
Daily Ooos: Friday, December 22


The Loopy-O
Time for a Multiple Choice test:

It's the start of the Christmas Weekend. Is Faery thinking...
A. It's Crunch Time and I am ready to roll. I got this.​
B. I'm all set. Ready to take a Walk in a Winter Wonderland. (omg, I can't even pretend to take that one seriously hahahaha!!)​
C. Help. Panic. I'm drowning. Hellllllpppppp...​
D. A and C​
E. All of the Above​

Pencils down!
If you answered D, you are correct! :wehaveawinner:
I'm flipping between I got this and *panic!!* I think that by dinner time I'll be more in the zone of I got this over panic. And if I am not, it won't matter. I am going to my friend across the street's house for snacks and drinks so I am not gonna even care. Her DD flew home yesterday so Cait and I are catching up with them. (this is Cait's childhood BFF and wedding officiant) :drinks2: :wine3::drunk:

Jaida had a good post-surgery check-up. No more silly cone/donut around her head and I bet she is thrilled. The doctor was very pleased with how she was walking. The PT appt went well too, apparently, she loves squeeze cheese. They bribed her with treats and the only one that she went for was the cheese. That cracked me up because she'll eat just about anything at home, but I would never think to give her that. It is so gross! LOL!
We can now take her for 15-minute walks so we went to the ballfield with W and did a few small loops. She did not want to leave. We turned around on the section that goes away from the gate to the hiking trails and she stopped dead and refused to move. Gary had to pick her up and carry her a few yards closer to the car. When I say that she is a stubborn brick, you can see why!
I got some yucky news for myself. My Lyme tests came back and I have an active infection again. I am so :rollingpin1: I am mad and discouraged and feeling a little pity-partyish about it all because I feel GOOD!!! I don't feel Lyme-y at all. But I am positive for Lyme and have a lot of elevated autoimmune/inflammatory markers so I need to deal with it before I don't feel good. I haven't been on abx since 2019, I think? It's been a few years. My hope is that I can do a few rounds of abx and be done with it. When Caitlyn's Lyme came back after she was in remission for a few years, it wasn't a crazy long time of being treated again.
I am not starting the meds until after Christmas. That would be the last thing I need.

So until December 26, this will be how I look at it ~> :lalala:

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday I agree- if you are a parent, the child relinquishes all rights to photos/videos completely and in perpetuity. End of story.
How did the PT go? Did they bribe you with squeeze cheese? I hear that helps. Haha!
The house must feel quiet with Abby gone but that's fun that she'll be back next week. Hope you had a wonderful visit with Ilene.

Thanks for sharing the blog post. I am pretty sure that you can get the resistance bands on Amazon but be careful that you get the right tension. It might be better to call the Dr office and pick up the correct ones from them.

@bcgal00 Yesterday felt like Friday to me as well. The weekend is going to feel so strange with Christmas on a Monday. I don't know *why*-- it just does.
That's awful that nothing is helping your breathing just yet. I imagine that you are very run down with all of the stress of the move. Remi is going to be excited every time it snows isn't she, super smart to get good winter boots for you and D. Glad that he is healing and feeling better. Tell him I am sending a hug!

@BrightEyes WTH happened??? You slept until 8.30??? Can you do that two nights in a row?? *fingers crossed for you*
Bwuhahahahahaa! Hysterical that the guys on Base took bets on how many books you read :rotfl: 267 books in 6 months is mind-boggling.

@taxed4ever You are a busy bee! Did you get any time to rest yesterday? Good luck vibes to Heather for the house :sparkles1:

@Cherylndesigns My family used to watch A Christmas Story every year. We haven't watched it yet this year and now we only have tomorrow night. We have to recite lines along with the movie and by the end- in the restaurant- "he's smiling at me" we are LOBO maniacally.
It's so dark here by 4.30 and I hate it. But from now on, the days will get longer!! Always look on the bright side of life *whistles*



Love my O Family!
Time for a Multiple Choice test:

It's the start of the Christmas Weekend. Is Faery thinking...
A. It's Crunch Time and I am ready to roll. I got this.​
B. I'm all set. Ready to take a Walk in a Winter Wonderland. (omg, I can't even pretend to take that one seriously hahahaha!!)​
C. Help. Panic. I'm drowning. Hellllllpppppp...​
D. A and C​
E. All of the Above​

Pencils down!
If you answered D, you are correct! :wehaveawinner:
I'm flipping between I got this and *panic!!* I think that by dinner time I'll be more in the zone of I got this over panic. And if I am not, it won't matter. I am going to my friend across the street's house for snacks and drinks so I am not gonna even care. Her DD flew home yesterday so Cait and I are catching up with them. (this is Cait's childhood BFF and wedding officiant) :drinks2: :wine3::drunk:

Jaida had a good post-surgery check-up. No more silly cone/donut around her head and I bet she is thrilled. The doctor was very pleased with how she was walking. The PT appt went well too, apparently, she loves squeeze cheese. They bribed her with treats and the only one that she went for was the cheese. That cracked me up because she'll eat just about anything at home, but I would never think to give her that. It is so gross! LOL!
We can now take her for 15-minute walks so we went to the ballfield with W and did a few small loops. She did not want to leave. We turned around on the section that goes away from the gate to the hiking trails and she stopped dead and refused to move. Gary had to pick her up and carry her a few yards closer to the car. When I say that she is a stubborn brick, you can see why!
I got some yucky news for myself. My Lyme tests came back and I have an active infection again. I am so :rollingpin1: I am mad and discouraged and feeling a little pity-partyish about it all because I feel GOOD!!! I don't feel Lyme-y at all. But I am positive for Lyme and have a lot of elevated autoimmune/inflammatory markers so I need to deal with it before I don't feel good. I haven't been on abx since 2019, I think? It's been a few years. My hope is that I can do a few rounds of abx and be done with it. When Caitlyn's Lyme came back after she was in remission for a few years, it wasn't a crazy long time of being treated again.
I am not starting the meds until after Christmas. That would be the last thing I need.

So until December 26, this will be how I look at it ~> :lalala:

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
Don't panic before you absolutely have to! And, if it doesn't get done.....it doesn't get done! What's the worst that can happen if it doesn't get done! No one will die, right? Not even you! If it doesn't get done, forget it and move on! You are entitled to enjoy the holiday, too! And if they are decent people, they won't care a lick! You have worked hard! Give yourself a break! OK, I'm done with my momma talk, LOL! :hug4: :heartpumpred:
I hate that the Lyme test came back positive. But don't let that ruin your holiday either. (Boy, oh boy! I'm being bossy today!) ;). :lalala:


Love my O Family!
@vickyday I agree- if you are a parent, the child relinquishes all rights to photos/videos completely and in perpetuity. End of story.
How did the PT go? Did they bribe you with squeeze cheese? I hear that helps. Haha!
The house must feel quiet with Abby gone but that's fun that she'll be back next week. Hope you had a wonderful visit with Ilene.

Thanks for sharing the blog post. I am pretty sure that you can get the resistance bands on Amazon but be careful that you get the right tension. It might be better to call the Dr office and pick up the correct ones from them.

@bcgal00 Yesterday felt like Friday to me as well. The weekend is going to feel so strange with Christmas on a Monday. I don't know *why*-- it just does.
That's awful that nothing is helping your breathing just yet. I imagine that you are very run down with all of the stress of the move. Remi is going to be excited every time it snows isn't she, super smart to get good winter boots for you and D. Glad that he is healing and feeling better. Tell him I am sending a hug!

@BrightEyes WTH happened??? You slept until 8.30??? Can you do that two nights in a row?? *fingers crossed for you*
Bwuhahahahahaa! Hysterical that the guys on Base took bets on how many books you read :rotfl: 267 books in 6 months is mind-boggling.

@taxed4ever You are a busy bee! Did you get any time to rest yesterday? Good luck vibes to Heather for the house :sparkles1:

@Cherylndesigns My family used to watch A Christmas Story every year. We haven't watched it yet this year and now we only have tomorrow night. We have to recite lines along with the movie and by the end- in the restaurant- "he's smiling at me" we are LOBO maniacally.
It's so dark here by 4.30 and I hate it. But from now on, the days will get longer!! Always look on the bright side of life *whistles*

I got the bands from Amazon that includes 3 different tensions. I will start with the stretchiest one. If it is too much, I'll wait and get the bands from the PT when I go back next week. I only use them for 2 of the exercises and I don't think she will be upset if I don't do those. She warned me over and over not to do more than my back could handle. The thing with the tension bands is that it pulls on my broken wrist. But it didn't hurt while I was doing the exercise. Today that index finger is sore, so it must have gotten the brunt of the stress. She said if it hurt my wrist she would find different exercises for me to do. She was great to work with! I've got Alexa on a one-hour timer to remind me to get up every hour and do the one exercise she wants me to do every hour and add one of the others with it and rotate them throughout the day. At least that is the plan, LOL!


Love my O Family!
Good morning!
Ready to begin my day of home PT exercises (read my blog post HERE if you missed it yesterday) and do some research on how to fix my elevated cholesterol levels. I gave Chris some info above, too, on the PT. I certainly was sore yesterday by the time I got home!

I had my grocery order picked up by 9 today, so that is out of the way! I never did get around to working any scrap pages yesterday. Maybe today. I need to start the laundry, too!

My wrist is better and better every day. Unfortunately, the PT gal yesterday told me the swelling will probably last at least 6 months while the wrist continues to heal!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and a very Merry Christmas! Mark is off for 10 days as they closed the shop down. At least he only has to take 3 of those days as vacation days! The other 4 will be paid holiday.

HAGD! :waving1 :grouphugyay:


Morning, all. Back to waking up before 6AM...but I did fall asleep just after 9PM. I can tell the storm is heading our way... Old 'Arthur" has settled into the joints and woke me up. I had planned on changing sheets on my bed today but they can wait another day or so... and so can the laundry. Think this is going to be a PJ day of kicking back and reading. Have a feeling I will be using the Dr Scholl's chair massager unit a few times, too.

@faerywings So sorry about the Lyme flare-up. Good news about J but had to LOL over her being stubborn about heading home from the park. It sounds like you do have a good handle on what needs to be done. Glad you are going to take a break and visit with your friend this afternoon.

@vickyday Sorry you are so sore from the PT. Hopefully that will ease off as you continue. Oh, those stretchy bands!!! I still have mine - they are hanging on the inside door to the pantry. I use them when the back needs them. Glad that Mark gets paid for some of the time the shop is closed. Sorry the swelling on the wrist may last so long as it heals.

I saw on FB that Linda is getting ready to leave on their cruise.

Just peeked out and the sun is shining - but can see clouds are building in the west. Need to take some pain pills before the front hits. Wishing everyone a good day.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Finally a day of being able to stay at home! Oh Oh I bet I just jinxed myself :giggle4: . Up early this morning and it is still very dark outside, but the days should start getting a bit longer now. Had another night of dreams, mostly nightmares, not sure what is going on in my mind that I keep dreaming so much! Happy to have my hair done, at least it is ready for Christmas :grinch:.
I still have some prezzies to wrap and another card to make today. I thought I was done with cards but nope, I realized I was missing one, so that will get done today! DH is happy to be on his last day of work before the Christmas holiday and then only a few days after Christmas and he will be getting his surgery on the 4th of January. He will be off work for at least a week, perhaps longer. Give me strength ladies, I bet he will not be a good patient!! Looking forward to facetime with the kids and grands on Christmas Day, they usually open their gifts from us while we talk with them. Not the same as being there in real, but as good as its gonna get I guess!!

@faerywings - Oh noooo, I am sorry that your Lyme is flaring up again!! Hopefully you can nip it in the bud with just a few weeks of RX!! I wonder if all of the stress of the holidays has anything to do with it?? Glad that Jaida had a good check up and that you can get out for some short walks with her again! Please don't worry about what is left to be done before Christmas, it will all come together and then you will hopefully relax and just enjoy the time with your family!! :wine4: drinks with your friend sounds like the perfect distraction for the day!! Enjoy!!

@vickyday - Hope that the tension bands help you out!! I will have to check out your blog in a bit! Glad that your Mark is off work and gets paid for the majority of the time away! I hope that you have a great weekend and a Very Merry Christmas to you and your family as well!! :xmas6::xmas3::xmas2.

@BrightEyes - I think that I went to bed too early also and was up at 6:15am wish the dreams would stop though, it makes for a restless night! Sorry that the arthritis is bothering you today! Hope that the chair massage helps and staying warm and cozy reading a good book, will be the perfect way to spend the day! I also saw that Linda will be leaving on her cruise, I bet she has a great time!

Well the coffee needs to be refilled and I should get the bed made and dishwasher emptied. Of course SIL just reminded me by txt that the store we were going to go to on Christmas Eve will be closed so we will have to go today. We were going to look for a gift for SIL Sharon for hosting Dinner, see I jinxed myself :banghead:. Hope you all have a lovely day and get to stay home :xmas-sheep:


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
It's the start of the Christmas Weekend. Is SUSIE thinking...
A. It's Crunch Time and I am ready to roll. I got this.
B. I'm all set. Ready to take a Walk in a Winter Wonderland. (omg, I can't even pretend to take that one seriously hahahaha!!)
C. Help. Panic. I'm drowning. Hellllllpppppp...
D. A and C
E. All of the Above
F. None of the above - we're broke, Melissa is working, and we aren't having guests over.

If you guessed F, you would be right!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all.
It's the start of the Christmas Weekend. Is SUSIE thinking...
A. It's Crunch Time and I am ready to roll. I got this.
B. I'm all set. Ready to take a Walk in a Winter Wonderland. (omg, I can't even pretend to take that one seriously hahahaha!!)
C. Help. Panic. I'm drowning. Hellllllpppppp...
D. A and C
E. All of the Above
F. None of the above - we're broke, Melissa is working, and we aren't having guests over.

If you guessed F, you would be right!
Awwwww, Susie I'm sorry. I would have to rank myself an F as well. We're not doing anything. I didn't send out any cards, we didn't put up the tree, Adrienne's talking about bringing Christmas dinner HERE, but our house is so hot (because Chuck is freezing all the time) that nobody will want to come here. (Dress code: shorts and flip flops.) It's a sucky holiday for us, too. Plus, Steph and Asher aren't coming. I would have put the tree up if he was coming.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon.

I just got up from a nap. I had to get up at 6:45 to get Daisy ready to go to the groomer. I knew I wouldn't make it today w/o a nap. Put my phone on "Do Not Disturb" and fell into a deep sleep.

Chris @faerywings I KNEW what your answer was going to be. I can just see you flitting around out there like a cute little faery. :fairy2::fairy2:Glad J got that wretched donut off! That's half the battle. I'm so sorry that you tested positive for Lyme's again. Does the medication have negative side effects? If so, don't blame you for waiting until after the holidays? Don't let that ruin your holidays. What a major bummer. :hug1:

Y'all know I don't go to bed at 9 PM, so getting up that early was brutal for me. Kay @BrightEyes and Trudy @taxed4ever you both get up early - I know Kay goes to bed early, but I didn't think you went to bed super early, Trudy.

Kay @BrightEyes I hear ya about Ole' Arthur. He's pretty predictable.

It's 52 here and cloudy, which makes it feel colder. It was raining early this morning.

Vicky @vickyday, I read your blog post too. I'm not sure if you talked about core strength on the blog or on here, but that's super important. Before I broke my shoulder, I was doing a 5-minute plank. Talk about core strength. I finally feel strong enough to try, but it takes a lot of work to get up to 5 minutes. I know I've talked to all of you about Callanetics, but I still believe that's probably the best core strengthening workout. There are lots of videos on YouTube. I still do some of them almost everyday. I don't do the full hour-long workout, but I know which ones help me. I started doing Callanetics back in the late 80's/early 90's.

Well, I hear Chuck stirring around. He was asleep the whole time I was, so he might need something. Hugs and love to everybody. XOXO


Love my O Family!
Morning, all. Back to waking up before 6AM...but I did fall asleep just after 9PM. I can tell the storm is heading our way... Old 'Arthur" has settled into the joints and woke me up. I had planned on changing sheets on my bed today but they can wait another day or so... and so can the laundry. Think this is going to be a PJ day of kicking back and reading. Have a feeling I will be using the Dr Scholl's chair massager unit a few times, too.

@faerywings So sorry about the Lyme flare-up. Good news about J but had to LOL over her being stubborn about heading home from the park. It sounds like you do have a good handle on what needs to be done. Glad you are going to take a break and visit with your friend this afternoon.

@vickyday Sorry you are so sore from the PT. Hopefully that will ease off as you continue. Oh, those stretchy bands!!! I still have mine - they are hanging on the inside door to the pantry. I use them when the back needs them. Glad that Mark gets paid for some of the time the shop is closed. Sorry the swelling on the wrist may last so long as it heals.

I saw on FB that Linda is getting ready to leave on their cruise.

Just peeked out and the sun is shining - but can see clouds are building in the west. Need to take some pain pills before the front hits. Wishing everyone a good day.
Yeah, Old Arthur just won't leave well enough alone, will he?! I can already feel the weather affecting the wrist!
Mark tells me if I'm not sore after PT that I didn't work hard enough or I didn't do it right! So, I guess being sore is one of those necessary evils, LOL!


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... Finally a day of being able to stay at home! Oh Oh I bet I just jinxed myself :giggle4: . Up early this morning and it is still very dark outside, but the days should start getting a bit longer now. Had another night of dreams, mostly nightmares, not sure what is going on in my mind that I keep dreaming so much! Happy to have my hair done, at least it is ready for Christmas :grinch:.
I still have some prezzies to wrap and another card to make today. I thought I was done with cards but nope, I realized I was missing one, so that will get done today! DH is happy to be on his last day of work before the Christmas holiday and then only a few days after Christmas and he will be getting his surgery on the 4th of January. He will be off work for at least a week, perhaps longer. Give me strength ladies, I bet he will not be a good patient!! Looking forward to facetime with the kids and grands on Christmas Day, they usually open their gifts from us while we talk with them. Not the same as being there in real, but as good as its gonna get I guess!!

@faerywings - Oh noooo, I am sorry that your Lyme is flaring up again!! Hopefully you can nip it in the bud with just a few weeks of RX!! I wonder if all of the stress of the holidays has anything to do with it?? Glad that Jaida had a good check up and that you can get out for some short walks with her again! Please don't worry about what is left to be done before Christmas, it will all come together and then you will hopefully relax and just enjoy the time with your family!! :wine4: drinks with your friend sounds like the perfect distraction for the day!! Enjoy!!

@vickyday - Hope that the tension bands help you out!! I will have to check out your blog in a bit! Glad that your Mark is off work and gets paid for the majority of the time away! I hope that you have a great weekend and a Very Merry Christmas to you and your family as well!! :xmas6::xmas3::xmas2.

@BrightEyes - I think that I went to bed too early also and was up at 6:15am wish the dreams would stop though, it makes for a restless night! Sorry that the arthritis is bothering you today! Hope that the chair massage helps and staying warm and cozy reading a good book, will be the perfect way to spend the day! I also saw that Linda will be leaving on her cruise, I bet she has a great time!

Well the coffee needs to be refilled and I should get the bed made and dishwasher emptied. Of course SIL just reminded me by txt that the store we were going to go to on Christmas Eve will be closed so we will have to go today. We were going to look for a gift for SIL Sharon for hosting Dinner, see I jinxed myself :banghead:. Hope you all have a lovely day and get to stay home :xmas-sheep:
Praying your DH is an excellent patient! Just leave the house if he isn't! ;)
Merry Christmas!


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon.

I just got up from a nap. I had to get up at 6:45 to get Daisy ready to go to the groomer. I knew I wouldn't make it today w/o a nap. Put my phone on "Do Not Disturb" and fell into a deep sleep.

Chris @faerywings I KNEW what your answer was going to be. I can just see you flitting around out there like a cute little faery. :fairy2::fairy2:Glad J got that wretched donut off! That's half the battle. I'm so sorry that you tested positive for Lyme's again. Does the medication have negative side effects? If so, don't blame you for waiting until after the holidays? Don't let that ruin your holidays. What a major bummer. :hug1:

Y'all know I don't go to bed at 9 PM, so getting up that early was brutal for me. Kay @BrightEyes and Trudy @taxed4ever you both get up early - I know Kay goes to bed early, but I didn't think you went to bed super early, Trudy.

Kay @BrightEyes I hear ya about Ole' Arthur. He's pretty predictable.

It's 52 here and cloudy, which makes it feel colder. It was raining early this morning.

Vicky @vickyday, I read your blog post too. I'm not sure if you talked about core strength on the blog or on here, but that's super important. Before I broke my shoulder, I was doing a 5-minute plank. Talk about core strength. I finally feel strong enough to try, but it takes a lot of work to get up to 5 minutes. I know I've talked to all of you about Callanetics, but I still believe that's probably the best core strengthening workout. There are lots of videos on YouTube. I still do some of them almost everyday. I don't do the full hour-long workout, but I know which ones help me. I started doing Callanetics back in the late 80's/early 90's.

Well, I hear Chuck stirring around. He was asleep the whole time I was, so he might need something. Hugs and love to everybody. XOXO
Yes, the core is what she says will really help with back pain! I also know that walking strengthens the back. I know that from experience! My first DH and I used to speed walk 4 MPH back in 2002 and it helped my back aches so much!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Yes, the core is what she says will really help with back pain! I also know that walking strengthens the back. I know that from experience! My first DH and I used to speed walk 4 MPH back in 2002 and it helped my back aches so much!
Speed walking is good too. Pretty much depends on the climate you live in, too. It would be hard for me to do on this terrain. In Florida, it was good weather almost every day. I was speed walking when we lived down there, and my old broken foot injury came back to haunt me. I was halfway around the neighborhood and my foot just refused to go any further. It took me forever to get home. :(


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon.

I just got up from a nap. I had to get up at 6:45 to get Daisy ready to go to the groomer. I knew I wouldn't make it today w/o a nap. Put my phone on "Do Not Disturb" and fell into a deep sleep.

Chris @faerywings I KNEW what your answer was going to be. I can just see you flitting around out there like a cute little faery. :fairy2::fairy2:Glad J got that wretched donut off! That's half the battle. I'm so sorry that you tested positive for Lyme's again. Does the medication have negative side effects? If so, don't blame you for waiting until after the holidays? Don't let that ruin your holidays. What a major bummer. :hug1:

Y'all know I don't go to bed at 9 PM, so getting up that early was brutal for me. Kay @BrightEyes and Trudy @taxed4ever you both get up early - I know Kay goes to bed early, but I didn't think you went to bed super early, Trudy.

Kay @BrightEyes I hear ya about Ole' Arthur. He's pretty predictable.

It's 52 here and cloudy, which makes it feel colder. It was raining early this morning.

Vicky @vickyday, I read your blog post too. I'm not sure if you talked about core strength on the blog or on here, but that's super important. Before I broke my shoulder, I was doing a 5-minute plank. Talk about core strength. I finally feel strong enough to try, but it takes a lot of work to get up to 5 minutes. I know I've talked to all of you about Callanetics, but I still believe that's probably the best core strengthening workout. There are lots of videos on YouTube. I still do some of them almost everyday. I don't do the full hour-long workout, but I know which ones help me. I started doing Callanetics back in the late 80's/early 90's.

Well, I hear Chuck stirring around. He was asleep the whole time I was, so he might need something. Hugs and love to everybody. XOXO
Yes, the core is what she says will really help with back pain! I also know that walking strengthens the back. I know that from experience! My first DH and I used to speed walk 4 MPH back in 2002 and it helped my back aches so much!
Speed walking is good too. Pretty much depends on the climate you live in, too. It would be hard for me to do on this terrain. In Florida, it was good weather almost every day. I was speed walking when we lived down there, and my old broken foot injury came back to haunt me. I was halfway around the neighborhood and my foot just refused to go any further. It took me forever to get home. :(
I have calcium deposits on my hip joints now because of our strenuous walking! We were walking 6 days a week! We were also doing the WW points diet at the same time and each of us lost 40 lbs. We were prepping for a Caribbean Cruise! ;)


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Yes, the core is what she says will really help with back pain! I also know that walking strengthens the back. I know that from experience! My first DH and I used to speed walk 4 MPH back in 2002 and it helped my back aches so much!

I have calcium deposits on my hip joints now because of our strenuous walking! We were walking 6 days a week! We were also doing the WW points diet at the same time and each of us lost 40 lbs. We were prepping for a Caribbean Cruise! ;)
Oh, I bet you both looked great on the cruise!