
Daily Ooo's: Friday, December 12


The Loopy-O
Have I ever told you al that I am a mess? In my head, mostly, but ATM my house it for sure! We have not been able to eat at the dining room table for a week. I have bath teas, soaps, labels, bottles all over it. There are Christmas decoration boxes stacked (I use that word loosely, it's more like *shoved*) in almost every corner. My supply closet in my office has stuff strewn about and you can close the door. My desk is no better.

Don't get me started on my messy head:lalala:

But there is always a glimmer of good. The client that I should have cleaned for today asked if we could switch to next Friday. That client is going to be in Disney (green with envy) so I had the day open. I really need today to be home getting stuff done.

And woot! It is Friday. My fingers/toes/eyes/everything crossed for my friend across the street. She got a call back for her mammo and is going in for an appt this morning. They said it is most likely a dense spot, but it is still terrifying. I hope that everything is good and then we can celebrate (with wine and spiked eggnog!!!) tonight.

I also finished my book yesterday!!! I had the 40% off and a $20 promo code from Toys R Us to use. I ordered a 10x10 hardcover book- for $17!! yay!
Cross 2 more people off of my list!!!

I know I never made it back yesterday and I am really behind on personals, but I hope you know I think of you all the time. Something happened yesterday and while I cannot remember what it was or who it was here, it made me think of you! LOL

Finish it Friday:
They won't be finished today but I need to keep on working on these baskets.

What are you procrastinating on? For me, it's getting my Christmas cards out. I have the Email Card exchange here and some to mail, and I keep shoving that to the back of my very long To Do list.


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- did you make it over to the Nice Post Office? We have two PO's in our town, one is teeny tiny, and that is always the better one to go to. The people there are so much nicer and b/c it is so small, most people go to the other one.
Hope you got in a nap and slept better too!

Nancy- how nice to see some old friends who are enjoying retirement. Good luck on getting that date set with your friends too.

Trudy- how is the rain by you? I am sure that the people in California are happy to get some rain, but I bet they are wishing it would be spread out over time a little more. Hope there is no flooding by you. Very stupid geography question-- Cait and her BFF made a plan to go see all 50 states together. One thing they want to see is the Rainforest in Washington State. Is that near you?
Brown hair is very nice, it is just weird for me. I love the color that she did. It's not really brown but more of a dark blond.I have only had brown hair once in the last 30+ years and it isn't "me."

Hope that all of you have a fab day!!!


Well-Known Member
Chris, here's something for Cait about the Washington rainforest. we went there a while ago. be warned: once Cait sees the Olympic Peninsula, she may never want to come back home! http://www.nps.gov/olym/planyourvisit/visiting-the-hoh.htm hope you succeed in getting to feel more organized, what with your unexpected "day off." remember to muster the Troops in your house, too, for some help! what a great deal you got on the book! i was just thinking today that i have THREE YEARS worth of photo of the day and comment pages to put together in books. yikes. talk about procrastinating.... i just love the template i use, which i think is not available anymore. it makes everything SO easy for someone like me, who isn't much of a long narrative writer and is an even WORSE photographer. it's Project 365 by biograffiti. i love the easy format. i don't feel "weighed down" by the responsibility of the photos and writing with this set. yeah, i DID go to the nice post office, and i sat down with the Supervisor there and let her read a copy of the letter i wrote to the morons in New York who were supposed to have conducted an "investigation" on what happened to my package. (hint: they DIDN'T. they sent me a letter that said, basically, "poor you, we're SOO sorry and will try to do better.
) it's a great Phylis Letter, if i DO say so myself!! :rant: i wanted the Nice People to know that they are to blame for none of this. BTW. the package? after showing up a few days ago in San Francisco almost a month after i mailed it, it has now re-appeared in Chicago, which is actually a good thing! that's where it was supposed to be a few days after i mailed the thing last month. i should start taking bets on when and/or IF it will ever arrive at the appointed destination!

Trudy, i think you're right. they MAKE those Christmas lights to be useless after one season! i hear the rain has moved south. are you drying out today? i told my Hubby about what you said about people stealing the ENTIRE MAILBOX collection!! (he's a Law guy, too.) that is so unbelievable. i really think the mail systems are in a bad way. between the Internet taking away a lot of their business and the dishonest people both in the system and in the WORLD, how on earth are they going to continue to do what we count on them to do? it makes me nervous. there are LOTS of things that come in the mail that are important, and we need to be confident that we're going to get them.

Nancy, isn't retirement fun? Ha!! i've been "retired" since the 1980s!
how'd your trip to the hairdresser turn out?

today, all i have that i HAVE to do is go out and buy some pepperoni and make a pizza crust for dinner.
doing a bit of laundry, going outside in my jammies to measure the depth of the water in the cistern (do you know ANYONE who knows someone who has that on their To Do list today except MEEE?) just a laid-back Friday. and it's not snowing. it's all good.

QOTD: i usually procrastinate about scrubbing floors. i'm a hands-and-knees floor scrubber, and as the years go by, i am less and less fond of kneeling down and getting up and kneeling down and getting up.

Happy Friday! :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all... Yes the :rain: has stopped for the time being and I think there are actually patches of blue sky out there somewhere. When it get light enough to tell I will find out I guess.

Chris - My head is like yours today, full of craziness and non stop going around in circles. I was awake most of the night. I would fall asleep only to wake up an hour later to my DH raising the roof with his snoring!!! I would give him a smack and tell him to turn over
Only to go through the whole process again almost every hour all night long. I swear if he doesn't get over this cold
very soon I will murder him!!!
Glad to hear that you got your photo book done and you got such a great deal on it!! Hooray for Groupon!! Here is a screen shot of how close we are to Washington State about a two hour ferry boat ride from Victoria and we are just about an hour drive to Victoria. We live in Duncan.

Phylis - You should write a book on your trials and tribulations with the Post Office!! Sure hope your package arrives to its proper destination very very SOON!! Is your hubby like mine and looks at you kinda funny when you talk about your on-line friends?? Like we don't really exist?? :becky: Sometime mine gives me that look, like I make up everything I say about all of you LOL. BTW Pizza sounds perfect for dinner tonight!! :pizza:

Nancy - Did you ever decide on a date to meet your friends yet?

Ok better get ready for swimming today and then a visit with my little man Mason and DD. Just about every time we have Skyped the door bell rings at her house and she has another parcel arriving to her house for Christmas. So I guess someone is actually working at delivering mail out there somewhere. But its probably FedEx and not the Post Office :doh:

QOTD I am procrastinating on getting my calendars done, I do it every year, its not that it takes all that much time, its deciding which pictures to use and I just can't be bothered to go through my hundreds of photos!!! I think it might be time to stop making them!!! Ya right!! Hope you all have a great day!! :wave: