
Daily Ooo's: Friday, February 20:Faery Gave up & is Back Complaining about the Cold


The Loopy-O
I am NOT cut out for this!!! -2* F, wind chills back down to easily -20* And more freaking snow this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!! Please?????

I am going to curl up in fetal position with my Linus blanket now.

I feel like my brain is frozen.

Poor Cait is home from school, again. She started texting me yesterday that she had horrible cramps. Her uterus was splitting in 3 and braiding itself. She was nauseous. Then, her uterus was a meat tenderizer and she was the meat. I texted back to see if she was in culinary arts and maybe the teacher had tea? No luck. I was so upset for her b/c I *know* exactly how she feels and I wish that she didn't and I don't know how to help.
She ended up going tot he nurse b/c she threw up and when I picked her up I had a heat pack all ready for her in the car. I guess that is one good thing, that I get it. She threw up again last night and is still miserable so she is home again today.

Then yesterday, it took me and the nurse at the kids Lyme drs office around 5 tries for get them an appt next month. Not from any crazy screw ups but scheduling conflicts. I had one day, then found out that Cait has PARCC testing. Another date that I thought Scott was going to try and get his wisdom teeth out. Another date and then Cait told me that was the day she had to be in school for her electronic baby "birth." Thank goodness the nurse and I have a great relationship and emailing back and forth with his is always fun.

I got the order of the hydration IV bags and the ones my Dr Rx'd are huge! 1000 ml's, I spent 2 1/2 hours under that last night and I was only 3/4 of the way through the bag. But I do feel much less shaky this morning, so maybe that helped? I have to call my dr and see if that is really the amount she wanted ordered, b/c they come in 250ml and 500l bags as well.

My mom is coming up today too, so that will be nice.

Not much else going on here.

Hope everyone has a warm day, in thoughts if not in weather!
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The Loopy-O
Nancy- is this the same Devils Event that you had issues with last year too? You would think that they would have some better way of doing it.
You are going to be in Full Hockey Heaven!! Stay warm.

Phyllis- DELETE away, my Weather Bitch Friend!!!!!!!!

Trudy- do you think that if you got a bunch of your friends and Sharon and her friends to face East, and take really deep breathes and blow them out, the warm air might somehow make it here, a la The Butterfly Effect? LOL

Shar-- sin ickle!!:pound:
Have a great time with that course!
There are some colloquialisms that hurt my ears. Like Trudy- I am sure that I have quite a few myself, but some are just so basic that it is like nails on a chalkboard.

Gotta get ready to bundle up and warm up the car...



Well-Known Member
Chris, just to make you feel better: it's -10* here.... what's a hydration IV? is that where the vitamins are coming from?

Nancy, i assume it's freezing where you are, too. DOn'T go for a walk!!

Shar, i'm totally with you on the language thing. i am usually not as pi&$ed off at spoken language mess as i with written. i figure that when you write something, you have the time to actually LOOK at what you've "said" and FIX it! i'm sure someone, somewhere is saying, " ...and THiS from the lady who doesn't use capital letters in her cyberwriting unless it's for emphasis!!" i blame that on typing on an iPad most of the time. and on e.e. cummings. :pound:

Trudy, isn't it funny how some of us always feel that the weather will "get back at us" one way or another?? hopefullys the Great Northwest will suffer no Weather Retribution and go straight from an early spring to a beautiful summer. wow. spring. i can't even picture it at my end. :hurt:

today? probably staying inside again. no reason to go out, and we're not supposed to reach our "high" of 12* until this evening. so more laundry and vacuuming, probably. :yawn:

well. at least the sun is out. :becky:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies and happy Friday!! Watch out this morning or you will get smacked in the face with one Chris's bad words!!

Chris - I really don't blame you for just crawling back under your linus blanket! Your weather is really the pits and its about time it all ended!! Brrrr!! Sounds like you had quite the time getting your appts. all figured out! Sorry that Cait is feeling so badly! Hope she feels better real soon does she have endometriosis ? My friends daughter suffered from that and I believe she was put on a special birth control pill to help. Not sure how you would feel about that or if that is even what Cait suffers from? I will try to get everyone I know to blow the warm air your way Chris
Hope it warms up for you soon!

Phylis - I hope you are right about the spring turning into a nice summer, but with no snow on the mountains it could be a very dry summer and we will be on heavy water restrictions, not fun! Wish I could send some of this your way, I am sure you would prefer it to the crap you are dealing with right now.

Ok gotta run DD is going to Skype with me right away, hope they are all feeling better at their house too! Bad colds for everyone there. Have a great day everyone I will pop in later. :wave:


Chris AND Phylis! Just snuggle on in. I'm sooooooooooooooo sorry. Facing east.......blowing......

So sorry for Cait. Poor thing. I hope a solution can be found for her. She's so young, and to have to face this every month for the next 30 or 40 years sounds dreadful.

NOBODY has commented on my FB "lecture!" Although, so few people even LOOK at my FB, I shouldn't be surprised. I don't know why I bother with FB. One of my kids told me I should be doing it as well as Instagram so I could display my art. When I do, I get no response most of the time. I follow my Mobile Phone Artistry Group and my kids, so I won't abandon FB, but not sure I will keep posting much longer.

Despite soggy ground, fog, and the prediction of more rain, DH plans to play golf today. DD posted photos of herself modeling the lace infinity scarf we started together when I was in Utah. I plan to make a scrapbook page of that, but may wait until mine is done and just do one page. I'm going to start watching the videos of my iPhone Photography Academy course. duh...didn't realize I could have started yesterday. LOL

The people who host our biweekly* Bible study are having us all over to dinner tonight. I always love a day when I don't have to think about dinner (my biggest motivation for using the crock pot). A bitter-sweet evening, however. They are the friends who HAD the cat, Dibs, who loved me so much. She would run up to me as soon as I got out of the car, and we would snuggle with each other for as long as I could get away with it. She failed to come home about a month ago, so the assumption is that a coyote or other wild critter finally got her. They have acreage with a huge kitchen garden, so Dibs was always a "working cat." In fact, rabbits have invaded the garden so bad they are thinking of getting another cat real soon. She never came in the house because their daughter is horribly allergic to cats. I missed the last meeting because I was in Utah, so this will be my first time without that sweet welcome. I'm sure Dibs knew that if she were mine, she'd have been a spoiled princess with a spot in the middle of my bed.

*Biweekly. I wish there were two separate words to describe "once every two weeks," and "twice weekly." Same for months/years, etc. In the case of our Bible study, it is once every two weeks....every other Friday.

Interesting "news" today...that Seattle has the 3rd worst traffic in America. Not news to those of us who are caught in the gridlock. As Geezers, we normally travel in non-peak hours, but those are getting shorter and shorter. And we sometimes do errands together just so we can use the HOV lanes. I think it's all those people on the east coast who are moving here to get away from Eastern Winters. ???

Trudy, hope the Skype time was fun. Don't you hate it when your munchkins are sick? Especially when they are far away.



Well-Known Member
It's just too freaking cold! I've been physically and mentally hiding out. Wednesday I had a dental implant and it is OK, but still my face is a little puffy and sore. I have a meeting tomorrow (hopefully won't be cancelled) and need to get a talk ready but would rather go in a warmer room and read. Our schools are closed for a second day because of the wind chills of -25 or so. As Chris and Phylis say, won't it please STOP! And it's not going to. And that sun Phylis mentioned is beautiful today, but it's too COLD!

So, another frozen rant.

Chris, obviously relate to your curling up in the Linus blanket. So sorry about Cait. Poor kid, it just isn't fair.

Nancy, I too recommend NOT going walking as cold as it is. Your stories about the Devils are surely the stuff of a book?

Phylis, about all I can say is I'm in pretty much the same weather boat and just as unhappy there.

Trudy, it really would be nice if you could transition through all nice weather, but hope you have more water than now. No snow pack is something I wish you could get from here!

Sharon, hope the absence of that sweet cat isn't too hard. I enjoy your grammar rants and share the sentiments. The problems with "me" - where to put it and when to use it -- also make me crazy. I've never been quite sure of what qualifies as a "cozy" mystery, but think some I read must be. I don't like ones that are too gory or awful. I wonder if you've read the series by Laura Crum about California horse vet Gail McCarthy? There are 12 from 1994 to 2012. I read some of the middle ones back when and recently found the 12th in the emedia library. Now I'm catching up on the rest.

Hoping we all survive the weather!!


Oh Jean....I should have included you in my Weather Sympathy. Consider it done.

THANK YOU for the Gail McCarthy suggestion. I love horses, so it sounds right up my alley (if the writing isn't sappy!). Yes..."cozy." No creepy, gory stuff. Agatha Christie is the queen of this genre. M.C. Beaton is pretty good, though predictable...still a nice "ride." Robert Barnard is probably my favorite contemporary mystery writer...more slice-of-life/mystery. He is quite "literary," but easy to read. I like P.D. James, too, but she takes more concentration...QUITE literary.

I am sick to death of creepiness showing up on all the TV shows now...even Castle! And last night I got up and walked out on the final (series!) episode of the Mentalist. Even Patrick is starting to seem creepy. Then there's graphic. Don't watch any more CSI stuff. Don't need to watch people's fingernails being pulled from their hands! (you know what I mean)

Thanks for the Kitty Kondolences. sigh.