
Daily Ooo's: Friday, February 13


The Loopy-O
TGIF!!! :tea:
I can't tell you how many people have said/posted how long a week this was and that yesterday felt like Friday to them. Cait said that most of her teachers said the same thing, and they even had Monday off for a snow day.

yesterday, I totally overdid it and man, I felt it. Gary has been so sick, and I felt bad about not doing stuff around the house. I thought that I was pacing myself, only doing a few dishes at a time, a bit of scrapping, then scooping litter boxes, the resting before I cooked dinner (first time in weeks!!). But it was too much and I was in a lot of pain. A glass of wine while I was stuck to my IV helped. ;) I feel better today, but I know I get worse as the day goes on, so I am going to try to be careful.

My parents are coming up today, they want to see the kids, and me I think haha!, for Valentine's Day. My mom is bringing a vegetable lasagna up too so I don't have to cook dinner today or tomorrow. I think that Leah and Brendan will be here tomorrow too. I feel bad for both of them. Gary and I don't celebrate the "Hallmark Holidays" and we I guess we passed that view along to the kids. Their SO's do, like the rest of the world. I had to prod Scott to get something for Leah because last year he didn't and she was hurt.

QOTD Do you celebrate Valentine's Day? Do you have a favorite V-Day memory? When Gary and I were dating, he got us tickets to see George Carlin on V-Day. That is *my* kinda gift! :pound:


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- I should have read this before I did all of my craziness yesterday.:eek:hwell:
(BTW- loooove that smilie!!)
And yes-- those 2 things are good to be thankful for-- and a third was that this is the week I would be having my period, so :whoo: And Gary put clean sheets on the bed last night, so that is a fourth thing. If I ever win the lottery, I am going to have a personal maid just to put clean sheets on *every* night. *happy sigh*
Good to hear that you only got a bit of snow. Just a dusting here too, but we are supposed to be getting another 4-8 tomorrow into Sunday with wind chills of -30* F!!!!! *mumbles to self - I am not in Boston, not Boston...*
That is funny about not being able to translate. Every time there is a new Doctor, it takes me a few episodes to get used to the different accent and speech patterns. Hope you were able to do Thursday w/o a manual LOL

Nancy- Glad that you are feeling better. what a sweet Fur-Grandma you are! Puppies are so adorable and I bet the two of them are so cute together. Have you taken and pics yet?
Good that you got out to walk the other day b/c it is going to get *cold* (It is cold. It's 4*'s up here. Scary that it is going to get colder!!!)
I should have taken your advice too.

Trudy- good luck on the consignment stuff! What did you make for dinner?
I made avocado grilled cheese sandwiches. Avocado, red onion, tomato, pepper jack and cheddar cheese. Yum!
I have seen that video and that guy is funny!!! It is so nice to see good press about police nowadays.

Sharon- yay NyQuil!! Hope that you were able to get good rest in and are feeling much better today!!



Well-Known Member
Chris, overworking is its own "reward." learn anything???? i hope so.
it's odd. i read a book an AGE ago about someone who was absolutely ADDICTED to clean and expensive sheets. i can't remember the name of the book. i think it was one of those books that someone much more "intellectual" that i suggested i read, and then i read it and didn't understand a WORD of it.
glad your parents are coming up for a visit! and bringing dinner! that sandwich you made sounds good, except for the avocado. i can't stand the texture of avocado as anything but guacamole!

Nancy, it's so cute hearing you talk about the puppies. i have a sneaking suspicion that you REEEELEEEE like them!

Shar, when i was in my 20s, i used to take NyQuil when i couldn't sleep. it CERTAINLY does the job!
are you feeling better?

QOTD: we don't make a huge deal out of Valentine's Day, but my husband knows that if he forgets or chooses to ignore getting me a card,
it's going to be a difficult few days for him.

i just got a preposterous phone call (on my UNLISTED, Do-Not-Call registered home phone from some moron telling me that i've won several million dollars.
i told him: absolutely!! and my mother is Princess Diana!! then i hung up. then i got on the computer and filed a futile complaint with our state's Attorney General Do Not Call department. it made me feel better, even though it was a totally useless gesture, a process invented by government so that they can appear to be on top of things.

maybe i can start a website falsely claiming to be able to remedy various annoying things. i'm sure the deception would cheer me up to no end. :becky:

enjoy Friday.
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... hooray the :rain: has stopped for a bit!! But yesterday other than going to the Consignment store and getting rid of some of the grandkids old stuff, my day was uneventful!! I mean I really did not get too much done at all!! It must be the weather or something about this time of year?? I sat here an looked at all the challenges, but did not get a single one started :mmph: Oh well maybe today??

Chris - Looks like its just you and me so far in here this morning. Hope everyone is ok and having a good morning!! Sorry that you overdid it yesterday, but I guess you found out your limit and hopefully will take it a bit slower today! Those sandwiches sound yummy except for the onion... I can't eat raw onion at all, it repeats on me all night long if I do. Doing the happy dance for you to celebrate NOOOO PERIOD!!!!

Take care of yourself today and give Gary a big hug for giving you nice clean sheets to sleep on last night!!

Shar - Hope the NyQuil did the trick and you are feeling much better today! Are the cheery blossoms coming out where you live yet? I can't believe they are out here already!!

QOTD - No DH and I do not celebrate Valentines Day. Too many things going on in February and when we were first married, we just did not have the money to waste on frilly things!! I feel its just a cash cow for the big card companies and chocolate makers. We have DH's and DD's birthday and then our Anniversary in February so that is enough to worry about. I know I am not very romantic am I!!

Off to get some breakfast and another cup of coffee, then Skype with my sweeties and off to swimming again today. Hope you all have a perfect Friday!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
PHYLIS!! We posted at the same time!! Love all those great smileys you are using!! they just cheer me up!! We have the same thing with our govt. and the do not call thing. For the most part it has been working pretty good, but every once in a while one sneaks in on us. I love the one where the guy says there is something wrong with my PC and windows.... I always say , nice try, does your mother know what you are doing for living??? I bet she is really proud of you!! Then I hang up.

Hope your day gets better!! No more prank calls!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Hi, Trudy!! yay for the rain stopping. i am pretty depressed about the picture you posted of Victoria with the BLOSSOMING TREES!!!!! :scared: i WISH!!!!!! the sun is shining here, but it's 4 degrees outside. the high on Sunday will be 8. :faint2: i like your line about "does your mother know what you do for a living?" i think i'll use it next time i get an unsolicited call!! and there WILL be a next time. there always is. my husband is so much nicer than i am when these things happen. but i always yell at people! :rant:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
TEE HEE!! I always yell at them too!!
My hubby thinks I am mean and should just not answer the phone in the first place! What fun is that???


NyQuil worked again, but still sick.

Haven't been out to see if cherry blossoms have popped.

No cards, no gifts for each other any more for ANY "occasion." We mentally put that money into The Golf Budget.

That's all I can do. Hope you all have a god day...I know it will be better than mine, wherever you are and whatever you do!


Well-Known Member
Good day - yes I am late really late. Every time I went to write I was interrupted by phone calls. It was nice to talk to each friend and they made my day but made me way late in coming here. LOL I am not walking or going out today too cold. I was the good mom yesterday. I visited the puppies and yes they are cute but as much as I think they are cute and I do I am the grandma so I get to give them back to their parents. The little girl Sidney is smart but she is also a chewer and tears up anything paper she can find. What a mess she makes. They there were no paper towels visible in the kitchen so I had to hunt around to find them but I did. Last night went to coffee with my girlfriends. We all wanted to see if there was anything special we could do for our girlfriend who is drowning in problems dealing with her son's suicide attempt. The situation is sad. Of course we had no solutions because there are. We did suggest that the one woman she is talking to suggest they all go for counseling. My son is off to NYC tonight to help his company shutdown printers. They of course can not start until their work day is over so it will be a late night for him and on one of the coldest days of the year. Then he goes back on Monday to turn them on and make sure the updates have gone through. I would take mass transit but he is driving. He does not mind driving in NYC at all.

Chris I am glad your body has told you to slow down. Easy for us to tell you but now your own body is talking to you. Have fun with your parents! Always fun when someone cooks for you.

Phylis our weather is cold too. This arctic weather with the wind is just terrible. Sty warm.

Shar glad that nyquil is working. Sleeping through the night so helps getting better! Hope this cold is gone soon.

Trudy glad you got the errand done and your weather is better. Enjoy watching Boston play Vancouver. Hope the Bruins win!

QOTD What I remember about this day is that I was always struggling to get the kids to sign and label the cards they had to take in to school. They did not like all the kids and so did not want to put a card in their slot. My dh and I did when we were young and had no kids but my problem is that my birthday is 13th and I hated having the gifts combined. But fortunately as I have grown and matured I am just grateful I have made it another year. LOL


Happy birthday Nancy! I hear you about the combined gifts. Our two sons have December birthdays, and our DSIL's birthday is Christmas eve. Those guys OFTEN get combo gifts.

DayQuil is now my best friend. I'm actually sitting at the computer (albeit in my jammies and robe!), and shopping in Paula Kesselring's store. My computer is still not back to functioning anywhere near normal (& because of my cold, I don't want Paul over until I'm well), so everything I do now has to go into temporary storage on my desktop "to be filed" when things are normal again.

Maybe I will feel more human if I go brush my teeth and rinse the crust off my eyes! LOL