
Daily Ooos: Friday, December 15


The Loopy-O
*more heart attacks with days and dates* I accidentally typed December 25 up there. ^^ On the one hand, it would be a relief, that would mean all of the chaos would be slowing down. OTOH, it would mean that I had a boatload of stuff to do and no time to do it in. hahaha!!
BFF and I were chatting about how Grinchy we feel. We love the family being together but a lot of the prep just feels too much.:grinch:
Felt good to vent about it, as if we aren't broken records this time every year. What do "kids these days" use for that phrase? I know that vinyl is making a comeback but I can't imagine that it has the same impact on language that it did for us.

I didn't get anything done around the house since we were out most of the day but I needed a break. Dr appt was fine, I think. LLMD was freaked out about my new job because that means I will be exposed to ticks. Not much I can do about that, I had a tick on me the other day when I took J out for her walk. It wasn't attached, thank goodness. My lymph nodes were enlarged so she is running a ton of bloodwork. I better not come back with an active infection because I am feeling fine (physically I really am. Mentally- well- we won't go there :crazy: :lol23: )
We got to see Scott and his tree. It's super cute and smells amazing. I miss that part of the artificial tree. He and Sam made the cutest fish ornaments out of pom poms from a craft kit and had camping ornaments on it too. He hoping for training today to become a CPR instructor. I am in awe. This is the same kid who had absolutely no direction or ambition all through HS. Look at him now-- he has found his niche *proud mama smiles*

Gary has his endocrinologist appt this morning and that means I have the house to myself for an hour and a half. Operation: SHORTBREADS. I have the butter softening in my dresser drawer already. :rotfl: Where will I hide the tray to cool them when he gets back home? No room in the closet this year.

I am also going to see if I can sort out the gifts I have and see where/who I need to get anything else.

Wishing everyone a fab day!!!


The Loopy-O
I am snorting with Italian heritage laughter over here. Just now, Gary asked me if I had heard anything about Tommy DeVito, the NY Giants QB. I have heard the name but nothing other than that. I asked if he is related to Danny but nope. Anyway, he is some "kid" QB and lives with his parents in Cedar Grove (where my BFF lives) and apparently is bringing Italian culture to the fore. Gary said that his agent wears a long black coat and fedora. Looks like someone from the Sopranos- or perhaps one of my grandfathers. The fans wave Italian flags and one of the local Italian bakeries, Calandras, has a big banner in support of him. I wonder if he is going to be the next big Italian influence like Sinatra was :D
(NJ has some big Italian leather shoes to fill. Sinatra, Danny DeVito, Jon Bon Jovi, etc and so on. :giggle4: )

@BrightEyes Glad you were able to get back to sleep, the sound of the rain must have been soothing. I hope you were able to relax and enjoy a PJ day.
How nice to see all of the birds in your yard and get photos of them. That makes me wonder about my George Forman grill. Mine is ancient too. That's the coolest thing that they make them with removable, dishwasher-safe plates now. It is next to impossible to get them clean.
Don't overdo it with commenting, you need your hands to not be painful.

@taxed4ever yay for getting so much done with your calendars!! Did you get them sent to the printers yesterday? That is always a big load off when you do.
How was the Christmas party? Did you win anything this year??
Great news about the surgery date for your Gary. 100% ITA-- sooner it is done, the sooner he will feel better.

@vickyday Good thoughts to Carolyn that she heals quickly.
Great news about the back doctor appt. I hope the PT helps too! I am way overdue on my Bone Density test, keep reminding me when you make your appt so I don't keep forgetting about it (aka ignoring it) :)

@Cherylndesigns Hope you are enjoying the warm weather!
Thanks for liking the gift ideas for my parents. I have been saving old spice and mustard jars all my life I think. It's nice when I can repurpose them and get them out of my closet LOL



Well, I managed to "sleep in" until 5AM this morning. :lol23: Well, at least for me lately... that is sleeping in! Yesterday was definitely a PJ day. We had rain, hail, sleet, huge snowflakes then back to rain until mid-afternoon. It was just above freezing all day so the snowflakes melted as they landed. It was trash pickup day so I put on my heavy terry housecoat and made a mad dash out to wheel the trash bin to the curb by 7AM. Looked out at 1PM and one of my sweet neighbors had wheeled my bin back to the side of the house so I didn't have to get out in the rain to put it away. I ended up napping off and on (4 times) during the day. :wow: I didn't make it back in here to comment on my challenge. Feeling a bit more rested today. I need to go to the base to pick up Rx and will do the grocery run at the commissary while I am there. Will wait till mid-morning (after traffic hours) to head out.

Yesterday there was a bad multi-vehicle accident on I-40 near Clines Corner due to snowy conditions that shut the highway down for hours. The northeast part of New Mexico got slammed with lot of snow and icy roads. I-25 north of here was almost as bad with lots of snow and ice. Travel was discouraged with bad weather alerts for the whole area. Just as glad that Sister is not going to come over for Christmas... would hate for her to have drive through the mountains.

DD#3 called last evening to find out when DD#1 would be in. Still waiting to get the up-date from her as they were changing their flight times a couple of days ago. DD#3 is planning on coming over on Monday to visit with us. I was telling DD#3 about the GF grill dying and she told me to not buy one... she has one just like the one I had but it is too small to use for her family of 5. She bought hers this past spring after she stayed with me and used mine. So I don't have to buy one now. dance3

Hands are still 'iffy' so no personals this morning. HAGD


Love my O Family!
*more heart attacks with days and dates* I accidentally typed December 25 up there. ^^ On the one hand, it would be a relief, that would mean all of the chaos would be slowing down. OTOH, it would mean that I had a boatload of stuff to do and no time to do it in. hahaha!!
BFF and I were chatting about how Grinchy we feel. We love the family being together but a lot of the prep just feels too much.:grinch:
Felt good to vent about it, as if we aren't broken records this time every year. What do "kids these days" use for that phrase? I know that vinyl is making a comeback but I can't imagine that it has the same impact on language that it did for us.

I didn't get anything done around the house since we were out most of the day but I needed a break. Dr appt was fine, I think. LLMD was freaked out about my new job because that means I will be exposed to ticks. Not much I can do about that, I had a tick on me the other day when I took J out for her walk. It wasn't attached, thank goodness. My lymph nodes were enlarged so she is running a ton of bloodwork. I better not come back with an active infection because I am feeling fine (physically I really am. Mentally- well- we won't go there :crazy: :lol23: )
We got to see Scott and his tree. It's super cute and smells amazing. I miss that part of the artificial tree. He and Sam made the cutest fish ornaments out of pom poms from a craft kit and had camping ornaments on it too. He hoping for training today to become a CPR instructor. I am in awe. This is the same kid who had absolutely no direction or ambition all through HS. Look at him now-- he has found his niche *proud mama smiles*

Gary has his endocrinologist appt this morning and that means I have the house to myself for an hour and a half. Operation: SHORTBREADS. I have the butter softening in my dresser drawer already. :rotfl: Where will I hide the tray to cool them when he gets back home? No room in the closet this year.

I am also going to see if I can sort out the gifts I have and see where/who I need to get anything else.

Wishing everyone a fab day!!!
Well, you may be stressed but you seem to have a good attitude about it, LOL!


Love my O Family!
I am snorting with Italian heritage laughter over here. Just now, Gary asked me if I had heard anything about Tommy DeVito, the NY Giants QB. I have heard the name but nothing other than that. I asked if he is related to Danny but nope. Anyway, he is some "kid" QB and lives with his parents in Cedar Grove (where my BFF lives) and apparently is bringing Italian culture to the fore. Gary said that his agent wears a long black coat and fedora. Looks like someone from the Sopranos- or perhaps one of my grandfathers. The fans wave Italian flags and one of the local Italian bakeries, Calandras, has a big banner in support of him. I wonder if he is going to be the next big Italian influence like Sinatra was :D
(NJ has some big Italian leather shoes to fill. Sinatra, Danny DeVito, Jon Bon Jovi, etc and so on. :giggle4: )

@BrightEyes Glad you were able to get back to sleep, the sound of the rain must have been soothing. I hope you were able to relax and enjoy a PJ day.
How nice to see all of the birds in your yard and get photos of them. That makes me wonder about my George Forman grill. Mine is ancient too. That's the coolest thing that they make them with removable, dishwasher-safe plates now. It is next to impossible to get them clean.
Don't overdo it with commenting, you need your hands to not be painful.

@taxed4ever yay for getting so much done with your calendars!! Did you get them sent to the printers yesterday? That is always a big load off when you do.
How was the Christmas party? Did you win anything this year??
Great news about the surgery date for your Gary. 100% ITA-- sooner it is done, the sooner he will feel better.

@vickyday Good thoughts to Carolyn that she heals quickly.
Great news about the back doctor appt. I hope the PT helps too! I am way overdue on my Bone Density test, keep reminding me when you make your appt so I don't keep forgetting about it (aka ignoring it) :)

@Cherylndesigns Hope you are enjoying the warm weather!
Thanks for liking the gift ideas for my parents. I have been saving old spice and mustard jars all my life I think. It's nice when I can repurpose them and get them out of my closet LOL

HA! I sent a note to the referral doc and asked the question whether she does the bone density or not. She treats Osteoporosis, so I am thinking she probably does. But I'll let you know! ;)


Love my O Family!
Well, I managed to "sleep in" until 5AM this morning. :lol23: Well, at least for me lately... that is sleeping in! Yesterday was definitely a PJ day. We had rain, hail, sleet, huge snowflakes then back to rain until mid-afternoon. It was just above freezing all day so the snowflakes melted as they landed. It was trash pickup day so I put on my heavy terry housecoat and made a mad dash out to wheel the trash bin to the curb by 7AM. Looked out at 1PM and one of my sweet neighbors had wheeled my bin back to the side of the house so I didn't have to get out in the rain to put it away. I ended up napping off and on (4 times) during the day. :wow: I didn't make it back in here to comment on my challenge. Feeling a bit more rested today. I need to go to the base to pick up Rx and will do the grocery run at the commissary while I am there. Will wait till mid-morning (after traffic hours) to head out.

Yesterday there was a bad multi-vehicle accident on I-40 near Clines Corner due to snowy conditions that shut the highway down for hours. The northeast part of New Mexico got slammed with lot of snow and icy roads. I-25 north of here was almost as bad with lots of snow and ice. Travel was discouraged with bad weather alerts for the whole area. Just as glad that Sister is not going to come over for Christmas... would hate for her to have drive through the mountains.

DD#3 called last evening to find out when DD#1 would be in. Still waiting to get the up-date from her as they were changing their flight times a couple of days ago. DD#3 is planning on coming over on Monday to visit with us. I was telling DD#3 about the GF grill dying and she told me to not buy one... she has one just like the one I had but it is too small to use for her family of 5. She bought hers this past spring after she stayed with me and used mine. So I don't have to buy one now. dance3

Hands are still 'iffy' so no personals this morning. HAGD
My hand is still iffy today, too, so I'm making it a PJ day, sitting on a heating pad, and will work slowly with one hand! Stay warm and rest, my friend!


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out so I don't have to type much.
Gonna do a PJ day like Kay today. Let my hand rest. Sit on the heating pad......do not-much-of-anything! Maybe just update the family tree with the new-found-cousin info she has been feeding me!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! I am so happy to be sending my calendar to the printers today! What a relief to have that done! I keep thinking that maybe I should stop making them every year, but the kids and the In-Laws love getting them, so I guess I should continue to make them? Last night's Christmas party was fun, but no door prize win for me this year :( . I did have a pretty productive day yesterday and worked on the place card settings and got the coupons out to the challenge winners. I am heading out shortly to go look for a pair of leggings to wear for Christmas dinner, maybe a new top will catch my eye also. DH is not coming home for lunch today, he has an appointment with the dentist to check on his root canal so he has to use his lunch hour to do that. I need to get my grocery list started for tomorrow, but other than that not much else happening around here. Maybe I will finally get a chance to scrap a page or two.

@faerywings - Scott's tree sounds really cute and yes I do miss the smell of a real tree too! Our son was the same, he had no purpose all during high school, but he sure found his niche with the military and we couldn't be more proud of the man he has become and all that he has accomplished in his life so far!! :lovey3: Hope you get the chance to get the shortbread made for your Gary, but surely he will smell all that deliciousness when he comes home?

@BrightEyes - Yay for sleeping in a bit!! Hope you manage to give your hands a rest today! What a nice neighbour you have to bring your trash can back to the side of the house!! Hope the roads are ok when you go to get your RX, sounds like the highways have been a mess out there! Hooray for not having to purchase the new GF Grill!!!

@vickyday - I hope you have a nice PJ day today and yes take care of your wrist and stay warm and cozy inside!

Hello to all others who pop in here today! I hope that everyone has a great :friday:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning good afternoon, all,

I've been up since about 7:30 but have been busy. I kept the dogs out in the LR last night and then the cat came in and joined them. They all slept like little angels. About 8:30, Ava stopped with a couple of packages from Amazon - she just left them on the porch but they went wild barking. I hadn't gone out there yet; I was enjoying some me time before getting them roused up. After they barked their heads off, I went and let them out, fed them, all the morning stuff. Chuck slept until almost 9:30, which I was happy about. Then I talked to Steph for about an hour, and then decided to pop in here.

I started a big template last night and I keep going back and working on it. It has lots of parts to it, which I love. I worked on it for awhile this morning before I went out to tend to the dogs. That's my "waking up time" - I like to wake up slowly.

Chris @faerywings are ticks just naturally attracted to you? j/k - kind of. Ava has them on her all the time and we're wondering if blood type has anything to do with it. She is in the woods a lot, though and outside a lot, period. Nobody but her ever gets a tick on them, though, which seems odd. Braden was outside a lot too and mowed all the time and he never has one on him either.

I have trouble throwing any smallish jars away, too. Another thing we have in common. Chuck knows to never throw any jar away that I've bought at the Farmer's Market, too. Most of them fit my cute little plastic lids from Amazon because most of them are Ball/Mason jars and they just put their own tops on them.

Just getting back on here. LOL It has started raining and I had just taken some boxes and put them on the porch and then I had to bring them back in. Ahhhhh, exercise, huh? It's all of my Christmas stuff, well, not the tree, but most of my other stuff. My plan was to just leave them out there until I packed everything back up after Christmas. I saw no need to haul them back to Adrienne's then haul them back down here, then back up there. UGH. The rain is even coming onto the porch - it seems to be raining sideways. It's times like this that I wish we had a bigger house. I do have an attic, but I'm afraid to climb up there and Ava
s gone for the weekend. I have nobody on the compound right now except Aly and she's not even 5 feet tall. Finally found an adult that's shorter than me. Hmmmmm, wonder if I could sweet talk Casey into it; she's coming to clean about 3. :thinking2:

I've got to get off of here - I know, I've hardly gotten on. I need to work on Chuck's laptop now.

Hugs to everybody and I'll try to do better tomorrow. XOXO