
Daily Ooo's: Friday, February 6


The Loopy-O
Yay for Friday! Not necessarily for me, but for Gary. Poor guy has fallen asleep watching TV the last two nights. We record everything and fast fwd through all of the commercials, so I can always tell when he falls asleep because the commercials keep on playin'
He is not used to getting up every day and having to get out, then deal with the house stuff and he is feeling it.

Today my parents are coming up for a quick visit and to bring more food. My parents are awesome!! I appreciate them even more today. My BFF across the street called last night to let me know her MIL passed away. She had been an addict for a long, long time, so it wasn't really a surprise, nor full of grief for them. But seeing dysfunction at that level, for so many years, makes me very grateful for what I have.

I guess it is the same thing with Brendan. His family is totally dysfunctional too. I am glad that he has been able to spend more time with us to see how a (minorly dysfunctional hah!!) family acts. You know, having dinner together, not being locked out of the kitchen most of the time, being allowed to take full showers every day (yeah, that was a new tidbit we found out the other day *eye roll*).
The "good" news is that he is supposed to be going home on Sunday. Hopefully they will be able to come to some sort of compromise and be able to work out some sort of normalcy. One can hope!

I am (again) trying to teach myself how to crochet, but my goodness, I am bad at it. I spent almost 2 hours trying to figure out the single crochet. I know the technicality of it, but I can't seem to get it right as I am actually working the stitches. It was not a very relaxing way to spend the afternoon. :frusty:
Give me Photoshop and a tablet and I am happy as a clam.

Finish It Friday:
Well, I guess I should start making up that list of things I want to do while I am still not working. My drs appt is Tuesday and I am sure she'll clear me for most activities. My days are numbered for being a pampered princess :drama:

QOTD What is your favorite type of music? I like a lot of the hair bands/metal bands from the 80's, and Bon Jovi who is eternal hahaha!!! Lots of Green Day and other pop punk bands. Alternative rock like Black Stone Cherry and Foo Fighters.
I really can't stand pop music. It all sounds the same to me and it is all annoying.

Hope everyone has a great day!


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- I would love to see pics of you as a hippie! We get such a kick out of seeing my IL's in their hippies days. (Daze?? LOL)
Thank you for understanding so well about not being able to get a break from illness. Gary and I did talk about that part of it for her. He knows how badly he took care of his diabetes when he was a teen (he was diagnosed with that when he was 13) and he is really lucky that he didn't do much damage to himself.
ITA with the straight lines you talked about. Maybe b/c our country is "young" or maybe because as a culture we are sort-sighted, I feel that most generations don't look at the consequences of its' actions. I can't speak for other cultures, but Americans seem to very much live in the here and now, rather than looking to the past to see what worked and to not make the same mistakes again, or look ahead to the future to see possible consequences.
That is awesome that you have the tech. to see your grands in action. But I am sure it does not replace being with them at all. Very funny about the shark!

Sharon- hope you are having a wonderful trip! Enjoy that warm weather- we were at 3*F this morning. Thank you for the blessings, it wasn't easy to get through but we all feel that it has made us stronger ans individuals as well as a family. I hope the same happens for your fam.

BTW- Phyllis- The math would *kill* me too, but maybe I could be a janitor in Mission Control instead?
Graphic designer is another good one, I know there is just so much MORE in Photoshop than I use, and would love to be able to use it all.



Well-Known Member
Good morning. Well it is frigid this morning! But when I woke up the moon is almost full and so pretty as it is setting just as the sun is rising. Last night my girlfriends and I had dinner together. It was nice as I did not have to cook and my left overs can go to my son for lunch. In early March the NJ Devils are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the first Stanley Cup win. There is going to be a alumni game. I got tickets but they were sold out in 10 min so my DIL did not get tickets. My son is the sweetest and he said that his wife could have his ticket. I have a NJ Devils game tonight so that will be fun. I have not been able to get any scrapping done. My son has asked me to go over and visit the puppies. This sounds so crazy but they make me so nervous because I cannot tell if they are playing or fighting. Then the male dog starts to try to hump the little girl. And as for all men it is hard to distract them once they have sex on their minds. LOL I finally separated them into different rooms. But being the good grandma I am going back today. Now to the sad stuff. My girlfriend's situation with her son is a nightmare. It is so sad. I guess his problems just seemed to have no good ending. He had an EEG but no results yet, the breathing tube was removed, he is sedated and has pneumonia. Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories. I hope they can find a way to help their son. He is older so this is a shock to them.

Chris so glad that you are feeling so much better. Enjoy being pampered. I think it is good that you DH has seen just how hard you work. Have fun with your parents! I feel so sorry for Brendan. Locked out of your kitchen and not full showers. Shocking!

Phylis glad you are still keeping Chris in line. We are getting snow Sunday into Monday. How about you?

Shar have fun with the grandkids and enjoy some golf.

I always for get to answer the QOTD.
When would I like to live - I used to think I would love to live out west like in the Western TV shows but now that I know how hard it would have been with out modern medicine I have to live in an time with antibiotics and vaccines. I love this time for all the need electronics but just wish that the respect for others was a priority.
If I could go back go school I would love to learn more photography. I would figure out how to be sports photographer.
My favorite music is country. I like songs that tell stories and songs where I can understand the words LOL. I do like rock and roll from the 60s and 70s but not heavy metal.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
hiya. well, no snow today, so that's all good. i'm wasting time, waiting for the window measuring guy to show up. between 9 and 11. you KNOW when he'll come.

Chris, it does me good to see someone else pooped out from working so hard!! make the most of every day of your pampered princess status!
i'm so glad that you've been so great to poor Brendan. it really hurts to think about all the dysfunction and mess and sadness that goes on in people's lives. and then you start asking "why??" and there never seems to be an answer to that one, except the one my Mom always gave: that's the way life is. but that never is enough of a reason. give your parents an extra large hug! they're the best!

Nancy, dunno about snow for Sunday night. i am just enjoying the fact that tomorrow and Sunday are going to be in the 40s. that should make a bit of a dent in the foot of snow on the ground here. more sadness for your friend. is her son expected to live? it sounds like an awful situation for everybody. re: your preferred profession: i think you are ALREADY a sports photographer!

Shar, hope you're having a ball with all the DGC! if i could get up the nerve for a ten hour plane ride, i could see mine!! :scared: highly unlikely.

QOTD: this will sound strange coming from a former musician and music teacher, but i rarely listen to music. there's so much of it that affects me like pop music affects Chris. it's annoying. when i do end up listening to something, it's stuff that varies wildly. Motown of the 60s. Great Big Sea. Ashley MacIsaac. show tunes. Charles Ives. Samuel Barber. Rubenstein playing Rachmaninoff. but these days i've got the iPad on, tuned to news or talk radio, NPR. or listening to audiobooks or tv series as i do other stuff.

after the window guy comes, i have some random local errands to take care of, then home to make pizza crust and salad and to chill the cheap champagne for dinner tonight. something to look forward to, i guess. :becky: have a happy day.


HiDeeHo from Utah. Weird time getting here. A lock was broken on an overhead compartment that held vital stuff and had to be fixed, and resulted in a 3-hour delay. I was feeling robbed of a half a day with my DGC, so asked the agent if she could move my departure from Tuesday to Wednesday. She did it--no charge, AND a window seat. Sometimes it pays to ask. THEN I got a $100 credit toward a flight within the next year. As so often, adversity (sitting in airport for 3 hours) resulted in some good stuff.

Big Costco trip today...over $650!!! The most I have ever spent in one day there. So thrilled to be able to help the kids that way, and they are so grateful (think Chris and her parents!).

This afternoon, my DD, Zanna, got us started on a knitting project. We are going to knit a lacy scarf--each doing the same pattern, but in different colors. She is going to teach me some stitches/techniques (she's a WAY better knitter than I am).

Tonight board games are on the docket with the 7 and 9 year-olds. The almost 15-year-old (Sunday), is babysitting in the neighborhood.

Music: 40s big band, 50s rock and folk, then jump to the Eagles, Nora Jones, and the like. Then nothing. Hate the violence of most of the "music" after that.

I love being here. This is where I really want to live.