
Daily Ooos: Friday, December 29


The Loopy-O
Happy Friday!! I am not even gonna think about what kind of day it feels like today. It's like all the days of the week smooshed into one. Or none. :crying1:

Boy, oh boy- it was a weird day yesterday. Texts, phone calls, and emails with just about everyone in my family to make sure they were ok. To get them the links to the free test kits. Lucky me, I had to convince my mom to call her Dr- any of them!- to let them know that she suspected that she had covid. She didn't test, they either had no tests in the house or my dad only had one left and wasn't sharing... I have no clue. As of dinner time last night, my brother/SIL/Mom/Dad were all on the upswing. Mom's cardiologist said for her to keep doing what she was doing- rest, drink fluids, eat what she can, and call if anything changes. My dad is taking Paxlovid.
Scott, Sam, Gary, Caitlyn, Tom, and I are all good so far. I think we have passed the window- thank goodness.

In between all of that, I found my desk! One side is cleared, the other side, well... not as much but it's getting there. I started a LO for a Jan challenge and made roasted broccoli quiche for dinner. I think my body was very happy to have "real" food for a change. I have some fresh fruits and veggies and lettuce in my grocery order today. (I am so glad I typed that, I completely forgot that I have to pick up this morning LOL!)
I should be cleaning for my friend today as long as he is feeling ok. The weather is warm for Dec so I need to get out there and take down the very few Christmas decorations before the cold front comes in. Tomorrow I am taking down the tree.

Thank you all very much for the good health vibes, they seem to be working *knocks wood so I don't jinx myself with that!*
Have a fab day!!


The Loopy-O
@joyfulheartdesigns Zip ties, shower curtain liners, bungee cords-- I need them all!
Speaking of shower curtains, my mom got Cait and Tom this one for Xmas, I know you'd love it! In case it's not obvious, Cait picked it out, my mom just paid for it LOL
Elysian Fields Shower Curtain
Now they just need to find a house/apt they can afford. The last house they looked at to rent had a half bath off of the kitchen, and a shower stall with no door in the bedroom. Housing prices suck.

@BrightEyes I saw that you and Rae were discussing the books and author further down the thread. My library doesn't have any of hers to download. I'll keep my eyes open next time I am in the library itself.
I hope the weather warms up for you. 22* is too cold!
Thanks for the sweet words about my kids, they are such good people and my pride and joy. I am so lucky to have them. The photo/LO of Caitlyn truly captures her essence and makes me so happy whenever I see it. ♥

@taxed4ever That's what I have been telling myself every time I look out the window for the past several weeks- at least it's not snowing! I don't know if it will affect your region but I read an article this morning saying that the polar vortex is weakening, so cold air will be pushing south. NJ is expected to get much colder in Jan than Dec. Boo.
Everyone needs veg-out time and I know you are going to be busy the next couple of weeks with DH's surgery. Will he need to stay in the hospital overnight or is it same day?
Enjoy your pedi today.

@bcgal00 It seems to me that you have been sick more than healthy this past year. Lots of good fresh air/healthy vibes/less stress for you in 2024 :hug3:
I don't know what grows in your zone, but it is wonderful having fresh herbs and I am excited to hear all about your garden. I'm Zone 6 and have done well with thyme and sage. My rosemary plants had done well for years, then died. The one I have now has been good for a couple of years and I propagated some stems that are hanging in so far.
(Sorry, you know I can talk plants and gardens all day long hahaha!)

@Cherylndesigns Tell Sam he did good with the "C" but not to do it again. LOL That thread was hysterical.
How long will Chuck need the O2? Is the need for it getting worse? I'm worried.
When my mom's kidney failure started she couldn't eat anything either. Everything tasted off and she lost weight but no one could tell because she was retaining so much fluid. It was really hard for us to get her to eat and she didn't like the shakes/ensure. I hope that the nurse has encouraging news today.

@vickyday That's too bad that you couldn't find anything at Kohl's or Walmart. I've done that too- gotten aggravated and put everything back and went out empty-handed.
Good health vibes to Ilene and her family. I know that the medical community predicted that the holidays would be bad with illnesses but this is crazy :(



Love my O Family!
Happy Friday!! I am not even gonna think about what kind of day it feels like today. It's like all the days of the week smooshed into one. Or none. :crying1:

Boy, oh boy- it was a weird day yesterday. Texts, phone calls, and emails with just about everyone in my family to make sure they were ok. To get them the links to the free test kits. Lucky me, I had to convince my mom to call her Dr- any of them!- to let them know that she suspected that she had covid. She didn't test, they either had no tests in the house or my dad only had one left and wasn't sharing... I have no clue. As of dinner time last night, my brother/SIL/Mom/Dad were all on the upswing. Mom's cardiologist said for her to keep doing what she was doing- rest, drink fluids, eat what she can, and call if anything changes. My dad is taking Paxlovid.
Scott, Sam, Gary, Caitlyn, Tom, and I are all good so far. I think we have passed the window- thank goodness.

In between all of that, I found my desk! One side is cleared, the other side, well... not as much but it's getting there. I started a LO for a Jan challenge and made roasted broccoli quiche for dinner. I think my body was very happy to have "real" food for a change. I have some fresh fruits and veggies and lettuce in my grocery order today. (I am so glad I typed that, I completely forgot that I have to pick up this morning LOL!)
I should be cleaning for my friend today as long as he is feeling ok. The weather is warm for Dec so I need to get out there and take down the very few Christmas decorations before the cold front comes in. Tomorrow I am taking down the tree.

Thank you all very much for the good health vibes, they seem to be working *knocks wood so I don't jinx myself with that!*
Have a fab day!!
With Mark being home since last Friday, I've been messed up on my days all week!
So glad most of the family seems to still be free of sickness!
We've had a warm December, too, but I'm not complaining. And I hope it lasts through 2 more weeks so the weather is nice when my kids gather here for our Christmas. It would be nice to be able to be outside and warm enough to be in the woods!


Love my O Family!
@joyfulheartdesigns Zip ties, shower curtain liners, bungee cords-- I need them all!
Speaking of shower curtains, my mom got Cait and Tom this one for Xmas, I know you'd love it! In case it's not obvious, Cait picked it out, my mom just paid for it LOL
View attachment 409794
Elysian Fields Shower Curtain
Now they just need to find a house/apt they can afford. The last house they looked at to rent had a half bath off of the kitchen, and a shower stall with no door in the bedroom. Housing prices suck.

@BrightEyes I saw that you and Rae were discussing the books and author further down the thread. My library doesn't have any of hers to download. I'll keep my eyes open next time I am in the library itself.
I hope the weather warms up for you. 22* is too cold!
Thanks for the sweet words about my kids, they are such good people and my pride and joy. I am so lucky to have them. The photo/LO of Caitlyn truly captures her essence and makes me so happy whenever I see it. ♥

@taxed4ever That's what I have been telling myself every time I look out the window for the past several weeks- at least it's not snowing! I don't know if it will affect your region but I read an article this morning saying that the polar vortex is weakening, so cold air will be pushing south. NJ is expected to get much colder in Jan than Dec. Boo.
Everyone needs veg-out time and I know you are going to be busy the next couple of weeks with DH's surgery. Will he need to stay in the hospital overnight or is it same day?
Enjoy your pedi today.

@bcgal00 It seems to me that you have been sick more than healthy this past year. Lots of good fresh air/healthy vibes/less stress for you in 2024 :hug3:
I don't know what grows in your zone, but it is wonderful having fresh herbs and I am excited to hear all about your garden. I'm Zone 6 and have done well with thyme and sage. My rosemary plants had done well for years, then died. The one I have now has been good for a couple of years and I propagated some stems that are hanging in so far.
(Sorry, you know I can talk plants and gardens all day long hahaha!)

@Cherylndesigns Tell Sam he did good with the "C" but not to do it again. LOL That thread was hysterical.
How long will Chuck need the O2? Is the need for it getting worse? I'm worried.
When my mom's kidney failure started she couldn't eat anything either. Everything tasted off and she lost weight but no one could tell because she was retaining so much fluid. It was really hard for us to get her to eat and she didn't like the shakes/ensure. I hope that the nurse has encouraging news today.

@vickyday That's too bad that you couldn't find anything at Kohl's or Walmart. I've done that too- gotten aggravated and put everything back and went out empty-handed.
Good health vibes to Ilene and her family. I know that the medical community predicted that the holidays would be bad with illnesses but this is crazy :(

Yeah, I'm probably just gonna order something online to have delivered now!
So far the only sickness Mark and I seem to be having trouble with is his Ozempic symptoms if he eats too much and my IBS issues, thank the Lord, since those come and go pretty quickly.....even if more often than we like! ;)


Love my O Family!
Good Morning to all,
I see the wrist doctor this afternoon. I have tons of questions about swelling, mobility, usage, strength, PT options, etc. Just seems to me I should be farther along than I am. But maybe I'm just expecting or wanting too much too quickly! We shall see!

Other than that, I need to do some sweeping, dusting, and putting things away that we have dragged out this week while Mark has been home. That's about it for me.

I think I mentioned my forever SIL (first DH's sister) gave me an amaryllis when she came for a visit at Thanksgiving. It is just about ready to bloom. I've been giving her a play-by-play each day this week as it is showing its colors now. I'll be back with a picture but I need to switch to my phone.......


Yes, Mark is unloading the dishwasher for me! He's a good man!



Love my O Family!
@joyfulheartdesigns Zip ties, shower curtain liners, bungee cords-- I need them all!
Speaking of shower curtains, my mom got Cait and Tom this one for Xmas, I know you'd love it! In case it's not obvious, Cait picked it out, my mom just paid for it LOL
View attachment 409794
Elysian Fields Shower Curtain
Now they just need to find a house/apt they can afford. The last house they looked at to rent had a half bath off of the kitchen, and a shower stall with no door in the bedroom. Housing prices suck.

@BrightEyes I saw that you and Rae were discussing the books and author further down the thread. My library doesn't have any of hers to download. I'll keep my eyes open next time I am in the library itself.
I hope the weather warms up for you. 22* is too cold!
Thanks for the sweet words about my kids, they are such good people and my pride and joy. I am so lucky to have them. The photo/LO of Caitlyn truly captures her essence and makes me so happy whenever I see it. ♥

@taxed4ever That's what I have been telling myself every time I look out the window for the past several weeks- at least it's not snowing! I don't know if it will affect your region but I read an article this morning saying that the polar vortex is weakening, so cold air will be pushing south. NJ is expected to get much colder in Jan than Dec. Boo.
Everyone needs veg-out time and I know you are going to be busy the next couple of weeks with DH's surgery. Will he need to stay in the hospital overnight or is it same day?
Enjoy your pedi today.

@bcgal00 It seems to me that you have been sick more than healthy this past year. Lots of good fresh air/healthy vibes/less stress for you in 2024 :hug3:
I don't know what grows in your zone, but it is wonderful having fresh herbs and I am excited to hear all about your garden. I'm Zone 6 and have done well with thyme and sage. My rosemary plants had done well for years, then died. The one I have now has been good for a couple of years and I propagated some stems that are hanging in so far.
(Sorry, you know I can talk plants and gardens all day long hahaha!)

@Cherylndesigns Tell Sam he did good with the "C" but not to do it again. LOL That thread was hysterical.
How long will Chuck need the O2? Is the need for it getting worse? I'm worried.
When my mom's kidney failure started she couldn't eat anything either. Everything tasted off and she lost weight but no one could tell because she was retaining so much fluid. It was really hard for us to get her to eat and she didn't like the shakes/ensure. I hope that the nurse has encouraging news today.

@vickyday That's too bad that you couldn't find anything at Kohl's or Walmart. I've done that too- gotten aggravated and put everything back and went out empty-handed.
Good health vibes to Ilene and her family. I know that the medical community predicted that the holidays would be bad with illnesses but this is crazy :(

What a beautiful shower curtain!


Woke up to the moon shining brightly on the patio this morning. 3rd day in a row with clear skies and cold temps. Was watching the neighbors take down their Christmas lights yesterday. Only a few houses still have theirs up now. Guess I should think about changing my avatar and siggy soon. Looking forward to the New Year and put this one in the past. I was looking at the January calendar and it is over a third full of appointments, things to do, etc. I need to dig out another plastic bin to shift 2023 file folders into and make sure I have enough file folders for 2024!!! Oh, shoot... just looked and don't have any more empty bins so that means another trip to the store. May head over to WM by the mall later today. I was at the other WM yesterday and they were completely out of the brand of coffee I like. Guess I should stop at Best Buy and get a new keyboard as BB is across the street from WM.

BRB... the load of wash needs to be shifted into the dryer. And put the towels on to wash.

Had to stop and get another cup of :coffeedrinker:I do have enough coffee grounds to last for a few more days in case I don't make it to the store today. I had a wonderful supper last night... I got out the George Forman grill my DD gave to me and fixed grilled pork chops and had corn on the cob and seasoned cubed potatoes. WOW... it was so good. I fixed enough to have the same thing for supper tonight.

@faerywings Glad to hear your Dad is on Paxlovid. And that you gave them the link to get more Covid tests. I just imagine all the calls back and forth as the family checks up on each other. Hoping that no one else in the family has come down with it. The numbers here in NM are climbing rapidly - due to families and friends getting together over the holiday. Oh, what a cute shower curtain Cait chose! I hear you about the price of rentals being high... same here. DD#3's Son#2 wants to move out but rents are out of sight!

@vickyday Love the photo... and that your DH was loading the dishwasher. Beautiful amaryllis. LOL as I see you put photos, notes, etc on your fridge, too. I keep my schedule of things to do on mine as a reminder.

Need to check on my challenge then time to get dressed. CYL


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I am up a bit earlier than usual, but SIL will be here at 8:30 to pick me up for our pedicure appt. MIL and FIL will be stopping in later today to pick up a few things we have for them. Not sure what time, but told them not to come too early as I won't be here. Last Friday of the month and soon it will be a New Year, I for one will be happy to see this year outta here!! Lets hope that 2024 brings a bit more happiness and love to everyone, we sure could use it!! I hate turning on the news, its just too darn depressing!! Two teens have died in the Rideau River near where our son lives in Ottawa, skating on a very unfrozen river, what on earth were they thinking?? So heartbreaking for the families!! :sad1:. I will be busy taking down the tree this weekend, as DH will be unable to help me after the 4th. We need both of us to get everything back into the crawl space, seems like we just got all the decorations put up :giggle4:.

@faerywings - I am so happy that you and your Gary and Caitlyn have not shown any signs of getting sick!! Keeping my fingers crossed that continues!! Glad that your Dad is on Paxlovid! Hopefully they can get some more free tests. Ours have always been free and easy to just pick up at the Grocery Store/Pharmacy, they have huge bins of them that you can just grab as many as you like. Covid numbers are on the rise here also, so we are trying to keep away from too many gatherings now that Christmas is over. Hope that DH will stay healthy until his surgery!! He will be a day patient, but will need me to pick him up and take him home, then be his nurse for the next week or so. He thinks he will be good in a week, but I bet its much longer! Oh and that shower curtain is so Cait!! Love it!!

@vickyday - Your Amaryllis is going to be so beautiful!! My SIL Linda has one that is simply stunning, same colour as yours! She gets one every year from a good friend of hers, so nice!! Great that your Mark helps out with the dishwasher, yup he's a keeper!!
Hope you both stay nice and healthy for your Christmas gathering!!

@BrightEyes - Yes the moon was shining through the skylight in the bathroom again last night, so bright and beautiful! Hope you find the bins you need and of course the coffee that you like today also! I will have to get my avatar changed very soon also, maybe it will get me in the mood to do some scrapping again??

Well I need one more coffee before SIL shows up and the bed needs to be made. Have a lovely :friday:


Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness! :crying1:
I watched “The Bridges on the River” with Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood for the umpteenth time. I don't know the original American title. And again I cry like snot and water. I always wish the film had a happy ending for both of them!!!! But the ending of the film is always the same.

Okay, this layout is for @faerywings again. I hope we get a smile today. I'm holding back one more LO for bad times, but I know it will warm your heart.

Dear friends, there is nothing to report here apart from the terrible floods in Lower Saxony. We're glad we don't live by a river because thousands of people had to be evacuated there. The zoos are also affected! Where does the wild animals escape to? Not good, not good at all!!!

I hope everything is okay for you.
Have a nice day!

To Chris.jpg

I'm very happy that you're spared Covid! dance4You will also find the second part of your desk again. No rush! The strenght is to be found in serenity!

@vickyday Have you had physio yet? I think the wrist is the most complicated joint and maybe you need to be patient? The more you do with your hand, the faster it will swell again. My brother had a heavy encapsulation in his hand and was very impatient because it took quite a long time to get everything working again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your hand will be fully functional again soon!! By the way, great photo of your amaryllis! She is a beauty!!

Looks like you're very :sweeping2::shopping::laundry:busy! You all seem to take down your Christmas lights faster than we do here. By the way, Kae, if I drank as much :coffeedrinker: as you, I wouldn't sleep at all! I don't even need to go to bed anymore. I only drink a small, very diluted cup a day. More is not possible.


Love my O Family!
Woke up to the moon shining brightly on the patio this morning. 3rd day in a row with clear skies and cold temps. Was watching the neighbors take down their Christmas lights yesterday. Only a few houses still have theirs up now. Guess I should think about changing my avatar and siggy soon. Looking forward to the New Year and put this one in the past. I was looking at the January calendar and it is over a third full of appointments, things to do, etc. I need to dig out another plastic bin to shift 2023 file folders into and make sure I have enough file folders for 2024!!! Oh, shoot... just looked and don't have any more empty bins so that means another trip to the store. May head over to WM by the mall later today. I was at the other WM yesterday and they were completely out of the brand of coffee I like. Guess I should stop at Best Buy and get a new keyboard as BB is across the street from WM.

BRB... the load of wash needs to be shifted into the dryer. And put the towels on to wash.

Had to stop and get another cup of :coffeedrinker:I do have enough coffee grounds to last for a few more days in case I don't make it to the store today. I had a wonderful supper last night... I got out the George Forman grill my DD gave to me and fixed grilled pork chops and had corn on the cob and seasoned cubed potatoes. WOW... it was so good. I fixed enough to have the same thing for supper tonight.

@faerywings Glad to hear your Dad is on Paxlovid. And that you gave them the link to get more Covid tests. I just imagine all the calls back and forth as the family checks up on each other. Hoping that no one else in the family has come down with it. The numbers here in NM are climbing rapidly - due to families and friends getting together over the holiday. Oh, what a cute shower curtain Cait chose! I hear you about the price of rentals being high... same here. DD#3's Son#2 wants to move out but rents are out of sight!

@vickyday Love the photo... and that your DH was loading the dishwasher. Beautiful amaryllis. LOL as I see you put photos, notes, etc on your fridge, too. I keep my schedule of things to do on mine as a reminder.

Need to check on my challenge then time to get dressed. CYL
Yes, he's a good guy! And I have been letting him since it saves my back!
I can't wait to see the amaryllis in full bloom! And red is my favorite color!


Love my O Family!
Oh my goodness! :crying1:
I watched “The Bridges on the River” with Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood for the umpteenth time. I don't know the original American title. And again I cry like snot and water. I always wish the film had a happy ending for both of them!!!! But the ending of the film is always the same.

Okay, this layout is for @faerywings again. I hope we get a smile today. I'm holding back one more LO for bad times, but I know it will warm your heart.

Dear friends, there is nothing to report here apart from the terrible floods in Lower Saxony. We're glad we don't live by a river because thousands of people had to be evacuated there. The zoos are also affected! Where does the wild animals escape to? Not good, not good at all!!!

I hope everything is okay for you.
Have a nice day!

View attachment 409806

I'm very happy that you're spared Covid! dance4You will also find the second part of your desk again. No rush! The strenght is to be found in serenity!

@vickyday Have you had physio yet? I think the wrist is the most complicated joint and maybe you need to be patient? The more you do with your hand, the faster it will swell again. My brother had a heavy encapsulation in his hand and was very impatient because it took quite a long time to get everything working again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your hand will be fully functional again soon!! By the way, great photo of your amaryllis! She is a beauty!!

Looks like you're very :sweeping2::shopping::laundry:busy! You all seem to take down your Christmas lights faster than we do here. By the way, Kae, if I drank as much :coffeedrinker: as you, I wouldn't sleep at all! I don't even need to go to bed anymore. I only drink a small, very diluted cup a day. More is not possible.
The doctor told me I could do physical therapy but I told him I would work with it like I did my other wrist when I broke it 30 years ago. I will see what he says when I see him in an hour and a half. I'm sure I'm being impatient!


Love my O Family!
Oh my goodness! :crying1:
I watched “The Bridges on the River” with Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood for the umpteenth time. I don't know the original American title. And again I cry like snot and water. I always wish the film had a happy ending for both of them!!!! But the ending of the film is always the same.

Okay, this layout is for @faerywings again. I hope we get a smile today. I'm holding back one more LO for bad times, but I know it will warm your heart.

Dear friends, there is nothing to report here apart from the terrible floods in Lower Saxony. We're glad we don't live by a river because thousands of people had to be evacuated there. The zoos are also affected! Where does the wild animals escape to? Not good, not good at all!!!

I hope everything is okay for you.
Have a nice day!

View attachment 409806

I'm very happy that you're spared Covid! dance4You will also find the second part of your desk again. No rush! The strenght is to be found in serenity!

@vickyday Have you had physio yet? I think the wrist is the most complicated joint and maybe you need to be patient? The more you do with your hand, the faster it will swell again. My brother had a heavy encapsulation in his hand and was very impatient because it took quite a long time to get everything working again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your hand will be fully functional again soon!! By the way, great photo of your amaryllis! She is a beauty!!

Looks like you're very :sweeping2::shopping::laundry:busy! You all seem to take down your Christmas lights faster than we do here. By the way, Kae, if I drank as much :coffeedrinker: as you, I wouldn't sleep at all! I don't even need to go to bed anymore. I only drink a small, very diluted cup a day. More is not possible.
Such a cute layout too. Chris will love it!


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... I am up a bit earlier than usual, but SIL will be here at 8:30 to pick me up for our pedicure appt. MIL and FIL will be stopping in later today to pick up a few things we have for them. Not sure what time, but told them not to come too early as I won't be here. Last Friday of the month and soon it will be a New Year, I for one will be happy to see this year outta here!! Lets hope that 2024 brings a bit more happiness and love to everyone, we sure could use it!! I hate turning on the news, its just too darn depressing!! Two teens have died in the Rideau River near where our son lives in Ottawa, skating on a very unfrozen river, what on earth were they thinking?? So heartbreaking for the families!! :sad1:. I will be busy taking down the tree this weekend, as DH will be unable to help me after the 4th. We need both of us to get everything back into the crawl space, seems like we just got all the decorations put up :giggle4:.

@faerywings - I am so happy that you and your Gary and Caitlyn have not shown any signs of getting sick!! Keeping my fingers crossed that continues!! Glad that your Dad is on Paxlovid! Hopefully they can get some more free tests. Ours have always been free and easy to just pick up at the Grocery Store/Pharmacy, they have huge bins of them that you can just grab as many as you like. Covid numbers are on the rise here also, so we are trying to keep away from too many gatherings now that Christmas is over. Hope that DH will stay healthy until his surgery!! He will be a day patient, but will need me to pick him up and take him home, then be his nurse for the next week or so. He thinks he will be good in a week, but I bet its much longer! Oh and that shower curtain is so Cait!! Love it!!

@vickyday - Your Amaryllis is going to be so beautiful!! My SIL Linda has one that is simply stunning, same colour as yours! She gets one every year from a good friend of hers, so nice!! Great that your Mark helps out with the dishwasher, yup he's a keeper!!
Hope you both stay nice and healthy for your Christmas gathering!!

@BrightEyes - Yes the moon was shining through the skylight in the bathroom again last night, so bright and beautiful! Hope you find the bins you need and of course the coffee that you like today also! I will have to get my avatar changed very soon also, maybe it will get me in the mood to do some scrapping again??

Well I need one more coffee before SIL shows up and the bed needs to be made. Have a lovely :friday:
So sad about the teens. Bad news any time but especially this time of year. Their holiday will never be the same.
Yes, Mark is a keeper. But there are times when I think to myself, "why didn't you stay a widow?" Lol! I guess we all have those moments.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning Lovelies,

I've been up sice 8:30. I'm getting to be a real early bird. I try to get up when I hear Chuck stirring. Otherwise, he tries to go to the kitchen and feed the animals and let them out, etc. I forgot to empty the big bag of dog food into the smaller container last night, so I beat him to that.

Chris @faerywings what a mess you're all in. Thankfully, your family is still negative. Glad your mom called one of her doctors. I heard yesterday to at least ask for Tamiflu, if you think that's what you have (the flu). I watched some doctor on the news and that's what he had to say. Chuck isn't retaining fluids, thankfully. The nurse always checks him for that. He loves the smoothies I make him and I don't even want to think of the calories (for me LOL). We don't know how long he'll be on the oxygen. It seems to help him, so as long as he feels like he needs it, I guess. I was hoping he'd be able to wean off of it, but he hasn't so far. The nurse is so sweet and supportive. She always gives us a big hug and says if we need anything to just call. She'll be back next week. Hasn't that keyboard thread been hilarious? The other one that's getting hilarious is the FWP. Trudy @taxed4ever made me laugh out loud a few minutes ago.

LOVE the shower curtain - they'll also need a clear one - right, Jenn @joyfulheartdesigns ? They probably should buy several of them. According to Jenn anway. I'm going to go get me a couple of them - you never know when you'll need one of those. I already have duct tape and bungie cords, but no zip ties - they're on my list. :lol23:

Sending love and hugs to everybody. I might try to get back in to do more personals. I'm working on a LO right now and my PSE keeps freezing up. Don't know what the problem is. I had to reboot my system twice. :stupicpc::rollingpin1:


@Su_Sanne - the name of the movie is "The Bridges of Madison County"... have seen it several times and cry every time. I have also read the book by Robert James Waller. So sorry that your area is having such bad weather. And what a shame about the kids drowning.
BTW... I really only drink 1- 2 mugs of coffee each day.

@Cherylndesigns Glad you beat Chuck so you could shift some dog food into a smaller container this morning. I do understand about him being on the Oxygen Compressor with a long tube while he is at home. My DH was on one for the last couple of years along with roll-around tanks when we had to go somewhere. Hopefully Chuck can come off the Oxygen soon. Oh, I got some Strawberry boost and it is really good. Discovered that DD#1 had bought some frozen berries and tucked them in the freezer. You have inspired me to use them to make some smoothie's. Need to go out and peek at the FWP thread.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I did some unpacking in my dressing room after my morning coffee and book. Now I want to get some CT work done and then will head to the dog park. Finished Shadow and Bone last night so will have to find another series to start binging tonight.

D and I got new iphones yesterday and love the camera (iphone 15 pro max). With camera phones being so good nowadays, I take a lot more with mine now than I used to, not for birding of course but for everything else it sure does a great job.

@faerywings It'll be fun to try my hand at herb growing. We are zone 4a. There are raised flower boxes along the south end with a bit of shade from the fence at high sun for some and out in the open for the others. Then along the west side of the house we have raised boxes that will get diffused morning sun (a bit of shade from the house but up against the fence so still getting a fair amount of sunshine). Calgary area gets sun pretty much everyday. I read that oregano, thyme, mint and chives should grow well in this climate. Any tips are appreciated. I know I have to wait til after the last frost which should be sometime in May.

It's almost lunchtime, I don't know where the time goes. I'm out of here. HAGD everyone.