
Daily Ooo's: Friday, February 21


The Loopy-O
I don't think there will be enough coffee in Sara's industrial size mug to get me through today. I left my house to pick the kids up from school at 10.35, did not get home until 8.30. Now I think I will be a triple bazillion gazillion-aire. The appt was "officially" set for 1. The office mgr, whom I adore, told me to plan for 2. As we were leaving my mom's house for the office, I got a msg that even 2.30 would be good, he was running very late. We still got there at 2 (noooo traffic in NJ? what the heck is up with that? It was all stopped in the other direction but we flew through). Cait got called in at 3pm. That took about an hour. he goes over every last symptom, blood test, physical and emotional issues, medication changes. Scott goes in around 4.30. Partway through, he says that he thinks he needs to speak with a therapist. *heart drops for him* I am so proud that he can feel safe enough to admit that and to know when he is not able to work things out on his own. The dr spent an hour talking with him about stressors in life, ways to cope, really trying to dig into it to see how best to help him. He truly is more of a holistic style dr and I love that. But by the time they got blood drawn and I paid, it was 6.30. Grabbed bagels from a dunkin donuts for dinner and went to my mom's, got my car loaded up, and then home. Brutal!
Its hard enough dealing with the physical aspects of chronic illness but man, my heart breaks for my kids when they go though tough times, mentally and emotionally.

Today am off to work, then I am going to start calling around to get prices on abx/supplies. My dr got me their price so I can see if anyone is cheaper. Then to start looking for a counselor for Scott. And I *still* need to order those bras I need for post-op! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!!! Who wants to trade lives with me?? LOL
In all honesty, I am blessed, I know I am blessed, these are just some bumps in the road. And hey, I live in NJ-- Home of Pot Hole Land so I am used to them.:pound:



The Loopy-O
Sara- wishing warm and dry weather thoughts for you and for us. WE are getting rain/T-storms today with an expected 1/4 to 1/2 in of rain. On top of two feet of snow pack. Rains, flooding, and fog all on tap. When am I moving to FL??
I love all three of those colors! Bet they look so cute!

*interrupts* This is one more reason why I know I am blessed. I really need myhair cut before my surgery.I was plannign on waiting until after when I really needed a pick-me-up but I have to wear a cover-thingy on my left arm b/c the picc can't get wet. And after the surgery my right arm is going to be sore. Talk about an interesting showering experience!! :)
I emailed a client to ask if a mutual friend/former client cuts hair at her house. She just got her license and I simply do not have the time (patience) to make an appt and waiiiit at a salon. Mutual friend got the msg from Client #1 and texted me that she wants to treat me to cut and color. So I am getting my hair cut this Sunday.:love:

Oh wow, Trudy!!! That is crazy windy weather for you! Your yard must be covered with branches.
Nope that story didn't make me any more scared than I was with my earbuds LOL But I cannot imagine how terrified and ANGRY you must have been for Heather.

You have the worst luck with repair men/service people Laurie!! :p My fingers and toes are crossed so tight for you that you don't get any -- not even a drop-- of water in your basement, That would be too cruel. Hope that you were able to get some girl-movie-time in too.

Hugs to all of my dear O-Fam!!!


lOve the O!
Morning Chris and the rest of the O fam. Hugs and prayers for you Chris. My basement is dry this am- I did not hear rain, but I am sure we got it as the flood watch is still in affect. Chris- I normally do not care about my hair, but I went an extra month before I got my cut and color and I so enjoyed my time there yesterday- of course I did entertain her with tons of this happened to me stories and laughed. My hair looks darn good today! Have a great Friday all!


Well-Known Member
howdy. i was MIA yesterday. a spacey sort of a day for me. i just didn't focus on much of anything. but here i am this a.m. too early to tell if i'm still a Space Cadet.

Chris, i got tired just reading about your Doctor Day. i always take my iPad when i'm going to a place where i might have to wait. it's made me a nicer person when i'm in the waiting game. i put in the earbuds and watch Pride and Prejudice or something. i'm sorry/glad to hear that Scott is going to counseling. how smart of him to KNOW that it's something he might need. i was thinking the other day that, for you and your kids, it's almost like being a Type 1 diabetic. i've always found that the maddening thing about diabetes is that you can't do a "mind over matter" attitude thing with it, because you have to live every day with your head up your 8&$. "chronic" is awful. WHATEVER the chronic thing is. it takes a toll on your head. ((((((((((hugs)))))))))))

Laurie, did you guys waterproof your basement? we had a company come in, drill holes in the bottom course of block, dig a trench, put this plastic stuff up to cover the holes and direct the water to a sump pump. it totally works. but you guys just did all that work down there and some of it would have to be torn up to do the waterproofing!! GAAH! i guess your rain is on its way here. the Ohio River has a flood advisory today. but maybe all the snow will disappear. i want to see GRASS!

Trudy, what a story about your DD's PIC line!! i would have been a complete lunatic!! you'd like to think that a nurse would have his wits about him. how's the weather? what's the drought situation like out there now? i'd imagine it's going to take a LOT of rain or snow to straighten that out. if ONLY i could pipe some of our WET over to the west coast!

Sara, i LOVE those polish colors. i love those kinds of gently, dusty colors!

today, i'm going to resume sanding and staining the doors of my kitchen cabinets. i take the doors off, go down to the basement, then make a big mess. hopefully this will all be worth it in the end...whenever the END will be. it is going to take me FOREVER to do this.

so. off i go. enjoy Friday, O-zies. :becky:


Well-Known Member
Morning ladies!!

51 degrees here after a freak storm yesterday that lasted about 4 hours. So weird. We've had multiple seasons in the past week.

I don't know why I've been running out of time in the mornings. I read all your stuff, but now I have to leave and don't have time to type! grrr...I hope I will have time at a break at school...but it might be tonight before I get back.

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
good morning I am up watching hockey. Yesterday the US ladies lost in OT to Canada. It was a great game. Felt so sorry for the team USA as they were ahead for 57 min. But I thought they played in the third not to lose instead of playing their game. Saw some of the team being interviewed this morning and I love their resilience. A lot will be back in four years. The hardest has to be that if they are not in college what do they do - the men at least have professional teams to go back to. Love the fact that in Canada they is a Women professional league - I hope it catches on! Today is the mens USA/Canada game. Should be a battle. I got in a walk but I was so angry at the sidewalks that I finally called the town public works department. They called me back and the manager was really nice explaining the delays. Broken equipment, no salt, county's responsibility and the town not wanting to pay overtime. Recommended I call the police with the exact addresses of those homes that have not shoveled. I may try that if by Monday there is not improvement as the temps are supposed to be above freezing all weekend.

Chris what a day! I am glad your doctor is so good though. I am so glad that your son has the courage to admit he needs to talk to someone. There is a huge movement in Canada (not sure who the sponsor is) that had one day program that said just talk. Trying to get kids or anyone to talk to someone if they have a problem. So congrats to you Chris for having your kids willing to talk!

Laurie so glad that your basement is dry. Hope it stays that way!

Phylis I am totally impressed that you are redoing your cabinets! I finished all the Game of Thrones books and nothing was solved and yes too many were killed.

Sara hope the weather treats you well!

Have a good Friday all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies TGIF!! Finally the wind has stopped blowing!! It is sunny this morning, but they are forecasting a not so nice weekend with a chance of flurries, hmmm we are going to get winter now?? Oh well we real haven't had it yet, so I better not complain right?

Chris - What a long day for you and your kids yesterday!! Sounds like your doctor is an amazing guy! How great that Scott is willing to open up to him and realize that he needs to talk it out with someone! :hug: Your kids are amazing and yes you are blessed, even though I am sure that many days you don't feel that way. I am sending you all of my positive vibes today in hopes that you will feel the love that we all have for you here! :love:

Laurie - Oh my gosh, please don't let your basement flood yet again!!!! Hope that mother nature is not that cruel to you! Glad that you had a nice day getting your hair done, sometimes that visit with the hairdresser is better than talking to a therapist! Plus you get great looking hair out of the deal too!! :becky:

Phylis - Want to come over and refinish a dresser for me?? I have had this project in my mind for a couple of years to finish a dresser that was my Mother's but I just can't get up the energy to do it! I think I am afraid that I will make a mess out of it, although I have redone other furniture and it has turned out great! Hope you get to see your grass again today!

Sara - Isn't it amazing how quickly the time flies by when you are on this site?? I have been here at my computer for an hour already and I am just getting around to typing this!!

Nancy - Hope you enjoy the game today, I am not so sure that our Canadian boys will fair so well with this game. It was a great game yesterday, and I sure felt sad for the U.S. girls they looked so depressed, but you are right they did not play their game in the third. It really was a nail biter though!! Hopefully the sidewalks will be cleared for you soon, it would be awful if you had to resort to calling the police! Enjoy the hockey!!! :thumb:

Ok the game is starting right away and I will be glued to the tv for a bit, so hope you all have a great day and I will see you here again tomorrow!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Whew. I finally am back. Busy day at school, but I did get my test for my class turned in while I was there, so I don't have to worry about that! Yay. Tomorrow we are going to surprise Ben and get tickets to see Jeff Corwin when he comes in April. He is giving a keynote presentation for the Nebraska Science Festival. I am going to try and take a personal day and take Ben to the daytime fun, too, but that's also the day of the statewide educational technology conference that is HUGE. So we will see what will happen.

Tomorrow Ben also has his first sleepover. His cousins are 9 months older than him and 9 months younger, so my sister-in-law gave that as a Christmas present. But we are just getting to it now. The kids are so excited. But I will be super interested in seeing how it all works. Ben away from home, they are early to bed and early to rise...he is not, etc. In any case, Matt and I are excited to probably have the house to ourselves for a night! Party!!!!!!! Going out for wings for dinner and maybe to a movie....we are WILD I tell you. Sunday then we have dinner with the rest of the brother and sister in laws. Should be a nice weekend hopefully. Despite the fact that it is supposed to turn frigid again after a beautiful day today. *sigh*

Chris - You are blessed, but sometimes it can be hard to see it. But you know that you have awesome friends and awesome parents. And awesome kids. What amazing kids you have. Seriously. Truly amazing.

Laurie - Don't you just feel awesome after you get your hair done? Glad your basement stayed dry!

Phylis - I am impressed by you and your cabinets. I tried to do window seats at our old house and I just don't have the patience or strength enough to do it. My husband thought my attempt was pathetic. Hope you got a lot done and weren't feeling too spacey.

Nancy - The hockey loss was mentioned everywhere! Too bad. It would be nice to have professional women's just about anything!! LOL But you know what talks...money. And women's events don't bring in enough money in most people's eyes! :p

Trudy - You can have our subzero temps if you'd like. bwahahahahahahaha

Ok. Now I'm going. Tomorrow I'll have time to sit and read and reply in the morning. Yay!