sp Vicky. Is there any other way? Hmmmph!

@bcgal00 I love your description of the wildlife hike, it sounds amazing! The bucks must have been too cute, bopping each other with their antlers. One of the things I want to do at Weis for myself is to join any wildlife programs. Weis partners with Trailbound Org and we are allowed to register for their programs for free. I really want to learn about birds, the only thing I know is they fly and go tweet.
Your group and leaders must be great to be around.
Hope you and D had fun at the pub night!

@Cherylndesigns Thanks for sharing the video :)
Heck, Cheryl, my head is all over the place and I don't have the same upheaval in my life, not even close. Don't apologize for that.

I saw your update so THANK GOODNESS for Sam! That would have been too much.
Tell him that Aunt Chris is scolding him for worrying his mama. And now --tell him I see him licking his paw and acting all innocent. Lil bugger. AND DAISY!!! Not you too!! At least I can see you (Daisy) hang your head in shame. Sam, being a cat, has no sense of shame.



Somebody up there liked me... There wasn't much rain yesterday... only a little bit fell in the morning and by noon the sky was bright blue with lovely white clouds and bright sunshine!!! Yes, the pest guy made by at noon. Drove over to where the hair salon used to be and discovered it was now a Cricket store! I remembered seeing another one over close to the Post Office so headed over to it. Turns out that is where the salon had moved to!! Was delighted to see they had several stylist and I was waited on right away. All I can say is WOW!!! The gal that cut my hair did a fantastic job!!! I had her cut it in a pixie style again - the one I go back to most of the time. She did a "texture" cut that added body to my baby fine hair. It is definitely a "wash-n-wear' style. I will be going back to her when I need a haircut.

I picked up "In The Likely Event" by Rebecca Yarrows from the library. Can't remember who recommended it but it is fantastic. I am over halfway through and had a hard time putting it down at bedtime. I saw another book by her at the library so will be getting it next. I had so much fun with the "Blind Book Date" that I picked up another wrapped book to see if my luck holds out with it, too.

Got a text message from DSon#1 - they won't be coming back to the states for another month. So it will be the end of March instead of the end of Feb. Not sure but think it has to do with trying to miss the winter weather storms, In the Philippines it is warm and summer-like so not surprised they are staying there for another month. He showed a video of him lazing in a lounge by the pool enjoying the summer-like weather. It is 22*F now and another cold front moved in over-night. Don't blame them for staying in PI for another month. Just glad I had not stocked up on food for their visit yet.

@faerywings So glad that you are enjoying your outings and getting paid to do them! Nice that Cait and Tom are being smart to move in with you. Hope you have a fun day with your mom.

@taxed4ever Did the new window/blind get installed yet?? Seems like it has been a real PITA. It would be neat if the In-Laws moved into the house across the street. Sure would make it easier on you and DH - not to mention the Sis-in-law - to have them close so you all could help them.

@Cherylndesigns So glad the cat showed back up and is okay!! And your HAVE WATER AGAIN!!! What a relief on both counts.

Time to get dressed in warm clothes - my nightgown isn't warm enough on the legs! HAGD


Love my O Family!
Now that I am working, do you think Fridays will start to have some meaning for me? I doubt it, I am working tomorrow. It's going to take some time to get acclimated to having a work schedule, even though it is so few hours ATM. I cleaned yesterday afternoon and by dinner time, I was pooooped out.

Time is getting away from me :runningdog: (Please tell me that I am not the only one who wants to flip that dog in the other direction. He should be running away from my words, not into them)
Sam asked me if needed any help for the Murder Party that is on Feb 20. That had slipped my mind *whooosh* so I had to spend most of the morning finding and tying up all of the loose ends. I think I have the menu all set and most of the props are ready to go. I have to find a costume of sorts- as the host, I am a theater manager in 1922. Oh, I wish lived next to Cheryl- for lots of reasons-- but then I could borrow her Victor/Victoria costume. :p

My mom is coming today and we're going to walk around some cute shops in Warwick, NY, just over the mountain. The shops are overpriced and way too kitschy for my taste but it makes her happy and the weather should be decent. Hopefully, she'll want to start the bridal shower planning with me. The last time I tried, she ended up on one of her medical venting tangents and that was that. I still have plenty of time and I'm going to email Tom for some more ideas/suggestions/contact info soon.

Can you tell me what you think of this:
If they move in here, they aren't going to need a lot of the traditional bridal shower gifts right away. They got a lot at the engagement party and Christmas as well as picking up a bunch of stuff on their own. A honeymoon is not in their budget so would it be appropriate to ask for cash to put towards a honeymoon, just a few nights somewhere other than here? It would be optional but under the circumstances, maybe for the best? Cait and Gary are spending Saturday in the attic to organize it so she can put everything they have been keeping in Scott's room up there. This house is bursting at the seams as it is. I can't imagine trying to store more housewares here. :no:

As always, I appreciate your opinions and input!

Wishing you all a fantastic Friday! Hugs!
Oh yes! Asking for cash and even giving the reason is perfect! Who doesn't want to give the bride and groom what they need!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Quick in and out.
We are getting ready to go and pick up the car from the mechanic! NO repairs needed! Thank You, Lord! There are a few minor little things that are not causing the engine light problem. He said just keep a check on the oil, since the oil light obviously doesn't work, and we should be good to go!
I rescheduled my play date with Ilene for today since the car is no longer an issue! Can I say again.....Thank You, Lord!!!
OK, Mark is ready to go, so I need to get going.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O friends!! It is another very foggy morning, but I think that the sun will make an appearance soon and maybe I can get out for a walk. Well guess what??? Still no blind for my large window!!! Thats right, its still not the right size!!! The poor installation guy, you should have seen the look on his face :giggle4: . I knew it wasn't his fault, so I told him not to worry about it, but to let his boss know that she would be getting a phone call from me :rollingpin1: yes the rolling pin lady was on the loose and I had to calm her down for a bit before I made the phone call. They apologized profusely and I asked them what they were going to do to make it right?? I was prepared to leave a bad review on their site and they sure did not like that!! How come no one knows how to measure ??? Anyway I was way nicer than I thought I would be, but you know you catch more flies with honey right?!! Well the guy who did the measuring called me later on and said that the first time it did not fit was on him, he input the number incorrectly on the order, but this time was the manufacturers fault and sometimes that just happens, he apologized numerous times to me and wants to give us a GC so we can go out for supper on him. I told him that was not necessary, but he insisted. Later I get another call from the poor installer (such a nice young man). He says he is very sure that he can fix the blind so that it will work on our window and it will be installed on Thursday of next week. Not sure what he can do to fix it, but hey we will give it a go, if it doesn't work than it will have to be re-ordered again and the manager said she will make it right if it doesn't work out. (whatever that means??). Maybe some of my money back? A free blind?? Who knows. So hopefully third time is the charm. Needless to say I was not in a very good mood for the rest of the day. I tried to work on a layout I started, but could not get into it, so I will try again this morning. I hope to make it out to my favourite craft store today they will hopefully have the items that I ordered in, but I will call before I go. I have ranted enough, sorry ladies :oops2: so I will get personals done and wait for a face time call from Heather.

@faerywings - Ha, ha yes that dog seems to be running in the wrong direction!! Asking for cash is perfectly fine like @vickyday says, who doesn't want to give the bride and groom what they want or need?? Glad that you managed to get your menu done for the Murder Mystery party! They are so much fun!! Hope you find a great costume to wear!! I think it is wonderful that Cait and Tom will be living with you, it is so tough for young people to get into the housing market these days, so hopefully this will help them save up for that downpayment that they need!! :lovey3:

@vickyday - Glad you don't have to spend a fortune on the car!! Nice that you and Ilene will have a play date :yourecute:. Enjoy your day together!

@BrightEyes - Sounds like you found the perfect hairdresser!! Too bad that DS#1 won't be coming to see you for another month, but it gives you more time to prepare for when he does arrive! Yes it would be the perfect place for FIL and MIL and they know that they can't stay in their place much longer, its too big a property to care for and MIL is not getting around very well anymore. They are coming to look at the house on Saturday and they want us to go with them to see it, it would be on condition of the sale of their place unfortunately, but we don't think that the neighbours are in a big hurry to sell, they want to eventually move up Island so they can be closer to their family. I am not getting my hopes up. I am sure MIL would rather just go into a home than move all of her stuff to a new place. But you never know we will see.

@Cherylndesigns - Thinking of you and hope you are ok!! Happy to hear that your water is back on that the cat came back!! Hooray!! Those darn cats they have no shame do they??

I am off to fill my coffee cup and empty the dishwasher while I wait for Heather's call. I hope you all have a fabulous :friday:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. Heading to pickleball this afternoon so taking the dogs out to the park first. Had fun at the monthly pub night for the locals. Met a few more people that want to join in on game night so the list is growing. One of the members will join me on Mon or Tues to go to the big dog park in a neighboring town. She has two old dogs, one is blind, so it'll be good for Remi to learn to be patient and slow down around him. Looks like the social scene here is just as good as Kamloops was so I am keeping busy and really enjoying myself. I will be slowing down a bit on scrapping since I'm not home as much now but that's ok. I won't ever give it up completely, just am starting to be more active in other things.

@Cherylndesigns I am thrilled that you cat made it home safe and sound.

@taxed4ever What a nightmare about the blinds. Fingers crossed the next install works.

@vickyday Glad to hear the engine light problem wasn't anything major.

@BrightEyes Glad you like the salon and got a great haircut. I have baby fine hair too and am always nervous about getting a new hairdresser.

I'd better get going. The morning flew by and I have to get out of here soon. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon all,

It's 71 here, but somebody said it's going to snow on Sunday. Say it isn't so, please. Talked to my brother in CO yesterday and he said they're sending it to us. Thanks. :lol23:They have about the same weather we have.

I was never happier to see a little kitty face at the French door as I was my cat's yesterday at 4 PM. I heard Daisy barking outside and she was trying to tell me that Sam was out there. I checked him all over but he looks fine - of course, I scolded him, then loved him and yes, Chrjs @faerywings and Trudy @taxed4ever he had no shame. He immediately jumped up on the dryier and began to eat, then had to groom himself. NO shame whatsoever. Thank you ALL for worrying about my cat - that would have pushed me over the cliff if he hadn't come home. He's NEVER done this since we've had him. He's very predictable. Ava was out driving around in her truck, all over the property, looking for him. It's been crazy along with Daisy eating my chicken breast the other night. She's had no repercussions.

Chris @faerywings I wish you lived by me, too - my Victor/Victoria costume would be so perfect for you for your party.

I'm going to cut this short - I have lots to do - just started making "the calls" and I've been dreading it and procrastinating. I have made 2 already - I'm treading unknown waters here. Roger's here to help, but I can do some of it on my own. Putting one foot in front of the other one.



Love my O Family!
Morning O friends!! It is another very foggy morning, but I think that the sun will make an appearance soon and maybe I can get out for a walk. Well guess what??? Still no blind for my large window!!! Thats right, its still not the right size!!! The poor installation guy, you should have seen the look on his face :giggle4: . I knew it wasn't his fault, so I told him not to worry about it, but to let his boss know that she would be getting a phone call from me :rollingpin1: yes the rolling pin lady was on the loose and I had to calm her down for a bit before I made the phone call. They apologized profusely and I asked them what they were going to do to make it right?? I was prepared to leave a bad review on their site and they sure did not like that!! How come no one knows how to measure ??? Anyway I was way nicer than I thought I would be, but you know you catch more flies with honey right?!! Well the guy who did the measuring called me later on and said that the first time it did not fit was on him, he input the number incorrectly on the order, but this time was the manufacturers fault and sometimes that just happens, he apologized numerous times to me and wants to give us a GC so we can go out for supper on him. I told him that was not necessary, but he insisted. Later I get another call from the poor installer (such a nice young man). He says he is very sure that he can fix the blind so that it will work on our window and it will be installed on Thursday of next week. Not sure what he can do to fix it, but hey we will give it a go, if it doesn't work than it will have to be re-ordered again and the manager said she will make it right if it doesn't work out. (whatever that means??). Maybe some of my money back? A free blind?? Who knows. So hopefully third time is the charm. Needless to say I was not in a very good mood for the rest of the day. I tried to work on a layout I started, but could not get into it, so I will try again this morning. I hope to make it out to my favourite craft store today they will hopefully have the items that I ordered in, but I will call before I go. I have ranted enough, sorry ladies :oops2: so I will get personals done and wait for a face time call from Heather.

@faerywings - Ha, ha yes that dog seems to be running in the wrong direction!! Asking for cash is perfectly fine like @vickyday says, who doesn't want to give the bride and groom what they want or need?? Glad that you managed to get your menu done for the Murder Mystery party! They are so much fun!! Hope you find a great costume to wear!! I think it is wonderful that Cait and Tom will be living with you, it is so tough for young people to get into the housing market these days, so hopefully this will help them save up for that downpayment that they need!! :lovey3:

@vickyday - Glad you don't have to spend a fortune on the car!! Nice that you and Ilene will have a play date :yourecute:. Enjoy your day together!

@BrightEyes - Sounds like you found the perfect hairdresser!! Too bad that DS#1 won't be coming to see you for another month, but it gives you more time to prepare for when he does arrive! Yes it would be the perfect place for FIL and MIL and they know that they can't stay in their place much longer, its too big a property to care for and MIL is not getting around very well anymore. They are coming to look at the house on Saturday and they want us to go with them to see it, it would be on condition of the sale of their place unfortunately, but we don't think that the neighbours are in a big hurry to sell, they want to eventually move up Island so they can be closer to their family. I am not getting my hopes up. I am sure MIL would rather just go into a home than move all of her stuff to a new place. But you never know we will see.

@Cherylndesigns - Thinking of you and hope you are ok!! Happy to hear that your water is back on that the cat came back!! Hooray!! Those darn cats they have no shame do they??

I am off to fill my coffee cup and empty the dishwasher while I wait for Heather's call. I hope you all have a fabulous :friday:
Oh, MAN! What a bummer on the blind! I sure hope they make it more than right for you with all you have had to put up with!


If you want the read the story of my new avatar - check out this:

And read the full story in the gallery description. :wow2: :rotfl::floorlaugh: