
Daily Ooo's: Friday, February 17


The Loopy-O
tee-hee! It happened again. I caught up on some other threads and Kitty was nowhere to be found. I start this new thread, and here she is! She is right next to me, but so far staying off of the keyboard.

So it is friday! Is anyone else as exhausted as my kids and I are? I am so happy to have a long-ish weekend. The kids and I are heading up to my mom's lake house for a couple of days of sitting on my butt doing nothing. We were really hoping that Gary was going to make it but he is really sick- more than usual. :(
Then next week is going to be a killer, the kids have their lyme dr appt, and then 3 full days of cleaning. I can't wait for the following weekend already :D Hook me up with caffeine!

Hope that everyone has a fabulous day.
Finish it Friday: I need to start and finish packing LOL


The Loopy-O
Laurie- that is too funny, sleeping in until 5:15. Sounds like me on the weekends, I am thrilled if I can get past 6 am cuz that is late for me. The luncheon sounds great and i totally think you should get that rocker. Buy local and all that.
And OMG-- it is so hard to go furniture shopping with someone who is a foot taller than you. I could sit on a sofa for one second and tell Gary it wasn't going to work b/c my feet couldn't reach the floor. How sad is that? *giggles*

Donna- Girlfriends sounds like a great place to work out and hang out. Cut and color-- oh I am so jealous, how did it turn out?

Linda-- I am even more jealous of you!! *waving to the sky* Have a wonderful trip!!! xoxo

Phyllis- I went to a new dr and he called me sweetie. Ew!!!!!!
I have no recollection of mosquitoes being bad out there, but remember, I live in NJ where the State Bird is the Mosquito :pound: It could be that when I was there the dikes hadn't been built yet and I have heard that they caused a lot od issues for the town.

Linda-- I am with Phyllis-- umbrella drinks for all of your O-Fam!

Laurie- men, grrr! Hope you got yourself lots of flowers!!

kristy- how cool to get an elliptical! What movie are you waiting for?

Maureen- I hope that you and your DD can work out ... something... whatever is best for both of you. Caitlyn is going on a school trip to DC in June and I can't wait to see her pics. I have never been to DC and would love to go. Of course her ohotos will most liekly be her making faces in the camera with the Smithsonian somewhere in the background...

Trudy- Happy birthday to your DD!! Must be hard not to be able to give her a b-day hug in person, but I am sure she know how much you love her!
You are a better persona than I-- I would have ripped that drs head off. Nah, I really wouldn't have but i would have stewed over it for days LOL
Thanks for the support, as always :kiss:

Maureen- great news on the mammo. I think I am due soon..... and I am well over do for a regular gyn visit. Waaay over due. :(
Borderline must be such a difficult way to exist. Its so conflicting on paper I can't imagine how is must be IRL. Do meds help at all? Tho I am guessing she is pretty non-compliant. Ugh, what a mess. My heart breaks for you.

Eva-- hugs!!!!!!

Nana Linda!!! Where are you??? I miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

hugs to everyone! xoxo


Mistress of Mayhem
Well - it's Friday. Hoping my sister will call soon and ask if I want to go grocery shopping. She's off work early on Fridays, and usually we have this Friday tradition. I need to stock up on fat, sugar and chocolate :D


Happy friday everyone - I guess I am a bit ahead of you bc of the timedifference - weekend right ahead...
Thank you all for the warm welcome - I thought I'd just jump right in with joining the Daily Ooo's - hope thats okay... it seems like a good way to get to know you all a bit better... I am kind of happy that you wrote it's a weird (in a good way) place sometimes - then I will fit right in...
A bit of a background info on me - married with 3 kids, on leave with the youngest who is just 6 months old. Selfemployed and a happy houseowner, including having our own organic produce of vegetables,fruits and chicken- a fun (and hugely timeconsuming) project we started a couple of years ago...
This weekend we will be spending time with friends - both days - and that means the time will just fly right...

Sounds so great with a weekend at a lake house - and the part about doing absolutely nothing sounds REALLY great to me...
Hope you all have a great one....


I'm such a newbie....

Bear with me - I already missed some of you in the thread :grin:
Eva sounds like a good idea to stock up on important stuff like chokolate - I am totally with you....


Well-Known Member
Jedi!! great to see you here. and yes, we are all a little nuts here. :jedi

Eva. pick me up some of that good stuff, too!

Chris, hope you're going to have a great, relaxing weekend with no slippery roads for your travel. you deserve a break. i know what you mean about being tired just thinking of stuff you have to do in the future. that sort of thing sometimes just immobilizes me.

Laurie. i recognize that "guy Tactic." you're tired, so they're even MORE tired. you're sick, they're even MORE sick. you're mad at them, they get sick so you are less likely to confront them. yup. i recognize it.

Kristy, are you on the elliptical right now? ;-D you are going to be the "most buff" on the site, :first: at this rate.

Trudy, i've stopped noticing the rain here. unless we have a snow storm, it always looks pretty much the same from about November through April: wet. gray. repeat.

Maureen. BPD. the most intractable of the intractable. good grief. i read up on that when Drs. were working on a diagnosis for my nephew. i did get a little smile out of the "de-friending" incident. i never was "friends" with my daughter. and now i realize i never WAS friends with my daughter.

hmm....today. dunno. something involving a vacuum cleaner and :washing:. maybe i'll take myself out for a bunless burger and a few fries. high point of the week!

Happy Weekend, y'all.

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lOve the O!
MOrning- day 6- of treadmill- I'm a roll so to speak. My goal is 40 days in a row of 2 miles. I could not believe how few flowers were available anywhere yesterday, so I got a boquet of carnations and when MMG got home he said, who bought you flowers, I said I did- I needed to brighten my day. I also splurged at kohls- only 20% off but I bought winter boots, dress boots, skirt and top for dancing, two more tops,a mini sweater, leggings and a coat- is that all, hmmm Oh an jeans that make me look HOT for my age- well, that is what I told myself! That was my treat for making it this far on the treadmill. Well, lunch is not made and I needed to be heading out in the next 20 min for work. Hopefully I have energy for posting tonight.


Well-Known Member
Morning O people!

Just passing through. Hello to all and hope your weekend is well. Off to exercise and go get groceries. Hubby and I are going out to dinner tonight. We celebrate the 17th instead of the 14th................we met 33 years ago today.............way back in high school! He asked me out and I said 'No.' I was a senior and he was a junior and that was NOT cool!! My friends convinced me otherwise..................and the rest is history.

Happy Friday!


Well-Known Member
Laurie, wish i could give you a big pat on the back. i love that you bought your own flowers...and all that OTHER stuff!! made me grin to no end.


The Loopy-O
Happy date-anniversary Donna. When I was a senior I dated a junior- he was really cute. His name was Scott and some of my old high school buds freak a bit when I say my son's name is Scott. But I had the names Scott and Caitlyn well before I was ever dating anyone. Aaaand,it turns out that Gary's middle name was Scott, so it was a win-win. :D

Eva-- sounds like my kind of shopping trip. Add in a bottle of wine, and I'd be a happy girl.

Good for you Laurie!!! I always get such a kick when a woman treats herself right. I think so many of us (me included big-time!) are conditioned to take crap- just because.... Bet those jeans do look hot!

Phyllis- its a defect on that damn Y chromosome, that guy tactic. So many men get sick and go to bed. Women- yeah we just keep going and going and....
have fun today

Jette-- oh you are going to fit right in!!!!!

gotta run, kitty is "hugging" me and i have to get to work



Well-Known Member
I am waiting on Breaking Dawn Part I will get here tomorrow and i wont even be here to watch it LOL...boo!!! i'll be at a birthday party with Helena

The elliptical kicked my BUTT!!! haha....wow!! Right now I can only do 10 full mins at a time....hopefully i can bump that up little by little...I will get on it today while I am watching yesterdays Grey's and PP :)

Tonight is DATE NIGHT!!!! Now I told hubby that i wanted a rose too...so lets see if he follows through with that lol....but then he might think I was joking cause I also said I wanted him to ring the bell and ask one of the kids if I was home buwahahahahahaha


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... had a very long post here and lost it :hurt: poured my feelings out about a jerk customer that I had at the very end of my day and now its gone!!!!! :rant:
I simply don't have the energy to repost it all again. So I will just say that I hope you all have a fabulous friday!!! I will try to get back in here later to post personals but for now I have to get some breakfast and coffee and hit the shower. Love you all!!!


Well-Known Member
:doh::doh:Good morning from Denver. Seems like it is surely midday. Of course, I was up at 3:30 so that could be the reason. We have a 3 1/2 hour layover but we ate through the first hour. :)

We are all wearing the matching Aloha shirts that I bought at Christmas. People keep asking if we are going to Hawaii. Brian keeps answering "No. Detroit.". Great sense of humor that guy. LOL


Well-Known Member
Chris, the lake house sounds wonderful. Wish Gary felt better. Hope you get some real relaxation.


Well-Known Member
Oh Eva. I agree. Sounds like a great afternoon of shopping. Anything with chocolate makes me smile.


Well-Known Member
Laurie and Kristy, you both amaze me with your commitment to exercise. I am planning to get lots of walking in while on the beach and then try to maintain the momentum when I get home. Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Donna, congrats on 33 years. Isn't it funny what seemed so important in high school. And how unimportant it seems now. Enjoy your dinner out.


Well-Known Member
Trudy, sorry that you had a jerk for a customer. And very sorry you lost your post. I am doing individual posts because I am afraid that the same thing could happen to me.


I'm now truly exhausted after reading about your days.

So was it finish it Friday? Did anyone finish anything?

I finished going thru the gallery - afraid some people either can't read English or just don't bother reading new guidelines.

Then I realized (well someone commented on it) a very stooopid mistake at DST
I fessed up that it was me and pleaded they not take my Cheerio frame away. Actually it provided a few laughs

This led me to the startling discovery that I'm not perfect! :faint2:

That was my morning. The afternoon wasn't much better. Dr. again and the not so startling news my body is FAR from perfect. :(

So I actually didn't do very well for Finish It Friday but come tomorrow I'm going to play and scrap and watch a bit of Rugby. That for me is a perfect day!

Have a great weekend all where ever you are enjoy! Don't forget lotsa warm hugs for your loved ones and maybe even the not so loved ones!
