
Daily Ooo's: Friday, December 26: Faery Survived Edition


The Loopy-O

This is me today:

I made it! Somehow I did, and it was a really wonderful holiday, in spite of how I have been feeling, physically. To say that the best gifts do not have to be expensive is get 100% truth.
Gary sketched photos of our pets that we miss. He sketched my darling puppy for me, Merlin for Scott, and Bunny and Merlin for Cait. I knew he was doing them for the kids, but I didn't know I was getting one too. I held it, and stroked it. It really captured her so well. All of them, he really got all of them.

My BFF gave me two gifts. One was a Diploma that says I now hold a Masters in Everything. We have joked to each other since we were teens that we say, "I am not a Dr, but I play one on TV" before we dispense any advice. That evolved (devolved???LOL) into hairdresser, interior decorator, psychologist... everything. Which I am now a Master of, Officially. ha!!!!
The other was an Alex and Ani bracelet of a life preserver, which is amazing, but what was even better was the letter she wrote to go with it, about how I am her life preserver, the sister she always wanted.

My MIL gave Caitlyn a sapphire ring that belonged to her Grandmother, so that would be Caitlyn's Great-Great Grandma. Leah gave Scott the Fairy Tale she wrote about Merlin, called Merlin the Wizard. She had to write one for an English assignment right after he died, and when I read it, I was sobbing. She captured Merlin, how he helped my kids, how they felt about him- It was just beautiful.
Soon after she wrote that, her mom was in a thrift store and somehow, incredibly, found a nutcracker of Merlin the Wizard, complete with a black cat at his feet and a nameplate that says Merlin.

I lit candles for Leah's father who passed away 4 years ago on Christmas, so there were some tears for that too.

Gary did an amazing job helping me and set up the new toaster oven already.

Today, I am still hoping to spend my day in my pj's, but I have to call the eye dr as soon as they open. I know, you are all asking, What now???? I have been too!
Christmas Eve, I went tp put my contacts in, but my eye felt like there was an eyelash stuck. I pulled my eyelid down and there was a black speck in it. I tried to rub it up and out, tried drops to loosen it, even a wet q-tip. I had Gary take a look at it with his jewelers loupe, and he said that there were 5-6 little growths clustered together. he also tried to see if he could loosen them up, but no luck there either. I still feel like there is a little grit in my eye, so looks like I am going to have to find out what that is all about.

I hope that all you have a wonderful and love filled holiday!!


Well-Known Member
hiya! as you said, Chris: whew:faint2:

no, i'm exaggerating, but it was a bit of a rush, a bit of craziness. ha. well, literal craziness. my bipolar nephew and his equally troubled wife did their best to drop bombs on the family Christmas celebration, but we deflected them all. he has chosen not to have anything to do with his family, (except to write poison pen letters/cards, ) and i, for one, am daily GLAD of the fact. my poor BIl and SIL, the ones who were supposed to be hosting Christmas this year, called on Christmas Eve to say that the venue was being changed to their daughter's house because there was water pouring through their dining room ceiling. burst pipe in the bathroom. WHy does this stuff always happen when you're expecting company?? anyway, all ended well. it was a nice, chatty Christmas. pretty funny, because we were at the house of the niece who has five little boys, three of them 1year-old triplets. my poor neice just throws her hands up in the air and laughs.

Chris, i saw the drawing of your dog on Facebook. wonderful! everyone must have cried when they saw those gifts. and the Merlin stuff sounds amazing. those are the kinds of gifts that show that people are really trying to give YOU a gift, not just to give "a" gift to you.

my DD got me flower deliveries for six months. (she knows about DH not "believing" in buying flowers....) DS and fam sent me 6 bottles of various wines from all over the place. no doubt i shall be somewhat mellow for the next few months, here and there. always a good thing for people who have to deal with me firsthand! :rant:

i was up at 5 again today, so i've made a start on some constructive work. made soup, did some laundry and ironing, got DH, (who is home for a week...pass the wine, please :rofl:) to do a few jobs that needed done around the house. i need to bake something almond flour-y so i have something for breakfast. maybe some muffins. other than that, NOtHING planned. YAAaAAY!!! :cheer2:

hope everybody had a super day yesterday. :becky:


I actually let out my "whew" yesterday. We do our family Thing Christmas Eve, so the 25th is usually pretty quiet for Cpt. Romance and me. He actually went down to the golf course near us, and practiced bunker shots since he knew no one would be there! I played with photos from Wednesday night, and posted a bunch on my FB page and Instagram. Still plan to make scrap pages though.

I got THE BEST Christmas gift from my oldest DS & DIL: A gift code to Oscraps!!!!!!! Can't WAIT to start shopping. Especially with the big sales coming. My biggest problem, I know, will be not duplicating stuff I already have.

Wonderful day in store for me...I am going to go hang out with Clara (youngest grandchild) for awhile. DH and I usually do this together on Wednesdays, but the holiday has thrown things off, and I just got the invitation last night. DH already has a golf date.

Then tonight we have our bi-weekly Bible study. We are going through the book of Revelation (with an occasional dip into Daniel), focusing on "End Time Prophecy." It's a double treat for me, because the friends who host the meeting have a cat who adores me...waits for me to arrive, and runs up to greet me! Since we travel so much, we don't have pets anymore, so it is always a joy to have a little snuggle with Dibs.

Phylis, I know what you mean about relatives. I learned early on in our marriage that I had to go to family events with the attitude that I was just an actor in a soap opera segment. It actually kept me sane, and made me look forward to what was going to happen in "this episode." ! ! ! We also have a bi-polar relative WHO IS A POLE DANCER! =:O Seriously!!!!!!!!

Chris, the pet drawings sound awesome. LOVE that kind of gift. It says, "I love you and want to do something special for you." I sure hope your eye issue is nothing serious.

Hope everyone enjoys the Calm After The Storm today.


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- I was supposed to be well on my way to Edisto Beach, South Carolina today to spend a few days with Ken's cousin & family. Instead due to the coughing that comes out of no where and keeps me up at night we are staying home. Hubby is working on the barn- without having to be at his day job and I am reorganizing- well not so much yet. My title should be chief Christmas Goodie Eater. The scale says this is true! It is actually sunny here today. I have called and had the wine were to pick up, shipped, and to have the mail I had stopped, delivered! I found my book on clearing clutter with feng shui - on my book shelf where I looked before. I have been reading it whenever I get a coughing spell. Nearly half way through it and only started yesterday. I plan on working in my craft studio. I really want to sign up for the 2015 Lifebook course and would need my room accessible to work. I have some coupon codes to use in the shop and making up my mind is so difficult! Oh and since my car is being repaired from the tree collision, I am literally stuck at home.


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon - I am too glad whew! but it was a good two days. I was up at 5 am to take my youngest shopping during the sales at Macy's so he has clothes to wear for his new job. He is going to look good LOL! We celebrated with a great Christmas Eve dinner and presents. My son and DIL brought their puppy and he and our cat were tolerant of each other that was too funny! Cat went up in her cat tower and then the puppy just forgot out her. It was fun to have the puppy. Our weather has been so nice, yesterday got in a good walk and will today too. Yesterday was windy and today there is bright sun! I have missed hockey but today I get the start of the World Juniors with showcases all the potential stars for the NHL. Just read on Twitter that the Devils have fired their coach DeBoer.

Chris the presents sound awesome! Glad it all went so well!

Phylis your niece sounds like a force of nature to deal with 5 boys and one being a set of triplets. Glad you got to laugh a lot.

Shar glad your day went well too! Have fun playing with photos and shopping at Oscraps!

Laurie enjoy the day and hope the car gets repaired soon!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Can I just say that yesterday was nice, but today was even nicer? Lovely breakfast in the AM that went well, with good company and good food. Then, a quiet couple of hours to recoup, then a lovely dinner at my dad and stepmom's. Today, we stayed in our pajamas and watched a movie, then ran out and got groceries and more movies. Then we picked up Ben's surprise gift....not really a surprise though...a hamster. I'm fairly certain this will go better than the puppy. :)

Sounds like everyone has had a decent holiday (black specks and coughing excluded). enjoy the next couple of days!! :)

Merry Christmas!